1. 通过重新定义行业边界创造无竞争市场空间
重新定义竞争。 与其在现有市场空间(红海)中竞争,公司可以创造新的市场空间(蓝海),使竞争变得无关紧要。这需要跨越替代行业、战略群体、买方群体、互补产品/服务、功能-情感导向,甚至时间来重构市场边界。
挑战行业假设。 蓝海战略要求打破公认的行业规范和竞争基准。通过质疑行业运作的基本假设,公司可以发现为客户创造价值的创新方法。
- 蓝海创造的例子:
- Cirque du Soleil 通过结合戏剧和马戏团元素重新定义了马戏
- [yellow tail] 葡萄酒通过简化葡萄酒为休闲饮用者创造了一个新市场
- 任天堂 Wii 通过专注于简单、直观的运动控制重新定义了游戏
2. 专注于大局,而不是数字,来制定战略
可视化战略。 使用战略画布工具捕捉已知市场空间的当前状态,并可视化潜在的新战略。这提供了公司在其行业中关键竞争因素上的相对表现的图形描述。
追求差异化和低成本。 蓝海战略旨在通过同时追求差异化和低成本来打破价值-成本权衡。这是通过消除和减少行业竞争的因素,同时提高和创造行业从未提供过的因素来实现的。
- 四项行动框架:
- 消除:哪些因素应该被消除?
- 减少:哪些因素应该大大低于行业标准?
- 提高:哪些因素应该大大高于行业标准?
- 创造:哪些因素应该被创造,而行业从未提供过?
3. 超越现有需求以解锁新市场
超越现有客户。 与其专注于现有客户和更细的细分,公司应关注非客户以解锁新需求。这涉及了解非客户为何不从行业购买并解决他们的需求。
专注于共性。 与其专注于客户差异和定制化,建立在买家价值的强大共性上。这使公司能够超越现有需求,吸引新的大量客户。
- 三层非客户:
- “即将成为”非客户,他们处于市场边缘
- “拒绝”非客户,他们有意识地选择不进入市场
- “未开发”非客户,他们在遥远的市场中
4. 确保战略顺序正确以实现可持续商业模式
遵循正确的顺序。 要创建可行的蓝海战略,请遵循以下顺序:1)为买家提供卓越的效用,2)战略定价以确保大众吸引力,3)目标成本以确保健康的利润率,4)解决采用障碍。
确保盈利能力。 蓝海战略必须为买家、公司及其合作伙伴提供价值。使用目标成本确保盈利能力,并在必要时考虑新的定价模式以达到战略价格点。
- 每个步骤的关键问题:
- 效用:是否有卓越的买家效用?
- 价格:是否易于大众买家接受?
- 成本:你能否在战略价格下实现成本目标以获利?
- 采用:你是否提前解决了采用障碍?
5. 克服组织障碍以执行蓝海战略
识别关键障碍。 执行蓝海战略需要克服四个关键组织障碍:认知、资源、动机和政治。使用临界点领导力快速且低成本地克服这些障碍。
专注于不成比例的影响。 与其尝试发起大规模挑战,专注于识别和利用组织中不成比例的影响因素。这使得新战略的快速、低成本实施成为可能。
- 临界点领导力策略:
- 通过强调变革的必要性突破认知障碍
- 通过集中资源于关键领域跳过资源障碍
- 通过专注于关键影响者跳过动机障碍
- 通过压制内部反对者和利用盟友克服政治障碍
6. 通过公平过程将执行融入战略
强调公平过程。 为了在执行战略时建立信任、承诺和自愿合作,公司必须实践公平过程。这包括让人们参与战略决策,解释决策背后的理由,并设定明确的期望。
对齐心灵和心态。 公平过程有助于将人们的心灵和心态与新战略对齐,鼓励他们超越强制执行,进行自愿合作。这对于成功实施蓝海战略至关重要。
- 公平过程的三项原则:
- 参与:让个人参与影响他们的决策
- 解释:确保每个人都理解决策的理由
- 期望明确:清晰传达新规则和期望
7. 维持和更新蓝海战略以保持增长
监控价值曲线。 持续监控战略画布上的价值曲线,以确定何时需要创造新的蓝海。当你的价值曲线与竞争对手趋同时,是时候再次进行价值创新了。
建立模仿壁垒。 蓝海战略通常伴随着自然的模仿壁垒,如品牌形象、专利或网络效应。利用这些壁垒尽可能长时间地维持你的蓝海。
- 维持蓝海:
- 通过不断改进和扩展你的产品主导蓝海
- 使自己成为模仿者的移动目标
- 从你的初步成功中创造多个蓝海
- 当竞争对手开始赶上时再次创新
What's Blue Ocean Strategy about?
- Creating Uncontested Market Space: Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim focuses on creating new market spaces, termed "blue oceans," where competition is irrelevant.
- Value Innovation: It emphasizes value innovation, which involves simultaneously pursuing differentiation and low cost to create a leap in value for both the company and its customers.
- Strategic Frameworks: The book introduces tools like the strategy canvas and the four actions framework to help businesses systematically identify and pursue blue oceans.
Why should I read Blue Ocean Strategy?
- Innovative Business Insights: The book offers a fresh perspective on strategic thinking, encouraging businesses to move beyond traditional competition-focused strategies.
- Practical Tools and Frameworks: It provides actionable frameworks that can be applied across various industries, making it a valuable resource for business leaders.
- Real-World Success Stories: Numerous case studies, such as Cirque du Soleil and Southwest Airlines, illustrate the successful application of blue ocean strategies.
What are the key takeaways of Blue Ocean Strategy?
- Shift from Competing to Creating: Focus on creating new market spaces rather than competing in existing ones, redefining industry boundaries.
- Importance of Buyer Utility: Ensure offerings provide exceptional value to attract both existing customers and noncustomers.
- Strategic Sequence Matters: Follow a strategic sequence of buyer utility, price, cost, and adoption to ensure commercial viability of blue ocean ideas.
How does Blue Ocean Strategy define "value innovation"?
- Core Concept: Value innovation is the cornerstone of blue ocean strategy, focusing on making competition irrelevant by creating a leap in value.
- Differentiation and Low Cost: It involves pursuing both differentiation and low cost simultaneously, breaking the traditional value-cost trade-off.
- Real-World Examples: Companies like Cirque du Soleil achieved value innovation by redefining their industry offerings.
What is the strategy canvas in Blue Ocean Strategy?
- Visualizing Market Position: The strategy canvas is a diagnostic tool that visually captures the current state of play in the market.
- Identifying Key Factors: It helps companies plot key competitive factors and their relative performance, identifying gaps and opportunities for innovation.
- Facilitating Strategic Discussions: The canvas serves as a common reference point for evaluating and refining strategies.
What is the four actions framework in Blue Ocean Strategy?
- Eliminate, Reduce, Raise, Create: This framework consists of four key questions to help businesses rethink their offerings and reconstruct buyer value.
- Reconstruct Buyer Value: By addressing these questions, companies can offer new experiences that attract customers and differentiate themselves.
- Practical Application: The framework is designed to be applicable across various industries, identifying opportunities for value innovation.
What are the three tiers of noncustomers in Blue Ocean Strategy?
- First Tier - Soon-to-be Noncustomers: These are customers who minimally use current offerings and are ready to switch for better alternatives.
- Second Tier - Refusing Noncustomers: This group consciously avoids current offerings due to perceived inadequacies or high costs.
- Third Tier - Unexplored Noncustomers: Individuals who have never considered the industry’s offerings, representing untapped market potential.
How can companies reach beyond existing demand according to Blue Ocean Strategy?
- Focus on Noncustomers: Prioritize understanding and targeting noncustomers to identify latent demand.
- Identify Commonalities: Look for shared needs among noncustomers to create offerings that appeal to a broader audience.
- Avoid Over-Segmentation: Simplify value propositions to aggregate demand, leading to larger market opportunities.
What is the significance of getting the strategic sequence right in Blue Ocean Strategy?
- Ensuring Commercial Viability: The strategic sequence of buyer utility, price, cost, and adoption is crucial for ensuring blue ocean ideas are viable.
- Focus on Buyer Utility First: Assess whether the offering provides exceptional buyer utility before considering pricing and cost.
- Addressing Adoption Hurdles: Identify and address potential adoption hurdles upfront to ensure successful market implementation.
What are the six paths framework in Blue Ocean Strategy?
- Framework Overview: The six paths framework provides a systematic approach to discovering blue oceans by exploring different market dimensions.
- Path Examples: Includes looking across alternative industries and redefining the buyer group to uncover new opportunities.
- Strategic Insights: Helps companies identify opportunities for value innovation that may not be immediately apparent.
What are the barriers to imitation discussed in Blue Ocean Strategy?
- Operational Barriers: Factors like brand image conflict and natural monopolies prevent easy replication of blue ocean strategies.
- Cognitive Barriers: Conventional strategic logic often leads to ridicule of new ideas, slowing down imitation efforts.
- Long-Term Sustainability: These barriers contribute to the sustainability of blue oceans, maintaining competitive advantage.
How does Blue Ocean Strategy address the issue of execution?
- Strategic Sequence: Outlines a sequence including buyer utility, strategic pricing, and target costing for successful execution.
- Overcoming Organizational Hurdles: Discusses overcoming cognitive, resource, motivational, and political hurdles for effective implementation.
- Fair Process: Emphasizes fair process in building trust and commitment among employees, crucial for executing the strategy.