1. id Software的诞生:从Softdisk到革命性的游戏开发者
谦逊的起点。 John Carmack和John Romero在路易斯安那州什里夫波特的Softdisk软件公司工作时相识。他们对游戏开发和创新编程的共同热情促使他们创造了Commander Keen,这是一款开创性的PC横向卷轴游戏。
id Software的成立。 认识到他们的潜力,Carmack和Romero与Tom Hall、Adrian Carmack和Jay Wilbur一起,于1991年离开Softdisk成立了id Software。公司名称“id”代表“in demand”,反映了他们创造尖端游戏、革命性行业的雄心。
- 关键成员:
- John Carmack:技术天才,专注于游戏引擎
- John Romero:创意力量,游戏设计师和关卡创建者
- Tom Hall:游戏设计师和创意总监
- Adrian Carmack:首席艺术家(与John Carmack无亲属关系)
- Jay Wilbur:业务经理
2. Wolfenstein 3D:开创第一人称射击游戏类型
“我们不配,我们不配,我们不配,”玩家们对John Romero(他最近自称为上帝)低声说道。
突破性技术。 1992年发布的Wolfenstein 3D是游戏历史上的一个里程碑。John Carmack的创新图形引擎实现了流畅、快速的3D游戏体验,这在个人电脑上曾被认为是不可能的。
共享软件模式。 id Software采用了共享软件分发模式,免费发布第一集并对完整游戏收费。这一策略非常成功,使Wolfenstein 3D得以广泛传播并产生了可观的收入。
- 确立了第一人称射击(FPS)游戏类型
- 将成熟主题和暴力引入PC游戏
- 引发了关于电子游戏暴力的辩论
- 激发了众多模仿者和继任者
3. Doom:重新定义游戏并引发争议
技术奇迹。 1993年发布的Doom进一步推动了PC游戏的边界。其先进的图形引擎允许更复杂的关卡设计、改进的纹理和动态照明,创造了一个身临其境且令人恐惧的体验。
多人游戏革命。 Doom引入了“死亡竞赛”多人模式,允许玩家通过局域网(LAN)相互竞争。这一功能成为FPS类型的基石,并为在线多人游戏铺平了道路。
- 图形暴力和恶魔形象引发了愤怒
- 被指责激发了现实生活中的暴力,包括哥伦拜恩高中枪击事件
- 推广了游戏修改,允许玩家创建自定义关卡和内容
- 确立了id Software作为领先游戏开发商的地位
- 产生了数百万美元的收入并催生了多媒体特许经营
4. 多人游戏和在线社区的兴起
DWANGO和在线游戏。 由Bob Huntley和Kee Kimbrell创建的拨号广域网游戏操作(DWANGO)服务,允许玩家连接并在线玩Doom。这一创新为未来的在线游戏平台奠定了基础。
竞技游戏。 Doom和Quake锦标赛变得流行,玩家们为奖品和认可而竞争。这一趋势最终导致了职业电竞的兴起。
- 玩家创建并分享自定义关卡和修改
- 在线论坛和公告板系统促进了游戏讨论
- 团队和游戏社区围绕热门游戏形成
- 开发者开始将玩家反馈纳入游戏设计
5. Quake:推动技术边界和竞技游戏
技术飞跃。 1996年发布的Quake采用了John Carmack创建的全3D引擎。这一突破允许更逼真的环境和玩家移动,为FPS游戏设定了新标准。
在线游戏重点。 Quake在设计时考虑了多人游戏,具有改进的网络代码以实现更流畅的在线游戏。游戏的流行导致了QuakeWorld的创建,这是一个为互联网游戏优化的版本。
- Quake成为职业游戏锦标赛的主打游戏
- 玩家如Dennis “Thresh” Fong获得了名声和赞助
- 网络运动员职业联盟(CPL)成立,举办大型Quake锦标赛
- Quake的成功影响了未来竞技FPS游戏的发展
6. Carmack和Romero的分裂:游戏开发的不同愿景
创意分歧。 随着id Software的发展,John Carmack和John Romero之间的紧张关系加剧。Carmack专注于技术进步,而Romero则强调游戏设计和雄心勃勃的项目。
Romero的离开。 1996年,Romero离开id Software成立了Ion Storm,旨在创造更多以设计为驱动的游戏。他的雄心勃勃的项目Daikatana面临多次延误,最终未能达到预期。
对id Software的影响:
- 公司继续专注于技术驱动的游戏开发
- Quake III Arena强调多人游戏体验而非单人游戏
- id Software的文化变得更加结构化和有序
- Romero的创意输入的缺失影响了公司的游戏设计方法
7. 遗产和影响:id Software如何塑造游戏行业
技术创新。 从Wolfenstein 3D到Quake,id Software的游戏引擎不断推动计算机图形和游戏玩法的可能性边界。
商业模式影响。 公司在共享软件分发和引擎许可方面的成功改变了游戏的开发和销售方式。
- 推广了FPS类型,影响了无数游戏和开发者
- 引发了关于电子游戏暴力及其对社会影响的辩论
- 培养了修改和社区驱动内容创作的文化
- 为竞技游戏和电竞奠定了基础
- 激励了一代游戏开发者和程序员
持久的遗产。 尽管存在争议和内部冲突,id Software在游戏技术、设计和分发方面的创新继续影响着今天的游戏行业。公司对推动技术边界和创造身临其境、快节奏体验的重视在电子游戏历史上留下了不可磨灭的印记。
What's Masters of Doom about?
- Focus on Two Johns: The book chronicles the lives and careers of John Carmack and John Romero, co-creators of iconic video games like Doom and Quake.
- Video Game Revolution: It details the evolution of the video game industry during the 1990s, highlighting their innovations in game design and technology.
- Cultural Impact: The narrative explores the sociopolitical controversies surrounding video games, including debates about violence in gaming.
Why should I read Masters of Doom?
- Insightful Biography: The book provides an in-depth look at two of the most influential figures in gaming history.
- Understanding Game Development: Readers gain insights into the challenges and triumphs involved in game development.
- Cultural Context: It places the rise of video games within a broader cultural context, relevant for anyone interested in technology and modern media.
What are the key takeaways of Masters of Doom?
- Innovation and Collaboration: Emphasizes the importance of innovation and collaboration in creative endeavors.
- Consequences of Success: Illustrates how success can lead to personal and professional conflicts.
- Cultural Reflection: Reflects on how video games serve as a mirror to society, revealing deeper issues.
What are the best quotes from Masters of Doom and what do they mean?
- “Romero wants an empire...”: Highlights the contrasting motivations between Carmack and Romero.
- “This game is voluntarily rated PC-13...”: Reflects the self-awareness of the id team regarding the violent content of Doom.
- “We are the wind!”: Symbolizes the id team's spontaneity and freedom in the gaming industry.
How did Carmack and Romero's backgrounds influence their work on Doom?
- Diverse Upbringings: Carmack's stable background and Romero's tumultuous childhood shaped their perspectives and work ethics.
- Passion for Gaming: Both had a deep passion for video games from a young age, driving their innovation.
- Technical Expertise: Carmack's engineering skills and Romero's game design experience complemented each other.
What innovations did Carmack introduce in Doom?
- 3-D Graphics Engine: Developed a revolutionary engine for fast, smooth rendering of 3-D environments.
- Multiplayer Functionality: Introduced networking capabilities for real-time multiplayer gaming.
- Dynamic Lighting Effects: Implemented lighting effects that enhanced the immersive experience.
How did the relationship between Carmack and Romero evolve throughout Masters of Doom?
- Initial Collaboration: Their early partnership was marked by mutual respect and shared vision.
- Growing Tensions: Fame led to conflicts over creative direction and business decisions.
- Final Split: Their relationship deteriorated, resulting in a professional rivalry.
What role did the gaming community play in the success of Doom?
- Word of Mouth: The community spread the word about Doom, building anticipation.
- Modding Culture: Players created their own levels and modifications, enhancing the game's appeal.
- Feedback Loop: Developers engaged with the community, incorporating feedback into the game.
How did Doom change the landscape of video games?
- Pioneering First-Person Shooters: Set the standard for the genre, influencing countless games.
- Cultural Phenomenon: Marked a turning point in the acceptance of video games as entertainment.
- Commercial Success: Demonstrated the viability of shareware as a business model.
What challenges did Carmack and Romero face while developing Doom?
- Technical Limitations: Navigated the constraints of available technology, requiring constant innovation.
- Creative Differences: Conflicts over the direction of the game threatened the project.
- Pressure to Succeed: Faced immense pressure to deliver a groundbreaking product.
How did the events surrounding Columbine impact the gaming industry?
- Increased Scrutiny: Led to heightened scrutiny of violent video games.
- Legislative Action: Prompted investigations and proposed regulations on violent games.
- Cultural Reflection: Sparked conversations about the role of violence in games.
What was the significance of the Doom and Quake engines in gaming history?
- Revolutionary Technology: Set new standards for graphics and gameplay.
- Licensing Model: Introduced a business model allowing developers to license technology.
- Cultural Legacy: Influenced game design and inspired a generation of developers.
《毁灭战士之王》因其生动叙述了id Software的崛起以及约翰·卡马克和约翰·罗梅罗之间的合作而备受赞誉。读者们欣赏这段90年代游戏历史的怀旧之旅以及对游戏开发幕后故事的深入了解。书中有效地描绘了两位约翰截然不同的个性及其对行业的影响。尽管有些人批评写作风格和人物刻画,但大多数人认为这是一本既有趣又富有洞察力的读物。特别是那些在成长过程中玩过id Software游戏的人,对这本书感触尤深。