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StoryBranding(TM) 2.0 (Second Edition) - Creating Stand-Out Brands Through the Purpose of Story

StoryBranding(TM) 2.0 (Second Edition) - Creating Stand-Out Brands Through the Purpose of Story

by Jim Signorelli 2014 296 pages
9 minutes

Key Takeaways

1. Brand storytelling is essential for creating lasting customer connections

"Brands as stories help reinforce our own self-images too."

Brand stories create meaning. Unlike traditional marketing that focuses solely on product features and benefits, brand storytelling creates an emotional connection with customers. This approach taps into the power of narrative to engage audiences on a deeper level, making the brand more memorable and relatable.

Stories resonate universally. Humans are hardwired to respond to stories, as they've been used for millennia to convey important information and values. By framing a brand as a story, marketers can leverage this innate human tendency to create stronger, more lasting connections with their audience.

Self-identification drives loyalty. When customers see themselves reflected in a brand's story, they're more likely to develop a sense of loyalty and advocacy. This self-identification goes beyond mere product satisfaction, creating a relationship based on shared values and beliefs.

2. The StoryBranding process aligns brand values with customer beliefs

"StoryBranding is a process designed to help us know brands the way stories help us know ourselves."

Six Cs of StoryBranding:

  • Collect the Backstory
  • Characterize the Brand
  • Characterize the Prospect
  • Connect the Characters
  • Confront the Obstacles
  • Complete the StoryBrief

Brand-first approach. Unlike traditional marketing that starts with customer needs, StoryBranding begins by defining the brand's core values and beliefs. This ensures authenticity and provides a strong foundation for building meaningful customer relationships.

Matching process. The StoryBranding approach seeks to align the brand's inner and outer layers with those of the target audience. This alignment creates a natural affinity between the brand and its customers, fostering stronger connections and brand loyalty.

3. A brand's inner layer (values) and outer layer (features) must be congruent

"Hypocrisy can kill a brand. Brands must shield themselves from falsity at all costs."

Inner layer defines purpose. A brand's inner layer consists of its core values, beliefs, and motivations. This is the "why" behind the brand's existence and actions, providing depth and meaning beyond mere product features.

Outer layer demonstrates values. The outer layer comprises the tangible aspects of a brand, including products, services, and customer interactions. To build trust and credibility, these elements must consistently reflect and reinforce the brand's inner layer values.

Consistency builds trust. When a brand's actions (outer layer) consistently align with its stated values (inner layer), it creates a sense of authenticity and reliability. This congruence is essential for building long-term customer relationships and brand loyalty.

4. Effective brand stories resonate with existing customer beliefs

"The best stories don't teach people anything new. Instead, the best stories agree with what the audience already believes and makes the members of the audience feel smart and secure when reminded how right they were in the first place."

Reinforce, don't change. Successful brand stories don't attempt to radically alter customer beliefs. Instead, they tap into existing values and perspectives, reinforcing and clarifying them in a way that feels natural and authentic.

Authenticity over manipulation. Rather than trying to manufacture a brand image based solely on market research, effective storytelling requires brands to identify and express their genuine core values. This authenticity resonates more strongly with customers than contrived messaging.

Examples of brand alignment:

  • Old Spice: Modernized its masculine identity without changing core values
  • Volkswagen Beetle: Reconnected with its counter-culture roots
  • Apple: Consistently reinforces "Think Different" mentality across products

5. Brand archetypes help define and communicate brand identity

"Archetypal analysis is a diagnostic tool for the purpose of aiding judgment. It is not an exact science and does not purport to be."

12 common brand archetypes:

  1. The Hero
  2. The Outlaw
  3. The Magician
  4. The Regular Guy/Gal
  5. The Lover
  6. The Caregiver
  7. The Ruler
  8. The Creator
  9. The Innocent
  10. The Sage
  11. The Explorer
  12. The Jester

Simplify brand personality. Archetypes provide a framework for understanding and communicating a brand's core identity. By associating with familiar character types, brands can more easily convey their values and personality to customers.

Guide brand behavior. Once a brand archetype is established, it serves as a guide for consistent messaging and actions across all touchpoints. This consistency helps reinforce the brand's identity and strengthens customer connections.

6. Obstacles in brand storytelling mirror the hero's journey in traditional narratives

"Brands, too, must deal with obstacles both physical and psychological on their way to achieve the goal of affiliation with the prospect."

Four levels of brand-customer connection:

  1. Product Function Awareness
  2. Product Superiority Comprehension
  3. Brand Association
  4. Brand Affiliation

Progressive relationship building. Like a hero in a story, a brand must overcome obstacles to reach its ultimate goal of customer affiliation. Each level represents a deepening of the brand-customer relationship, with unique challenges to overcome.

Affiliation as the ultimate goal. Reaching Level 4 (Brand Affiliation) creates the strongest, most enduring customer relationships. At this level, customers identify with the brand's values and become brand advocates, providing a significant competitive advantage.

7. The StoryBrief synthesizes brand strategy into a cohesive narrative

"The StoryBrief, similar to the traditional creative brief, provides a summary of strategic thought and sets up the expectations for the brand's messaging."

Key components of the StoryBrief:

  • Backstory
  • Brand's inner and outer layers
  • Prospect's inner and outer layers
  • Communication obstacles
  • Unique Value Proposition (UVP)

I AM statements. The StoryBrief includes first-person narratives for both the brand and the prospect, helping to create empathy and deeper understanding of both perspectives.

UVP as story essence. The Unique Value Proposition distills the brand's core belief or value into a simple, powerful statement. This serves as the foundation for all brand communications and helps guide decision-making across the organization.

8. Authenticity is crucial for building trust and brand loyalty

"Brands must shield themselves from falsity at all cost."

Actions speak louder than words. Customers are increasingly skeptical of advertising claims. Brands must demonstrate their values through consistent actions and behaviors rather than relying solely on promotional messages.

Transparency builds credibility. In the age of social media and instant information sharing, brands must be open and honest about their practices. Attempting to hide or misrepresent information can quickly erode trust and damage the brand's reputation.

Long-term perspective. Building authentic brand relationships requires a commitment to consistently living up to stated values over time. Short-term gains at the expense of authenticity can have lasting negative consequences.

9. Big-T Truths evoke emotional responses, while small-t truths provide facts

"Whereas small-t truths are explicitly stated, Big-T Truths come from within us."

Small-t truths:

  • Objective, provable facts
  • Product features and specifications
  • Explicit claims and statements

Big-T Truths:

  • Emotional, subjective interpretations
  • Brand values and beliefs
  • Implied meanings and associations

Balance for effective communication. While small-t truths provide necessary information, Big-T Truths create deeper connections with customers. Successful brand storytelling combines both elements to create a compelling and authentic narrative.

10. Personal branding benefits from storytelling principles

"If you have a birth certificate, you are a brand."

Apply StoryBranding to yourself:

  • Identify your inner layer (values and beliefs)
  • Align your outer layer (actions and achievements)
  • Craft a personal narrative that resonates with your audience

Show, don't tell. Instead of listing accomplishments, demonstrate your values through stories and examples. This approach creates a more engaging and memorable personal brand.

Authenticity in personal branding. Like corporate brands, personal brands must be genuine and consistent. Trying to present an inauthentic image will ultimately undermine your credibility and effectiveness.

Last updated:

Review Summary

3.95 out of 5
Average of 100+ ratings from Goodreads and Amazon.

StoryBranding 2.0 receives mixed reviews, with an average rating of 3.95 out of 5. Positive reviews praise its innovative approach to marketing through storytelling and its actionable strategies for brand development. Critics find it overly simplistic and lacking concrete examples. Some readers appreciate the book's insights into creating human-like brands that build affiliation, while others feel it could have been condensed. Overall, readers value the book's fresh perspective on marketing, despite some concerns about its organization and depth of content.

About the Author

Jim Signorelli is a renowned marketing expert and thought leader specializing in StoryBranding. He has authored articles featured in various publications and has worked with major advertising agencies on accounts for prominent brands. Signorelli founded eswStoryLab Marketing, recognized as one of Chicago's top 25 agencies by Crain's Chicago Business and listed in Inc. 500's fastest-growing independent companies for three consecutive years. His first edition of StoryBranding received a Gold Medal from Axiom Business Book Awards. Signorelli is also a recipient of the U.S. Bank's Smart Leader Award. His expertise in StoryBranding has earned him international recognition as a leading authority in the field.

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