1. 伊丽莎白·斯玛特的绑架:九个月的噩梦开始
噩梦开始。 2002年6月5日,14岁的伊丽莎白·斯玛特在犹他州盐湖城的卧室里被布莱恩·大卫·米切尔绑架。米切尔和他的妻子旺达·巴尔齐一起,强迫伊丽莎白徒步前往山中的一个偏远营地。这次绑架标志着一个充满身体、情感和性虐待的九个月噩梦的开始。
绑架者。 布莱恩·大卫·米切尔,自称先知,精心策划了这次绑架。他和巴尔齐相信他们在履行一个神圣的使命,要娶七个妻子。伊丽莎白是这些妻子中的第一个。米切尔通过宗教操纵、威胁和暴力在整个囚禁期间控制伊丽莎白。
2. 生存本能:伊丽莎白的求生决心和回家愿望
求生意志。 尽管处境可怕,伊丽莎白做出了求生的决定。她意识到她的绑架者可能比她的父母活得更久,但她有可能比他们活得更久。这一认识成为伊丽莎白忍受每日虐待和艰难困苦的希望和动力来源。
适应求生。 伊丽莎白学会了顺从绑架者的要求,以避免进一步的伤害或对家人的威胁。她调整自己的行为以减少冲突并最大化生存机会。这包括参与宗教仪式、在公众面前穿戴伪装以及按照米切尔的指示行事。
3. 信仰的力量:在囚禁期间从精神信仰中找到力量
精神韧性。 在整个囚禁期间,伊丽莎白保持了对上帝的信仰。她相信在她被绑架前不久去世的祖父在天上看护着她,像守护天使一样。这种精神联系在她最黑暗的时刻提供了安慰和力量。
找到意义。 伊丽莎白的信仰帮助她理解自己的痛苦并保持对最终获救的希望。她经历了她认为是神圣干预的事件,例如在严重脱水时奇迹般地出现水源。这些经历强化了她的信念,即她没有被遗弃,她的苦难最终会结束。
4. 操纵与控制:布莱恩·大卫·米切尔的恐惧和威胁战术
心理战。 米切尔使用各种战术来控制伊丽莎白:
- 不断威胁对她和她家人的暴力
- 宗教操纵,声称他的行为有神圣的权威
- 与外界隔离
- 强迫饮酒和吸毒
- 性虐待和羞辱
摧毁精神和身份。 米切尔试图通过以下方式抹去伊丽莎白的身份:
- 给她取了一个新名字:Shearjashub
- 强迫她在公众场合穿长袍和面纱
- 禁止她与他人交谈
- 用他扭曲的宗教信仰灌输她
5. 创伤的影响:长期囚禁的心理效应
心理适应。 由于长期囚禁,伊丽莎白经历了各种心理效应:
- 作为应对机制的解离
- 持续的恐惧和高度警觉
- 自我价值和身份的丧失
- 无助和绝望的感觉
斯德哥尔摩综合症的误解。 尽管普遍认为,伊丽莎白并没有发展出斯德哥尔摩综合症。她从未对绑架者产生情感依恋或同情他们的行为。她的顺从是一种生存策略,而不是情感联系的结果。
6. 救援机会的错失:识别被绑架受害者的挑战
公众接触。 尽管被带到公共场所,伊丽莎白并没有立即被认出,因为:
- 伪装,包括长袍、面纱和假发
- 米切尔操纵和欺骗他人的能力
- 伊丽莎白在陌生人或当局询问时因恐惧而保持沉默
错失的机会。 有几次伊丽莎白差点被救出:
- 盐湖城的一名图书管理员怀疑伊丽莎白的身份并报警
- 圣地亚哥的一名男子在看到他们后报警
- 多次与好心的陌生人接触,他们感觉到有问题但没有干预
7. 自由之路:伊丽莎白返回犹他州并最终获救
返回犹他州。 在加利福尼亚州待了几个月后,伊丽莎白说服米切尔返回犹他州,希望有机会获救。返回的旅程充满危险,包括:
- 穿越沙漠的搭便车
- 与执法部门的近距离接触
- 米切尔日益加剧的偏执和烦躁
获救。 2003年3月12日,伊丽莎白终于在犹他州桑迪获救。她获救的关键因素包括:
- 多名警察对他们进行盘问
- 警察坚持不懈的质问,感觉到有问题
- 温和的态度让伊丽莎白感到足够安全,透露了她的身份
8. 康复与韧性:伊丽莎白的康复之路和倡导工作
重建生活。 获救后,伊丽莎白面临重建生活和身份的挑战。她专注于:
- 与家人和朋友重新建立联系
- 继续她的教育
- 通过治疗和支持解决创伤的心理影响
倡导工作。 伊丽莎白将她的经历转化为一个倡导平台:
- 公开谈论儿童绑架和性虐待
- 推广安全教育和预防项目
- 支持其他创伤和虐待的幸存者
What's My Story about?
- Personal Narrative: My Story is a memoir by Elizabeth Smart that recounts her abduction at age fourteen by Brian David Mitchell and Wanda Barzee, detailing her nine months in captivity.
- Themes of Survival: The book explores themes of resilience, faith, and the struggle for survival, highlighting Smart's determination to return to her family.
- Impact of Faith: Smart reflects on her faith and the presence of God, which provided her with hope and strength during her darkest moments.
Why should I read My Story?
- Inspiring True Story: Elizabeth Smart's story is one of incredible resilience and courage, offering inspiration to anyone interested in survival stories.
- Awareness of Abduction Issues: The memoir raises awareness about the realities of abduction and its psychological impact on victims, emphasizing the importance of vigilance.
- Personal Growth: Readers can learn about healing from trauma, as Smart shares her journey of reclaiming her life after her abduction.
What are the key takeaways of My Story?
- Power of Choice: Smart emphasizes the importance of personal agency and moral decision-making in difficult situations.
- Resilience in Adversity: The memoir illustrates how resilience can be cultivated even in dire circumstances, showcasing Smart's determination to survive.
- Faith as a Source of Strength: Smart's faith plays a crucial role in her survival, providing comfort and hope throughout her ordeal.
What are the best quotes from My Story and what do they mean?
- "I am Elizabeth." This quote signifies Smart's reclaiming of her identity after being stripped of it during her captivity, representing her strength and determination.
- "You can choose to be taken by the evil, or you can try to embrace the good." This reflects the central theme of making choices in the face of evil, encouraging positivity and hope.
- "Whatever it takes to survive this." This mantra guided Smart through her darkest moments, encapsulating her determination to endure and protect her loved ones.
How does Elizabeth Smart describe her abduction experience in My Story?
- Night of Terror: Smart vividly recounts the fear and confusion she felt when confronted by Mitchell with a knife, marking the beginning of her traumatic journey.
- Isolation and Control: She describes the psychological manipulation and physical restraints used by her captors to break her spirit.
- Moments of Hope: Despite the horror, Smart shares moments of hope and connection to her family, which fueled her desire to survive.
What role does faith play in My Story?
- Source of Strength: Smart's faith in God provided her with strength and hope during her captivity, often praying for comfort.
- Understanding of Evil: She grapples with the idea that while God allows free will, it does not mean He condones harmful actions.
- Healing and Forgiveness: Her faith guided her toward healing, allowing her to reclaim her life after trauma.
How does Elizabeth Smart cope with her captivity in My Story?
- Mental Resilience: Smart emphasizes the importance of mental resilience, focusing on survival and her family.
- Creating a Routine: Establishing a routine helped her maintain a sense of normalcy amidst chaos.
- Finding Moments of Peace: She sought moments of peace and reflection, often thinking of her family for comfort and motivation.
How does Elizabeth Smart describe her captors in My Story?
- Understanding Manipulation: Smart describes Mitchell as a manipulative individual who used religion and power to control her.
- Barzee's Role: Barzee is portrayed as complicit in the abuse, showing no compassion and contributing to Smart's suffering.
- Evil Personified: Smart views her captors as embodiments of evil, emphasizing their lack of humanity and empathy.
How does My Story address the issue of missing children?
- Raising Awareness: Smart's memoir raises awareness about missing children and the importance of community vigilance.
- Impact on Families: The book explores the emotional toll of abduction on families, highlighting their pain and suffering.
- Hope for Recovery: Smart's story conveys a message of hope for recovery and resilience, encouraging families to hold onto hope.
How does Elizabeth Smart's experience shape her advocacy work?
- Empowerment through Sharing: Smart uses her story to empower others, aiming to inspire hope and resilience in survivors.
- Legislative Change: Her advocacy focuses on promoting legislation that enhances child safety and recovery programs.
- Education and Awareness: Smart emphasizes educating children and families about safety measures, raising awareness about abduction realities.
What does Elizabeth Smart say about forgiveness in My Story?
- Personal Choice: Smart discusses forgiveness as a personal choice that can lead to healing, freeing herself from anger.
- Empowerment through Letting Go: By forgiving, Smart empowers herself to move forward, believing resentment prolongs suffering.
- Divine Justice: She trusts that ultimate justice will be served by God, allowing her to focus on her healing.
How does My Story illustrate the impact of trauma on Elizabeth Smart's life?
- Long-lasting Effects: Smart shares how her abduction left lasting emotional scars, discussing challenges of reintegration.
- Resilience and Recovery: Despite trauma, her story is one of resilience, highlighting her journey toward healing.
- Empathy for Others: Her experiences have shaped her understanding of others, using her platform to advocate for survivors.
《我的故事》 讲述了伊丽莎白·斯玛特被绑架的惊险经历。评论称赞她的坚韧和信仰,但批评写作风格过于简单。一些读者认为这本书情感强烈,而另一些人则觉得缺乏深度。许多人欣赏斯玛特的积极态度和前进的能力。由斯玛特本人朗读的有声书获得了不同的反响。总体而言,读者认为这个故事引人入胜,但对其执行和细节水平有不同的看法。