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Personality Plus

Personality Plus

by Florence Littauer 1992 210 pages
Self Help
Personal Development

Key Takeaways

1. Understand the Four Basic Personality Types

Each one of us has our own set of strengths and weaknesses, and no magic formula works wonders for all of us.

Four distinct personalities. The book introduces four basic personality types: Popular Sanguine (outgoing, talkative, enthusiastic), Perfect Melancholy (analytical, detail-oriented, pessimistic), Powerful Choleric (goal-oriented, decisive, strong-willed), and Peaceful Phlegmatic (calm, easy-going, adaptable). Each type has its own set of strengths and weaknesses that shape how individuals interact with the world and others.

Unique blends. While these four types form the foundation, most people are actually a blend of two or more personalities. This explains why individuals can exhibit traits from different types and why no two people are exactly alike in their behavior and reactions. Understanding these basic types and their combinations helps in recognizing and appreciating the diversity in human behavior and motivations.

2. Recognize Your Own Personality Blend

Your Personality Profile is unlike any others, but the general information in your temperament pattern will be valuable in understanding yourself and in learning to accept others as they are.

Self-assessment tool. The book provides a Personality Profile test to help readers identify their unique blend of personality traits. This self-assessment involves answering a series of questions about behaviors, preferences, and tendencies. The results reveal the dominant personality type and secondary influences, offering insights into one's natural inclinations and potential areas for growth.

Insights for self-understanding. Recognizing one's personality blend is crucial for self-awareness and personal development. It helps explain why certain tasks or interactions come naturally while others feel challenging. This understanding can lead to better decision-making in career choices, relationships, and personal goals. Moreover, it provides a framework for interpreting past experiences and behaviors, fostering a deeper understanding of oneself.

3. Harness the Strengths of Your Personality

Oh, how the world needs Popular Sanguines!

Leverage natural talents. Each personality type comes with its own set of strengths that can be powerful assets when properly utilized. For example:

  • Popular Sanguines excel in social situations and creative endeavors
  • Perfect Melancholies thrive in detailed, analytical work and planning
  • Powerful Cholerics are natural leaders and decision-makers
  • Peaceful Phlegmatics excel in mediating conflicts and maintaining harmony

Maximize potential. By recognizing and embracing these innate strengths, individuals can position themselves for success in various aspects of life. This might involve seeking out roles or responsibilities that align with their natural talents, or deliberately using their strengths to overcome challenges. Understanding one's strengths also boosts confidence and self-esteem, leading to more positive outcomes in personal and professional life.

4. Address the Weaknesses of Your Personality

Positives carried to extremes become negatives.

Recognize limitations. Each personality type also has inherent weaknesses or challenges. For instance, Popular Sanguines may struggle with follow-through, Perfect Melancholies can be overly critical, Powerful Cholerics might be too domineering, and Peaceful Phlegmatics could be perceived as lazy or indecisive. Acknowledging these potential pitfalls is the first step in personal growth.

Strategies for improvement. The book offers specific strategies for each personality type to address their weaknesses:

  • Popular Sanguines: Practice organization and follow-through
  • Perfect Melancholies: Work on being more optimistic and flexible
  • Powerful Cholerics: Learn to listen and be more patient with others
  • Peaceful Phlegmatics: Push themselves to be more proactive and decisive

By actively working on these areas, individuals can become more well-rounded and effective in their personal and professional lives.

5. Appreciate the Differences in Others

Just because others are different does not make them wrong.

Diversity of strengths. Understanding personality types helps in recognizing that different people bring different strengths to the table. This appreciation can lead to more effective teamwork, as individuals learn to value and leverage the diverse skills and perspectives of others. For example, a team might benefit from both the creative ideas of a Sanguine and the detailed planning of a Melancholy.

Improved empathy. Recognizing that others may have different personality types fosters empathy and patience. It helps explain why people react differently to situations or have varying priorities. This understanding can reduce conflicts and misunderstandings in relationships, both personal and professional. It encourages a more tolerant and inclusive approach to interpersonal interactions.

6. Improve Relationships Through Personality Insights

Once you understand how to bring out your best, you'll find that others look better too.

Tailored communication. Understanding personality types allows for more effective communication in relationships. By recognizing the personality of the person you're interacting with, you can adjust your communication style to better resonate with them. For example:

  • With Sanguines: Be enthusiastic and engaging
  • With Melancholies: Provide details and be prepared for in-depth discussions
  • With Cholerics: Be direct and focus on results
  • With Phlegmatics: Be patient and avoid pressuring them

Conflict resolution. Personality insights can be particularly valuable in resolving conflicts. By understanding the underlying motivations and tendencies of different personality types, it becomes easier to find mutually satisfactory solutions. This approach can transform potentially divisive situations into opportunities for strengthening relationships and fostering mutual understanding.

7. Adapt Your Communication Style

Popular Sanguine talks for pleasure, Powerful Choleric for business, but they both are verbal people.

Flexible approach. Effective communication requires adapting one's style to the personality of the listener. This might involve:

  • Using more animated language with Sanguines
  • Providing detailed explanations for Melancholies
  • Being concise and goal-oriented with Cholerics
  • Taking a calm, non-pressuring approach with Phlegmatics

Reading cues. The book teaches how to recognize personality types through verbal and non-verbal cues. This skill allows for real-time adjustments in communication style, enhancing the effectiveness of interactions across various situations, from casual conversations to important negotiations.

8. Embrace Personal Growth and Change

If only Powerful Cholerics didn't spend so much time in planning, they wouldn't force the rest of us incompetents to go ahead without preparation and so botch up intricate work!

Continuous improvement. Understanding one's personality type is not about accepting limitations, but about identifying areas for growth. The book encourages readers to work on their weaknesses while leveraging their strengths. This might involve a Sanguine learning to be more organized, a Melancholy practicing optimism, a Choleric developing patience, or a Phlegmatic becoming more proactive.

Balanced development. The goal is not to change one's fundamental personality but to become a more balanced version of oneself. This involves developing complementary skills and traits that can enhance one's natural tendencies. For example, a Choleric leader might work on developing empathy to become a more effective and well-rounded leader.

9. Navigate Personality Conflicts in Relationships

Opposites attract, and when we focus on the strengths, we fit fine, but when we don't understand our personalities, we tend to focus on the weaknesses and feel "someone different from me" must be wrong.

Understanding differences. Personality conflicts often arise from misunderstandings between different types. The book provides insights into common conflicts between personality types and strategies to navigate them. For instance, a Sanguine's spontaneity might clash with a Melancholy's need for planning, or a Choleric's directness might offend a Phlegmatic's sensitivity.

Conflict resolution strategies. By understanding these potential conflicts, couples and teams can proactively address issues:

  • Recognize that differences are often complementary strengths
  • Practice active listening and empathy
  • Find compromises that respect each person's needs and tendencies
  • Focus on shared goals rather than conflicting methods

10. Apply Personality Knowledge in Various Life Situations

The knowledge of the personalities can help each one of us to function better in social situations, to converse in a manner that will be appropriate and pleasing to the others present, and to understand the positives and the negatives of other people.

Workplace applications. Understanding personality types can significantly improve workplace dynamics:

  • Team building: Creating balanced teams with complementary strengths
  • Leadership: Adapting management styles to different personality types
  • Career guidance: Choosing roles that align with natural strengths and preferences

Personal life benefits. Personality insights can enhance various aspects of personal life:

  • Parenting: Understanding and nurturing children's unique personalities
  • Friendships: Cultivating deeper, more understanding relationships
  • Self-development: Setting realistic goals and strategies for personal growth

By applying personality knowledge across different life domains, individuals can enhance their overall quality of life, improve their relationships, and achieve greater personal and professional success.

Last updated:

Review Summary

4.2 out of 5
Average of 10k+ ratings from Goodreads and Amazon.

Personality Plus receives mixed reviews. Many readers find it insightful for understanding themselves and others, praising its humor and practical applications. Some consider it life-changing, while others criticize it as pseudoscience or overly simplistic. The four personality types are seen as helpful by some but limiting by others. Readers appreciate the self-assessment test and real-life examples, though some find them exaggerated. Overall, the book is valued for its potential to improve relationships and self-awareness, despite its limitations.

About the Author

Florence Littauer is a prominent Christian self-help author and public speaker, best known for her Personality Plus series. Her work focuses on understanding and improving personal relationships through personality analysis. Littauer's impact on the self-help genre has been significant, earning her recognition as one of the 100 Christian women who changed the 20th century. Her expertise in public speaking is acknowledged by the National Speakers Association, which awarded her the Council of Peers Award for Excellence and designated her as a Certified Speaking Professional. Littauer's contributions have influenced both religious and secular audiences in the field of personal development.

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