1. 拥抱前提的力量:小说的基础
定义前提。 前提是对故事核心冲突结果的简明陈述。它作为小说的指导原则,帮助你塑造虚构材料,创造一个集中且戏剧性强的故事。
类型和应用。 前提有三种类型:
- 连锁反应:一系列事件导致高潮和解决
- 对立力量:两股力量对抗,一方胜出
- 情境型:考察情境对多个角色的影响
2. 掌握悬念艺术,吸引读者
制造悬念。 悬念通过在读者中创造不确定性、焦虑或担忧的状态来实现。这可以通过以下方式完成:
- 提出引起读者好奇的故事问题
- 将同情的角色置于危险境地
- “点燃导火索”——设立时间限制或即将到来的危险
- 使用具体、详细的描述来创造生动的场景
- 发展读者关心的角色
- 引入冲突和障碍,并在整个故事中逐步升级
- 使用节奏控制信息和紧张感的流动
3. 创造令人难忘的角色:从懦夫到怪人
发展动态角色。 要创造真正令人难忘的角色,重点是让他们:
- 动态并由强烈的欲望或动机驱动
- 在他们选择的领域或专业中表现出色
- 略显“古怪”或怪异,以增加色彩和趣味
- 与其他角色和他们的环境形成对比
- 写详细的角色传记
- 给角色矛盾的情感和欲望
- 创造具有对比性性格的双重性角色
- 使用夸张来强调独特的特征
4. 发展强大的叙述声音以增强真实性
打造独特的声音。 强大的叙述声音能与读者建立信任,让他们完全沉浸在故事中。要发展你的叙述声音:
- 选择适合你的故事和类型的角色
- 使用具体、详细的描述来建立权威
- 让叙述者的个性展现出来
- 尝试不同的声音和视角
- 研究具有强大叙述声音的作者
- 练习用不同的声音写同一段文字
- 模仿你欣赏的声音,然后将其适应自己的风格
5. 建立并维护作者-读者契约
理解契约。 作者-读者契约是你与读者之间的隐含协议。它包括:
- 提供承诺的故事类型(类型、风格、语调)
- 在叙述声音和视角上保持一致性
- 公平对待读者(不使用廉价手段或天降神兵)
- 实现故事开头设定的期望
- 从一开始就清楚地确定你要讲述的故事类型
- 在风格、语调和叙述方法上保持一致
- 避免在没有充分理由的情况下打破你设定的“规则”
- 提供一个满足承诺的结局
6. 避免小说写作的七大致命错误
- 胆怯:不敢冒险或面对批评
- 试图变得文学化:模仿“伟大”作家而不是发展自己的声音
- 自我写作:专注于自我表达而不是吸引读者
- 无法重新构想:无法根据反馈修改和重新想象作品
- 对自己失去信心:在面对拒绝或挫折时放弃
- 错误的生活方式:没有优先考虑写作或创造有利的环境
- 无法产出:屈服于写作障碍或拖延
- 接受批评并利用它来改进你的技艺
- 专注于掌握故事讲述的原则,然后再进行实验
- 为读者而写,而不仅仅是为自己
- 学会根据反馈修改和重新想象你的作品
- 在拒绝和挫折面前坚持不懈
- 创造支持你写作目标的生活方式
- 建立一致的写作习惯并坚持下去
7. 以激情和坚持写作以实现成功
成功的关键。 要成为一名成功的小说家,你必须:
- 培养对写作的热情
- 全身心投入掌握技艺
- 努力工作并保持一致
- 寻找好老师和可靠的读者
- 学会根据反馈修改和重新想象你的作品
- 以专业的态度对待写作的商业方面
- 个人成长和自我发现
- 潜在的财务成功和认可
- 通过你的故事影响读者的生活
- 创作持久艺术作品的满足感
What's "How to Write a Damn Good Novel, II" about?
- Advanced storytelling techniques: The book focuses on advanced techniques for dramatic storytelling, building on the basics covered in the first book.
- Character development: It delves into creating memorable characters, enhancing reader sympathy, and developing character arcs.
- Suspense and engagement: The book provides strategies for maintaining suspense and keeping readers engaged throughout the narrative.
- Premise and structure: It emphasizes the importance of a strong premise and how it guides the structure and development of a novel.
Why should I read "How to Write a Damn Good Novel, II"?
- Enhance storytelling skills: The book is ideal for writers who are familiar with the basics and want to advance their storytelling skills.
- Practical advice: It offers practical advice and techniques that can be directly applied to writing projects.
- In-depth exploration: The book provides an in-depth exploration of character development, suspense, and narrative voice.
- Proven methods: Written by James N. Frey, a seasoned author and writing teacher, the book shares proven methods for crafting compelling fiction.
What are the key takeaways of "How to Write a Damn Good Novel, II"?
- Premise is crucial: A strong premise is essential for guiding the story and ensuring all elements are relevant and cohesive.
- Character complexity: Characters should be dynamic, memorable, and capable of growth and change throughout the story.
- Suspense techniques: Effective suspense involves creating story questions and placing characters in situations of menace.
- Narrative voice: A strong narrative voice is vital for engaging readers and conveying the story's tone and style.
How does James N. Frey define "premise" in the book?
- Story's core statement: The premise is a statement of what happens to the characters as a result of the story's core conflict.
- Guides the narrative: It serves as a blueprint for the story, helping writers focus on relevant events and character actions.
- Types of premises: The book discusses chain reaction, opposing forces, and situational premises, each shaping the story differently.
- Proving the premise: Writers should ensure that the story's events effectively prove the premise, leading to a satisfying resolution.
What advice does James N. Frey give on creating memorable characters?
- Dynamic and driven: Characters should be dynamic, with strong desires and motivations that drive the story forward.
- Complexity and contrast: Memorable characters often have contrasting traits or dual natures, adding depth and interest.
- Sympathy and identification: Writers should aim to evoke reader sympathy and identification with characters to enhance engagement.
- Wacky and unique: Characters with unique or exaggerated traits can be particularly memorable and engaging.
How does "How to Write a Damn Good Novel, II" suggest maintaining suspense?
- Story questions: Introduce story questions early to pique reader curiosity and keep them engaged.
- Situations of menace: Place characters in situations of menace to create anxiety and apprehension in readers.
- Lighting the fuse: Use the "lit fuse" technique, where something terrible is set to happen, creating urgency and tension.
- Character stakes: Ensure that characters have high stakes, making their goals and conflicts compelling and suspenseful.
What role does narrative voice play according to James N. Frey?
- Engagement and trust: A strong narrative voice creates trust and engages readers, allowing them to immerse in the story.
- Tone and style: The voice sets the tone and style of the narrative, influencing how the story is perceived.
- Character and perspective: The narrator is a character, whether in first or third person, and should have a distinct personality.
- Flexibility in voice: Writers can switch between voices or perspectives if done thoughtfully and within the story's contract.
What are the seven deadly mistakes in writing according to the book?
- Timidity: Avoid being timid in writing; take risks and confront dramatic situations head-on.
- Trying to be literary: Focus on storytelling rather than imitating literary giants or being overly complex.
- Ego-writing: Write for readers, not for personal ego, ensuring the story is engaging and relatable.
- Failure to re-dream: Learn to re-dream the story during revisions, allowing for new perspectives and improvements.
How does James N. Frey suggest writers keep the faith in their writing journey?
- Persistence: Writers should persist through rejections and setbacks, maintaining belief in their work.
- Avoiding discouragement: Focus on the intrinsic rewards of writing rather than external validation or success.
- Commitment to growth: Continuously improve craft through study, practice, and feedback.
- Balancing life and writing: Organize life to prioritize writing, ensuring it remains a central focus.
What are some of the best quotes from "How to Write a Damn Good Novel, II" and what do they mean?
- "Premise is the fiction writer's chisel": This emphasizes the importance of a strong premise in shaping and guiding the story.
- "A writer can't be timid": Encourages writers to confront difficult situations and take creative risks for impactful storytelling.
- "Characters must be dynamic": Highlights the need for characters to have strong motivations and the capacity for growth.
- "Suspense is making the reader worry and wonder": Defines suspense as a key element in keeping readers engaged and invested in the story.
How does the book address the concept of "writing with passion"?
- Intrinsic motivation: Writing with passion involves a deep commitment to the story and its themes, beyond external rewards.
- Vision and truth: Writers should have a clear vision and confront truths about human nature and the human condition.
- Emotional impact: Passionate writing aims to move readers emotionally and leave a lasting impression.
- Personal satisfaction: Writing with passion provides intrinsic satisfaction and fulfillment, regardless of commercial success.
What is the "James N. Frey 100 Percent Guarantee of Success"?
- Commitment and mastery: Success is guaranteed for those who fully commit to writing and master the craft.
- Hard work and persistence: Writers must work hard, persist through challenges, and continuously improve their skills.
- Businesslike approach: Actively pursue publication and treat writing as a professional endeavor.
- Intrinsic rewards: Success is not only about publication but also about personal growth and satisfaction from the writing process.
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