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The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down

The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down

How to Be Calm in a Busy World
by Haemin Sunim 2017 288 pages
Self Help
8 minutes

Key Takeaways

1. Slow Down to See What Really Matters

When everything around me is moving so fast, I stop and ask, "Is it the world that's busy, or is it my mind?"

The illusion of busyness. Our perception of a hectic world often stems from our own busy minds. By slowing down and observing our thoughts, we can find calm amidst chaos. This shift in perspective allows us to focus on what truly matters, rather than getting caught up in the whirlwind of daily life.

Practical steps to slow down:

  • Practice mindful breathing for a few minutes each day
  • Take regular breaks from technology
  • Engage in activities that require focus and presence, like reading or gardening
  • Reflect on your priorities and eliminate non-essential tasks

By cultivating a slower, more intentional approach to life, we can reduce stress, improve relationships, and find greater fulfillment in our daily experiences.

2. Mindfulness: Befriend Your Emotions

When you are feeling low, quietly observe the feeling without trying to change it. It will change on its own.

Embracing emotional awareness. Instead of suppressing or fighting against difficult emotions, mindfulness teaches us to observe them without judgment. This approach allows emotions to naturally arise and pass, reducing their power over us.

Techniques for emotional mindfulness:

  • Practice "noting" – silently labeling emotions as they arise
  • Conduct regular body scans to identify physical sensations tied to emotions
  • Keep an emotion journal to track patterns and triggers
  • Use metaphors (like clouds passing in the sky) to visualize emotions as transient

By befriending our emotions, we develop greater emotional intelligence and resilience. This skill helps us navigate life's challenges with more ease and grace, leading to improved mental health and stronger relationships.

3. Temper Eagerness for Effective Relationships

No matter how effective the medicine may be, if you demand that someone take it, it can taste like poison.

Balance enthusiasm with sensitivity. Overzealousness, even with good intentions, can overwhelm others and harm relationships. By tempering our eagerness and considering others' perspectives and capacities, we can build more effective and harmonious connections.

Strategies for balanced relationships:

  • Practice active listening to understand others' needs and boundaries
  • Allow space for others to express themselves and make their own choices
  • Regularly check in with others about their comfort levels and preferences
  • Be willing to adjust your approach based on feedback

By finding the right balance between passion and consideration, we can inspire and motivate others without overwhelming them, leading to more sustainable and fulfilling relationships in both personal and professional spheres.

4. Forgiveness: The Path to Freedom

Does the person you hate deserve to be carried around in your heart? Keep in your heart only those who love you.

Liberation through letting go. Forgiveness is not about condoning harmful actions, but about freeing ourselves from the burden of resentment and anger. By choosing to forgive, we reclaim our emotional energy and open ourselves to healing and growth.

Steps towards forgiveness:

  1. Acknowledge the pain and its impact on your life
  2. Recognize that forgiveness is a choice for your own wellbeing
  3. Practice empathy towards the offender, understanding their human flaws
  4. Release the desire for revenge or punishment
  5. Focus on personal growth and moving forward

Forgiveness is a journey, not a destination. By embracing this process, we can find inner peace, improve our mental and physical health, and create space for more positive relationships and experiences in our lives.

5. Love: Embrace the Ordinary

I love your ordinariness, because I, too, am ordinary. The truth is, we are all ordinary.

Finding beauty in simplicity. True love sees and appreciates the ordinary aspects of life and relationships. By embracing our shared humanity and imperfections, we can cultivate deeper, more authentic connections with others and ourselves.

Ways to celebrate the ordinary:

  • Practice gratitude for small, everyday moments
  • Share vulnerabilities and imperfections with loved ones
  • Appreciate the unique quirks and habits of those around you
  • Find joy in simple shared experiences, like a quiet meal or a walk

By shifting our focus from grand gestures or idealized notions of love to the beauty of everyday moments and genuine human connection, we can experience more fulfilling and lasting relationships. This perspective also helps us cultivate self-love and acceptance, enhancing our overall wellbeing.

6. Life Lessons: Confidence and Humility

Wear confidence. It is the height of fashion.

Balancing self-assurance and openness. Confidence is attractive and empowering, but it must be tempered with humility and a willingness to learn. This balance allows us to navigate life's challenges with grace while remaining open to growth and new perspectives.

Cultivating balanced confidence:

  • Acknowledge your strengths without boasting
  • Embrace mistakes as learning opportunities
  • Seek feedback and be open to constructive criticism
  • Practice self-compassion while striving for improvement
  • Celebrate others' successes alongside your own

By embodying both confidence and humility, we can build stronger relationships, adapt more easily to change, and continue growing throughout our lives. This approach fosters resilience and a growth mindset, essential qualities for success and fulfillment in various aspects of life.

7. Finding Your Calling: Explore and Experience

Even if you have just a modest dream, don't keep it to yourself. Talk to others about it. By the time you tell ten people, it is more likely to come true.

Discovering purpose through action. Finding one's calling often requires active exploration and diverse experiences. By engaging with various fields, sharing our aspirations, and remaining open to unexpected opportunities, we increase our chances of uncovering our true passion and purpose.

Strategies for finding your calling:

  • Read widely across different subjects
  • Try various part-time jobs, internships, or volunteer positions
  • Network with people in fields that interest you
  • Reflect on your experiences and identify patterns of enjoyment or fulfillment
  • Set small, achievable goals related to potential interests

Remember that finding your calling is a journey, not a destination. By remaining curious, open-minded, and willing to take risks, you increase your chances of discovering work that aligns with your values, skills, and passions.

8. Spirituality: Universal Truths Across Traditions

Truth is not the exclusive property of any one religion. It has a universal quality that allows people of different religious traditions to recognize and respect it.

Embracing shared wisdom. Spiritual truths often transcend religious boundaries, offering universal insights into human nature and our relationship with the world. By recognizing these commonalities, we can foster greater understanding and respect among different faith traditions.

Ways to explore universal spiritual truths:

  • Study texts from various religious and philosophical traditions
  • Engage in interfaith dialogue and activities
  • Practice meditation or contemplation from different traditions
  • Identify common themes in spiritual teachings across cultures
  • Reflect on personal experiences of transcendence or connection

By approaching spirituality with an open mind and heart, we can enrich our own spiritual practice while building bridges of understanding with others. This inclusive approach to spirituality can lead to greater personal growth, compassion, and a sense of global community.

Last updated:

Review Summary

4.04 out of 5
Average of 38k+ ratings from Goodreads and Amazon.

The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down receives mixed reviews. Many readers find it calming and insightful, praising its simple wisdom and beautiful illustrations. It's seen as a helpful guide for mindfulness and slowing down in a busy world. However, some critics find it repetitive, obvious, or too preachy. The book's format of short essays and quotes is appreciated by some but tedious for others. Overall, it's considered a comforting read for those seeking guidance, especially during difficult times, but may not offer new insights for everyone.

About the Author

Haemin Sunim is a Zen Buddhist teacher and bestselling author from South Korea. Educated at prestigious universities in the United States, he received monastic training at Haein monastery in South Korea and taught Asian religions at Hampshire College. Sunim is renowned globally, with over 1.5 million social media followers. His first book, "The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down," has been translated into more than 35 languages and sold over four million copies. His second book, "Love for Imperfect Things," was a bestseller in South Korea. Sunim divides his time between Seoul and traveling to share his teachings. He also founded the School for Broken Hearts in Seoul.

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