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The Thrill of Orthodoxy

The Thrill of Orthodoxy

Rediscovering the Adventure of Christian Faith
作者 Trevin K. Wax 2022 240 页数
500+ 评分
9 分钟
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1. 正统信仰是一场发现永恒真理的冒险


发现的冒险。 正统信仰邀请我们探索一个独立于我们偏好或发明之外的广阔而辉煌的真理世界。就像一张引导探险家穿越未知领域的地图,正统的基督教信仰为我们理解现实和我们在其中的位置提供了框架。这段发现之旅让我们遇见活生生的上帝,而不仅仅是抽象的概念或个人的意见。

永恒的真理。 基督教的核心教义,如古老的信经和信条所表达的,已经跨越文化和世纪的考验。这些真理不是静止的遗物,而是继续塑造和改变生命的活生生的现实。正统信仰将信徒与丰富的信仰遗产联系起来,同时为每一代人提供新的见解。

  • 正统信仰冒险的关键方面:
  • 探索圣经的深度
  • 与历史上的基督教思想家交流
  • 将永恒的真理应用于当代挑战
  • 体验福音的变革力量

2. 偏离正统信仰始于假设其重要性


微妙的漂移。 偏离正统信仰的危险往往不是从彻底的拒绝开始,而是从优先级的微妙转变开始。当基督徒开始将核心教义视为理所当然,将其视为背景噪音而非重要真理时,他们就容易犯错。这种漂移可以通过多种方式表现出来:

  • 仅关注实际应用而没有神学基础
  • 淡化基督教教义的争议性方面
  • 强调社会影响而非福音宣讲
  • 寻求与教义基础脱离的属灵体验

重新参与。 为了抵制这种漂移,信徒必须积极参与正统教义,认识到其持续的相关性和力量。这包括定期研读圣经,参与忠实的地方教会,并有意反思核心教义如何塑造生活和事工的各个方面。

3. 教义的细节对认识上帝和繁荣至关重要


认识上帝。 教义的精确性不是为了智力上的骄傲或赢得争论,而是为了更深刻和真实地认识上帝。正如语法的细节使语言交流更加丰富,基督教教义的细微差别打开了对上帝性格和方式的更全面理解。

人类的繁荣。 远非枯燥和无关,健全的教义为真正的人类繁荣创造了条件。神学真理塑造我们的世界观,指导我们的伦理,并为解决生活中的重大问题提供框架。

  • 教义理解影响的领域:
  • 个人身份和目的
  • 关系和社区
  • 工作和职业
  • 对苦难和困境的态度
  • 对创造和管理的看法

4. 异端狭隘信仰,而正统信仰扩展它


简化的危险。 异端往往源于对某一方面真理的过度强调,而忽视了其他方面。虽然它们可能看起来提供了一个更简单或更可口的基督教版本,但它们最终会狭隘和扭曲信仰。例子包括:

  • 强调上帝的爱而忽视祂的圣洁
  • 关注个人救赎而没有社区责任
  • 强调人的自由意志而排除神的主权

正统信仰的丰满。 相反,正统基督教拥抱圣经启示的全部广度和深度。它将看似矛盾的真理结合在一起,认识到上帝和祂的方式超越了我们的有限理解。

  • 正统思维的特点:
  • 拥抱神秘和张力
  • 抵制虚假的二分法
  • 寻求平衡和完整
  • 保持对理解的持续增长的开放态度

5. 基督教真理既挑战世界也挑战教会


先知性的见证。 福音呼召信徒采取反文化的立场,挑战社会的普遍假设和价值观。这既包括对错误或破坏性的批评,也包括提出根植于上帝国度的积极替代方案。

内部批评。 同时,正统信仰为教会本身提供了一个评估和改革的标准。它呼召信徒不断悔改和更新,揭示妥协或文化适应已经渗入的领域。

  • 基督教真理挑战世界和教会的领域:
  • 对人性和身份的看法
  • 对性和关系的理解
  • 对财富和物质主义的态度
  • 对正义和权力的概念
  • 对成功和繁荣的意义

6. 正统信仰认识到信仰和实践的永恒意义


永恒的视角。 正统基督教保持对信仰和行为的永恒后果的敏锐意识。这与仅关注即时结果或感受需求的纯粹实用主义方法形成对比。认识到永恒审判和救赎的现实,使日常选择具有深远的意义。

真理的紧迫性。 信仰问题中涉及的高风险强调了健全教义和忠实实践的重要性。这种紧迫性应导致:

  • 勤奋研读圣经和神学
  • 仔细检查自己的信仰和生活方式
  • 热情的福音传播和门徒训练
  • 为真理的缘故愿意受苦

7. 基督教的道德愿景是对卓越的激动人心的呼召


彻底的转变。 福音提供的不仅仅是行为的改变或自我改善。它呈现了一种通过圣灵的力量进行彻底个人转变的愿景。这既包括罪的赦免,也包括基督品格的积极发展。

追求卓越。 基督教的道德要求远非压迫或限制,而是呼召信徒过上真正卓越和繁荣的生活。这种追求是由恩典而非律法主义驱动的,因为信徒回应上帝的爱并寻求反映祂的品格。

  • 基督教道德愿景的关键方面:
  • 思想、言语和行为的圣洁
  • 对上帝和他人的自我牺牲的爱
  • 诚信和真实
  • 面对反对的勇气
  • 对恩赐和资源的管理

8. 正统信仰的核心在于使命和全球团结


使命焦点。 正统信仰不仅仅是为了保持正确的信仰,而是为了推动信徒进入使命。福音的真理自然激发分享好消息的冲动,并寻求根据上帝的旨意改变社会。

全球视角。 拥抱正统基督教将信徒与全球和历史上的信仰社区联系起来。这种多样性中的团结反映了上帝救赎计划的普遍范围,并为世界提供了强有力的见证。

  • 正统信仰核心的表达:
  • 福音传播和教会植堂
  • 跨文化使命
  • 社会正义倡议
  • 教会间合作
  • 跨代门徒训练

9. 未来属于那些拥抱正统信仰激动人心的人


持久的相关性。 虽然文化趋势和哲学时尚来来去去,正统基督教提供了一个跨越时间和文化的稳定基础。它解决人类最深层需求和问题的能力确保了其持续的活力。

面向未来的忠诚。 拥抱正统信仰并不意味着退回过去或抵制所有变化。相反,它提供了资源,使我们能够在保持永恒真理的同时,创造性地应对当代挑战。

  • 繁荣的正统未来的特点:
  • 深深植根于圣经和传统
  • 对永恒真理的新表达持开放态度
  • 与当代文化和思想的互动
  • 对地方和全球教会的承诺
  • 对上帝应许的期待希望



What's The Thrill of Orthodoxy about?

  • Exploration of Doctrine: The book by Trevin K. Wax explores the significance of orthodox Christian beliefs and their impact on the faith journey of believers. It presents orthodoxy as a vibrant and essential aspect of Christian life.
  • Adventure of Faith: Wax portrays the Christian faith as an exciting adventure, encouraging readers to rediscover the relevance and excitement of core doctrines. He argues that orthodoxy is a thrilling journey, not just a set of rules.
  • Cultural Context: The book addresses the challenges faced by the church in a world filled with competing ideologies and moral relativism. Wax urges Christians to stand firm in their beliefs while engaging with contemporary culture.

Why should I read The Thrill of Orthodoxy?

  • Rekindle Passion for Doctrine: The book is ideal for those feeling disillusioned with traditional teachings, aiming to reignite a sense of wonder about foundational Christian truths.
  • Navigate Cultural Challenges: Readers will find guidance on maintaining their faith amidst societal pressures to conform or dilute beliefs, with a framework for understanding orthodoxy's relevance today.
  • Encouragement for Believers: It serves as a motivational call for Christians to embrace their faith fully and share it, emphasizing the importance of being grounded in truth.

What are the key takeaways of The Thrill of Orthodoxy?

  • Importance of Orthodoxy: Wax stresses that orthodoxy is crucial for a robust Christian faith, providing a foundation for understanding God and His purposes.
  • Adventure Metaphor: The Christian life is likened to an adventure, suggesting that engaging with doctrine can lead to a more fulfilling faith journey.
  • Cultural Engagement: The author emphasizes the need for Christians to engage with the world while holding firmly to their beliefs, advocating for a balance between orthodoxy and dialogue.

What are the best quotes from The Thrill of Orthodoxy and what do they mean?

  • "Familiarity is the enemy of wonder.": This quote highlights how over-familiarity with Christian truths can lead to spiritual dullness, encouraging readers to approach faith with awe.
  • "The thrill of orthodoxy is the invitation to do just that, to be a Knight of Faith not wish-fulfillment.": It emphasizes that embracing orthodox beliefs is about engaging in a dynamic faith journey, not just conforming to rules.
  • "Assuming orthodoxy is the path to abandoning orthodoxy.": Wax warns that taking core beliefs for granted can lead to drifting away from them, stressing active engagement with faith.

How does Trevin K. Wax define orthodoxy in The Thrill of Orthodoxy?

  • Foundational Truths: Orthodoxy is defined as foundational truths consistent with Scripture, vital for understanding the Christian faith.
  • Historic Consensus: Wax describes it as the historic Christian consensus on essential elements of faith, believed "everywhere, always, and by all."
  • Contrast with Heresy: Orthodoxy is contrasted with heresy, which is the denial or twisting of essential doctrines, leading to a departure from biblical truth.

What are the dangers of drifting from orthodoxy according to The Thrill of Orthodoxy?

  • Spiritual Malaise: Drifting from orthodoxy can lead to spiritual dullness and a lack of commitment to the faith, making believers susceptible to errors.
  • Cultural Confusion: Cultural chaos and moral relativism can pull Christians away from foundational beliefs, necessitating vigilance and anchoring in faith.
  • Loss of Direction: Drifting results in a loss of direction in the Christian life, with core doctrines likened to a map providing guidance.

How does Wax suggest Christians can rediscover the adventure of orthodoxy?

  • Engagement with Doctrine: Wax encourages active engagement with doctrines, believing that understanding these truths leads to a vibrant faith experience.
  • Community and Tradition: Emphasizes the importance of community and historical tradition in rediscovering orthodoxy, connecting with fellow believers.
  • Personal Reflection: Advocates for personal reflection and exploring Christian truth with curiosity, leading to a renewed sense of adventure.

How does The Thrill of Orthodoxy address cultural challenges?

  • Cultural Engagement: Wax discusses navigating contemporary issues without compromising beliefs, encouraging understanding of the cultural landscape.
  • Critique of Modern Ideologies: Critiques ideologies like relativism and individualism that conflict with Christian teachings, warning of spiritual stagnation.
  • Call for Boldness: Urges Christians to be bold in their witness, advancing with confidence in the truth of the gospel despite opposition.

What specific methods does Trevin Wax suggest for living out orthodoxy?

  • Embrace Community: Highlights the importance of being part of a community that upholds orthodox beliefs, providing strength and accountability.
  • Engage with Scripture: Encourages immersion in the Bible as the foundation of faith, essential for discerning truth in a complex world.
  • Practice Discernment: Advocates for discernment in evaluating contemporary teachings, emphasizing alignment with orthodox Christianity.

How does Trevin Wax connect orthodoxy to mission in The Thrill of Orthodoxy?

  • Mission as Central: Argues that orthodoxy is intrinsically linked to the church's mission, empowering believers to share their faith effectively.
  • Global Perspective: Highlights the global nature of the church, encouraging readers to see themselves as part of a larger mission.
  • Living Out the Gospel: Emphasizes that living out orthodox beliefs in everyday life is a form of mission, calling Christians to embody Christ's teachings.

What is the significance of creeds and confessions in The Thrill of Orthodoxy?

  • Historical Foundation: Creeds are highlighted as historical statements summarizing essential Christian beliefs, providing a foundation for understanding orthodoxy.
  • Guardrails for Doctrine: Serve as guardrails preventing deviations from core truths, guiding the church today.
  • Connection to Scripture: Creeds are rooted in Scripture, reflecting the biblical narrative and deepening understanding of faith.

What role does suffering play in The Thrill of Orthodoxy?

  • Suffering as a Witness: Suffering serves as a powerful witness to the gospel's truth, with Christians called to endure hardship for Christ.
  • Cruciform Living: Emphasizes a cruciform life involving sacrifice and self-giving love, helping believers understand their trials' purpose.
  • Hope in Suffering: Reassures that suffering is part of the Christian journey leading to hope and redemption, viewing struggles through God's plan.


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平均评分来自 500+ 来自Goodreads和亚马逊的评分.


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