1. 积极倾听:有效谈判的基础
- 全神贯注于说话者
- 通过肢体语言和言语提示显示你在倾听
- 通过复述和总结提供反馈
2. 战术同理心:理解和影响情绪
- 认识到对方的观点
- 表达这种认识
- 利用这种理解来引导对话
- 建立信任和融洽关系
- 减少负面情绪
- 创造合作氛围
- 增加有利结果的可能性
3. 校准问题:无对抗地引导对话
- 收集信息
- 争取时间
- 将重点转移到实施上
- 温和地说“不”而不引起对抗
- “我该怎么做?”
- “这里的目标是什么?”
- “这在你看来如何?”
4. “不”的力量:利用拒绝获得更好的结果
- 他们感到安全和掌控
- 他们更愿意听你接下来要说的话
- 这通常是实际谈判的开始
- 提出邀请“不”作为答案的问题
- 利用“不”来澄清对方真正想要的
- 将“不”视为改进你方法的机会
5. 标签化:通过言语化情绪来化解和重定向
- 它展示了理解
- 它可以化解负面情绪
- 它允许你重新框定情况
- 使用“看起来像……”或“听起来像……”这样的短语
- 避免使用“我”陈述,这可能具有对抗性
- 标签化正面和负面的情绪
6. 镜像:通过微妙的模仿建立融洽关系
- 它创造了一种联系和融洽感
- 它鼓励对方详细说明
- 它为你争取思考时间
- 重复对方刚刚说的最后1-3个词(或关键词)
- 使用询问的语气
- 镜像后保持沉默以鼓励详细说明
7. 控制对话:创造选择的假象
- 使用校准问题来引导对话
- 提供所有通向你期望结果的有限选项
- 鼓励对方表达他们的想法和担忧
- 减少对你提议的抵抗
- 使对方对结果更有投入感
- 导致更具创造性的问题解决
8. 讨价还价技巧:锚定和阿克曼讨价还价法
- 锚定:设定一个极端的首次报价以影响对方的期望
- 阿克曼讨价还价法:一种系统的还价方法
- 设定你的目标价格(你的目标)
- 将你的首次报价设定为目标价格的65%
- 计算三个递减幅度的加价(到85%、95%和100%)
- 使用大量的同理心和不同方式的说“不”来让对方还价,然后你再提高报价
- 使用精确的非整数数字
- 在你的最终数字上,加入一个非货币项目以显示你已经到了极限
9. 发现黑天鹅:改变游戏规则的隐藏信息
- 仔细倾听不一致或不寻常的陈述
- 观察正式谈判前后的无防备时刻
- 尽可能寻求面对面的互动
- 提出探究性、开放性的问题
- 注意非语言提示
- 从第三方获取信息
- 寻找不合逻辑的地方
10. 利用差异:理解谈判者类型
- 适应者:注重关系,优先建立融洽关系
- 坚持者:注重时间,想快速完成事情
- 分析者:注重细节,需要时间处理信息
- 适应者:建立融洽关系,但注意不要过多闲聊
- 坚持者:直接切入主题
- 分析者:提供详细信息并给他们时间思考
What's Never Split the Difference about?
- Negotiation Techniques: The book focuses on strategies from Chris Voss's experience as an FBI hostage negotiator, emphasizing psychological over traditional methods.
- Real-World Applications: Techniques are illustrated for everyday use, from business deals to personal relationships, making it relevant for a wide audience.
- Human Psychology: It delves into understanding emotions and behaviors, highlighting their influence on negotiation outcomes.
Why should I read Never Split the Difference?
- Unique Perspective: Offers insights from a former FBI negotiator, with real-life stories that make the content engaging and relatable.
- Practical Strategies: Provides actionable techniques for immediate application in various negotiation scenarios, enhancing effectiveness.
- Emphasis on Empathy: Teaches the importance of empathy in negotiations, leading to better outcomes and stronger relationships.
What are the key takeaways of Never Split the Difference?
- Tactical Empathy: Involves understanding and acknowledging emotions to build rapport and influence decisions.
- The Power of "No": "No" is a starting point for negotiation, allowing for clarification and productive discussions.
- Avoid Compromise: Encourages seeking creative solutions rather than splitting the difference, which often leads to suboptimal outcomes.
What is Tactical Empathy in Never Split the Difference?
- Understanding Emotions: Recognize and articulate the feelings of your counterpart during negotiations.
- Building Trust: Demonstrates understanding of their perspective, creating a safe environment for open communication.
- Labeling Emotions: Use labeling techniques to validate feelings, diffusing negative emotions and fostering collaboration.
How does Chris Voss define "No" in Never Split the Difference?
- Empowerment Through "No": Provides a sense of safety and control, allowing expression of boundaries and concerns.
- Starting Point for Negotiation: Seen as the beginning of a negotiation, opening the door for further discussion.
- Encouraging Honest Dialogue: Inviting "No" creates a more honest and open dialogue, leading to better understanding and solutions.
What is the "Black Swan" concept in Never Split the Difference?
- Definition of Black Swans: Unexpected information that can dramatically alter negotiation dynamics.
- Importance in Negotiation: Identifying Black Swans shifts dynamics in favor, with every negotiation containing at least three.
- Examples of Black Swans: Real-life examples show how failure to recognize them can lead to negative outcomes.
How can I trigger a "That's Right" moment in negotiations?
- Summarize Effectively: Reflect back what your counterpart has said, including emotions and concerns.
- Use Labels: Validate their emotions to help them feel understood and more open to collaboration.
- Encourage Dialogue: Create a safe environment for expression, leading to breakthroughs in understanding and agreement.
What is the Behavioral Change Stairway Model (BCSM) in Never Split the Difference?
- Five Stages of Negotiation: Consists of active listening, empathy, rapport, influence, and behavioral change.
- Focus on Emotional Connection: Emphasizes establishing a connection to influence behavior positively.
- Real-World Application: Illustrates how successful negotiations lead to meaningful changes in behavior and outcomes.
What are some techniques for building rapport in negotiations according to Chris Voss?
- Mirroring: Mimic body language and speech patterns to create a sense of connection and trust.
- Labeling Emotions: Demonstrate understanding and empathy by labeling the emotions of the other party.
- Active Listening: Ask open-ended questions and summarize points to foster a collaborative atmosphere.
What is the Ackerman model mentioned in Never Split the Difference?
- Four-Step Process: Involves setting a target price, making an initial offer at 65%, and increasing in decreasing increments.
- Psychological Anchoring: Start with a low offer to set an extreme anchor, influencing expectations.
- Non-Round Numbers: Use precise numbers in offers to lend credibility and weight to the proposal.
How can I effectively say "No" in negotiations according to Chris Voss?
- Calibrated Questions: Use questions like "How am I supposed to do that?" to decline while keeping the conversation open.
- Empathy and Understanding: Express empathy and understanding of the other party's position when saying "No."
- Multiple "No" Steps: Use a series of "No" responses before a final rejection to communicate boundaries without shutting down the conversation.
What role does emotional intelligence play in negotiation in Never Split the Difference?
- Understanding Emotions: Recognize and understand both your own emotions and those of your counterpart.
- Building Trust: Demonstrate empathy and validate feelings to build trust and rapport.
- Managing Reactions: Stay calm and composed to maintain control and avoid escalating conflicts.