1. 10X公司在混乱中通过纪律化领导蓬勃发展
2. 20英里行军:在任何环境中保持一致的进步
- 设定明确、具体的绩效目标
- 在好坏时刻都保持纪律
- 保持在上限和下限的绩效范围内
- 创建自我施加的约束以防止过度扩张
- 西南航空:连续30年实现盈利
- 进步保险:保持96%的综合比率
- 英特尔:遵循摩尔定律
3. 先开枪,再开炮:在大赌注前进行实证验证
在投资前进行测试。 这一原则倡导进行小规模、低风险的投资(子弹)来测试想法,然后再投入大量资源(炮弹)。这是一种实证验证的方法,帮助公司在创新的同时管理风险。
- 开枪:进行小规模、低成本、低风险的测试
- 评估结果:确定哪些子弹命中目标
- 集中资源:在成功的子弹上投入大量资源
- 校准:确保炮弹基于实证验证
- 苹果开发iPod和iTunes
- 英特尔从内存芯片转向微处理器
- 在未经验证的想法上不冒险地进行创新
- 从小失败中学习并在小成功的基础上发展
- 在保持核心优势的同时适应变化的市场
4. 在死亡线之上领导:为最坏的情况做好准备,预期意外
- 建立缓冲和安全边际
- 保持保守的现金储备
- 在关键系统中创建冗余
- 限制风险
- 避免可能摧毁公司的“死亡线”风险
- 将对不可控外部因素的暴露降到最低
- 先放大,再缩小
- 定期评估更广泛的环境以发现潜在威胁
- 快速集中资源解决已识别的风险
- 英特尔的“只有偏执狂才能生存”哲学
- 西南航空的燃料对冲策略
5. SMaC配方:成功的具体、系统和一致的实践
- 明确和具体的指导方针
- 长期持久(通常几十年)
- 针对特定企业和环境量身定制
- 包括要做和不做的事情
- 西南航空的10点操作模式
- 英特尔对摩尔定律的承诺
- 识别成功的实践
- 分析有效的原因
- 制定明确、可操作的指导方针
- 一致地应用配方
- 根据实证证据定期审查和仔细修改
6. 运气回报:利用好运和厄运
运气发生在每个人身上。 研究发现,10X公司和对比公司都经历了相似数量的好运和厄运。区别在于他们如何利用运气。
- 10X公司没有更多的好运或更少的厄运
- 单一的好运不能解释长期成功
- 好运和厄运都可以用于增长
- 识别运气事件发生时
- 快速评估是否根据运气事件调整计划
- 有效利用好运
- 将厄运转化为学习和改进机会
- 西南航空对9/11的反应
- 进步保险对加州103号提案的反应
- 在运气事件发生前做好准备
- 快速识别和响应运气事件
- 出色地执行以利用好运
- 从逆境中学习和成长
7. 五级雄心:坚定决心与个人谦逊的结合
- 坚定决心实现长期目标
- 对公司成功的承诺超过个人利益
- 愿意将成功归功于他人
- 对失败承担个人责任
- 西南航空的赫布·凯莱赫
- 英特尔的安迪·格罗夫
- 为组织设定明确、雄心勃勃的目标
- 培养强大的领导团队
- 创建纪律和创新的文化
- 一致地应用10X领导原则
Questions & Answers
What's Great by Choice about?
- Thriving in Chaos: Great by Choice explores why some companies succeed in uncertain and chaotic environments while others fail, emphasizing that success is not just about luck but disciplined choices.
- Research-Based Analysis: Authors Jim Collins and Morten T. Hansen conducted a nine-year research project, analyzing companies that achieved exceptional performance in turbulent times, known as "10Xers."
- Key Concepts: The book introduces concepts like the "20 Mile March," "Fire Bullets, Then Cannonballs," and "SMaC" (Specific, Methodical, and Consistent) recipes, which are frameworks for building resilient organizations.
Why should I read Great by Choice?
- Practical Frameworks: The book offers actionable frameworks and principles applicable to any organization, helping leaders navigate uncertainty and chaos effectively.
- Real-World Examples: It includes compelling case studies of successful companies like Southwest Airlines and Intel, illustrating how they implemented the principles discussed.
- Timeless Lessons: The insights are relevant for any organization facing unpredictability, making it a valuable read for leaders in various fields.
What are the key takeaways of Great by Choice?
- Productive Paranoia: Successful leaders maintain a state of productive paranoia, preparing for unexpected events and managing risks effectively.
- 20 Mile March Principle: Companies should set consistent performance markers and adhere to them, regardless of external pressures, to maintain stability and growth.
- Fire Bullets, Then Cannonballs: Organizations should test ideas with low-risk experiments before committing substantial resources, reducing the risk of failure.
What is the "20 Mile March" concept in Great by Choice?
- Consistent Performance Goals: The "20 Mile March" involves setting specific, achievable performance goals that an organization commits to meeting consistently over time.
- Self-Imposed Constraints: It includes establishing both a lower and upper bound to ensure sustainable growth, allowing organizations to weather storms without compromising core values.
- Examples of Success: Companies like Stryker and Southwest Airlines exemplified the 20 Mile March by achieving consistent growth and profitability, even during industry downturns.
How does Great by Choice define "SMaC"?
- Specific, Methodical, and Consistent: SMaC stands for a set of durable operating practices that create a replicable success formula, emphasizing clarity and consistency in decision-making.
- Enduring Practices: A SMaC recipe includes specific practices that guide an organization over time, allowing it to adapt while maintaining core principles.
- Examples from Companies: Southwest Airlines maintained its SMaC recipe through specific operational practices, ensuring long-term success despite external challenges.
What does "Fire Bullets, Then Cannonballs" mean in the context of Great by Choice?
- Empirical Testing: This concept encourages starting with low-cost, low-risk experiments (bullets) to test ideas before committing significant resources (cannonballs).
- Calibrated Decisions: Once a bullet proves successful, organizations can confidently allocate resources to a larger initiative, reducing the risk of failure.
- Real-World Application: Companies like Amgen used this approach by testing various products before launching their blockbuster drug, EPO.
How do luck and preparation interact in Great by Choice?
- Luck is Unpredictable: While luck plays a role in success, it is often the preparation and actions taken by leaders that determine how well an organization can capitalize on lucky breaks.
- Return on Luck: Successful companies do not necessarily have more luck but are better at leveraging the luck they encounter.
- Examples of Preparedness: Leaders like David Breashears illustrate how preparation and resilience can turn potentially disastrous situations into opportunities for success.
What role does "productive paranoia" play in leadership according to Great by Choice?
- Anticipating Change: Productive paranoia involves a heightened awareness of potential threats and uncertainties, prompting leaders to prepare for unexpected challenges.
- Building Buffers: Leaders create financial and operational buffers to withstand shocks, ensuring their organizations can endure turbulent times without collapsing.
- Examples of Success: Companies like Intel and Southwest Airlines exemplify this principle by maintaining conservative financial practices and preparing for potential disruptions.
What are some myths debunked in Great by Choice?
- Myth of Bold Visionaries: The book challenges the notion that successful leaders are bold, risk-seeking visionaries, finding that effective leaders are often disciplined and cautious.
- Innovation Isn't Everything: 10X companies are not necessarily more innovative than their less successful counterparts; they focus on executing well and scaling their innovations effectively.
- Speed Isn't Always Key: Rapid decision-making is not always beneficial; taking the time to make informed decisions can lead to better outcomes, especially in uncertain environments.
What is the concept of "Return on Luck" in Great by Choice?
- Luck as a Factor: "Return on Luck" (ROL) is the ability of organizations to capitalize on good luck and mitigate the impact of bad luck.
- 10X Companies vs. Comparisons: 10X companies excel in leveraging the luck they receive, demonstrating superior execution and decision-making.
- Key to Success: The critical question is not whether a company is lucky, but how effectively it can convert luck into positive outcomes.
How do the authors compare 10X companies to their counterparts?
- Matched Pairs Analysis: The authors use a matched-pair case study methodology, selecting pairs of companies similar in industry, size, and age but differing in performance outcomes.
- Key Differentiators: 10X companies are set apart by disciplined execution, effective risk management, and a strong organizational culture.
- Empirical Evidence: The findings are supported by extensive historical documentation and data analysis, providing a robust foundation for the conclusions drawn.
What are the best quotes from Great by Choice and what do they mean?
- “We simply do not know what the future holds.”: This quote underscores the book's central theme of uncertainty and the importance of preparing for the unpredictable.
- “The best—perhaps even the only—way to predict the future is to create it.”: This emphasizes the proactive approach leaders should take in shaping their organizations' destinies.
- “Victory awaits him who has everything in order—luck people call it.”: This highlights the relationship between preparation and luck, suggesting that success often comes to those who are well-prepared to seize opportunities.