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The Right-Brain Business Plan

The Right-Brain Business Plan

A Creative, Visual Map for Success
by Jennifer Lee 2011 240 pages

Key Takeaways

1. Embrace Your Creative Intuition for Business Success

"Your natural right-brain gifts of imagination and intuition can actually help you find fresh solutions to your business challenges and can enable your ventures to grow in ways you never dreamed possible."

Unleash your creativity. As a right-brain entrepreneur, your creative intuition is your greatest asset in business. Traditional business planning often feels daunting and uninspiring for creative types. However, by embracing your right-brain strengths, you can approach business planning in a way that energizes and motivates you.

Balance right and left brain thinking. While creativity is key, successful businesses also require some left-brain analytical skills. The Right-Brain Business Plan approach combines both:

  • Right-brain strengths: Big-picture thinking, intuition, visual processing, emotional connection
  • Left-brain skills: Analysis, logical reasoning, sequential planning

By integrating both modes of thinking, you create a holistic business plan that aligns with your passion and vision while addressing practical business needs.

2. Craft a Visual, Right-Brain Business Plan

"Your Right-Brain Business Plan can look any way you want!"

Express your vision visually. Instead of a traditional text-heavy business plan, create a visual representation that inspires and motivates you. This could take many forms:

  • Collage
  • Vision board
  • Mind map
  • Illustrated journal
  • 3D model or sculpture

Make it tangible and interactive. Your visual plan should be something you can physically interact with and update regularly. Consider formats like:

  • Accordion book with pockets for different sections
  • Bulletin board with movable elements
  • Art journal with mixed media elements

The key is to create something that speaks to you visually and keeps your business vision front and center in an engaging way.

3. Define Your Business Vision, Values, and Voice

"Your vision is the big picture of your business (and your life). It's where you see yourself heading and includes how you're making a positive difference, what success looks and feels like to you, and what makes life and work ripe with fulfillment and meaning."

Clarify your "why". Start by connecting deeply with why you're in business and what impact you want to make. Use visualization exercises and journaling to explore:

  • Your ideal work day
  • The legacy you want to leave
  • How you define success

Articulate your values and voice. Identify 5-10 core values that drive your business decisions. Then craft a "Passion and Purpose Proclamation" that captures the essence of your business in a few compelling sentences. This becomes the north star for all your business activities.

Create visual reminders. Represent your vision, values, and voice through images, symbols, and keywords in your visual business plan. This keeps you connected to your "why" as you navigate day-to-day business decisions.

4. Understand Your Business Landscape and Perfect Customers

"Look at defining your perfect customers with that same level of fascination and engagement. The more you know about your perfect customers, the easier it will be to connect with them."

Map your business ecosystem. Create a visual representation of your business landscape, including:

  • Market trends and opportunities
  • Competitors and potential collaborators
  • Your unique position and strengths

Use a "Detective Bulletin Board" approach, gathering clues and connecting the dots visually.

Get to know your ideal customers intimately. Go beyond basic demographics to understand their:

  • Values and motivations
  • Pain points and desires
  • Lifestyle and preferences

Create visual "Perfect Customer Portraits" using collage or illustration. Write character sketches to bring them to life. The better you understand your customers, the more effectively you can serve them.

5. Get the Word Out: Marketing for Creative Entrepreneurs

"Think of marketing as an enticing invitation to connect with your perfect customers."

Craft your brand story. Develop a compelling narrative that communicates:

  • Your unique value proposition
  • The emotional benefits of working with you
  • How you're different from competitors

Choose marketing methods that resonate. Select 3-5 marketing channels that align with your strengths and where your ideal customers spend time. Options might include:

  • Content marketing (blog, podcast, video)
  • Social media engagement
  • In-person networking or speaking
  • Collaborative partnerships

Create a visual marketing plan. Map out your marketing activities visually, including:

  • Key messages and themes
  • Timing and frequency of activities
  • Resources needed (time, money, collaborators)

Remember, consistency and authenticity are key in building meaningful connections with your audience.

6. Manage the Moola: Finance for Right-Brain Thinkers

"Instead of passively receiving a paycheck from a soul-sucking rat-race job, you get to feel the pride of turning your creative passion into profit and to appreciate every hard-earned dollar."

Reframe your money mindset. Address limiting beliefs about money and abundance. Replace negative thoughts with empowering affirmations about your ability to create value and receive compensation.

Visualize your financial flow. Create a "Moola Map" to understand your income streams and expenses:

  • Use green sticky notes for income sources
  • Use pink sticky notes for expenses
  • Arrange them visually to see patterns and opportunities

Set financial goals aligned with your vision. Determine:

  • How much you need to support your desired lifestyle
  • Profit targets for reinvesting in your business
  • Pricing strategies that reflect your value

Use the "Rid the Red, Grow the Green" spreadsheet to track progress and make adjustments. Remember, understanding your finances empowers you to make strategic decisions for sustainable growth.

7. Build a Supportive Network of Creative Cohorts

"You're not alone on your entrepreneurial journey."

Identify your support needs. Create a "helping hands wish list" of areas where you need assistance, such as:

  • Technical skills (web design, bookkeeping)
  • Strategic guidance (mentorship, advisory board)
  • Emotional support (accountability partners, mastermind group)

Map your creative cohorts. Create a visual representation of your support network, including:

  • Team members and their roles
  • Mentors and advisors
  • Strategic partners and collaborators

Cultivate meaningful connections. Actively nurture relationships within your industry and beyond. Seek out opportunities for collaboration, mutual support, and knowledge sharing.

Remember, surrounding yourself with a supportive community not only enhances your business but also makes the entrepreneurial journey more enjoyable and sustainable.

8. Turn Your Plan into Action with Goals and Strategies

"Action makes your Right-Brain Business Plan real."

Set SMART goals. Ensure your goals are:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Resonant (aligned with your values)
  • Time-bound

Develop creative strategies. For each goal, brainstorm multiple approaches to achieve it. Think outside the box and consider unconventional methods that align with your strengths.

Break it down into actionable steps. Create a visual action plan using methods like:

  • Mind mapping
  • Sticky note project planning
  • Illustrated timelines

The key is to make your action plan visually engaging and easy to reference regularly. Include specific tasks, deadlines, and resources needed for each step.

9. Tailor Your Plan for Different Audiences

"Just as it's probably not a good idea to wear your ripped jeans, skull-and-crossbones hand-knitted sweater, and cool combat boots to a posh black-tie cocktail party (unless you want to be a rebel and get kicked out), your business plan should 'dress the part.'"

Know your audience. Recognize that different stakeholders may require different presentations of your plan:

  • Your visual plan for personal inspiration and guidance
  • A more formal written plan for potential investors or lenders
  • A concise pitch deck for networking or quick presentations

Translate visuals into traditional formats. When needed, convert your visual plan into standard business plan sections:

  • Executive Summary
  • Company Overview
  • Market Analysis
  • Marketing Plan
  • Financial Projections

Maintain authenticity. While adapting your presentation, stay true to your core vision and values. Let your passion and unique perspective shine through, even in more formal contexts.

10. Maintain Momentum and Celebrate Success

"Part of maintaining the magic and momentum is to stay connected to your inspiring dream even when you might be doubtful or discouraged."

Regular check-ins and adjustments. Schedule quarterly reviews to assess progress and make necessary pivots:

  • Celebrate achievements
  • Identify challenges and lessons learned
  • Adjust goals and strategies as needed

Nurture your right-brain. Incorporate regular creative practices to stay inspired and energized:

  • Freewriting or sketching
  • Movement or dance breaks
  • Nature walks or sensory experiences

Acknowledge milestones. Create rituals to celebrate both big and small wins:

  • Personal rewards (spa day, special outing)
  • Team celebrations (group meal, creative activity)
  • Public recognition (social media shout-outs, client appreciation events)

Remember, maintaining momentum is about balancing focused action with self-care and celebration. Your right-brain business thrives when you nurture both your creative spirit and your strategic vision.

Last updated:

Review Summary

4.02 out of 5
Average of 500+ ratings from Goodreads and Amazon.

The Right-Brain Business Plan receives mostly positive reviews for its creative approach to business planning. Readers appreciate its visual methods, engaging exercises, and accessible language for creative entrepreneurs. Many find it helpful in overcoming fears about business planning and developing a clear vision. While some critics find it too simplistic or cutesy, most reviewers praise its effectiveness in making business concepts approachable for right-brain thinkers. The book is particularly recommended for artists, writers, and small business owners seeking an alternative to traditional business plans.

About the Author

Jennifer Lee is a creative entrepreneur and author known for her innovative approach to business planning. She developed The Right-Brain Business Plan after realizing the need for a more visual and intuitive method of business planning for creative individuals. Lee's background includes experience as a consultant and coach, helping artists and entrepreneurs turn their passions into sustainable businesses. She offers workshops and online courses based on her book's concepts. Lee's work focuses on bridging the gap between creativity and business, empowering right-brain thinkers to succeed in entrepreneurship. Her approach emphasizes the importance of aligning business goals with personal values and vision.

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