1. 工作是上帝为人类生活完美设计的一部分
工作的神圣起源。 圣经一开始就描绘了上帝亲自创造世界的工作。这将工作提升为一种神圣的活动,而不是一种必要的罪恶或惩罚。然后,上帝将人类安置在伊甸园中,让他们耕作和照料,表明有意义的劳动是罪恶进入世界之前的天堂的一部分。
人类的内在需求。 工作满足了人类的基本需求,与食物、休息、关系和崇拜一样重要。它使我们能够发挥作用、创造和发展我们的才能。即使在退休或失业时,人们也感到一种与生俱来的需要,去从事有成效的活动并为社会做出贡献。
反映上帝的本性。 通过工作,我们反映了上帝的创造性和生产性本质。工作使我们能够与上帝合作,培养和发展他创造的世界。正是通过我们的工作,我们履行了作为创造物管家的角色。
2. 所有工作都有尊严,因为它反映了我们身上的上帝形象
所有工作的平等尊严。 圣经将职业的概念民主化,赋予所有类型的合法工作以平等的尊严。体力劳动、智力追求和领导角色都反映了上帝的形象,并促进了人类的繁荣。没有圣经依据可以将某些职业视为不那么高尚或精神。
超越社会地位。 工作具有超越其社会地位或经济回报的内在价值。如果是为了荣耀上帝和服务他人,街道清洁工和外科医生的工作可以具有同等的尊严。这种观点挑战了我们主要根据工作声望或收入潜力来判断工作的倾向。
物质世界的重要性。 基督教肯定了上帝创造的物质世界的美好。与一些贬低物质领域的哲学不同,圣经教导我们通过工作来照顾和培养物质世界具有持久的价值和意义。
3. 工作是服务和爱他人的一种形式
工作作为使命。 宗教改革恢复了这样一种观念,即所有合法的工作,而不仅仅是宗教职业,都可以是上帝的神圣使命。这使得即使是平凡的工作,当作为对上帝和邻居的服务时,也具有深刻的意义和目的。
爱我们的邻居。 我们的工作是我们爱和服务邻居的主要方式,通过我们的技能和努力满足他们的需求。农民、教师、工程师和艺术家都通过他们特定的职业促进了人类的繁荣。工作中的卓越成为一种爱的行为。
上帝的护理。 上帝常常通过他人的工作来满足人们的需求。医生、面包师、环卫工人和无数其他人成为上帝对世界护理的工具。这一见解为日常工作注入了神圣的意义。
4. 人类的堕落使工作变得无果而令人沮丧
工作中的挫折。 虽然工作本身不是一种诅咒,但它现在处于罪的诅咒之下。我们在工作中经历徒劳、冲突和疲惫。我们的最佳努力常常因超出我们控制的情况而未能实现或受阻。
未实现的愿望。 我们可以设想并渴望在工作中实现的远远超过我们实际能完成的。这种理想与堕落世界现实之间的差距可能导致深深的失望。然而,这种挫折本身可以指引我们对上帝的需求。
救赎的希望。 基督教故事提供了希望,即我们的工作,尽管现在不完美,最终将在上帝救赎的创造中结出果实。这使我们有勇气在挫折和失败中坚持我们的使命。
5. 当工作与其真正目的脱离时,它可能变得毫无意义
脱离上帝的徒劳。 当工作仅仅为了个人利益或成就而追求,与对上帝和邻居的爱脱离时,它最终被证明是不令人满意的。即使是伟大的成就,如果没有与更大的目的相连,也会感到空虚。
成就的暂时性。 传道书指出,即使是我们最大的工作,最终也会被遗忘或被推翻。这一令人清醒的现实挑战我们在短暂的成功或认可之外寻找意义。
对超越性目的的需求。 工作的真正满足感来自于将其与上帝对世界的目的联系起来。当我们将工作视为上帝计划的一部分,以祝福他人和更新创造时,无论其可见的结果或回报如何,它都具有深刻的意义。
6. 我们的工作常常揭示我们的偶像和错误的优先事项
工作作为身份。 许多人希望通过工作来提供他们主要的身份感、价值感和安全感。这使得工作成为一种偶像,永远无法完全满足这些深刻的人类需求。福音通过将我们的身份根植于上帝的爱中,解放我们摆脱这种偶像崇拜。
竞争的骄傲。 巴别塔的故事说明了工作如何被骄傲和证明自己优于他人的欲望所驱动。这导致剥削、道德妥协,最终导致社会崩溃。
不平衡的优先事项。 我们对工作的态度常常揭示出错误的优先事项,例如重视生产力而非关系,或重视利润而非道德关切。基督教世界观挑战我们根据上帝的价值观重新排序我们的优先事项。
7. 福音提供了一个新的工作故事和概念
救赎的叙述。 基督教福音提供了一个更大的故事,为我们的工作赋予了新的意义。它将人类的劳动视为上帝计划的一部分,以救赎和更新整个创造。这个叙述为即使是普通的任务注入了永恒的意义。
普遍恩典。 福音帮助我们欣赏所有人,无论是否是基督徒,所做的好工作,作为上帝普遍恩典的证据。这防止了傲慢和与非基督徒同事不必要的分离。
文化更新。 通过福音的视角理解工作激励基督徒寻求他们的工作场所、职业和整个社会的繁荣。它为通过在每个领域的卓越、道德工作实现文化更新提供了愿景。
8. 基督教信仰为工作提供了不同的道德指南针
超越成本效益分析。 基督教伦理为诚信提供了比单纯实用主义更坚实的基础。它呼吁我们做正确的事情,因为它荣耀上帝并服务他人,而不仅仅是因为它可能在长远上对我们有利。
人类尊严。 基督教信仰认为所有人都是按照上帝的形象创造的,这为在工作场所尊重和公平对待所有人提供了强有力的基础。这挑战了剥削或非人化工人的做法。
复杂情况的智慧。 基督教信仰为在工作中处理道德复杂情况提供了资源。它不仅提供规则,还提供根植于上帝品格和圣经教导的智慧。
9. 福音为我们的工作提供了新的力量和动机
从证明自我中解放。 福音信息告诉我们,通过基督,我们被上帝完全接纳,这使我们从通过工作证明自己价值的需要中解放出来。这使我们能够从安全感而非焦虑中工作。
赋能的恩典。 基督教信仰不仅提供道德指导,还提供实现它的精神力量。内住的圣灵提供智慧、力量和动机,以诚信和卓越工作。
永恒的视角。 永生的希望和更新创造的承诺为基督徒提供了对工作的长期视角。这使他们能够投资于可能不会立即显示结果但在上帝的国度中具有持久价值的事物。
What's Every Good Endeavor about?
- Connecting Work to Faith: Every Good Endeavor by Timothy J. Keller explores how work can align with God's purpose, viewing it as a calling rather than just a job.
- Three-Part Structure: The book is divided into three sections: God's Plan for Work, Our Problems with Work, and The Gospel and Work, each addressing different aspects of work.
- Faith Integration: Keller emphasizes integrating faith into work, suggesting that our jobs can serve God and others, providing meaning and fulfillment.
Why should I read Every Good Endeavor?
- Transformative Perspective: The book challenges the conventional view of work as a necessary evil, encouraging readers to see it as a calling.
- Practical Guidance: Keller offers practical advice for navigating work complexities while maintaining faith, helping readers find purpose in daily tasks.
- Addressing Struggles: It addresses common work struggles like burnout and frustration, offering biblical wisdom to overcome these challenges.
What are the key takeaways of Every Good Endeavor?
- Work as God's Design: Keller emphasizes that work is part of God's original design, serving others and fulfilling our purpose as His image-bearers.
- Impact of the Fall: The book discusses how humanity's fall affects work, leading to frustration, and how understanding this helps navigate career challenges.
- Redemptive Work: Keller highlights that our labor can contribute to God's restoration of the world, encouraging a view of work as part of a divine narrative.
How does Timothy J. Keller define work in Every Good Endeavor?
- Work as Cultivation: Keller sees work as cultivating creation, involving physical, intellectual, and creative efforts to improve the world.
- Work as Service: He emphasizes work as a service to others, reflecting God's love and care, prioritizing others' needs in professional life.
- Work as a Calling: Keller argues that work is a divine calling, meant to fulfill our purpose and contribute to the common good.
What problems with work does Keller address in Every Good Endeavor?
- Fruitlessness of Work: Keller discusses how work can feel fruitless due to sin's effects, leading to disappointment despite diligent efforts.
- Pointlessness of Work: He addresses the existential crisis where work feels meaningless, often due to a lack of connection to a higher purpose.
- Selfishness in Work: Keller highlights how personal gain can distort work motivations, leading to unhealthy competition and lack of genuine service.
How does the gospel relate to work according to Every Good Endeavor?
- Redemption of Work: The gospel offers a redemptive perspective, seeing labor as part of God's restoration plan, promoting justice and flourishing.
- Empowerment through Faith: It empowers us to work with integrity and purpose, knowing our efforts are part of a larger divine narrative.
- Work as Worship: Keller emphasizes that work can be an act of worship, reflecting our relationship with God, encouraging reverence and dedication.
What is the significance of the "cultural mandate" in Every Good Endeavor?
- Filling and Subduing the Earth: Keller refers to the Genesis mandate, highlighting our responsibility to cultivate creation and develop culture.
- Stewardship of Creation: The mandate emphasizes stewardship, caring for and enhancing the world, a key aspect of work as God's image-bearers.
- Creating a Flourishing Society: Fulfilling the mandate involves creating a society that honors God and enables people to thrive, encouraging work for the common good.
How can I integrate my faith into my work according to Keller?
- View Work as a Calling: Keller encourages seeing work as a divine calling, transforming perspectives on daily tasks and aligning efforts with spiritual values.
- Serve Others: He emphasizes serving others through work, reflecting God's love, leading to greater fulfillment and purpose in careers.
- Seek Excellence: Keller advocates pursuing excellence in work as worship, honoring God and serving the community through quality and integrity.
What role does community play in our work according to Every Good Endeavor?
- Support and Accountability: Keller highlights community's importance for support and accountability in work, helping maintain focus on purpose and values.
- Shared Purpose: Working towards a common goal enhances impact, fostering collaboration and encouraging service to the greater good.
- Encouragement in Challenges: Community provides encouragement during work challenges, sharing struggles and successes to maintain perspective and resilience.
How does Every Good Endeavor redefine success in the workplace?
- Redefining Success: Keller challenges conventional success definitions focused on wealth and status, arguing true success is faithfulness to God's calling.
- Intrinsic Value of Work: The book emphasizes work's value is not just in achievements but in the heart and intention behind it.
- Eternal Perspective: Keller encourages viewing work in light of eternity, reminding that efforts contribute to God's kingdom and ultimate purpose.
What are the best quotes from Every Good Endeavor and what do they mean?
- “In the Lord, your labor is not in vain”: This reassures that work done in faith has eternal significance, meaningful in God's eyes despite immediate results.
- “Work is not a curse but a gift”: Keller reminds that work is fundamental to humanity, designed for good, shifting attitudes from obligation to gratitude.
- “Your work is your prayer”: This emphasizes daily tasks as acts of worship, encouraging a mindset of service to God and others.
What are some practical applications from Every Good Endeavor?
- Identifying Idols: Keller encourages identifying and confronting work-influencing idols, leading to a more authentic and fulfilling work life.
- Engaging in Community: The book emphasizes engaging with a community of believers for support, participating in vocation groups or church activities.
- Living Out the Gospel: Keller challenges living out gospel principles in work, demonstrating integrity, compassion, and excellence, serving God and others.
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