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The Creative Act

The Creative Act

A Way of Being
作者 Rick Rubin 2023 406 页数
56k+ 评分
9 分钟
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1. 创造力是人类的基本特质


每个人都有创造力。 创造力不仅限于传统艺术;它存在于我们的日常生活中。从解决问题到重新布置家具,我们不断地创造新的事物。这种创造能力是与生俱来的,人人都可以获得。

我们都是艺术家。 通过感知、过滤和策划我们的经验,我们积极参与到持续的创造过程中。我们的一生都是一种自我表达,每一个选择都在为我们独特的艺术作品做出贡献。

  • 日常创造力的例子:
    • 找到一条新的回家路线
    • 给朋友写一张便条
    • 解决工作中的问题
    • 在花瓶中安排花朵

2. 宇宙如钟表般运作:万物皆有其时


宇宙时间表。 宇宙按照自己的时间表运作,创意和作品在预定的时间成熟。作为艺术家,我们的角色是调谐这些节奏并将其转化为物质形式。

宇宙的展开。 我们是一个永恒创造过程的一部分,就像树木开花或河流开辟新路径。我们的艺术努力是我们参与这场宏大宇宙舞蹈的方式。

  • 创造力中的自然周期:
    • 灵感在意想不到的时刻出现
    • 想法通过多个艺术家同时表达
    • 艺术运动作为文化浪潮出现

3. 意识和倾听是创造过程的关键


培养存在感。 意识包括注意到我们周围和内心发生的事情,而不带有依附或判断。这种开放的状态使我们能够感知更微妙的信息并扩展我们的创造可能性。

积极倾听。 真正的倾听不仅仅是听到词语;它包括全身心地与所表达的内容在一起。通过暂停我们的先入之见和反应,我们向新的视角和更深的理解敞开自己。

  • 增强意识和倾听的练习:
    • 冥想和正念练习
    • 感官探索散步
    • 深度倾听音乐或自然声音
    • 无评判地记录观察

4. 初学者的心态:不知的力量


拥抱无知。 以初学者的心态接近任务可以消除先入之见和限制。这种不知的状态允许更具创新的解决方案和意想不到的突破。

挑战假设。 通过质疑我们既定的信念和方法,我们向新的可能性敞开自己。这种方法可以导致突破性的发现和新的创造方式。

  • 初学者心态的好处:
    • 增强创造力和创新
    • 减少对失败的恐惧
    • 更开放地学习
    • 提高解决问题的能力

5. 灵感与习惯:平衡自发性与纪律


培养灵感。 虽然我们无法控制灵感何时出现,但我们可以创造条件来邀请它。这包括保持开放、好奇和关注我们的周围环境和内心体验。

培养纪律。 建立一致的习惯和常规为创造力的蓬勃发展提供了框架。通过定期进行练习,我们增加了遇到灵感的机会,并提高了将其转化为具体作品的能力。

  • 平衡灵感与习惯的策略:
    • 设定定期的创作时间
    • 创建一个激发灵感的工作空间
    • 练习正念以保持对灵感的开放
    • 发展信号创作时间的仪式

6. 实验与制作:创造的旅程


拥抱探索。 创造过程包括收集想法的种子,尝试不同的可能性,并将作品制作成最终形式。这段发现之旅往往会带来意想不到和令人兴奋的结果。

平衡愿景与开放性。 虽然有一个清晰的愿景可能会有所帮助,但在整个创造过程中保持对新可能性的开放可以使最终作品更具深度和丰富性。

  • 创造过程的阶段:
    1. 收集种子
    2. 实验
    3. 制作
    4. 完成

7. 在艺术中拥抱不完美和脆弱


庆祝缺陷。 艺术中的不完美往往增加了它的人性和可亲性。通过拥抱我们的脆弱并让它们在作品中展现出来,我们创造出更真实和有力的艺术。

信任过程。 有时我们认为的错误或缺陷可能会导致意想不到的突破或成为作品的定义特征。信任创造过程包括接受这些“缺陷”作为潜在的优势。

  • 拥抱不完美的方法:
    • 允许作品中的“幸运事故”
    • 抵制过度打磨或完美的冲动
    • 分享进行中的作品以克服完美主义
    • 庆祝人类触摸带来的独特性

8. 艺术家的责任是对作品本身


创造自由。 艺术家没有义务解决社会问题或符合外部期望。主要的重点应该是创造与创作者共鸣的真实作品。

信任你的直觉。 与其试图预测观众的反应或市场趋势,不如专注于创作让你兴奋和挑战的作品。这种方法往往会导致更真实和有影响力的艺术。

  • 艺术诚信的原则:
    • 首先为自己创作
    • 避免基于想象的观众反应进行自我审查
    • 让作品自己说话
    • 优先考虑真实性而非流行性

9. 适应与成长:练习与恢复的循环


拥抱循环。 艺术成长包括积极的练习和被动的恢复。认识并尊重这个循环可以带来更可持续和有效的进步。

允许整合。 在经历了密集的练习或创作之后,留出时间进行休息和反思。这一恢复阶段是技能巩固和新见解出现的时刻。

  • 练习-恢复循环的组成部分:
    1. 专注的练习或创作
    2. 休息和反思
    3. 无意识的整合
    4. 更新的能量和灵感

10. 环境塑造内容:视角的力量


考虑周围环境。 艺术作品的意义和影响可以被其环境显著影响,包括物理环境、文化环境和历史时刻。

玩转视角。 通过改变作品的环境,艺术家可以探索新的意义和解释。这个原则可以被有意地用来增强或颠覆艺术的预期信息。

  • 考虑的环境元素:
    • 物理环境(画廊、公共空间、数字平台)
    • 文化和历史时刻
    • 与其他作品的并置
    • 观众的个人背景和经验

11. 游戏与严肃:创作艺术的双重性质


平衡游戏性与承诺。 创作艺术既涉及无拘无束的实验乐趣,也涉及完成项目的奉献精神。拥抱这两个方面可以带来更充实和成功的艺术实践。

培养孩子般的好奇心。 以孩子发现新事物的好奇心和热情来对待你的工艺。这种心态可以帮助克服创造障碍并带来新鲜的想法和方法。

  • 将游戏融入艺术实践的方法:
    • 留出时间进行纯粹的实验
    • 尝试新技术或媒介而不带期望
    • 以游戏的方式与他人合作
    • 重新想象熟悉的主题或主题



What's "The Creative Act: A Way of Being" by Rick Rubin about?

  • Exploration of Creativity: The book delves into the nature of creativity, emphasizing that it is a fundamental aspect of being human and accessible to everyone.
  • Art as a State of Being: Rubin suggests that living as an artist is a way of perceiving the world, paying attention, and refining sensitivity to the subtler notes of life.
  • Universal Creative Process: It outlines a universal creative process that involves tuning in, experimenting, crafting, and completing works of art.
  • Philosophical and Practical Insights: The book combines philosophical reflections with practical advice on how to engage with the creative process.

Why should I read "The Creative Act: A Way of Being"?

  • Inspiration for Creators: It offers inspiration and guidance for anyone looking to engage more deeply with their creative potential.
  • Broad Applicability: The insights are applicable not only to traditional artists but to anyone who wants to live more creatively.
  • Unique Perspective: Rubin provides a unique perspective on creativity, drawing from his extensive experience in the music industry.
  • Practical Advice: The book includes practical exercises and thought experiments to help readers cultivate their creativity.

What are the key takeaways of "The Creative Act: A Way of Being"?

  • Everyone is a Creator: Creativity is not limited to artists; it's a fundamental human trait that everyone can access.
  • Process Over Product: The focus should be on the creative process itself rather than the end product.
  • Embrace Experimentation: Experimentation and play are crucial to discovering new ideas and directions in creative work.
  • Trust in Intuition: Trusting one's intuition and being open to the unexpected are vital components of the creative journey.

How does Rick Rubin define creativity in "The Creative Act: A Way of Being"?

  • Fundamental Aspect of Being: Rubin defines creativity as a fundamental aspect of being human, accessible to all.
  • State of Perception: Creativity is a way of perceiving the world, involving attention and sensitivity to subtle details.
  • Universal Process: It involves a universal process of tuning in, experimenting, crafting, and completing.
  • Beyond Traditional Arts: Creativity extends beyond traditional arts to include any act of bringing something new into existence.

What practical advice does Rick Rubin offer in "The Creative Act: A Way of Being"?

  • Daily Practices: Rubin suggests establishing daily rituals that support creativity, such as mindful breathing or nature walks.
  • Experimentation and Play: He encourages experimentation and play as ways to discover new ideas and directions.
  • Embrace Mistakes: Mistakes are seen as opportunities for learning and growth, not failures.
  • Set Temporary Rules: Imposing temporary rules can help break patterns and lead to innovative solutions.

What is the "Seed Phase" in "The Creative Act: A Way of Being"?

  • Initial Stage: The Seed Phase is the initial stage of the creative process where potential starting points are gathered.
  • Open Collection: It involves being open to collecting anything of interest without judgment or comparison.
  • Nurturing Ideas: The focus is on nurturing these seeds with attention and seeing if they take root.
  • Avoid Premature Judgments: Rubin advises against forming conclusions about a seed's value too early in the process.

How does Rick Rubin suggest dealing with self-doubt in "The Creative Act: A Way of Being"?

  • Acknowledge Self-Doubt: Rubin acknowledges that self-doubt is a common experience for creators and can serve the art.
  • Lower the Stakes: He suggests lowering the stakes by viewing each work as a small step in a larger journey.
  • Label and Normalize: Labeling doubts can help normalize them and reduce their power over the creative process.
  • Focus on Gratitude: Cultivating gratitude for the opportunity to create can help balance self-doubt.

What role does "Beginner's Mind" play in "The Creative Act: A Way of Being"?

  • Childlike Perspective: Beginner's Mind involves approaching tasks with a childlike perspective, free from preconceived notions.
  • Openness to Possibilities: It encourages openness to new possibilities and seeing things as if for the first time.
  • Innovation Through Ignorance: Rubin suggests that not knowing can lead to innovation and breaking new ground.
  • Letting Go of Experience: Letting go of past experiences and knowledge can help access a more creative state.

What are some of the best quotes from "The Creative Act: A Way of Being" and what do they mean?

  • "The object isn’t to make art, it’s to be in that wonderful state which makes art inevitable." This quote emphasizes the importance of the creative state of being over the final product.
  • "Creativity is not a rare ability. It is not difficult to access. Creativity is a fundamental aspect of being human." Rubin highlights that creativity is inherent in everyone, not just a select few.
  • "The universe is only as large as our perception of it. When we cultivate our awareness, we are expanding the universe." This suggests that expanding our awareness can lead to a richer, more creative life.
  • "Art is a circulation of energetic ideas. What makes them appear new is that they’re combining differently each time they come back." Rubin describes art as a dynamic process of recombining ideas in new ways.

How does Rick Rubin view the relationship between art and spirituality in "The Creative Act: A Way of Being"?

  • Art as a Portal: Rubin views art as a portal to the unseen world, a way to transcend ordinary experience.
  • Spiritual Component: He believes that the spiritual component of art provides a sense of wonder and open-mindedness.
  • Beyond Reason: The spiritual world offers possibilities beyond the confines of reason and logic.
  • Faith in the Process: Rubin emphasizes the importance of faith in the creative process, allowing for the unseen to guide the work.

What is the "Craft Phase" in "The Creative Act: A Way of Being"?

  • Building Phase: The Craft Phase is where the artist builds upon the foundation revealed during experimentation.
  • Labor of Building: It involves the labor of adding to and refining the work, often seen as less glamorous.
  • Balancing Creativity and Labor: While creativity is involved, this phase requires more structured effort and attention to detail.
  • Completion and Refinement: The goal is to refine the work to its fullest expression, preparing it for completion.

How does Rick Rubin suggest artists handle external pressures in "The Creative Act: A Way of Being"?

  • Tuning Out: Rubin advises artists to tune out external pressures and focus on the pure creative state.
  • Recall Original Mindset: Remember the mindset that led to initial success and maintain it throughout the process.
  • Avoid Business Concerns: Set aside business concerns and focus on making something you love.
  • Inner Focus: Keep the focus on creativity and work in a sacred space, free from outside influences.


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里克·鲁宾是美国著名的唱片执行官和制作人,Def Jam唱片公司的联合创始人和American Recordings的创始人。他在推广嘻哈音乐方面发挥了关键作用,与Beastie Boys和Run-DMC等艺术家合作。鲁宾的影响力不仅限于嘻哈音乐,还制作了包括重金属、另类摇滚和乡村音乐在内的各种类型的热门唱片。他的合作对象包括红辣椒乐队、金属乐队和阿黛尔等标志性乐队和歌手。作为过去几十年中最具影响力的制作人之一,鲁宾在2007年被《时代》杂志评为“世界上最具影响力的100人”之一。他的第一本书《创意行为:一种存在方式》于2023年1月出版。

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