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Brazen Careerist

Brazen Careerist

The New Rules for Success
by Penelope Trunk 2007 201 pages
Self Help
Personal Development
12 minutes

Key Takeaways

1. Embrace uncertainty and exploration in your early career

"Detours Are the Route to Happiness"

Postcollege exploration is valuable. The period after college graduation is an ideal time to try out different career paths, explore passions, and gain diverse experiences. This "quarterlife crisis" phase, typically lasting until the late 20s, allows young professionals to discover their strengths, interests, and values before settling into a long-term career.

Learning opportunities abound. Even seemingly unrelated or low-level jobs can provide valuable skills and insights. For example, the author gained negotiation skills working on a French chicken farm and learned marketing principles from autographing Esther Williams photos. Embrace these unexpected learning experiences and look for transferable skills in every role.

Self-discovery leads to fulfillment. By trying various paths and reflecting on what energizes you, you're more likely to find a career that aligns with your passions and talents. This process of exploration and self-discovery often leads to greater long-term satisfaction and success than immediately settling into a traditional career path.

2. Craft a compelling resume and cover letter to stand out

"A resume is not a list of hours worked, it is a list of big accomplishments."

Focus on achievements, not duties. Your resume should highlight specific accomplishments and quantifiable results rather than just listing job responsibilities. Use action verbs and concrete examples to demonstrate your impact in previous roles.

Tailor your application materials. Customize your resume and cover letter for each position, emphasizing the skills and experiences most relevant to that particular job. Use keywords from the job description to increase your chances of getting past applicant tracking systems.

Key resume tips:

  • Keep it to one page
  • Use bullet points instead of paragraphs
  • Quantify achievements where possible
  • Proofread carefully for errors

Cover letter best practices:

  • Open with a strong, attention-grabbing statement
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the company
  • Explain why you're the ideal candidate
  • End with a clear call to action

3. Leverage networking and cold-calling for job opportunities

"Cold-calling is for champions. It used to be that cold-calling was for the losers so low on the corporate ladder, they were falling off the last rung. But today it's clear that cold-calling is an art form, and people who are good at it can do a lot for themselves—most notably get a job."

Expand your network strategically. Build relationships with professionals in your field through informational interviews, industry events, and online platforms like LinkedIn. Cultivate genuine connections by showing interest in others and offering value where you can.

Master the art of cold-calling. While intimidating, cold-calling can be an effective way to uncover hidden job opportunities and bypass traditional application processes. Prepare a concise, compelling pitch and be persistent in your efforts.

Tips for successful cold-calling:

  • Research the company and person you're contacting
  • Practice your pitch to sound confident and natural
  • Follow up with an email if you don't reach the person
  • Be prepared to quickly explain your value proposition
  • Don't be discouraged by rejection; it's part of the process

4. Master the art of interviewing and salary negotiation

"An interview is a test you can study for."

Prepare thoroughly for interviews. Research the company, practice common interview questions, and prepare thoughtful questions to ask your interviewer. Demonstrating knowledge and genuine interest in the role and organization can set you apart from other candidates.

Negotiate your salary strategically. Don't disclose your salary requirements too early in the process. Instead, research industry standards and be prepared to justify your desired compensation based on your skills and experience.

Interview preparation checklist:

  • Research the company and role
  • Practice answering common questions
  • Prepare specific examples of your achievements
  • Dress appropriately for the company culture
  • Bring extra copies of your resume and references

Salary negotiation tips:

  • Delay discussing salary until you have a job offer
  • Know your market value and desired salary range
  • Consider the entire compensation package, not just base salary
  • Be prepared to justify your request with specific examples of your value
  • Practice your negotiation approach with a friend or mentor

5. Consider entrepreneurship as a viable career path

"Corporate life is too risky—start your own business."

Assess your entrepreneurial potential. Starting a business can be a rewarding alternative to traditional corporate careers, especially for those with innovative ideas and a high tolerance for risk. Evaluate your skills, passions, and market opportunities to determine if entrepreneurship is right for you.

Develop a solid business plan. Before launching your venture, create a comprehensive business plan that outlines your product or service, target market, financial projections, and marketing strategy. This will serve as a roadmap for your business and help you secure funding if needed.

Key traits of successful entrepreneurs:

  • Passion for their product or service
  • Resilience in the face of challenges
  • Willingness to take calculated risks
  • Strong problem-solving skills
  • Ability to adapt to changing markets

Funding options for startups:

  • Personal savings
  • Friends and family investments
  • Angel investors
  • Venture capital
  • Crowdfunding platforms
  • Small business loans

6. Develop essential management and leadership skills

"First-time managers do not need to suck."

Focus on people, not just tasks. As a new manager, prioritize developing your team members and helping them achieve their goals. This approach will lead to better results and more engaged employees than simply focusing on task completion.

Communicate clearly and often. Set clear expectations, provide regular feedback, and create an open environment where team members feel comfortable sharing ideas and concerns. Effective communication is crucial for building trust and fostering collaboration.

Key management skills to develop:

  • Active listening
  • Delegation
  • Conflict resolution
  • Time management
  • Decision-making
  • Emotional intelligence

Leadership best practices:

  • Lead by example
  • Recognize and reward good performance
  • Encourage innovation and creativity
  • Provide opportunities for growth and development
  • Create a positive team culture
  • Be accountable for your actions and decisions

7. Navigate office politics and build authentic relationships

"Authenticity is the buzzword of the new millennium."

Understand the importance of likeability. Building positive relationships with colleagues at all levels can significantly impact your career success. Focus on being genuinely helpful, interested in others, and pleasant to work with.

Be authentic while adapting to workplace culture. Maintain your core values and personality while learning to navigate the unwritten rules and expectations of your organization. Finding this balance will help you build trust and credibility with colleagues.

Strategies for navigating office politics:

  • Observe and understand power dynamics
  • Build a diverse network within the organization
  • Avoid gossiping or speaking negatively about others
  • Be reliable and follow through on commitments
  • Seek win-win solutions to conflicts
  • Stay neutral in office disputes when possible

Tips for building authentic relationships:

  • Show genuine interest in your colleagues
  • Share appropriate personal information to build connections
  • Offer help and support without expecting immediate returns
  • Celebrate others' successes
  • Be consistent in your words and actions
  • Practice active listening and empathy

8. Communicate effectively in the digital age

"E-mails will be your epithet: five you should never send."

Master email etiquette. In a digital-first workplace, your written communication skills are crucial. Ensure your emails are clear, concise, and professional. Avoid common pitfalls like oversharing, venting frustrations, or sending messages in the heat of the moment.

Balance digital and face-to-face communication. While technology offers convenience, don't underestimate the value of in-person interactions. Make an effort to connect with colleagues face-to-face when possible, especially for sensitive or complex discussions.

Email best practices:

  • Use clear and specific subject lines
  • Keep messages concise and to the point
  • Proofread for errors before sending
  • Be mindful of tone and how it may be perceived
  • Use appropriate greetings and sign-offs
  • Respond to important emails within 24-48 hours

Tips for effective in-person communication:

  • Practice active listening
  • Pay attention to body language
  • Ask clarifying questions
  • Summarize key points to ensure understanding
  • Be present and minimize distractions
  • Follow up with written confirmation of important discussions

9. Manage your boss and get what you want at work

"Get What You Want From Your Boss"

Understand your boss's priorities. Take time to learn what matters most to your manager and align your work accordingly. This will help you build trust and increase your value to the organization.

Communicate proactively. Keep your boss informed of your progress, achievements, and challenges. Regular, clear communication will help prevent misunderstandings and demonstrate your reliability.

Strategies for managing up:

  • Anticipate your boss's needs and preferences
  • Offer solutions, not just problems
  • Be reliable and meet deadlines
  • Ask for feedback and act on it
  • Understand your boss's communication style and adapt
  • Support your boss's goals and initiatives

Tips for getting what you want at work:

  • Clearly articulate your goals and desired outcomes
  • Demonstrate how your requests align with organizational objectives
  • Prepare a strong case with specific examples and data
  • Practice your pitch and anticipate potential objections
  • Be open to compromise and alternative solutions
  • Follow up and express gratitude for any support received

10. Prioritize work-life balance and personal growth

"The New American Dream Is About Time, Not Money"

Redefine success beyond salary and title. Focus on finding work that aligns with your values, allows for personal growth, and provides a fulfilling life outside of the office. Research shows that happiness plateaus after reaching an annual income of around $40,000, emphasizing the importance of non-monetary factors in overall life satisfaction.

Invest in continuous learning and self-improvement. Prioritize developing new skills, exploring interests outside of work, and maintaining physical and mental well-being. This holistic approach to personal growth will enhance both your career prospects and overall quality of life.

Strategies for achieving work-life balance:

  • Set clear boundaries between work and personal time
  • Learn to say no to non-essential commitments
  • Practice time management and prioritization
  • Use technology to increase efficiency, not extend work hours
  • Schedule regular vacation time and fully disconnect when off
  • Pursue hobbies and interests outside of work

Personal growth opportunities:

  • Attend industry conferences and workshops
  • Read widely across various disciplines
  • Seek out mentorship relationships
  • Volunteer for causes you care about
  • Practice mindfulness and stress-management techniques
  • Set personal goals and regularly review your progress

Last updated:

Review Summary

3.43 out of 5
Average of 100+ ratings from Goodreads and Amazon.

Brazen Careerist receives mixed reviews, with an average rating of 3.43/5. Readers appreciate Trunk's unconventional career advice and witty writing style, particularly for young professionals. Many find the book helpful for resume writing, interviewing, and navigating office politics. However, some criticize her controversial suggestions, like using sexual harassment to boost one's career. The book is seen as most beneficial for recent graduates and those early in their careers, while more experienced professionals may find less value. Overall, reviewers commend Trunk's unique perspective but caution against following all her advice.

About the Author

Penelope Trunk is a career advice expert, author, and entrepreneur known for her unconventional approach to success in the workplace. She founded the website Brazen Careerist and writes a popular blog offering insights on career development and work-life balance. Trunk's writing style is characterized as direct, humorous, and often controversial. She has gained a following for her candid discussions of personal experiences and her willingness to challenge traditional career advice. Trunk's work focuses on helping younger generations navigate the modern workplace, emphasizing the importance of adaptability, networking, and personal branding in achieving professional success.

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