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The Little Book of Big Weight Loss

The Little Book of Big Weight Loss

by Bernadette Fisers 2017 144 pages
Self Help
8 minutes

Key Takeaways

1. Ditch Sugar and Processed Foods for Rapid Weight Loss

Sugar turns into fat right away—unless you're an Olympic athlete or superactive and burn it—and has a toxic effect on your body when overconsumed.

Sugar is addictive and fattening. It's hidden in many foods, even savory ones, under various names. Processed foods often contain added sugars, unhealthy fats, and salt, contributing to weight gain and health issues. By eliminating these, you can achieve faster weight loss and improve overall health.

  • Common sugar aliases: agave nectar, cane juice, corn syrup, fructose, maltose
  • Hidden sugar sources: BBQ sauce, bread, breakfast cereals, salad dressings
  • Processed foods to avoid: potato chips, cookies, chocolate bars, frozen meals

Fructose is particularly problematic. Unlike glucose, it doesn't send satiety signals to the brain, leading to overconsumption. This creates a vicious cycle of craving and eating more, without feeling full.

2. Embrace Whole Foods and Natural Fats

I mostly don't eat processed foods . . .

Whole foods are nutrient-dense and satisfying. Focus on single-ingredient foods like vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, and healthy fats. These provide essential nutrients without added chemicals or preservatives.

  • Protein sources: eggs, fish, lean meats, legumes
  • Healthy fats: avocados, nuts, seeds, olive oil
  • Carbohydrates: leafy greens, berries, sweet potatoes

Don't fear natural fats. Contrary to popular belief, full-fat dairy and other natural fats can be part of a healthy diet. They help you feel fuller longer and provide essential nutrients. Opt for full-fat Greek yogurt, cheese, and milk instead of their low-fat counterparts, which often contain added sugars.

3. Practice Intermittent Fasting for Metabolic Boost

Overnight is an easy time to do an intermittent fast. Fasting lowers insulin levels, increases growth hormone levels and increases the amount of a brain chemical called norepinephrine, all of which encourage the breakdown of body fat and facilitate its use for energy.

Intermittent fasting can accelerate weight loss. By limiting eating to specific hours, typically 10 AM to 7 PM, you give your body time to repair and burn stored fat. This method can increase metabolic rate by up to 14%, helping you burn more calories.

  • Fasting window: 15 hours for women, 16 hours for men
  • Eating window: 8-9 hours daily
  • Benefits: improved insulin sensitivity, increased fat burning, cellular repair

Start gradually. Begin with a 12-hour fast and gradually increase to 14-16 hours. Drink water, black coffee, or green tea during fasting periods to stay hydrated and suppress appetite.

4. Hydrate Wisely and Limit Alcohol Intake

Water is essential to life. And it's essential to feeling good and dropping weight.

Proper hydration is crucial for weight loss. Aim for 6-8 glasses of water daily, more in hot weather or during exercise. Often, thirst is mistaken for hunger, leading to unnecessary snacking.

Hydration tips:

  • Drink water 15 minutes before meals
  • Keep a water bottle nearby
  • Add lemon or cucumber for flavor

Limit alcohol consumption. Alcoholic beverages are often high in calories and can lead to poor food choices. Opt for vodka with lime and soda instead of sugary cocktails or wine. Limit intake to one drink on weekends, if at all.

5. Move More: 10,000 Steps a Day for Better Health

Taking 10,000 steps a day is a rough equivalent of the guideline to do 150 minutes of activity a week—i.e., 25 minutes every day.

Regular movement is essential for weight loss and overall health. Aim for 10,000 steps daily, which can be achieved through walking, running, or other activities. This level of activity helps reduce BMI, waist size, and risk of various diseases.

Benefits of 10,000 steps:

  • Lower BMI
  • Reduced waist size
  • Increased energy
  • Lower risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease

Incorporate movement throughout your day. Take walks during lunch breaks, use stairs instead of elevators, or have walking meetings. Remember, while exercise is important, diet plays a more significant role in weight loss.

6. Prioritize Sleep and Stress Management

When I'm supertired, I make poor decisions for my weight, like reaching for cookies or hunting through my daughter's bedroom to find the remnants of her party candy—desperate, really.

Quality sleep is crucial for weight management. Aim for 7.5-9 hours of sleep nightly. Lack of sleep can slow metabolism and increase cravings for unhealthy foods.

Sleep tips:

  • Maintain a consistent sleep schedule
  • Create a relaxing bedtime routine
  • Avoid screens before bed

Manage stress effectively. Chronic stress can lead to weight gain due to increased cortisol production. Find healthy ways to cope with stress, such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises.

7. Read Labels and Prepare Meals in Advance

Generally, the fewer ingredients, the better. Stay away from anything with trans fats, as well as significant added sugar and salt.

Become a label-reading expert. Look for short ingredient lists with recognizable items. Be wary of hidden sugars, unhealthy fats, and excessive sodium.

Label reading tips:

  • Ingredients are listed by quantity (highest to lowest)
  • Watch for different names for sugar
  • Check serving sizes

Meal preparation is key to success. Plan and prepare meals in advance to avoid impulsive, unhealthy food choices. Keep your kitchen stocked with wholesome ingredients and pre-cut vegetables for easy, nutritious meals.

8. Mindful Eating: Listen to Your Body's Signals

When you eat, focus on how your stomach feels through the entire meal.

Practice mindful eating. Pay attention to hunger and fullness cues. Eat slowly and stop when you feel satisfied, not overly full. It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to register fullness, so take your time during meals.

Mindful eating techniques:

  • Chew thoroughly
  • Put down utensils between bites
  • Eliminate distractions during meals

Recognize emotional eating triggers. Learn to differentiate between physical hunger and emotional cravings. Find alternative ways to cope with emotions that don't involve food.

9. Gradual Implementation for Lasting Change

Week by week, I took on one hard task and one easy task, until I was doing all these habits together.

Make sustainable changes over time. Instead of overhauling your entire lifestyle at once, introduce new habits gradually. This approach increases the likelihood of long-term success.

Sample implementation plan:

  • Week 1: Eliminate processed foods and start walking
  • Week 2: Cut out sugar and improve sleep habits
  • Week 3: Reduce carbs and stop drinking soda

Be patient and persistent. Weight loss is not always linear. Expect plateaus and minor setbacks, but stay committed to your new healthy lifestyle.

10. Maintain Positivity and Self-Compassion

Be your own best friend and coach; positive reinforcement will help you in the short and long term.

Cultivate a positive mindset. Celebrate small victories and learn from setbacks. Avoid negative self-talk and unrealistic media portrayals of body image.

Positive reinforcement techniques:

  • Keep a gratitude journal
  • Reward non-food accomplishments
  • Surround yourself with supportive people

Practice self-compassion. Understand that perfection is not the goal. If you slip up, acknowledge it without judgment and get back on track with your next meal or decision.

Last updated:

Review Summary

3.48 out of 5
Average of 100+ ratings from Goodreads and Amazon.

The Little Book of Big Weight Loss receives mixed reviews, with an average rating of 3.48/5. Many readers appreciate its concise, straightforward approach to weight loss, praising the 31 practical rules and tips. Some find it motivating and easy to follow, while others criticize it for lacking new information or scientific backing. Positive reviews highlight its simplicity and effectiveness, while negative reviews call it basic or a waste of time. Overall, readers seem to value its quick-read format and no-nonsense advice, even if the content is familiar.

About the Author

Bernadette Fisers is an Australian mother and hair and makeup artist who grew up in a tough neighborhood. She started working at age 12 and developed a lifelong obsession with food and nice underwear. After having her daughter, Fisers reached 283lbs and faced health issues like pre-diabetes and hypertension. She lost 66lbs in 30 weeks and wrote her book to share her weight loss method with others. Fisers describes herself as a terrible dieter but found success with her approach, which she considers reasonable, logical, and fast-acting. Her book has been translated into multiple languages, aiming to help people worldwide with their health and weight loss goals.

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