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Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs

Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs

by Scott Cunningham 1985 318 pages
7k+ ratings
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1. Harnessing the Power of Herbs: The Foundation of Magic

The power is that which generated and maintains the universe.

The Universal Life-Force. Herb magic, like all magic, taps into a universal power, the life-force that sustains all existence. This power, though nameless and formless, is the energy behind creation, present in everything from plants to gems. It's the very substance of existence, deified in various religions and partially explained by science.

Magic as Practical Solutions. Magic, in this context, is defined as causing change through powers not yet defined or accepted by science. It offers practical solutions when conventional means fail, such as using herbs to discover a friend's well-being when a phone call is impossible or employing magical means to guard against theft or attract love.

Neutrality and Responsibility. The power itself is neutral, neither positive nor negative. As magicians, it's our responsibility to wield this power for beneficial ends, using herbs in loving ways to enrich our lives and the lives of others. This approach transforms magic into a divine act, aligning us with the creative force of the universe.

2. Timing and Tools: Essential Elements for Effective Herb Magic

Magic is used when needed.

Timing's Flexibility. While ancient systems emphasized precise timing based on astronomical phenomena, the most inviolable rule is to use magic when needed. Waiting for the perfect alignment of planets or seasons can hinder spontaneity and delay necessary action. If a headache strikes, immediate relief is paramount, regardless of the lunar phase.

Essential Tools. Herb magic requires few tools: a mortar and pestle for grinding herbs, a wooden or ceramic bowl for enchanting, a glass or enameled pot for brewing infusions, and basic sewing supplies for creating sachets and poppets. Candles, a censer, charcoal blocks, and jars for storage are also essential.

The Altar's Purpose. The altar, or work table, serves as the central location for casting spells, enchanting herbs, and composing sachets. It can be any flat surface, indoors or outdoors, adorned with symbols of faith or natural objects that resonate with the practitioner. The key is to create a dedicated space for magical work, limited only by imagination.

3. Enchanting and Employing Herbs: Practical Procedures for Magical Use

Once you have sung your song of need to the herbs, they are ready for use.

Enchantment Process. Enchanting herbs aligns their vibrations with your magical need, increasing their effectiveness. This involves pouring the dried herb into a bowl, sensing its energy, and visualizing your need while running your fingers through the herb, infusing it with your intention. Chanting simple words that match your need can aid visualization.

Sachets and Poppets. Herbs to be carried or placed in the house are made into sachets, small bags of cloth containing enchanted herbs. Poppets, or "voodoo dolls," are cloth dolls stuffed with herbs, representing the person to be aided. These are most often used for healing, drawing money, or attracting love.

Infusions and Ointments. Infusions are herbal teas, created by steeping herbs in hot water, used for drinking, bathing, or anointing. Ointments are fatty substances mixed with powdered herbs or oils, applied to the body at pulse points for various magical purposes. These methods allow the herb's power to be absorbed directly into the body.

4. Magical Intentions: Directing Herb Power for Specific Needs

An ounce of prevention, after all, is worth a pound of cure.

Protection's Paramount Importance. Protection is a primary concern in magic, with numerous herbs used to guard against physical and psychic attacks, injury, and evil influences. Protective herbs create a force-field around the home, possessions, or self, enhancing the body's natural defenses.

Love's Gentle Approach. Love magic should focus on attracting an unspecified person into your life, placing you in situations to meet people and communicate your openness to love. Love herbs should not be used to manipulate or force another's feelings, as this can lead to emotional slavery.

Exorcism and Healing. Exorcism herbs clear away negativity, while purification herbs are less powerful, not necessarily ridding a place of evil entities. Healing herbs aid the body's natural processes, but medical attention should always be sought for serious conditions.

5. Navigating the Herb Compendium: A Guide to Understanding Entries

It is a useful tool in determining magical uses.

Understanding the Entries. Each herb entry includes its common and scientific names, health codes, folk names, gender, planetary ruler, elemental ruler, deities, powers, ritual uses, and magical uses. This information provides a comprehensive overview of the herb's properties and applications.

Gender and Rulership. The gender of an herb (masculine or feminine) indicates its basic type of vibration, with masculine herbs possessing strong, fiery energies and feminine herbs having quieter, softer effects. Planetary and elemental rulers further define the herb's magical uses, aligning it with specific needs and intentions.

Deities and Powers. Associations with deities provide additional clues to an herb's use, as each divinity has attributed influences. The summation of each herb's powers offers a quick reference, while the detailed magical uses section provides specific applications and traditional practices.

6. Protection and Purification: Warding Off Negativity

In today’s world we should guard ourselves with every available means.

Creating a Shield. Protective herbs create a type of force-field around your home, possessions, or self. When carried they also increase the effectiveness of your body’s natural defenses.

Herbs for Protection. Acacia, Agrimony, Aloe, Angelica, Ash, Basil, Blackberry, Boneset, Broom, Cactus, Caraway, Cedar, Clove, Clover, Cumin, Cypress, Datura, Devil's Shoestring, Dill, Ebony, Elder, Eucalyptus, Euphorbia, Feverfew, Flax, Frankincense, Garlic, Gorse, Holly, Juniper, Larch, Lilac, Mallow, Mistletoe, Mulberry, Nettle, Onion, Pine, Plantain, Rosemary, Rowan, Rue, Sagebrush, Sloe, Snapdragon, Spanish Moss, Thistle, Ti, Toadflax, Vervain, Witch Hazel, Wolf's Bane, Yucca.

Herbs for Purification. Alkanet, Arabic Gum, Avens, Basil, Benzoin, Birch, Boneset, Broom, Chamomile, Clove, Eucalyptus, Fleabane, Frankincense, Garlic, Hyssop, Iris, Lemon, Mimosa, Myrrh, Nettle, Rosemary, Rue, Sagebrush, Sandalwood, Shallot, Thyme, Turmeric, Vervain, Witch Grass, Yucca.

7. Love and Lust: Exploring the Amatory Powers of Herbs

Ah love; the endless quest for companionship, warmth, sexual contact, emotional fulfillment, and someone to talk to over coffee in the morning.

Attracting Unspecified Love. Love magic should be of one type—to attract an unspecified person into your life. Love herbs will place you in situations where you will meet people, help you to overcome shyness (if necessary), and communicate that you are more than in the mood for love.

Herbs for Love. Adam & Eve Roots, Aloes Wood, Apple, Apricot, Aster, Avocado, Bachelor's Buttons, Balm of Gilead, Barley, Bedstraw, Beet, Betony, Blackberry, Bleeding Heart, Bloodroot, Brazil Nut, Caper, Cardamom, Catnip, Cherry, Chickweed, Chili Pepper, Cinnamon, Clover, Cohosh, Columbine, Coriander, Crocus, Cuckoo-Flower, Daisy, Damiana, Deerstongue, Dill, Dogbane, Elm, Endive, Eryngo, Geranium, Ginseng, Hibiscus, Honeysuckle, Indian Paint Brush, Jasmine, Joe-Pye Weed, Lady's Mantle, Lavender, Leek, Lemon, Licorice, Linden, Liverwort, Lovage, Love Seed, Lucky Hand, Magnolia, Marjoram, Meadow Rue, Meadowsweet, Mint, Myrtle, Oak, Olive, Orange, Orchid, Orris, Pansy, Papaya, Peach, Pear, Periwinkle, Pimento, Plum, Poppy, Prickly Ash, Primrose, Quassia, Quince, Raspberry, Red Sandalwood, Rose, Rosemary, Rye, Saffron, Sarsaparilla, Scullcap, Senna, Snakeroot, Southernwood, Spiderwort, Strawberry, Sugar Cane, Sumbul, Tamarind, Thyme, Tomato, Tonka, Trillium, Tulip, Valerian, Vanilla, Vervain, Violet, Witch Grass, Wormwood, Yarrow, Yerba Mate, Yohimbe.

Herbs for Lust. Avocado, Banana, Caper, Carrot, Cat Tail, Celery, Chili Pepper, Cinnamon, Clove, Coriander, Cubeb, Damiana, Deerstongue, Dill, Dulse, Endive, Eryngo, Ginger, Hibiscus, Licorice, Maguey, Mint, Olive, Onion, Parsley, Pimento, Red Clover, Rosemary, Saffron, Sarsaparilla, Sesame, Southernwood, Sugar Cane, Thyme, Vanilla, Yerba Mate, Yohimbe.

8. Healing and Health: Herbs for Physical and Spiritual Well-being

Magic, as it was understood in long-ago days, was a divine act.

Prevention and Cure. As with most types of magic, prevention is better than cure, so if you’re prone to bad health it might be wise to carry some of these herbs at all times. Replace them regularly (every three months or so).

Herbs for Healing. Adder's Tongue, Allspice, Amaranth, Anemone, Angelica, Apple, Balm of Gilead, Barley, Blackberry, Burdock, Carnation, Cedar, Coriander, Dock, Elder, Eucalyptus, Figwort, Flax, Gardenia, Garlic, Ginseng, Goat's Rue, Golden Seal, Groundsel, Heliotrope, Hops, Juniper, Mesquite, Mint, Myrrh, Oak, Olive, Parsley, Peony, Pine, Plantain, Plum, Rosemary, Rue, Sandalwood, Sorrel, Spearmint, Thistle, Thyme, Ti, Tobacco, Violet, Willow, Wintergreen, Yarrow, Yerba Santa.

Herbs for Health. Anemone, Ash, Caraway, Carob, Camphor, Carnation, Cinchona, Coriander, Cypress, Eyebright, Figwort, Ginseng, Goat's Rue, Juniper, Life-Everlasting, Mistletoe, Nutmeg, Oak, Olive, Rue, Sage, Sarsaparilla, Spikenard, Thyme, Walnut, Wintergreen.

9. Prosperity and Luck: Attracting Abundance with Nature's Gifts

Luck herbs give you the power to make your own “good” luck.

Attracting Financial Gain. These plants increase a person’s financial scene; they will not create dollar bills out of thin air. The money may come in the form of unexpected gifts or legacies, but usually it will manifest as a raise in pay, a better job, a good investment, a loan suddenly repaid to you, and so on.

Herbs for Money. Alfalfa, Allspice, Almond, Alkanet, Bergamot, Blue Flag, Briony, Bromeliad, Buckwheat, Calamus, Camellia, Cashew, Cedar, Chamomile, Cinnamon, Cinquefoil, Clove, Comfrey, Corn, Dock, Elder, Fenugreek, Fig, Galangal, Ginseng, Golden Seal, Goldenrod, Gorse, Grains of Paradise, Grape, High John the Conqueror, Honeysuckle, Horse Chestnut, Irish Moss, Jasmine, Lucky Hand, Maple, Marjoram, May Apple, Mint, Moonwort, Nutmeg, Oak, Orange, Oregon Grape, Patchouly, Pea, Pecan, Pomegranate, Poppy, Rattlesnake Root, Rice, Rosemary, Sarsaparilla, Sassafras, Sesame, Snakeroot, Star Anise, Sunflower, Ti, Tonka, Trillium, Tulip, Vetivert.

Herbs for Luck. Allspice, Aloe, Bamboo, Banyan, Bluebell, China Berry, Cinchona, Clover, Cotton, Daffodil, Devil's Bit, Fern, Grains of Paradise, Hazel, Heather, Holly, Houseleek, Irish Moss, Job's Tears, Linden, Lucky Hand, Male Fern, Mistletoe, Nutmeg, Oak, Olive, Orange, Persimmon, Poppy, Purslane, Rowan, Snakeroot, Star Anise, Strawberry, Sumbul, Ti, Tonka, Trillium, Wood Rose.

10. Visions and Psychic Powers: Unlocking Inner Potential

It is an awesome feeling, and a greater responsibility, this wielding of power.

Enhancing Psychic Abilities. These herbs have long been burned so that the smoke can be used by the spirit as a medium in which to materialize.

Herbs for Visions. Angelica, Belladonna, Bracken, Buchu, Camphor, Coltsfoot, Crocus, Damiana, Dittany of Crete, Elecampane, Hemp, Heliotrope, Kava-Kava, Mugwort, Poppy, Saffron.

Herbs for Psychic Powers. Acacia, Althea, Bay, Bistort, Bladderwrack, Borage, Buchu, Celery, Cinnamon, Citron, Clover, Deerstongue, Eyebright, Fennel, Galangal, Ginseng, Horehound, Kelp, Lavender, Mace, Marigold, Mint, Mugwort, Orris, Rue, Rowan, Sandalwood, Star Anise, Stillengia, Sumbul, Thyme, Uva Ursa, Wormwood, Yarrow, Yerba Santa.

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Review Summary

4.28 out of 5
Average of 7k+ ratings from Goodreads and Amazon.

Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs receives mostly positive reviews, with readers praising its comprehensive information on herbs' magical properties, folk names, and uses. Many consider it an essential reference for practitioners of Wicca and natural magic. Critics note its lack of citations and medical information. Some find it outdated or oversimplified, while others appreciate its accessibility. The book is widely used and respected in the Pagan community, though some caution against relying on it as a sole source for beginners.

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About the Author

Scott Douglas Cunningham was an American writer known for his works on Wicca and alternative religious subjects. His book "Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner" is considered one of the most successful publications on Wicca. Cunningham was well-connected in the occult community, maintaining friendships with notable figures like Raymond Buckland. He was a member of the Serpent Stone Family coven, where he received his Third Degree Initiation. Cunningham's writings have significantly influenced modern Wiccan and Pagan practices, particularly for solitary practitioners.

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