Key Takeaways
1. Hatha Yoga: A Stairway to Raja Yoga
Hatha yoga is to be utilized as a means of preparing oneself for raja yoga, the supreme state of yoga.
Preparing the Body. Hatha Yoga, comprised of the two Sanskrit roots, ha meaning ‘sun’ and tha meaning ‘moon,’ is symbolic of the twin energy forces which exist in everything. It is a system designed to transform the gross elements of the body so they can receive and transmit a much subtler and more powerful energy.
Balancing the Energies. Hatha yoga is the process of establishing perfect physical, mental, emotional, and psychic equilibrium by manipulating the energies of the body. It is through hatha yoga that one prepares for the higher spiritual experience. The practices of hatha yoga enable the fluctuations between these two energies to become harmonious and unified into one force.
The Ultimate Goal. Hatha yoga is the means and raja yoga is the goal. Hatha yoga is the stairway leading to raja yoga. Once the sadhaka reaches the stage of raja yoga, hatha yoga ceases to be necessary for him. The system of hatha yoga was, therefore, designed to transform the gross elements of the body so they can receive and transmit a much subtler and more powerful energy.
2. Purification Precedes Progress: The Importance of Shatkarma
In the Hatha Yoga Pradipika the first thing we see is that Swatmarama does not worry at all about self-control and self-discipline in the form of yama and niyama...He begins by saying that you should first purify the whole body.
Six Cleansing Techniques. Shatkarma, the six purificatory techniques, are neti, dhauti, basti, kapalbhati, trataka, and nauli. These practices are designed to cleanse the body of impurities, allowing prana to flow freely. Shatkarma is the science of purification, not just one type of purification but six types.
Preparing the Body. Shatkarma is the preparation for pranayama. The body has to be cleaned in six different ways for six different impurities. When you clear the body of these impurities, the nadis function and the energy blocks are released.
Balancing the Doshas. Cleansing the body of the three types of imbalance in the system is an important aspect of hatha yoga and therapy. When you clear the body of these impurities, the nadis function and the energy blocks are released. Then the energies move like wave frequencies throughout the channels within the physical structure, moving right up to the brain.
3. Pranayama: Expanding the Dimensions of Prana
By controlling the pranas, the mind is automatically controlled.
More Than Breathing. Pranayama is not merely breath control, but a technique through which the quantity of prana in the body is activated to a higher frequency. Ayama literally means ‘dimension,’ not ‘control.’ So pranayama is practiced in order to expand the dimensions of prana within you.
Interconnectedness of Prana and Mind. The hatha yoga texts state very clearly that by controlling the pranas, the mind is automatically controlled. It seems that prana and mind exert an influence on each other. When the pranas are restless, it affects the mind and vice versa.
Purification and Balance. By practicing pranayama correctly, the mind is automatically conquered. However, the effects of pranayama are not so simple to manage. It creates extra heat in the body, it awakens some of the dormant centers in the brain, it can alter the production of sperm and testosterone.
4. Mudra and Bandha: Awakening the Inner Energy
Kundalini is the support of yoga practices.
Directing Energy Flow. Mudras are specific body positions which open the energy channels and psychic centers. Bandhas are muscular locks that control the flow of prana. The most important point is that the nadis have to be purified for the purpose of meditation.
Ten Mudras. The ten mudras destroy old age. Eight major siddhis obtained by mudra. Mudras must be kept secret. The ten mudras told by Adinath bring perfection.
Three Bandhas. The three bandhas are moola, jalandhara, uddiyana bandhas. Maha bandha directs prana into brahma nadi. Uniting of prana and apana banishes old age.
5. Kundalini: The Key to Liberation
Kundalini is the key to liberation.
Potential Energy. Kundalini is the key to liberation. Kundalini is the support of yoga practices. Kundalini is the support of yoga practices.
Awakening the Serpent Power. Kundalini is the key to liberation. Kundalini is the key to liberation. Kundalini is the key to liberation.
The Path to Release. Kundalini is the key to liberation. Kundalini is the key to liberation. Kundalini is the key to liberation.
6. The Guru's Guidance: Essential for Safe and Effective Practice
Yoga should be practiced in the way instructed by the guru.
The Role of the Guru. The guru is not merely a yoga teacher. He is the only one who can enlighten your soul by the luminosity of his own revealed spirit. The important factor is your faith in his words and your obedience; then it does not matter whether his instructions seem right or wrong, they will prove fruitful to you.
Individualized Instruction. Your guru knows how to tackle all the individual problems you are having. If no obstacles arise, good, he can guide you quickly. If you are facing certain problems or difficulties, he will know how to guide you step by step in accordance with your own personal evolution.
Beyond Our Understanding. We have very little understanding of our bodily functions and we are virtually unaware of our mental potential. Consciousness is like an iceberg; we can only see the superficial portion which is above the surface, and because of our limited perception we cannot understand how yoga can evolve the spirit from the gross body and the lower consciousness.
7. Diet and Environment: Fueling the Yogic Journey
Mitahara - moderate diet.
Moderate and Pure. Mitahara is defined as agreeable and sweet food, leaving one fourth of the stomach free, and eaten (as an offering to please Shiva). The most important factor is environment. He recommends that a sadhaka should live alone and away from others.
Food as Medicine. A yogi should always regard food as a medicine which will purify and fuel the body and mind for the maintenance of life and progress in sadhana. Therefore, eating should be considered as part of one’s sadhana. Life itself is a sadhana.
Conducive Surroundings. The atmosphere should be calm, peaceful and clean, free from the hazards of rocks, fire and water, landslides, volcanoes, earthquakes, bushfires, floods, swamps, etc. The geological and climatic conditions should be conducive to health and sadhana and the soil should be suitable for growing crops.
8. Samadhi: The Ultimate Goal of Yoga
The highest state of raja yoga is unknown due to misconceptions (darkness) created by varying ideas and concepts.
The Highest State. The highest goal in yoga is attainment of kaivalya, the point at which raja yoga culminates. Ultimately, all spiritual practices and branches of yoga lead to that state, but there are as many ways of reaching the goal as there are individuals in the world.
Beyond the Mind. Samadhi is the process of establishing perfect physical, mental, emotional and psychic equilibrium by manipulating the energies of the body. It is through hatha yoga that one prepares for the higher spiritual experience.
A Saving Grace. Yogi Swatmarama offers hatha yoga so that people may be guided along an assured path. The word ‘offers’ or kripakara should be noted. Kripa means ‘blessing,’ and a blessing can only be given by someone with spiritual attainment.
9. Nada Yoga: The Path of Inner Sound
Concentration on nada as told by Gorakhnath.
Exploration of Sound. Nada anusandhana leads to laya. Nada anusandhana - exploration of sound. Nada is like a net which snares and slays the mind.
The Power of Nada. Nada is like a bolt which locks the mind. Nada is like sulphur which solidifies the mercurial mind. Mind becomes hypnotized like a captivated snake when it hears nada.
The Essence of Consciousness. The essence of nada is consciousness, i.e. Vishnu. Akasha tattwa exists as long as nada is heard. Sound is shakti and dissolves in consciousness.
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Review Summary
Hatha Yoga Pradipika is a foundational text on yoga, offering insights into ancient practices and philosophy. Readers appreciate its historical significance and comprehensive coverage of yoga techniques. Many find it valuable for serious practitioners but challenging for beginners. The book's content is seen as a mix of practical wisdom and outdated, potentially dangerous practices. Some readers struggle with its archaic language and cultural context, while others praise its authenticity and depth. Overall, it's considered an important but complex work that requires careful study and interpretation.
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