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The Meta Secret

The Meta Secret

The Next Level
by Mel Gill 2010
100+ ratings
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Key Takeaways

1. The Universe is Mental: Thoughts Shape Reality

The All is Mind; The Universe is Mental.

Mind Creates Reality. This foundational principle asserts that the universe and everything in it is a mental construct. Our thoughts are not just fleeting ideas; they are the building blocks of our experiences. Like a dream where we create entire worlds, our waking thoughts shape our realities.

  • Bill Gates' vision of a computer in every home became a reality through his focused thought and action.
  • If you believe you can ride a bike, you will; if you believe you can't, you won't.
  • The mind is always creating, and there is nothing we can't think of.

Oneness and Connection. We are all interconnected, part of the same universal mind. This interconnectedness means that our thoughts and actions have a ripple effect, influencing not only our own lives but also the lives of others.

  • Disasters often reveal our shared humanity, as we let go of our egos and connect with each other.
  • We are all part of the same energy, an energy we create through our actions.
  • Our true selves are connected to everyone and everything else.

Personal Responsibility. The Law of Mentalism empowers us to take control of our lives. By understanding that our thoughts create our realities, we can consciously choose to focus on positive, empowering thoughts that lead to the outcomes we desire.

  • We must change the way we view the world and use universal law, not denial, to create our reality.
  • We must learn where to place our awareness in our mind, body, the world, or in all three, which gives us the greatest understanding of how to use the laws.
  • We must accept that we are absolutely perfect just as we are.

2. As Within, So Without: Inner World Reflects Outer

As within, so without.

Mirror of the Soul. Our outer world is a reflection of our inner state. What we hold inside—our beliefs, emotions, and thoughts—manifests in our external experiences. This law emphasizes the importance of inner work for outer transformation.

  • A person in love radiates happiness, attracting positive experiences.
  • Negative thoughts and emotions attract negative situations.
  • Addictions stem from trying to fix inner issues from the outside.

Personal Responsibility. We are responsible for the world we create around us. By changing our inner world, we can change our outer world. This requires self-awareness and a willingness to address our inner beliefs and emotions.

  • Gandhi's quote, "You must be the change you wish to see in the world," embodies this principle.
  • We create problems inside ourselves; problems do not exist in the world.
  • Our minds create the beliefs that create the problems.

The Power of Perception. Our perception of the world shapes our reality. By choosing to see the good in others and in our circumstances, we can create a more positive and fulfilling life.

  • Optimists see opportunities in difficulties, while pessimists see difficulties in opportunities.
  • We must concentrate on the positives as opposed to the negatives.
  • We must change the way we view the world and our actions.

3. Everything Vibrates: Emotions Attract Similar Energies

Nothing Rests; Everything Moves; Everything Vibrates.

Vibrational Frequencies. Everything in the universe, from the smallest atom to the largest galaxy, is in constant motion, vibrating at different frequencies. Our thoughts and emotions also vibrate, and these vibrations attract similar energies.

  • Spiritual energy vibrates faster than mental energy, which is faster than physical energy.
  • Emotions like anger vibrate at a slower rate than emotions like happiness.
  • The Law of Vibration connects back to the Law of Attraction.

Emotional Induction. Emotions are contagious. We can influence the vibrations of others through our own emotional state. This is why positive interactions can uplift us, while negative interactions can bring us down.

  • Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr., used induction to inspire peaceful change.
  • Crowds can be influenced by the emotional vibrations of a leader or event.
  • Music can universally be understood because musical vibrations match emotional vibrations.

Conscious Vibration. We have the power to consciously raise our vibrations by focusing on positive thoughts, emotions, and actions. By aligning ourselves with higher frequencies, we can attract more positive experiences into our lives.

  • Dr. Emoto's experiments with water crystals showed the impact of words on vibration.
  • We can use music, color, and positive words to raise our vibrations.
  • We can choose to see the good in others and use it to our advantage.

4. Opposites are One: Finding Balance in Polarity

Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree.

The Nature of Duality. Everything in the universe exists as a pair of opposites, such as hot and cold, light and dark, good and bad. These opposites are not separate entities but rather different degrees of the same thing.

  • Hot and cold are different degrees of temperature.
  • Love and hate are different degrees of emotion.
  • Rich and poor are different degrees of wealth.

The Law of Paradox. The Law of Polarity is also seen as a paradox, because if everything has an opposite, then it could be said that everything is only a half-truth, yet because everything is a half-truth it can always be reconciled.

  • Everything in the Universe is an illusion and, at the same time, it is real.
  • There’s a big difference between absolute truth and personal truth.
  • We learn reality by understanding those things which aren’t real.

Finding Balance. The key to working with the Law of Polarity is to find balance between the opposites. By understanding that both sides of a pole are necessary, we can move towards a more harmonious and fulfilling life.

  • We must accept responsibility to move ourselves to whatever pole degree we wish to be.
  • Acceptance is the opposite of resistance.
  • We must change the way we view the world and our actions.

5. Go With the Flow: Embrace Life's Natural Rhythms

Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.

The Rhythm of Life. Everything in the universe operates in cycles and rhythms. From the changing of the seasons to the ebb and flow of our emotions, life is a constant dance of movement and change.

  • Our bodies are multi-dimensional rhythm machines.
  • Rhythm is the beat to which change moves forward through time.
  • The Law of Rhythm is seen in the migration of birds, the changing of the seasons, the cycle of life and death.

Neutralization and Balance. The Law of Rhythm teaches us to find balance in the midst of change. By understanding that emotions come and go, we can learn to detach ourselves from the extremes and find a center of peace.

  • We should expect to encounter changes in our emotions because life is always changing.
  • We must let our feelings flow through us, experience them and then let them go.
  • We must refuse to slide back down whichever pole we find ourselves in when things seem to go wrong.

Working with the Flow. Instead of fighting against the natural rhythms of life, we can learn to work with them. By aligning ourselves with the flow of the universe, we can move towards our goals with greater ease and grace.

  • We don’t swim against the current of a river, we try not to walk against the wind, so why would we work against the Law of Rhythm?
  • We must release pettiness, blame and criticism and open ourselves to the Law of Rhythm.
  • We must listen to our inner wisdom and quiet ourselves to hear the beating of our own hearts.

6. To Everything a Season: Timing is Key to Manifestation

To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.

The Law of Gestation. The Law of Gender, also known as the Law of Gestation, teaches us that everything has a period of incubation. Just as a seed needs time to grow, our thoughts and actions require time to manifest into reality.

  • The Earth spins around the sun every 365 days, babies are typically born after 9 months and zinnias will sprout within 6 days of planting.
  • We must recognize that there is a rhythm to life and trying to cheat it only cheats you.
  • We must accept that not knowing the exact timing is part of the process.

Patience and Persistence. The Law of Gender reminds us that we must be patient and persistent in our pursuit of our goals. We cannot force things to happen before their time. Instead, we must trust the process and continue to take action.

  • We must have persistence and faith.
  • We must believe that what we have asked for is already coming to us.
  • We must cultivate that faith.

Balance of Energies. The Law of Gender also highlights the importance of balancing masculine and feminine energies. Masculine energy is about action and will, while feminine energy is about receptivity and creation.

  • Masculine energy is external, something that was sent out into the Universe, while feminine energy was internal.
  • The ‘Me’ energy, or the part of us that makes up our emotions, habits and moods, is feminine energy, while our ‘I’ energy - that which has wants and desires - is masculine energy.
  • We must learn how to receive as well as give.

7. Nothing is by Chance: Cause and Effect Governs All

Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized.

The Law of Action and Reaction. Every action has a corresponding reaction. This law emphasizes that our choices and actions have consequences, both for ourselves and for the world around us.

  • For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
  • Apple pies don’t bake themselves, babies don’t just appear and this book didn’t manifest itself.
  • We must understand that in order for any effect to be seen, felt, smelled, tasted, or heard, something - a cause - must have existed first.

Personal Responsibility. We are responsible for the effects we create in our lives. By understanding the Law of Cause and Effect, we can make more conscious choices that lead to the outcomes we desire.

  • We must understand that personal responsibility is necessary in all situations.
  • We must be aware that everything has a cause and effect and to align our intentions and acts to correspond with the outcomes we wish to achieve.
  • We must understand that the only things we can control are our own thoughts and minds.

Karma and Consequences. The concept of karma is rooted in the Law of Cause and Effect. Our thoughts, words, and actions create a ripple effect that eventually returns to us.

  • We produce karma in four ways: through our thoughts, our words, the actions we do of our own will, the actions we perform on behalf of others.
  • Conscious actions bear more weight than unconscious actions.
  • ‘You reap what you sow’.

8. Synchronicity is a Sign: Trust the Universe's Guidance

Nothing happens by chance.

Meaningful Coincidences. Synchronicity refers to meaningful coincidences that occur in our lives. These events are not random but rather signs from the universe, guiding us towards our path.

  • The Ehwaz rune appearing at the right time was a sign of the author's life's journey.
  • Synchronicity and the Law of Attraction work when you give yourself the freedom to relax and just go with the flow.
  • When you quiet yourself enough to listen to the rhythms of the Universe, you realize that there is more at work even if we are unaware of the forces behind that which we experience.

Trusting Intuition. Synchronicity often occurs when we are aligned with our intuition and inner guidance. By trusting our instincts, we can open ourselves to the wisdom and knowledge that is available to us.

  • We must trust our instincts; let our intuition be our guide.
  • We must understand that the information we are seeking will find us.
  • We must let our ego fall away so that our true self can shine through.

Sub-Laws of the Universe. The 21 sub-laws, such as aspiration, charity, compassion, courage, faith, forgiveness, generosity, grace, honesty, hope, joy, kindness, leadership, non-interference, patience, praise, responsibility, self-love, thankfulness and unconditional love, are tools that help us align with the universe and experience synchronicity.

  • We must understand that these attributes are powerful gifts.
  • We must understand that when we think in a certain way, it follows that we will act in that way, thus drawing that energy to us.
  • We must understand that all it takes is a slight shift in thought.

9. Wealth is a Mindset: Abundance Starts Within

Abundance and wealth are the keys to the Universe. They are the Universe.

Inner Abundance. True wealth is not just about money; it's about an inner state of abundance. When we feel abundant within, we attract more abundance into our lives.

  • Wealth is arbitrary because it depends on how you see the world and what you value.
  • Real prosperity is much greater than the process of acquiring physical things.
  • It is also about inner wealth, feeling love and compassion for yourself and others, being at peace and feeling relaxed, enjoying life and being truly happy.

Letting Go of Wanting. The Meta Secret to wealth is not to try hard or want it too much. By focusing on what we lack, we attract more lack. Instead, we must focus on the feeling of already having what we desire.

  • Wanting is the same as having a lack of something.
  • By wanting you are drawing lack to yourself.
  • We must focus on what it will feel like to already have those things we desire.

Giving and Receiving. Wealth is a flow of energy. By giving value to others, we create a space for wealth to flow back to us. We must also be open to receiving the abundance that is available to us.

  • We must create a lot of value for a lot of people.
  • We must give service and give that which helps other people improve their lives.
  • We must be a gracious giver and receiver.

10. Health is a Vibration: Align Your Energy for Well-being

Our body is a result of numerous evolutionary changes. It starts with something simple like a microorganism or creatures in the sea. It progresses from small animals to something more complex. We are the final artwork of divine effort.

Body as a Symphony. Our bodies are complex systems that are constantly working to maintain balance and health. By aligning our energy with positive vibrations, we can support our body's natural healing processes.

  • Our bodies are multi-dimensional rhythm machines.
  • Our bodies are such wonderful systems that they multi-task in highly complex ways to both repair cells and eliminate toxins at the same time!
  • Our bodies are constantly renewing, generating new organ cells all the time.

Mind-Body Connection. Our thoughts and emotions have a direct impact on our physical health. By focusing on positive thoughts and emotions, we can create a more vibrant and healthy body.

  • The mind is the single best tool we have when it comes to better health and overall well-being.
  • Mental exercise is just as important for health as physical exercise.
  • We must understand that we create our worlds with our minds!

Holistic Approach. True health encompasses physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. By addressing all aspects of our being, we can create a more balanced and fulfilling life.

  • We must honor our body.
  • We must listen to our body.
  • We must do what we love.

11. Love is Connection: Give to Receive

The Meta Secret to relationships is to be the person you’re looking for.

Love as a Dynamic. Love is not a static emotion but a dynamic process of connection and interaction. When we are actively relating to others, we experience the true essence of love.

  • When you are actively relating, that’s when the world comes alive, that’s when it’s fun.
  • When you sit back and start to look at a relationship, it becomes static.
  • When you’re relating to your partner or your spouse, amazing things happen.

Being Present. To truly connect with others, we must be present in the moment. By giving our full attention to those we love, we can create deeper and more meaningful relationships.

  • Children are great at being in the moment.
  • When we are caught in the moment, our senses are heightened.
  • When we are with our partner, we must give them our undivided attention.

Unconditional Love. True love is unconditional. It is about accepting others for who they are, without trying to control or change them.

  • We must give the love we would love to receive.
  • We must know that the universe is giving us love right now.
  • We must give love to the universe, when we give love to another we will receive love in turn.

12. Happiness is a Choice: Find Joy in the Present

Happiness is a function of accepting what’s so.

Inner Source of Happiness. True happiness is not dependent on external circumstances but rather on our inner state. We have the power to choose our thoughts and emotions, and therefore, our level of happiness.

  • Happiness is a point of view.
  • Happiness is what you want and happiness you can have right now!
  • Happiness is an inside job!

Acceptance and Gratitude. By accepting the present moment and appreciating all that we have, we can cultivate a sense of peace and contentment.

  • We must be grateful for this moment.
  • We must realize that in fact we already have wealth and abundance.
  • We must find the good in our world right now.

The Power of Choice. We have the power to choose our thoughts and emotions. By focusing on positive thoughts and actions, we can create a more joyful and fulfilling life.

  • We must choose to look at the good side of the situation.
  • We must put ourselves in a good vibration.
  • We must focus on right now!

Last updated:

Review Summary

3.91 out of 5
Average of 100+ ratings from Goodreads and Amazon.

The Meta Secret by Mel Gill explores universal laws and principles of manifestation, drawing from Hermetic philosophy. Readers appreciate its accessible language, motivational content, and practical advice like creating a "dream map." Many find it life-changing, deepening their understanding of spirituality and personal growth. Some readers note similarities to other self-help books but still find value in its teachings. The book receives praise for its positive perspective and ability to inspire change, though a few criticize its writing style or find it less original than expected.

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About the Author

Mel Gill is the author of "The Meta Secret," a book that delves into the laws of the universe and manifestation. While specific biographical information about Gill is not provided in the given context, it's clear from reader reviews that he has a background in or at least a strong interest in Hermetic philosophy and self-help concepts. Gill's writing style is described as accessible and motivational, suggesting he has a talent for communicating complex ideas in an understandable manner. His work appears to blend spiritual concepts with practical advice, appealing to readers seeking personal growth and a deeper understanding of universal principles. The positive reception of his book indicates that Gill has made a notable contribution to the self-help and spiritual literature genres.

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