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In Turbulent Times
作者 Doris Kearns Goodwin 2018 473 页数
15k+ 评分
10 分钟


1. 领导力在逆境和个人成长中显现


多样背景塑造领导者。 林肯出生于贫困家庭,而西奥多·罗斯福则出身于富裕家庭,他们都面临了重大的个人挑战,这些挑战锻造了他们的领导品质。林肯的自学成才和罗斯福与哮喘的斗争培养了他们的韧性和决心。

逆境作为催化剂。 富兰克林·罗斯福的小儿麻痹症和林登·约翰逊的选举失败成为了转折点。这些挫折迫使他们发展新的力量、视角和同理心,最终增强了他们的领导能力。

  • 林肯在失去初恋后的抑郁
  • 西奥多·罗斯福在同一天失去妻子和母亲
  • 富兰克林·罗斯福与小儿麻痹症的斗争
  • 林登·约翰逊参议院选举的惨败

2. 有效的领导者在野心与使命感之间找到平衡


个人野心作为驱动力。 这四位领导者从小就怀有强烈的野心。林肯渴望留下印记,西奥多·罗斯福追求伟大,富兰克林·罗斯福的政治抱负,以及约翰逊的不懈努力都推动他们前进。

超越自我利益的更高目标。 最有效的领导者将他们的野心引导到服务更大的利益上。林肯致力于维护联邦和结束奴隶制,西奥多·罗斯福的反垄断努力,富兰克林·罗斯福的新政计划,以及约翰逊的伟大社会计划都体现了这种平衡。

  • 林肯从个人野心到维护联邦的演变
  • 西奥多·罗斯福从自我宣传到进步改革的转变
  • 富兰克林·罗斯福将个人斗争转化为对国家的同情
  • 约翰逊将野心转向民权和扶贫

3. 危机管理需要适应性和果断行动


方法的灵活性。 西奥多·罗斯福处理1902年煤矿罢工时展示了他随着情况变化调整策略的能力。他在幕后谈判和公开干预之间灵活切换。

迅速果断的行动。 富兰克林·罗斯福对1933年银行危机的立即反应展示了在国家紧急情况下快速大胆行动的重要性。他的“银行假日”和随后的改革帮助稳定了金融系统。

  • 西奥多·罗斯福对煤矿罢工的多方面处理:
    • 初步的事实调查和调解尝试
    • 通过媒体施加公众压力
    • 威胁政府干预
  • 富兰克林·罗斯福对银行危机的迅速反应:
    • 全国银行关闭
    • 紧急银行法案
    • 炉边谈话以恢复公众信心

4. 变革型领导力激发变革和团结


变革的愿景。 林肯在内战和解放过程中的领导力体现了变革型领导力。他阐述了一个统一、无奴隶的美国的愿景,并激励他人朝这个目标努力。

团结多样群体。 林肯在内阁中团结“对手团队”并团结北方各州支持战争努力,展示了变革型领导力克服分歧并创造共同目标的力量。

  • 林肯解放宣言的战略时机
  • 为解放争取支持:
    • 内阁成员
    • 军事领导人
    • 北方公众
    • 边境州
  • 将内战框架为民主和人权的斗争

5. 扭转局势的领导力在紧急情况下需要迅速大胆的行动


紧迫性和果断性。 富兰克林·罗斯福上任的前100天体现了扭转局势的领导力。面对崩溃的经济和银行系统,他采取了立即的、戏剧性的行动来稳定局势并恢复信心。

传达希望和方向。 罗斯福的就职演说和炉边谈话在争取公众支持和平息恐惧方面至关重要。他提供了一个清晰的复苏愿景,并用简单的语言解释复杂的问题。

  • 前100天的举措:
    • 紧急银行法案
    • 平民保护团
    • 田纳西河流域管理局
    • 农业调整法案
  • 利用广播直接与公众对话
  • 定期新闻发布会以保持透明度

6. 领导者必须建立与其愿景一致的强大多样团队


互补的技能和视角。 林肯的“对手团队”内阁汇集了多样的观点和专业知识。这种方法有助于确保全面的决策和更广泛的政治支持。

忠诚和共同目标。 富兰克林·罗斯福组建了一个与他变革愿景一致的内阁和顾问团队。这种凝聚力使新政政策得以迅速实施。

  • 林肯的内阁成员:
    • 威廉·西华德(前对手,国务卿)
    • 萨蒙·蔡斯(前对手,财政部长)
    • 埃德温·斯坦顿(民主党人,战争部长)
  • 富兰克林·罗斯福的“智囊团”:
    • 弗朗西斯·珀金斯(首位女性内阁成员,劳工部长)
    • 哈罗德·伊克斯(进步共和党人,内政部长)
    • 亨利·华莱士(农业部长)

7. 有效的沟通对于争取公众支持至关重要


清晰和亲和力。 林肯将复杂思想转化为简单有力语言的天赋帮助他为艰难政策争取支持。他的葛底斯堡演讲仍然是简洁、鼓舞人心的演讲杰作。

利用新媒体。 富兰克林·罗斯福通过炉边谈话掌握了广播的使用,绕过传统媒体直接与美国人民对话,建立信任并解释他的政策。

  • 林肯使用故事和比喻解释问题
  • 富兰克林·罗斯福的炉边谈话:
    • 解释复杂的经济问题
    • 建立对政府行动的信心
    • 创造共同的国家目标

8. 领导者应当亲近和富有同理心以与人民建立联系


个人参与。 西奥多·罗斯福在1902年罢工期间对煤矿社区的巡访帮助他亲身了解问题并与工人建立联系。这种方法建立了信任和信誉。

共同经历。 富兰克林·罗斯福与小儿麻痹症的斗争使他对面临逆境的人有了独特的同理心。他利用这种联系在大萧条期间激发希望和韧性。

  • 西奥多·罗斯福对工厂和矿山的突击访问
  • 富兰克林·罗斯福开发温泉作为小儿麻痹症治疗中心
  • 林登·约翰逊的贫困巡访以推广他的伟大社会计划

9. 战略决策需要仔细的计划和时机


耐心和准备。 林肯解放宣言的谨慎时机展示了等待合适时机行动的重要性。他争取支持并等待联邦胜利后才发布宣言。

抓住机会。 西奥多·罗斯福对煤矿罢工的干预是在几个月的准备和等待公众舆论转变之后。当时机成熟时,他果断行动。

  • 林肯对解放的渐进方法:
    • 安提塔姆战役后的初步宣言
    • 给南方邦联100天的回归时间
    • 1863年1月1日的最终宣言
  • 西奥多·罗斯福的煤矿罢工策略:
    • 初步的事实调查和调解
    • 通过媒体争取公众支持
    • 在关键时刻威胁政府干预

10. 伟大的领导者通过他们的行动和政策留下持久的遗产


变革性的政策。 这些领导者中的每一位都实施了从根本上改变美国社会的政策。林肯解放奴隶,西奥多·罗斯福的保护努力,富兰克林·罗斯福的新政,以及约翰逊的伟大社会计划继续塑造着国家。

鼓舞人心的榜样。 这些总统的个人品质和领导风格激励了后来的领导者。他们克服逆境、有效沟通和在危机中领导的能力提供了持久的教训。

  • 持久的影响:
    • 林肯:第13、14和15修正案
    • 西奥多·罗斯福:国家公园系统,反垄断立法
    • 富兰克林·罗斯福:社会保障,银行改革,劳动法
    • 约翰逊:民权法案,投票权法案,医疗保险,医疗补助
  • 关于韧性、沟通和危机管理的领导力教训继续在各个领域被研究和应用



What's Leadership by Doris Kearns Goodwin about?

  • Focus on Four Presidents: The book examines the leadership styles of Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Lyndon B. Johnson, exploring how their backgrounds and experiences shaped their leadership.
  • Themes of Ambition and Adversity: It delves into themes such as ambition, adversity, and how these elements foster growth and leadership development.
  • Historical Context: Goodwin places these leaders within the historical context of their times, illustrating their responses to crises and their influence on the nation.

Why should I read Leadership by Doris Kearns Goodwin?

  • In-depth Character Studies: The book provides a nuanced understanding of each leader's character, motivations, and the historical circumstances they navigated.
  • Lessons on Leadership: Readers can learn valuable lessons on leadership, resilience, and empathy from the experiences of these presidents.
  • Historical Relevance: The insights into leadership styles and challenges remain relevant today, offering guidance for current and future leaders.

What are the key takeaways of Leadership by Doris Kearns Goodwin?

  • Ambition Drives Leadership: Each president's ambition propelled them into leadership roles, highlighting both the potential and risks of ambition.
  • Resilience in Adversity: The ability to bounce back from setbacks is a recurring theme, illustrating how challenges can lead to growth.
  • Connection with the People: Effective leaders must connect with their constituents, emphasizing the importance of empathy and understanding.

What are the best quotes from Leadership by Doris Kearns Goodwin and what do they mean?

  • “Every man is said to have his peculiar ambition”: Reflects the idea that ambition is a fundamental aspect of human nature, driving leaders to make a meaningful impact.
  • “I must die or be better”: Lincoln’s quote underscores the necessity of personal growth in the face of adversity, illustrating the transformative power of struggle.
  • “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are”: Encourages taking action despite limitations, making the most of current circumstances to effect change.

How does Doris Kearns Goodwin define leadership in Leadership?

  • Leadership as a Two-Way Street: Leadership involves a reciprocal relationship with followers, requiring leaders to listen and understand their needs.
  • Moral Purpose: Effective leadership is grounded in a sense of moral purpose, aiming for the greater good beyond personal ambition.
  • Adaptability and Growth: Great leaders are adaptable and learn from their experiences, reflecting on failures and adjusting strategies for success.

What role does adversity play in the development of leaders in Leadership by Doris Kearns Goodwin?

  • Catalyst for Growth: Adversity serves as a catalyst for personal and professional growth, shaping leadership styles and philosophies.
  • Resilience Building: The ability to withstand and learn from setbacks is a key trait of effective leaders, emerging from confronting difficulties.
  • Empathy Development: Adversity fosters empathy, allowing leaders to connect with the struggles of others and enhance their leadership effectiveness.

How did each president’s background influence their leadership style in Leadership by Doris Kearns Goodwin?

  • Lincoln’s Humble Origins: His rise from poverty instilled empathy and a desire to serve the common man, shaping his inclusive leadership approach.
  • Theodore’s Privilege and Transformation: His privileged upbringing led him to seek adventure, transforming him into a more rugged and empathetic leader.
  • Franklin’s Family Legacy: His background shaped his understanding of power dynamics, influencing his charm and ability to connect with people.

How does Doris Kearns Goodwin define "crucible experiences" in Leadership?

  • Defining Crucible Experiences: Significant challenges or trials that test a leader's character and resolve, leading to personal growth.
  • Impact on Leadership Style: These experiences shape leadership styles and decision-making processes, teaching resilience and empathy.
  • Examples from History: Lincoln's political failures and Roosevelt's battle with polio are examples of how adversity can forge strong leaders.

What leadership qualities are highlighted in Leadership by Doris Kearns Goodwin?

  • Empathy and Understanding: Understanding the needs and emotions of others is crucial for effective governance and leadership.
  • Resilience and Determination: The ability to bounce back from setbacks is essential, as demonstrated by each leader's challenges.
  • Vision and Communication: Having a clear vision and the ability to communicate it effectively is necessary for inspiring and mobilizing followers.

How does Leadership by Doris Kearns Goodwin address the concept of consensus-building?

  • Importance of Consensus: Essential for effective governance, requiring leaders to navigate diverse opinions and interests.
  • Historical Context: Examines how leaders like Lincoln and Johnson built consensus during pivotal moments in history.
  • Practical Strategies: Outlines strategies such as active listening and open communication to foster consensus in political and organizational settings.

How did Leadership by Doris Kearns Goodwin illustrate the impact of personal relationships on leadership?

  • Building Trust: Personal relationships are foundational for building trust and credibility, fostering loyalty and support.
  • Influence of Mentors: Mentors played a pivotal role in shaping the leaders' development and political careers.
  • Emotional Connections: Emotional connections enhance a leader's ability to inspire and motivate, creating a more engaged team.

How does Leadership by Doris Kearns Goodwin connect the past to present leadership challenges?

  • Historical Lessons: Draws parallels between historical challenges and contemporary leadership issues, informing modern leaders.
  • Enduring Principles: Emphasizes principles like empathy, resilience, and collaboration, relevant in today's political and social landscapes.
  • Inspiration for Future Leaders: Understanding the past prepares current and aspiring leaders for future challenges, offering inspiration and guidance.


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