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Take Your Time

Take Your Time

The Wisdom of Slowing Down
by Eknath Easwaran 2012 216 pages
Self Help
6 minutes

Key Takeaways

1. Slow Down to Reclaim Time and Find Inner Peace

"However much we have to do, we don't have to be in a hurry."

Modern life's mania for speed has created a paradox where we try to fit more into our fixed 24 hours, only to find we have less and less time. This hurried state leaves us unable to truly enjoy life's moments or connect with others. By consciously slowing down, we can:

  • Reclaim time for what truly matters
  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Improve our relationships and overall well-being

To practice slowing down:

  • Wake up earlier to start your day calmly
  • Give yourself more time for tasks and transitions
  • Pause to reflect before reacting
  • Cultivate patience in daily interactions

2. Practice One-Pointed Attention for Greater Effectiveness

"When the mind is not rushing about in a hurry, it is calm, alert, and ready for anything."

One-pointed attention is the ability to focus completely on the task at hand without distraction. This skill is essential for:

  • Increased productivity and effectiveness
  • Improved learning and retention
  • Enhanced emotional stability
  • Deeper enjoyment of life's experiences

To develop one-pointed attention:

  • Practice doing one thing at a time, giving it your full focus
  • When multitasking is necessary, consciously shift your attention between tasks
  • During conversations, listen actively without planning your response
  • Regularly engage in activities that require sustained concentration, like reading or puzzles

3. Cultivate Balance Between Energy and Stillness

"When harmony predominates, it means your mind is at peace, so you cannot be disappointed."

Life oscillates between periods of high energy and inertia, but true balance lies in learning to harness and direct our energy effectively. This balance allows us to:

  • Respond to life's challenges with equanimity
  • Maintain enthusiasm without becoming frantic
  • Find fulfillment in both action and rest

To cultivate this balance:

  • Observe your energy patterns throughout the day
  • Engage fully in activities when energized, but allow for periods of rest
  • Practice mindfulness to become aware of when you're becoming overly agitated or lethargic
  • Develop the ability to calm your mind through meditation or deep breathing

4. Free Yourself from Rigid Likes and Dislikes

"Training the senses does not mean depriving them. It means educating them – teaching them not to demand things at our expense."

Rigid preferences often lead to disappointment, conflict, and a narrowing of life experiences. By loosening our grip on likes and dislikes, we can:

  • Adapt more easily to change
  • Expand our enjoyment of life
  • Improve relationships by being more accommodating

To practice flexibility:

  • Consciously try new experiences, especially those you think you won't like
  • When faced with a disliked situation, look for positive aspects
  • Practice accepting small inconveniences without complaint
  • Reflect on how your preferences might be limiting your growth

5. Nurture Meaningful Relationships Through Undivided Attention

"Children need this kind of attention, and we need time for listening to their stories. Our undivided attention is more precious to them than any gift we could buy them."

Quality relationships are fundamental to human happiness and require intentional nurturing. By giving our undivided attention to others, we can:

  • Deepen our connections and understanding
  • Create a sense of value and importance in others
  • Improve communication and reduce misunderstandings

To strengthen relationships:

  • Practice active listening without interrupting or planning your response
  • Put away distractions (like phones) during conversations
  • Show genuine interest in others' experiences and perspectives
  • Make time for regular, unrushed interactions with loved ones

6. Discover Your True Self Beyond the Physical

"We are not imperfect physical creatures. Our essence is spiritual, and our greatest need is simply to discover our real nature."

Understanding our true nature as spiritual beings can transform our approach to life. This realization helps us:

  • Find deeper meaning and purpose
  • Overcome feelings of inadequacy or limitation
  • Connect more profoundly with others and the world around us

To explore your true self:

  • Engage in regular spiritual reading from various traditions
  • Practice self-reflection through journaling or meditation
  • Seek experiences that expand your sense of self beyond the physical
  • Cultivate compassion and empathy as expressions of your spiritual nature

7. Develop a Still Mind for Healing and Clarity

"When the mind grows still, it is full of healing power."

A still mind is not an idle mind, but one that can observe thoughts and emotions without being swept away by them. This stillness allows for:

  • Greater emotional resilience
  • Clearer decision-making
  • Enhanced problem-solving abilities
  • A deeper sense of peace and well-being

To cultivate mental stillness:

  • Practice regular meditation or mindfulness exercises
  • Create moments of quiet throughout your day
  • Learn to observe your thoughts without judgment
  • Engage in activities that naturally quiet your mind, like walking in nature

8. Use Mantras and Meditation to Tame the Racing Mind

"The mantram has immense power to slow down the speed of the mind and lift its attention from any problem that is troubling us."

Mantras and meditation are powerful tools for calming the mind and accessing inner wisdom. Regular practice can lead to:

  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Improved focus and concentration
  • Greater self-awareness and emotional regulation
  • Access to deeper states of consciousness

To incorporate these practices:

  • Choose a mantra that resonates with you and repeat it regularly, especially during stressful times
  • Establish a daily meditation practice, even if it's just for a few minutes
  • Use guided meditations to help you get started
  • Experiment with different techniques to find what works best for you

Review Summary

4.3 out of 5
Average of 500+ ratings from Goodreads and Amazon.

Readers praise Take Your Time for its practical wisdom and transformative potential. Many describe it as life-changing, offering simple yet powerful techniques to slow down and find peace. The book's easy-to-read style and relatable examples make it accessible to all. While some found parts repetitive, most appreciated its gentle guidance and profound insights, often returning to it for inspiration and guidance.

About the Author

Eknath Easwaran (1910-1999) was a respected spiritual teacher and author of over 30 books on spiritual living. He pioneered passage meditation and was known for his accessible translations of Indian spiritual classics. Easwaran founded the Blue Mountain Center of Meditation in California and taught the first accredited university course on meditation in the West at UC Berkeley in 1968. His teachings continue to inspire and guide seekers worldwide through his books and the center's ongoing work.

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