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Intercession, Thrilling and Fulfilling

Intercession, Thrilling and Fulfilling

by Joy Dawson 1997 206 pages
7 minutes

Key Takeaways

1. Intercession: A Powerful Ministry of Partnership with God

"Intercession is praying as directed and energized by the Holy Spirit for others."

Divine partnership. Intercession is a profound way to cooperate with God in shaping the course of history. It involves aligning our hearts with God's desires and praying His thoughts back to Him on behalf of others. This ministry is not reserved for a select few but is available to all believers.

Transformative power. Through intercession, we become recipients of part of God's mind and heart for others. This process changes us more quickly to become like Him than anything else. It leads to the deepest moves of God's Spirit, the greatest revelation of His heart, and the most intimate friendship with God.

Practical application. To engage in effective intercession:

  • Seek God's direction for whom and what to pray
  • Listen for the Holy Spirit's guidance
  • Pray with faith and persistence
  • Expect God to work in powerful and sometimes unexpected ways

2. The Importance of Knowing God's Character in Effective Prayer

"Our prayer life is only as powerful as our knowledge of the character of God—every single fascinating facet of it."

Foundation of faith. Understanding God's character is crucial for effective prayer. It shapes our expectations, fuels our faith, and informs how we approach God in intercession. The more we know about God's nature, the more confidently and accurately we can pray.

Practical study. To deepen our knowledge of God's character:

  • Study Scripture systematically, focusing on God's attributes
  • Meditate on biblical passages that reveal God's nature
  • Reflect on personal experiences of God's faithfulness
  • Learn from the testimonies of others who have walked closely with God

Transformative impact. As we grow in our understanding of God's character, our prayers become more aligned with His will. We pray with greater boldness, persistence, and faith, knowing that our requests are grounded in the reality of who God is.

3. Praying for Spiritual Leaders: A Critical Responsibility

"If we fear the devil, we have become impressed with him."

Strategic focus. Praying for spiritual leaders is crucial because they face unique challenges and have significant influence. Our intercession can provide vital support, protection, and empowerment for those in leadership positions.

Key areas for prayer:

  • Wisdom and discernment in decision-making
  • Protection from spiritual attacks and temptation
  • Renewal of vision and passion for ministry
  • Integrity in personal life and public ministry
  • Ability to hear and obey God's voice

Practical approach. Regularly set aside time to pray for specific leaders by name. Stay informed about their ministries and challenges. Ask God to reveal specific ways to pray for them, and be willing to act on any practical promptings to support or encourage them.

4. Reaching the Unreached: Strategies for Global Evangelization

"God delights to give us these kinds of encouragement in His time."

Global vision. God's heart is for all people to know Him. As intercessors, we must develop a global perspective, praying for the unreached people groups around the world, particularly in the "10/40 window."

Strategic prayer:

  • Pray for open doors in restricted areas
  • Ask for divine revelations and dreams among unreached peoples
  • Intercede for workers to be sent to specific unreached groups
  • Pray for the translation and distribution of Scripture in native languages
  • Ask for spiritual breakthroughs in resistant cultures

Personal involvement. While praying, remain open to God's call to personal involvement in global missions. This could mean going on short-term trips, supporting missionaries financially, or even becoming a full-time missionary.

5. Spiritual Warfare: Understanding and Engaging the Enemy

"We are only as strong against the frequent bombing raids and artillery fire of our enemy as he tries to wound and destroy the Body of Christ, as we are united."

Balanced perspective. Recognize the reality of spiritual warfare without becoming obsessed or fearful. Our focus should be on God's supreme authority and Christ's victory, not on the enemy's limited power.

Effective engagement:

  • Put on the full armor of God daily (Ephesians 6:10-18)
  • Resist the devil through submission to God (James 4:7)
  • Use the Word of God as a sword against enemy attacks
  • Engage in praise and worship to diffuse the enemy's power
  • Maintain unity with other believers for strength in warfare

Continuous vigilance. Stay alert to the enemy's tactics without becoming paranoid. Cultivate a lifestyle of close communion with God, which is our best defense against spiritual attacks.

6. Unity in the Body of Christ: Essential for Revival

"Biblical unity is impenetrable, indomitable strength. Satan is no match for it."

Divine priority. Unity among believers is not optional; it's a crucial condition for revival and effective ministry. Jesus prayed for our unity as a testimony to the world (John 17:23).

Practical steps toward unity:

  • Actively seek reconciliation with other believers
  • Cultivate humility and a willingness to learn from others
  • Focus on essential doctrines while allowing diversity in non-essentials
  • Participate in cross-denominational prayer and ministry efforts
  • Speak well of other believers and ministries, avoiding criticism and gossip

Personal responsibility. Each believer has a role in fostering unity. Examine your own heart for prejudices or divisions, and take initiative in building bridges with other believers and congregations.

7. Characteristics of Revival Praying: Fervor, Definition, and Faith

"Revival praying is desperate praying."

Passionate pursuit. Revival prayer is characterized by intense desire and fervent seeking after God. It's not casual or lukewarm but desperate and persistent.

Key elements of revival prayer:

  • Recognition that revival is initiated by God
  • Focused and specific requests for spiritual awakening
  • Humble confession of personal and corporate sin
  • Expectant faith in God's promises of revival
  • Willingness to be changed and used by God in the process

Practical application. Set aside regular times for focused revival prayer. Use Scripture promises as a basis for your petitions. Be willing to pray with others, as corporate prayer often fuels greater fervor and faith for revival.

Last updated:

Review Summary

4.07 out of 5
Average of 100+ ratings from Goodreads and Amazon.

Intercession, thrilling and fulfilling receives high praise for its inspiring content on prayer and intercession. Readers appreciate the practical advice, biblical references, and real-life examples provided. Many found the book transformative, encouraging a deeper prayer life and spiritual growth. Some note it's best suited for committed Christians rather than beginners. The book covers various aspects of intercession, from praying for individuals to nations. While most reviews are overwhelmingly positive, a few readers found it challenging to implement the teachings fully.

About the Author

Joy Dawson is a renowned Christian author and speaker, known for her teachings on prayer and spiritual growth. She has been associated with Youth With a Mission (YWAM), where she taught seminars on intercession and hearing God's voice. Joy Dawson's writings are highly regarded for their practical insights and biblical foundation. Her experiences in ministry and personal prayer life have shaped her teachings, which emphasize the importance of listening to God and following His directives. Dawson's work has inspired many Christians worldwide to deepen their prayer lives and engage in intercessory prayer for various aspects of society, from individuals to nations.

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