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Once Upon a Time in Russia

Once Upon a Time in Russia

The Rise of the Oligarchs―A True Story of Ambition, Wealth, Betrayal, and Murder
作者 Ben Mezrich 2015 288 页数
4k+ 评分
9 分钟


1. 俄罗斯寡头的崛起:从学术界的局外人到亿万富翁的权力掮客


俄罗斯的剧变。 苏联解体和改革的引入创造了一个混乱的环境,一小群人,通常是局外人和学者,抓住了前所未有的机会。这些人后来被称为“寡头”,他们利用自己的智慧、野心和人脉,在极短的时间内积累了巨额财富。

从理论到实践。 许多未来的寡头来自学术背景,特别是数学和科学领域。向市场经济的突然转变使他们能够将分析技能应用于现实的商业场景,常常利用新兴资本主义体系中的低效和漏洞。

  • 主要寡头:
  • 鲍里斯·别列佐夫斯基:从数学家变成汽车经销商和媒体大亨
  • 弗拉基米尔·古辛斯基:从剧院导演到建立银行和媒体帝国
  • 米哈伊尔·霍多尔科夫斯基:年轻的物理学家,通过石油成为俄罗斯最富有的人

2. 鲍里斯·别列佐夫斯基通过战略套利和政治操作的迅速崛起


利用低效。 别列佐夫斯基的第一个重大成功来自于识别和利用俄罗斯汽车市场的低效。他通过从AvtoVAZ寄售汽车,通过自己的经销商销售,并延迟付款,从俄罗斯经济的恶性通货膨胀中获得了巨大的利润。

政治关系。 别列佐夫斯基的真正天才在于他能够与关键政治人物建立关系,尤其是叶利钦总统的家人和核心圈子成员。这些关系使他能够将影响力扩展到商业之外,进入政治和媒体领域。

  • 别列佐夫斯基的关键策略:
  • 汽车行业的套利
  • 收购媒体资产(ORT电视网络)
  • 培养与“家庭”(叶利钦的核心圈子)的关系
  • 将自己定位为俄罗斯政治的权力掮客

3. “贷款换股份”的诞生和俄罗斯国有资产的私有化


绝望的措施。 “贷款换股份”计划被设想为俄罗斯政府快速筹集资金的一种方式。国有公司被作为私人银行贷款的抵押品,理解是国家可能会违约,将所有权转移给贷款人。

帝国的创建。 该计划使一小群关系良好的商人能够以其真实价值的一小部分价格收购大量工业资产。很快价值数十亿的公司以数百万的价格出售,创造了即时的亿万富翁,并将俄罗斯的大部分财富集中在少数人手中。

  • 关键私有化:
  • 尤科斯(石油):由米哈伊尔·霍多尔科夫斯基收购
  • 西布涅夫特(石油):由罗曼·阿布拉莫维奇和鲍里斯·别列佐夫斯基收购
  • 诺里尔斯克镍业(金属):由弗拉基米尔·波塔宁收购
  • 影响:将俄罗斯约50%的GDP集中在七个人手中

4. 弗拉基米尔·普京的崛起和寡头影响力的变化


新时代。 弗拉基米尔·普京的崛起,首先是作为总理,然后是总统,标志着国家与寡头之间关系的重大转变。最初被视为叶利钦政策的延续,普京迅速确立了自己的权威和强大、集中的国家愿景。

控制寡头。 普京明确表示,寡头在政治上拥有重大影响力的时代已经结束。他著名地告诉他们不要干涉政治,专注于他们的业务。那些不遵守的人面临严厉的后果,正如弗拉基米尔·古辛斯基和后来米哈伊尔·霍多尔科夫斯基的命运所示。

  • 普京对寡头的态度:
  • 要求政治不干涉
  • 选择性起诉(例如,霍多尔科夫斯基)
  • 鼓励“爱国”商业行为
  • 创建一个新的国家对齐的寡头阶层

5. 库尔斯克潜艇悲剧:普京总统任期的转折点和别列佐夫斯基的衰落


国家悲剧。 2000年8月库尔斯克潜艇的沉没是普京早期总统任期的一个决定性时刻。政府反应缓慢且无效,加上普京在危机期间继续度假,引起了广泛的批评。

别列佐夫斯基的误判。 看到削弱普京的机会,别列佐夫斯基利用他的媒体资产,特别是ORT,强烈批评政府对悲剧的处理。这种激进的做法适得其反,普京将其视为对自己权威的直接挑战,并采取行动消除别列佐夫斯基的影响。

  • 库尔斯克事件的后果:
  • 增加了公众对普京领导的审视
  • 政府推动对媒体的更大控制
  • 别列佐夫斯基被迫出售其在ORT的股份
  • 别列佐夫斯基权力衰落和最终流亡的开始

6. 流亡、诉讼和别列佐夫斯基帝国的瓦解


流亡生活。 2000年被迫逃离俄罗斯,别列佐夫斯基定居伦敦,继续批评普京并将自己定位为反对派的领导人。然而,随着他失去对媒体帝国和其他俄罗斯资产的访问,他的影响力逐渐减弱。

法律战。 别列佐夫斯基参与了许多高调的法律战,包括对《福布斯》杂志的诽谤诉讼,最著名的是对其前门徒罗曼·阿布拉莫维奇的56亿美元诉讼。这些法律斗争虽然引起了媒体的关注,但最终对别列佐夫斯基的声誉和财务状况造成了灾难性的影响。

  • 别列佐夫斯基流亡期间的关键事件:
  • 获得英国政治庇护(2003年)
  • 多次被俄罗斯请求引渡
  • 对阿布拉莫维奇的诉讼失败(2012年)
  • 财务困难和资产被扣押
  • 2013年疑似自杀

7. 亚历山大·利特维年科中毒事件及其对俄罗斯国际关系的影响


令人震惊的暗杀。 2006年,前FSB官员和别列佐夫斯基的同事亚历山大·利特维年科在伦敦被钋-210毒杀,震惊了国际社会。使用一种罕见的放射性同位素指向国家参与,怀疑落在俄罗斯政府身上。

外交影响。 利特维年科事件严重损害了英俄关系,并增加了对在西方活动的俄罗斯侨民的审视。它还突显了普京的批评者,即使是生活在国外的批评者,所面临的危险。

  • 利特维年科事件的后果:
  • 英俄外交关系恶化
  • 对俄罗斯在西方活动的怀疑增加
  • 强化了普京作为无情领导者的形象
  • 突显了俄罗斯异见人士在国外面临的风险

8. 别列佐夫斯基与阿布拉莫维奇的历史性法律战:保护伞和背叛的故事


巨头之争。 2012年,别列佐夫斯基和阿布拉莫维奇在伦敦高等法院的诉讼被称为历史上最大的私人诉讼。其核心是“保护伞”概念及其在俄罗斯动荡的1990年代商业关系中的不同解释。

文化差异。 该审判突显了将西方法律标准应用于后苏联俄罗斯演变的商业实践的挑战。阿布拉莫维奇辩称,向别列佐夫斯基的付款是为了保护和政治影响力,而不是公司所有权的股份。

  • 审判的关键方面:
  • 别列佐夫斯基声称拥有西布涅夫特和俄铝的所有权
  • 阿布拉莫维奇将付款描述为保护伞费用
  • 法官认为别列佐夫斯基是“不可靠的证人”
  • 判决有利于阿布拉莫维奇
  • 对别列佐夫斯基声誉和财务状况的毁灭性打击



What's Once Upon a Time in Russia about?

  • Dramatic narrative of Oligarchs: The book chronicles the rise and fall of Russian oligarchs during the post-Soviet era, focusing on their ambition, wealth, betrayal, and the violent consequences of their actions.
  • Key figures and events: It highlights significant personalities like Boris Berezovsky, Roman Abramovich, and Vladimir Putin, detailing their interactions and the political landscape of Russia in the 1990s.
  • Themes of power and corruption: The narrative explores themes of power dynamics, corruption, and the moral ambiguities faced by those who navigated the chaotic transition from communism to capitalism.

Why should I read Once Upon a Time in Russia?

  • Insight into modern Russia: The book provides a gripping account of how the oligarchs shaped contemporary Russia, offering readers a deeper understanding of the country’s political and economic evolution.
  • Engaging storytelling: Ben Mezrich employs a dramatic narrative style, making complex historical events accessible and engaging, akin to a thriller.
  • Lessons on ambition and ethics: Readers can reflect on the ethical dilemmas faced by the characters, prompting discussions about ambition, morality, and the consequences of unchecked power.

Who are the main characters in Once Upon a Time in Russia?

  • Boris Berezovsky: A key figure in the rise of the oligarchs, Berezovsky is portrayed as a cunning businessman who navigates the treacherous waters of Russian politics and business.
  • Roman Abramovich: Initially a protégé of Berezovsky, Abramovich's character evolves as he gains power and influence, significantly impacting the course of events in the story.
  • Vladimir Putin: The book details Putin's ascent from obscurity to power, illustrating how he outmaneuvered the oligarchs and established his authority over them.

What are the key takeaways of Once Upon a Time in Russia?

  • Power dynamics in politics: The book illustrates how power can shift rapidly in politics, especially in a volatile environment like post-Soviet Russia.
  • Consequences of ambition: It highlights the personal and societal costs of ambition, showing how the pursuit of wealth and influence can lead to betrayal and violence.
  • The role of media and perception: The narrative emphasizes the importance of media in shaping public perception and political outcomes, particularly through the lens of ORT and its influence.

What are the best quotes from Once Upon a Time in Russia and what do they mean?

  • "You can keep your billions. But stay out of my way.": This quote from Putin encapsulates the tension between the oligarchs and the state, illustrating Putin's determination to assert control over the powerful businessmen.
  • "A good man, maybe. But it’s best to shoot him.": This old Russian proverb reflects the brutal reality of the political landscape, suggesting that in the world of power, mercy is often a liability.
  • "Two bears can’t live in one cave.": This proverb signifies the inevitable conflict that arises when two powerful entities vie for control, foreshadowing the struggles between the oligarchs and Putin.

How does Once Upon a Time in Russia depict the relationship between the oligarchs and the government?

  • Mutual dependence: The book illustrates a complex relationship where the oligarchs relied on the government for legitimacy and protection, while the government depended on their wealth and influence to stabilize the economy.
  • Tension and conflict: As the oligarchs grew in power, the government, particularly under Putin, began to see them as threats, leading to a series of confrontations and power struggles.
  • Shift in power dynamics: The narrative shows how Putin's rise marked a significant shift, as he systematically dismantled the oligarchs' influence, asserting state control over the economy and politics.

What role does media play in Once Upon a Time in Russia?

  • Instrument of power: The book highlights how media, particularly ORT, was used by Berezovsky to shape public opinion and influence political outcomes, demonstrating its power in the new Russia.
  • Manipulation and control: It illustrates the ways in which media narratives were crafted to serve the interests of the oligarchs, often blurring the lines between truth and propaganda.
  • Impact on democracy: The narrative raises questions about the role of media in a democratic society, particularly how it can be used to manipulate public perception and undermine genuine democratic processes.

How does Once Upon a Time in Russia address the theme of betrayal?

  • Personal and political betrayals: The narrative is rife with examples of betrayal among friends and allies, showcasing how ambition can lead to treachery in the pursuit of power.
  • Consequences of betrayal: The book illustrates the often violent repercussions of betrayal, both personally for the individuals involved and politically for the broader society.
  • Moral ambiguity: It raises questions about the morality of the characters' actions, forcing readers to consider the complexities of loyalty and betrayal in a corrupt system.

What impact did the events in Once Upon a Time in Russia have on modern Russia?

  • Shaping the oligarch class: The rise and fall of the oligarchs during this period laid the groundwork for the current political and economic landscape in Russia. Their influence continues to be felt in contemporary politics.
  • Public perception of power: The events depicted in the book have contributed to a public perception of corruption and manipulation within the Russian government. This perception shapes how citizens view their leaders and the political system.
  • Legacy of fear: The narrative illustrates a legacy of fear among those who challenge the government, impacting political dissent and activism in Russia today. The consequences faced by characters in the book serve as a warning to others.

How does Ben Mezrich's writing style contribute to Once Upon a Time in Russia?

  • Engaging narrative: Mezrich's storytelling is fast-paced and engaging, making complex political and economic concepts accessible to readers. His ability to weave personal stories into the broader historical context enhances the narrative.
  • Character-driven: The focus on character development allows readers to connect with the individuals involved in the story. This connection adds emotional depth to the political drama unfolding throughout the book.
  • Vivid descriptions: Mezrich's use of vivid descriptions brings the settings and events to life, immersing readers in the world of Russian oligarchs. His attention to detail helps create a rich, atmospheric backdrop for the narrative.

What is the significance of the title Once Upon a Time in Russia?

  • Fairy tale framing: The title suggests a narrative that resembles a fairy tale, but with a dark twist, highlighting the fantastical elements of wealth and power in Russia.
  • Historical context: It evokes a sense of nostalgia for a time of great change, while also hinting at the tragic outcomes that often accompany such transformations.
  • Cautionary tale: The title serves as a reminder that the story of the oligarchs is not just a tale of success, but also one of caution, illustrating the dangers of unchecked ambition and power.

How does Once Upon a Time in Russia conclude regarding the future of the oligarchs?

  • Uncertain future: The narrative suggests that the future of the oligarchs is precarious, as their power is increasingly challenged by the state, particularly under Putin's leadership.
  • Lessons learned: It implies that the oligarchs must adapt to survive in a changing political landscape, learning to navigate the new realities of power in Russia.
  • Reflection on legacy: The book leaves readers pondering the legacy of the oligarchs, questioning whether their wealth and influence will ultimately lead to lasting change or be swept away by the tides of history.


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