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Thrilling, Fulfilling
作者 Joy Dawson 1997 206 页数
50+ 评分
6 分钟
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1. 代祷:与神合作的强大事工


神圣的合作。 代祷是一种与神合作以塑造历史进程的深刻方式。它涉及将我们的心与神的愿望对齐,并代表他人向神祈祷。这项事工不仅仅是为少数人预留的,而是对所有信徒开放的。

变革的力量。 通过代祷,我们成为神心意和思想的一部分。这一过程比任何其他方式更快地改变我们,使我们更像祂。它引领我们进入神灵*深的动工、大的心意启示和亲密的与神的友谊。

实际应用。 要进行有效的代祷:

  • 寻求神的指引,知道为谁和什么祈祷
  • 聆听圣灵的指导
  • 带着信心和坚持祈祷
  • 期待神以强大且有时出乎意料的方式工作

2. 了解神的品格在有效祷告中的重要性


信心的基础。 了解神的品格对有效祷告至关重要。它塑造我们的期望,激发我们的信心,并指导我们如何在代祷中接近神。我们对神的本性了解得越多,我们就能越自信和准确地祈祷。

实际学习。 为了加深我们对神品格的了解:

  • 系统地学习圣经,关注神的属性
  • 默想揭示神本性的经文
  • 反思个人经历中的神的信实
  • 向那些与神亲密同行的人的见证学习

变革的影响。 随着我们对神品格的理解加深,我们的祷告变得更加符合祂的旨意。我们带着更大的勇气、坚持和信心祈祷,知道我们的请求是基于神的真实本性。

3. 为属灵领袖祷告:一项关键责任


战略重点。 为属灵领袖祷告至关重要,因为他们面临独特的挑战并具有重要的影响力。我们的代祷可以为那些处于领导地位的人提供重要的支持、保护和赋能。


  • 决策中的智慧和辨别力
  • 免受属灵攻击和诱惑的保护
  • 对事工的愿景和热情的更新
  • 个人生活和公共事工中的正直
  • 听到并顺服神声音的能力

实际方法。 定期抽出时间为特定的领袖按名祷告。了解他们的事工和挑战。请求神揭示具体的祷告方式,并愿意根据任何实际的提示来支持或鼓励他们。

4. 触及未得之民:全球福音传播的策略


全球视野。 神的心意是让所有人认识祂。作为代祷者,我们必须培养全球视野,为世界各地的未得之民祈祷,特别是在“10/40窗口”内的群体。


  • 为受限地区的开放之门祈祷
  • 请求神在未得之民中显现和做梦
  • 为工人被派遣到特定的未得群体中代祷
  • 为圣经在本地语言中的翻译和分发祈祷
  • 请求在抵抗文化中的属灵突破

个人参与。 在祷告时,保持对神呼召的开放,参与全球宣教。这可能意味着参加短期旅行,财务支持宣教士,甚至成为全职宣教士。

5. 属灵争战:理解和参与敌人


平衡的视角。 认识到属灵争战的现实,但不要变得痴迷或恐惧。我们的重点应该是神的至高权柄和基督的胜利,而不是敌人的有限力量。


  • 每天穿上神的全副军装(以弗所书6:10-18)
  • 通过顺服神来抵挡魔鬼(雅各书4:7)
  • 使用神的话语作为对抗敌人攻击的剑
  • 通过赞美和敬拜来削弱敌人的力量
  • 与其他信徒保持团结,以在争战中获得力量

持续的警惕。 保持对敌人策略的警觉,但不要变得偏执。培养与神亲密相交的生活方式,这是我们对抗属灵攻击的*佳防御。

6. 基督身体的合一:复兴的必要条件


神圣的优先事项。 信徒之间的合一不是可选的;它是复兴和有效事工的关键条件。耶稣为我们的合一祈祷,作为对世界的见证(约翰福音17:23)。


  • 积极寻求与其他信徒和解
  • 培养谦卑和愿意向他人学习的态度
  • 专注于基本教义,同时允许在非基本问题上的多样性
  • 参与跨宗派的祷告和事工活动
  • 说其他信徒和事工的好话,避免批评和闲话

个人责任。 每个信徒在促进合一方面都有角色。检查自己的心,是否有偏见或分裂,并主动与其他信徒和会众建立桥梁。

7. 复兴祷告的特点:热情、明确和信心


热情的追求。 复兴祷告的特点是强烈的渴望和热切地寻求神。它不是随意或冷淡的,而是绝望和坚持的。


  • 认识到复兴是由神发起的
  • 专注和具体的属灵觉醒请求
  • 谦卑地承认个人和集体的罪
  • 对神复兴应许的期待信心
  • 愿意在过程中被神改变和使用

实际应用。 定期抽出时间进行专注的复兴祷告。以圣经的应许为基础提出请求。愿意与他人一起祷告,因为集体祷告通常会激发更大的热情和对复兴的信心。



What's "Intercession, Thrilling and Fulfilling" by Joy Dawson about?

  • Focus on Intercession: The book explores the power and process of intercessory prayer, emphasizing its role in shaping history and impacting nations.
  • Spiritual Growth: It aims to inspire readers to deepen their spiritual lives through effective prayer practices.
  • Practical Guidance: Joy Dawson provides practical steps and principles for engaging in intercessory prayer, making it accessible for both new and seasoned believers.
  • Personal Testimonies: The book includes personal stories and testimonies that illustrate the transformative power of intercession.

Why should I read "Intercession, Thrilling and Fulfilling"?

  • Spiritual Enrichment: The book offers insights into deepening one's relationship with God through prayer.
  • Practical Application: It provides actionable steps and principles for effective intercession, making it a practical guide for believers.
  • Inspiration and Motivation: Joy Dawson's experiences and teachings are designed to inspire and motivate readers to engage more deeply in prayer.
  • Impact on the World: The book emphasizes the role of prayer in influencing global events and shaping nations, offering a sense of purpose and impact.

What are the key takeaways of "Intercession, Thrilling and Fulfilling"?

  • Power of Prayer: Intercessory prayer is a powerful tool for change, both personally and globally.
  • God's Character: Understanding God's character is crucial for effective prayer, as it aligns our desires with His will.
  • Persistence in Prayer: Consistent and fervent prayer is necessary to see significant spiritual breakthroughs.
  • Unity and Revival: The book highlights the importance of unity among believers and the role of prayer in sparking revival.

What are the best quotes from "Intercession, Thrilling and Fulfilling" and what do they mean?

  • "Prayer is the match that lights the fuse to release the explosive power of the Holy Spirit in the affairs of men." This quote emphasizes the catalytic role of prayer in unleashing divine power.
  • "God hears prayer. He answers faith." It underscores the importance of faith in prayer, suggesting that belief is key to receiving answers.
  • "The more we pray for others, the less we'll need to pray for ourselves." This highlights the selfless nature of intercession and its transformative impact on the intercessor.
  • "Revival is God greatly stirring, shaking, and changing His people from apathy, selfishness and self-promotion to a repentant, humble, fervently praying, and praising people." This quote defines revival as a profound spiritual awakening initiated by God.

How does Joy Dawson define intercession in "Intercession, Thrilling and Fulfilling"?

  • Cooperation with God: Intercession is described as partnering with God in prayer to influence the affairs of men.
  • Spirit-Led Prayer: It involves praying as directed and energized by the Holy Spirit, ensuring alignment with God's will.
  • Focus on Others: Intercession is primarily about praying for the needs of others, rather than oneself.
  • Transformative Power: It is portrayed as a means of experiencing God's heart and mind, leading to personal and communal transformation.

What are the "Principles for Effective Intercession" outlined by Joy Dawson?

  • Praise and Worship: Begin with praising God, as it releases His power and sets the tone for effective prayer.
  • Clean Heart: Ensure your heart is clean before God, allowing the Holy Spirit to convict and cleanse any unconfessed sin.
  • Holy Spirit's Enabling: Acknowledge the need for the Holy Spirit's guidance and empowerment in prayer.
  • Wait for Direction: Spend time in silent expectancy, listening for God's direction before proceeding with intercession.

How does Joy Dawson suggest dealing with spiritual warfare in "Intercession, Thrilling and Fulfilling"?

  • Focus on God's Authority: Keep your focus on the supreme authority of Jesus Christ, who has already defeated the enemy.
  • Humility and Purity: Approach spiritual warfare with humility and ensure there is no unrepented sin in your life.
  • Empowerment by the Holy Spirit: Fulfill the conditions to be empowered by the Holy Spirit, as this is essential for effective spiritual combat.
  • Unity Among Believers: Recognize the strength that comes from unity in the Body of Christ, which is impenetrable to the enemy.

What role does unity play in intercession according to "Intercession, Thrilling and Fulfilling"?

  • Influence on the Lost: Unity among believers is the greatest factor in influencing the lost to commit their lives to Christ.
  • Precondition for Revival: True revival requires unity, as it sets the stage for the Holy Spirit's outpouring.
  • Overcoming Division: Unity helps overcome divisions within the Body of Christ, which can hinder effective prayer and spiritual growth.
  • Reflecting God's Nature: Unity among believers reflects the unity within the Trinity, serving as a powerful testimony to the world.

How does Joy Dawson address the concept of revival in "Intercession, Thrilling and Fulfilling"?

  • Initiated by God: Revival is always initiated by God, who stirs His people to see the need for it and to pray fervently.
  • Characteristics of Revival: It involves a strong sense of God's presence, leading to repentance, joy, and a greater passion for God.
  • Impact on Society: Genuine revival results in social reform and a significant increase in conversions and spiritual awakenings.
  • Preparation for Revival: Believers must be prepared for revival through humility, repentance, and a willingness to embrace God's ways.

What advice does Joy Dawson give for praying for spiritual leaders in "Intercession, Thrilling and Fulfilling"?

  • Honor and Support: Thank God for spiritual leaders and honor them for the high price they pay in leadership.
  • Encouragement and Strength: Pray for their encouragement, comfort, and strength to endure the pressures of leadership.
  • Integrity and Wisdom: Ask God to grant them integrity, wisdom, and a deeper understanding of His character and ways.
  • Unity and Vision: Pray for unity among leaders and that they would have a vision for worldwide revival and evangelization.

How does "Intercession, Thrilling and Fulfilling" suggest praying for the unevangelized?

  • God's Perspective: Begin by understanding the unevangelized from God's perspective, recognizing His love and plans for them.
  • Focus on God's People: Pray for the Body of Christ within unevangelized areas to be empowered, united, and bold in their witness.
  • Revelation of Jesus: Ask God to reveal Himself to the unevangelized through dreams, visions, and the witness of believers.
  • Spiritual Awakening: Pray for a great spiritual awakening among the unevangelized, leading to widespread conversions and discipleship.

What is the ultimate goal of intercession according to Joy Dawson in "Intercession, Thrilling and Fulfilling"?

  • Glorifying God: The ultimate goal is to glorify God by aligning our prayers with His will and purposes.
  • Transforming Lives: Intercession aims to transform lives, both of those being prayed for and the intercessors themselves.
  • Shaping Nations: It seeks to influence and shape nations according to God's plans, bringing about spiritual and social change.
  • Reflecting Christ's Love: Intercession reflects the love and compassion of Christ, who is the ultimate intercessor for humanity.


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Joy Dawson是一位著名的基督教作家和演讲者,以其关于祷告和灵性成长的教导而闻名。她与青年使命团(YWAM)有着密切的联系,在那里她教授代祷和聆听神声音的研讨会。Joy Dawson的著作因其实用的见解和圣经基础而备受推崇。她在事工和个人祷告生活中的经历塑造了她的教导,强调聆听神和遵循祂指示的重要性。Dawson的工作激励了全球许多基督徒加深他们的祷告生活,并为从个人到国家的各个方面进行代祷。

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