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Celebration of Discipline, Special Anniversary Edition

Celebration of Discipline, Special Anniversary Edition

The Path to Spiritual Growth
by Richard J. Foster 2018 288 pages

Key Takeaways

1. Spiritual Disciplines: The Path to Liberation and Joy

"The purpose of the Disciplines is liberation from the stifling slavery to self-interest and fear."

Liberation through discipline. The Spiritual Disciplines are not mere religious duties, but pathways to freedom and joy. They aim to replace destructive habits with life-giving ones, transforming us from the inside out. These practices include:

  • Inward disciplines: meditation, prayer, fasting, study
  • Outward disciplines: simplicity, solitude, submission, service
  • Corporate disciplines: confession, worship, guidance, celebration

Joy as the keynote. Far from being dull or oppressive, the Disciplines cultivate a deep, abiding joy. They free us from the tyranny of self-interest and open us to the life-giving presence of God. As we engage in these practices, we discover a liberating rhythm of grace that permeates all aspects of our lives.

2. Meditation: Encountering God's Transformative Presence

"Christian meditation, very simply, is the ability to hear God's voice and obey his word."

Listening and obeying. Meditation in the Christian tradition is not about emptying the mind, but filling it with God's presence and truth. It involves:

  • Focusing on Scripture, letting it penetrate our hearts
  • Cultivating an awareness of God's presence in everyday life
  • Allowing God's voice to guide our thoughts and actions

Practical steps. Foster suggests starting with short periods of meditation, gradually increasing the duration. He recommends:

  • Finding a quiet place free from distractions
  • Adopting a comfortable posture
  • Using Scripture, nature, or personal experiences as focal points
  • Being patient with wandering thoughts, gently returning focus to God

Through consistent practice, meditation becomes a powerful tool for spiritual transformation, helping us to see the world and ourselves through God's eyes.

3. Prayer: The Central Avenue of Divine Transformation

"To pray is to change. Prayer is the central avenue God uses to transform us."

Transformation through communion. Prayer is not merely asking God for things, but entering into a transformative relationship with Him. It involves:

  • Honest communication with God about our thoughts, feelings, and desires
  • Listening for God's voice and guidance
  • Aligning our will with God's will

Learning to pray. Foster emphasizes that prayer is a learned discipline. He suggests:

  • Starting with simple, honest prayers
  • Experimenting with different forms of prayer (e.g., contemplative, intercessory)
  • Praying Scripture
  • Cultivating an attitude of constant prayer throughout the day

As we grow in prayer, we find ourselves changed – our desires purified, our perspectives broadened, and our hearts aligned more closely with God's heart.

4. Fasting: Revealing Inner Control and Deepening Spiritual Life

"Fasting reveals the things that control us."

Self-discovery and surrender. Fasting is not just about abstaining from food; it's a powerful tool for spiritual growth that:

  • Reveals our dependencies and attachments
  • Deepens our reliance on God
  • Sharpens our spiritual sensitivity

Practical guidance. Foster provides advice for those new to fasting:

  • Start with short fasts (e.g., one meal or one day)
  • Stay hydrated and break the fast gently
  • Use the time normally spent eating for prayer and reflection
  • Be aware of physical and emotional reactions

Fasting helps us break free from the tyranny of our appetites and opens us to a deeper experience of God's presence and power in our lives.

5. Study: Renewing the Mind for Spiritual Growth

"The purpose of the Spiritual Disciplines is the total transformation of the person. They aim at replacing old destructive habits of thought with new life-giving habits."

Intentional learning. Study involves more than casual reading; it's a disciplined effort to understand and apply truth. It includes:

  • Repetition: regularly exposing ourselves to important ideas
  • Concentration: focusing our attention deeply
  • Comprehension: seeking to truly understand the material
  • Reflection: considering the implications for our lives

Practical application. Foster recommends:

  • Studying the Bible as the primary text
  • Reading classic works of Christian spirituality
  • Engaging in group study and discussion
  • Applying what we learn to daily life

Through diligent study, we renew our minds and gain the knowledge and wisdom necessary for spiritual maturity and effective service.

6. Simplicity: Finding Freedom from Materialism

"Simplicity is freedom. Duplicity is bondage. Simplicity brings joy and balance. Duplicity brings anxiety and fear."

Inner and outer simplicity. The Discipline of simplicity addresses both our internal attitudes and external lifestyles. It involves:

  • Cultivating contentment and trust in God's provision
  • Resisting the cultural pressure for more possessions and status
  • Practicing generosity and responsible stewardship

Practical steps. Foster suggests:

  • Buy things for their usefulness rather than status
  • Develop a habit of giving things away
  • Resist the pull of advertisers
  • Enjoy things without owning them
  • Develop a deeper appreciation for creation

By embracing simplicity, we free ourselves from the burden of materialism and open our lives to greater joy, peace, and service to others.

7. Solitude and Silence: Cultivating Inner Stillness

"Solitude is more a state of mind and heart than it is a place."

Inner quietude. Solitude and silence are not about physical isolation, but cultivating an inner stillness that allows us to hear God's voice. Benefits include:

  • Freedom from the need for constant noise and stimulation
  • Increased awareness of God's presence
  • Greater clarity of thought and purpose

Practical application. Foster recommends:

  • Creating regular times of solitude in daily life
  • Practicing "inner solitude" even in crowded places
  • Using silent retreats for extended periods of reflection
  • Balancing solitude with meaningful community

By learning to be alone with God, we develop a centered calmness that carries into all aspects of our lives, enabling us to listen more deeply to God and others.

8. Submission: Discovering True Freedom in Surrender

"The touchstone for the biblical understanding of submission is Jesus' astonishing statement, 'If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.'"

Liberation through surrender. Submission is not about becoming a doormat, but about finding freedom from the need to always have our own way. It involves:

  • Letting go of the drive to control others and circumstances
  • Embracing a posture of humility and service
  • Trusting God's wisdom over our own limited understanding

Practical steps. Foster suggests:

  • Practicing submission in everyday relationships
  • Yielding to others in matters of preference
  • Submitting to God's will, even when it's difficult
  • Recognizing and respecting legitimate authority

Through submission, we paradoxically find true freedom and the ability to love others more fully and authentically.

9. Service: Embodying Christ's Humility and Love

"Nothing disciplines the inordinate desires of the flesh like service, and nothing transforms the desires of the flesh like serving in hiddenness."

Selfless love in action. Service is not about gaining recognition, but about embodying Christ's love for others. It involves:

  • Putting others' needs before our own
  • Serving without expectation of reward or recognition
  • Allowing service to shape our character

Practical application. Foster recommends:

  • Looking for small, everyday opportunities to serve
  • Practicing "hidden" service that no one knows about
  • Serving those who cannot repay us
  • Allowing service to challenge our prejudices and preferences

Through service, we grow in humility, compassion, and Christ-likeness, becoming channels of God's love to the world.

10. Confession: Experiencing Healing and Forgiveness

"Confession is a difficult Discipline for us because we all too often view the believing community as a fellowship of saints before we see it as a fellowship of sinners."

Vulnerability and healing. Confession involves bringing our sins and struggles into the light, both before God and trusted others. Benefits include:

  • Experiencing God's forgiveness and healing
  • Breaking the power of secret sin
  • Building authentic community

Practical guidance. Foster suggests:

  • Regular self-examination and confession to God
  • Finding a trusted friend or spiritual director for confession
  • Participating in corporate confession in worship
  • Practicing both confession and absolution (receiving forgiveness)

Through confession, we experience the liberating power of God's grace and grow in authentic relationships with others.

11. Worship: Entering the Divine Presence

"Worship is our response to the overtures of love from the heart of the Father."

Encountering God's presence. Worship is not just singing songs or attending services, but entering into the reality of God's presence. It involves:

  • Focusing our attention and affection on God
  • Responding to God's love with praise and adoration
  • Allowing God's presence to transform us

Practical steps. Foster recommends:

  • Cultivating a sense of God's presence throughout the day
  • Engaging in both personal and corporate worship
  • Using various expressions of worship (e.g., music, silence, physical postures)
  • Allowing worship to shape our values and priorities

Through worship, we are drawn into deeper intimacy with God and are continually transformed into His likeness.

12. Celebration: The Culmination of Spiritual Growth

"Joy is the keynote of all the Disciplines."

Joyful living. Celebration is both the result and the fuel of spiritual growth. It involves:

  • Recognizing and delighting in God's goodness
  • Cultivating gratitude in all circumstances
  • Expressing joy through various forms of celebration

Practical application. Foster suggests:

  • Creating regular times of celebration in personal and community life
  • Using music, dance, and feasting as expressions of joy
  • Celebrating God's work in our lives and the lives of others
  • Allowing celebration to fuel our persistence in other Disciplines

Through celebration, we experience the joy that is at the heart of the Christian life, sustaining us through difficulties and drawing others to the abundant life found in Christ.

Last updated:

Review Summary

4.2 out of 5
Average of 38k+ ratings from Goodreads and Amazon.

Celebration of Discipline is widely praised as a transformative guide to spiritual practices. Readers appreciate Foster's practical approach, though some find certain disciplines challenging. Many report rereading the book multiple times, gaining new insights with each pass. The book's emphasis on joy, simplicity, and intentional living resonates strongly. While a few readers disagree with certain theological points, most find the overall message deeply impactful, helping them deepen their relationship with God and live more purposefully.

About the Author

Richard J. Foster is a renowned author and spiritual leader. His bestselling books, including Celebration of Discipline and Prayer, have received critical acclaim and awards. Foster's work focuses on Christian spirituality and renewal, offering practical guidance for deeper faith. As founder of Renovaré, an intrachurch movement, he advocates for spiritual formation across various Christian traditions. Foster's influence extends beyond writing; he edited The Renovaré Spiritual Formation Bible and continues to shape contemporary Christian thought on discipleship and spiritual practices. His approach blends traditional wisdom with accessible, modern applications, making him a respected voice in Christian spirituality.

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