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Surrounded by Psychopaths

Surrounded by Psychopaths

How to Protect Yourself from Being Manipulated and Exploited in Business (and in Life) [The Surrounded by Idiots Series]
by Thomas Erikson 2020 260 pages
Self Help
8 minutes

Key Takeaways

1. Psychopaths are more common than you think and can be anyone around you

Psychopaths are living in society just like the rest of us.

Hidden in plain sight. Contrary to popular belief, psychopaths are not all locked away in prisons. They walk among us, often undetected, in our workplaces, social circles, and even families. Research suggests that 2-4% of the population exhibits psychopathic traits, which is a significant number when you consider the impact one psychopath can have on multiple lives.

Wolves in sheep's clothing. Psychopaths are master manipulators who can charm and deceive those around them. They often appear normal, even charismatic, making it difficult to identify them. Key traits include:

  • Lack of empathy or remorse
  • Superficial charm
  • Manipulative behavior
  • Grandiose sense of self-worth
  • Pathological lying

2. Self-awareness is your first line of defense against manipulation

Your greatest strength is to know yourself.

Know thyself. Understanding your own strengths, weaknesses, and vulnerabilities is crucial in protecting yourself from manipulation. Psychopaths are adept at identifying and exploiting others' insecurities and blind spots. By increasing your self-awareness, you can:

  • Recognize when someone is trying to manipulate you
  • Identify your emotional triggers and vulnerabilities
  • Develop strategies to counter manipulation attempts

The Johari Window. This psychological tool can help you understand your blind spots and hidden areas of your personality. By seeking feedback from others and being open to self-reflection, you can reduce the areas that psychopaths might exploit.

3. Understanding behavior types helps identify potential psychopaths

The DISC model does not work for analyzing people with ADHD, Asperger's, borderline personality disorder, or other disorders.

DISC behavior types. The DISC model categorizes behavior into four main types: Dominant (Red), Influential (Yellow), Stable (Green), and Compliant (Blue). While this model is useful for understanding general behavior patterns, it's important to note that psychopaths don't fit neatly into these categories.

Red flags across types. Psychopaths can mimic behaviors from different DISC types, but certain traits remain consistent:

  • Inconsistent behavior across situations
  • Lack of genuine emotional depth
  • Manipulative tactics tailored to each behavior type
  • Ability to switch between behavior types to suit their needs

Understanding these behavior types can help you identify when someone's actions don't align with their purported personality, potentially signaling psychopathic tendencies.

4. Psychopaths use specific manipulation techniques to control others

Manipulation is a type of social influence with the purpose of changing the behavior of others by using hidden or deceptive methods or by using mental or physical encroachment.

Toolkit of manipulation. Psychopaths employ a variety of techniques to control and exploit others:

  • Arbitrary positive reinforcement
  • Negative reinforcement
  • Unfathomable smoke screens
  • Having your feelings turned against you
  • The triangle drama
  • Silent treatment

Emotional rollercoaster. These techniques are designed to keep victims off-balance and dependent on the psychopath. By alternating between praise and criticism, creating confusion, and isolating their targets, psychopaths maintain control over their victims' emotions and actions.

Understanding these techniques is crucial for recognizing when you're being manipulated and developing strategies to counter these tactics.

5. Love bombing and gaslighting are powerful tools in a psychopath's arsenal

Love bombing is an extremely insidious tactic designed to confuse you and make you feel uncertain.

Love bombing. This technique involves overwhelming the victim with affection, attention, and praise in the early stages of a relationship. The psychopath creates an idealized image of themselves and the relationship, making the victim feel special and loved. This sets the stage for future manipulation and control.

Gaslighting. This insidious tactic involves making the victim question their own reality and sanity. The psychopath will:

  • Deny events or conversations that occurred
  • Twist facts to suit their narrative
  • Blame the victim for misremembering or overreacting
  • Gradually erode the victim's self-confidence and trust in their own perceptions

Both techniques are particularly effective because they exploit fundamental human needs for love, validation, and certainty. Recognizing these tactics is crucial for protecting yourself from emotional manipulation.

6. Recognize the signs of manipulation in your relationships and workplace

If someone manipulates you and you find out that there is only one correct response—leave.

Red flags in relationships. Be aware of these warning signs:

  • Inconsistent behavior and mood swings
  • Isolating you from friends and family
  • Constant criticism disguised as "helping" you
  • Making you feel guilty for asserting boundaries
  • Taking credit for your accomplishments

Workplace manipulation. In professional settings, watch out for:

  • Colleagues who always shift blame to others
  • Bosses who use fear or favoritism to control employees
  • Co-workers who gossip or spread rumors to undermine others
  • Superiors who withhold important information or resources

Recognizing these signs early can help you take action before the manipulation escalates and causes significant harm to your personal or professional life.

7. Develop strategies to resist manipulation and protect yourself

Act like a Red. Release your true emotions and act assertively and quickly. Save yourself from being reduced to a shadow of what you once were.

Assertiveness is key. Develop the ability to stand up for yourself without aggression. This includes:

  • Setting clear boundaries and enforcing them
  • Expressing your thoughts and feelings directly
  • Saying "no" without feeling guilty
  • Asking for what you want or need

Trust your instincts. If something feels off, it probably is. Don't dismiss your gut feelings or allow others to invalidate your perceptions.

Seek support. Build a network of trusted friends, family, or professionals who can provide objective perspectives and emotional support. This network can help you maintain your sense of reality when faced with manipulation attempts.

8. Break free from manipulative relationships by taking decisive action

If you do the same that you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten.

Breaking the cycle. To escape a manipulative relationship:

  1. Recognize the manipulation for what it is
  2. Decide that you deserve better
  3. Plan your exit strategy carefully
  4. Seek professional help if needed
  5. Cut off contact with the manipulator

Rebuilding and healing. After leaving a manipulative relationship:

  • Focus on self-care and rebuilding your self-esteem
  • Reflect on the experience to identify red flags for the future
  • Gradually rebuild trust in yourself and others
  • Consider therapy to process the experience and develop healthier relationship patterns

Remember, breaking free from manipulation is a process that requires courage and persistence. Taking decisive action is the first step towards reclaiming your life and well-being.

Last updated:

Review Summary

3.54 out of 5
Average of 7k+ ratings from Goodreads and Amazon.

Surrounded by Psychopaths receives mixed reviews. Some readers find it insightful and helpful for understanding manipulative behavior, while others criticize its lack of scientific rigor and overuse of the DISC personality model. The book's focus on identifying and dealing with psychopaths is praised by some but considered alarmist by others. Many appreciate the practical advice for recognizing manipulation tactics, though some find the content repetitive. The translation quality and physical book production are generally well-regarded. Overall, opinions are divided on the book's value and credibility.

About the Author

Thomas Erikson is a Swedish bestselling author known for his "Surrounded by-" series on human behavior. His books have been translated into nearly 60 languages and sold over 8 million copies. Erikson is also a popular public speaker, delivering around 120 keynotes annually on topics like human behavior, self-awareness, and leadership. He persevered for 20 years before getting published, driven by his lifelong dream of becoming an author. Erikson lives in the Swedish countryside with his wife, runs a family business offering online courses, and has a passion for gardening, tweed, and collecting old Land Rovers.

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