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Rules for Revolutionaries

Rules for Revolutionaries

How Big Organizing Can Change Everything
by Becky Bond 2016 224 pages
Social Justice
9 minutes

Key Takeaways

1. Big Organizing: Mobilizing Millions for Revolutionary Change

"Big organizing is what leaders do in movements that mobilize millions of people."

Scale matters. Big organizing is about creating campaigns that allow people to work together to realize their dreams for a more just world. It involves mobilizing millions of people to take action towards a shared goal, often using technology to scale participation in politics.

Key elements of big organizing:

  • Clear, radical demands that match the scale of the problems
  • A credible theory of change that explains why organizing matters
  • Meaningful roles for volunteers at all levels of engagement
  • Use of technology to enable large-scale participation
  • A centralized plan with distributed execution

Big organizing recognizes that communities are filled with talented and intelligent people who understand what is broken and can make lasting change when given the right resources and strategy. It rejects the paternalistic notion that an enlightened core of outside organizers is necessary to show the way.

2. The Revolution Will Not Be Staffed: Empowering Volunteer Leaders

"There will never be enough money to pay all the organizers the revolution needs."

Volunteers as leaders. The revolution relies on empowering volunteer leaders to take on significant responsibilities and management roles. This approach recognizes that there are more than enough amazing volunteer leaders among the people, and that three or four talented and committed volunteers working part-time can often do the work of a full-time paid staffer.

Key strategies for empowering volunteers:

  • Treat volunteers as peers and colleagues, not subordinates
  • Give volunteers meaningful work and real responsibility
  • Provide clear structures and systems for volunteer teams
  • Use technology to enable coordination across time and space
  • Continuously recruit and develop new volunteer leaders

By embracing the idea that "the revolution will not be staffed," campaigns can scale far beyond what would be possible with paid staff alone. This approach also helps build long-term movement leadership and capacity.

3. Fighting Racism at the Core: Building a Truly Inclusive Movement

"If it is not led by people of color and immigrants, if it doesn't have fighting racism and xenophobia at its core, and if it is not mobilizing white people to lead other whites to choose multiracial solidarity over fear and hate—then it's not a revolution."

Centering anti-racism. Building a truly inclusive movement requires putting the fight against racism and xenophobia at the core of the message to everyone, not just as an afterthought aimed at capturing certain constituencies. This means:

  • Authentic leadership from working-class people of color and immigrants
  • Addressing structural racism as central to economic inequality
  • Mobilizing white people to choose multiracial solidarity
  • Recognizing the interconnected nature of various forms of oppression

A political revolution must unite people across racial lines to defend black lives and build a movement with authentic leadership from working-class people of color and immigrants. White people have a special responsibility to ensure that white working and middle class voters choose multiracial solidarity as the only true path to addressing income inequality.

4. Barnstorming: Mass Meetings as a Powerful Organizing Tool

"Use mass meetings as a technology to put people to work in teams and immediately."

Efficient volunteer activation. Barnstorms are scripted, 90-minute mass meetings designed to rapidly recruit and activate large numbers of volunteers. They serve as a powerful organizing tool by:

  • Communicating campaign strategy directly to supporters
  • Making specific asks for high-impact volunteer roles
  • Facilitating immediate sign-ups for concrete actions
  • Building local volunteer teams and leadership
  • Creating a sense of momentum and shared purpose

Key elements of successful barnstorms:

  • Clear, time-bound agenda focused on action
  • Strong asks for volunteer leadership roles
  • In-person sign-ups for specific volunteer shifts
  • Peer-to-peer recruitment for future events
  • Replicable format that can be led by volunteers

By optimizing the barnstorm format through continuous iteration, campaigns can create a powerful "technology" for rapidly scaling volunteer engagement and action.

5. Embracing Technology: Consumer Software and Custom Coding

"Consumer software on our computers and mobile devices has transformed how people organize their lives and their interactions with each other, and it is the new expanded terrain on which organizing succeeds or fails."

Leveraging accessible tools. Embracing consumer software platforms, connected by custom coding where necessary, can enable campaigns to build powerful, connected, and inclusive organizing structures. This approach offers several advantages:

  • Accessibility and familiarity for volunteers
  • Rapid scaling without large upfront investments
  • Flexibility to adapt to changing needs
  • Empowerment of volunteer-led teams

Examples of key platforms:

  • Slack for team communication and coordination
  • Google Docs for collaborative content creation
  • Trello for project management
  • Custom web apps to bridge gaps in functionality

By putting consumer software at the center, campaigns can create sophisticated volunteer operations that scale far beyond what would be possible with traditional tools and staffing models.

6. Rinse and Repeat: Building Scalable, Replicable Organizing Processes

"Mass movements can move mountains if you give each person a shovel."

Scalable action. Creating "rinse and repeat" processes - simple, effective tactics that can be easily replicated by large numbers of people - is key to building powerful movements. This involves:

  1. Identifying high-impact actions that can be widely distributed
  2. Creating clear systems and training for these actions
  3. Continuously refining and optimizing the processes
  4. Developing ways to scale up participation over time

Examples of rinse-and-repeat tactics:

  • Phone banking using virtual call center software
  • Peer-to-peer texting programs
  • Volunteer-led barnstorm meetings

By focusing on scalable, repeatable actions, movements can harness the power of large numbers of people working towards a common goal. This approach also allows for rapid growth and adaptation as conditions change.

7. Preparing for Counterrevolution: Staying Focused Amid Opposition

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they start posting mean comments on your Facebook timeline."

Expect resistance. As movements gain momentum and threaten the status quo, they will face increasing opposition - often from unexpected sources. Preparing for this counterrevolution is crucial for maintaining focus and momentum. Key points:

  • Opposition may come from perceived allies and friends
  • Attacks often intensify as movements gain success
  • Counterrevolutionaries may try to co-opt or water down demands

Strategies for dealing with counterrevolution:

  • Stay focused on core goals and strategies
  • Don't get distracted by personal attacks or drama
  • Identify true allies vs. fair-weather supporters
  • Continue to welcome and empower new participants

Understanding that resistance is a natural part of creating change can help movements stay resilient and focused on their ultimate goals.

8. Intersectionality: There's No Such Thing as a Single-Issue Revolution

"All of our struggles are connected. There can be no single-issue revolution."

Holistic approach. Effective movements recognize the interconnected nature of various social and economic issues. This intersectional approach:

  • Acknowledges that people's lives are affected by multiple, overlapping systems of oppression
  • Builds broader coalitions by addressing diverse concerns
  • Creates more comprehensive and effective solutions

Examples of interconnected issues:

  • Climate change and economic justice
  • Racial equity and healthcare access
  • Immigration reform and labor rights

By embracing an intersectional approach, movements can build stronger, more inclusive coalitions capable of creating transformative change. This also helps attract a wider range of supporters who see their own struggles reflected in the movement's goals.

Last updated:

Review Summary

3.84 out of 5
Average of 500+ ratings from Goodreads and Amazon.

The reviews for Rules for Revolutionaries are mixed, with ratings ranging from 1 to 5 stars. Positive reviews praise the book's insights into grassroots organizing and political campaigning, particularly regarding the Bernie Sanders campaign. Critics find it repetitive, overly focused on Sanders, and lacking broader applicability. Some readers appreciate the practical tips for organizing, while others feel the advice is basic or too specific to Sanders' campaign. The book's tone and emphasis on volunteer sacrifice are points of contention among reviewers.

About the Author

Becky Bond and Zack Exley are political organizers and strategists who worked on Bernie Sanders' 2016 presidential campaign. Becky Bond and Zack Exley draw from their experience to provide insights into grassroots organizing and political campaigning in their book "Rules for Revolutionaries." Bond has a background in progressive activism and has worked with various organizations, including CREDO Mobile. Exley has been involved in multiple political campaigns and has experience in digital organizing. Both authors are known for their innovative approaches to volunteer engagement and their emphasis on leveraging technology and grassroots support in political movements. Their work focuses on empowering volunteers and creating large-scale, decentralized organizing structures.

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