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One Piece of Paper

One Piece of Paper

The Simple Approach to Powerful, Personal Leadership
作者 Mike Figliuolo 2011 256 页数
100+ 评分
8 分钟


1. 用一页纸阐述你的领导哲学

想象一下,你能用一张纸解释你的领导哲学——一张8.5 x 11英寸的纸,概括你作为领导者的所有理念和愿望。

清晰的强大工具。 领导格言方法帮助你将领导哲学提炼成15-20条情感强烈的陈述,适合放在一页纸上。这种简洁的格式迫使你专注于领导风格中真正重要的内容,并使你能够轻松地向团队传达你的期望。

真实性是关键。 你的格言应该是深刻个人化的,避免公司术语,并根植于你自己的经验中。它们作为你每天行为和领导方式的提醒,充当你的领导良知。通过分享这些格言及其背后的故事,你可以与团队建立信任和理解。

领导的四个方面。 该方法涵盖:

  • 领导自己
  • 领导思考
  • 领导你的团队
  • 领导平衡的生活

2. 先领导自己:定义你的动机和未来愿景


了解你的“为什么”。 反思真正激励你的是什么,以及你每天起床的原因。这种理解将帮助你将工作与激情对齐,并做出更好的职业决策。例如,作者的格言“灯泡”提醒他对教学的热情以及看到他人理解的瞬间。

定义你的未来自我。 创建一个清晰的愿景,描述你想成为的人,不论外部环境如何。这种理想的自我形象将指导你的决策和行动。考虑你希望墓志铭上写什么或你希望被如何记住。

建立个人准则。 制定提醒你道德界限和不可妥协之处的格言。这些将帮助你在压力下做出艰难决策并保持诚信。

3. 为团队设定明确的标准和期望


阐明你的价值观。 明确定义你期望团队遵守的标准。这些标准可以是内部的(如西点军校的荣誉准则)或外部的(如客户服务标准)。确保这些标准与你的个人价值观和组织目标一致。

传达期望。 与团队分享你的格言,以提供你希望他们如何行为的清晰指引。这减少了混淆,并帮助团队专注于重要的事情。例如,格言“这对客户有利吗?”提供了一个明确的决策框架。

以身作则。 一贯展示你设定的标准。当你未能达到自己的标准时,承认并将其作为自己和团队的学习机会。

4. 挑战现状并推动行动


质疑假设。 制定提醒你定期挑战现状并寻找新机会的格言。作者的“为什么?为什么?为什么?为什么?为什么?”格言鼓励对问题和假设进行更深入的探索。

展望未来。 为你的组织创建一个引人入胜的愿景并清晰传达。一个精心制作的愿景声明应该激励你的团队并为决策提供方向。

推动行动。 在分析与行动之间取得平衡。制定推动你在不确定情况下做出决策并前进的格言。记住,不作为也是一种选择,而且往往代价高昂。

5. 将团队成员视为独特的个体


了解你的团队。 努力了解团队成员的个人生活、兴趣和抱负。这种知识有助于你建立更强的关系,并根据每个人的特点调整你的领导方式。

表现出关心。 展示你关注个人细节的小举动可以对动机和忠诚度产生重大影响。作者的“七喜”故事说明了记住一个偏好如何显著提高一名士兵的表现。

多听少说。 格言“你有两只耳朵和一张嘴是有原因的”提醒你专注于理解他人,而不是主导对话。

6. 保持与团队现实的联系


亲自参与。 定期参与团队的工作,以了解他们的挑战并保持信誉。作者的坦克维护故事说明了这种方法如何赢得尊重并建立融洽关系。

避免象牙塔综合症。 制定提醒你保持脚踏实地的格言。这有助于你做出更明智的决策,并避免不切实际的期望。

寻求理解。 当你不理解团队工作的某个方面时,提出问题并学习。承认无知并寻求知识展示了谦逊和对持续学习的承诺。

7. 致力于团队成员的成长和发展


承担计算风险。 愿意将团队成员放在挑战性角色中以帮助他们成长。作者提拔卡森的故事说明了如何冒险可以带来巨大成果并增加忠诚度。

提供及时反馈。 制定提醒你及时解决绩效问题的格言。作者的格言“在旅程开始100码时纠正方向比在100英里时容易”强调了早期干预的重要性。

创造成长机会。 不断寻找挑战团队成员并帮助他们发展新技能的方法。这不仅提高了个人绩效,还为组织培养了后备力量。

8. 为工作与生活的平衡设定界限


定义你的界限。 明确阐述你需要保持健康工作与生活平衡的界限。这包括你做的工作类型、你喜欢的工作方式以及工作时间。

传达你的界限。 与团队和同事分享你的格言,以设定明确的期望。例如,作者的“我要回家了。你在做我的工作。”格言清楚地传达了他对微观管理的立场。

坚持你的原则。 一旦你设定了界限,就要一致地执行它们。使用你的格言作为提醒,即使在工作压力增加时也要保持平衡。

9. 在压力情况下保持视角


发展稳定技巧。 制定帮助你在压力威胁到你时重新获得视角的格言。作者的“汉堡王在招聘”和“汉堡王皇冠”格言提醒不要把事情看得太严重。

将问题情境化。 使用诸如“这只是[空白]”之类的短语将压力情况情境化。这有助于你和你的团队避免对小问题反应过度。

示范冷静。 你在压力下保持冷静的能力为团队定下基调。制定提醒你在危机中保持冷静和专注的格言。

10. 追求工作之外的激情


为重要的事情腾出时间。 制定提醒你优先考虑工作之外的激情和关系的格言。作者的钓鱼格言不断提醒他在工作与生活乐趣之间保持平衡。

记住你工作的原因。 制定将你的工作与生活目标联系起来的格言。例如,“工作买来肾上腺素”提醒一位高管,他的工作使他能够追求冒险运动的激情。

活在当下。 避免总是推迟享受的陷阱。记住,“某天不是一周中的一天。”使用你的格言激励自己现在就追求激情,而不是等待退休或某个未来的日期。



What's One Piece of Paper about?

  • Leadership Philosophy Simplified: One Piece of Paper by Mike Figliuolo focuses on creating a personal leadership philosophy that can be summarized on a single page. It emphasizes defining leadership maxims that guide behavior and decision-making.
  • Four Aspects of Leadership: The book outlines four key areas: leading yourself, leading the thinking, leading your people, and leading a balanced life. Each aspect is crucial for developing a comprehensive leadership style.
  • Practical Application: Figliuolo provides actionable steps for readers to create their own maxims, encouraging introspection and personal growth. This approach fosters authenticity and clarity in leadership.

Why should I read One Piece of Paper?

  • Personal Development Focus: Ideal for enhancing leadership skills and self-awareness, the book encourages reflection on motivations and values, leading to personal growth.
  • Clear Framework: Offers a structured method for developing a leadership philosophy, making it accessible for leaders at all levels. The simplicity of the one-page approach is easy to implement.
  • Real-World Examples: Figliuolo shares personal anecdotes and examples from his experience, providing relatable insights into effective leadership practices.

What are the key takeaways of One Piece of Paper?

  • Create Your Maxims: Readers are encouraged to develop 15-20 emotionally powerful statements that guide their behavior as leaders, serving as a personal leadership conscience.
  • Holistic Leadership Approach: Emphasizes a comprehensive view of leadership, including self-awareness, team dynamics, and work-life balance, ensuring effectiveness in all areas of life.
  • Continuous Improvement: Stresses the need for ongoing reflection and adaptation of maxims as leaders grow and face new challenges, crucial for long-term success.

What is the Leadership Maxims Approach in One Piece of Paper?

  • Definition of Maxims: A maxim is a principle or rule of conduct reflecting personal beliefs about leadership. They should be simple, clear, and devoid of corporate jargon.
  • Personal Meaning: Maxims must resonate emotionally with the leader, drawing from personal experiences and values, increasing the likelihood of behavior change.
  • Application in Leadership: Encourages leaders to articulate their philosophies in a way that builds trust and clarity within their teams, reducing confusion about expectations and standards.

How do I create my own leadership maxims from One Piece of Paper?

  • Self-Reflection: Engage in introspection to identify core values, beliefs, and experiences shaping your leadership style. Consider what you want to stand for as a leader.
  • Answer Key Questions: Figliuolo provides questions to guide your thinking, such as “What is your natural style?” and “How will you commit to your people’s growth?”
  • Synthesize Themes: Look for recurring themes or powerful stories that resonate with you. Use these insights to craft maxims that are personal, memorable, and actionable.

What are the four aspects of leadership discussed in One Piece of Paper?

  • Leading Yourself: Focuses on self-awareness, personal values, and setting standards for oneself, emphasizing understanding what motivates you.
  • Leading the Thinking: Involves challenging the status quo and encouraging innovative thinking within teams, fostering a culture of creativity.
  • Leading Your People: About understanding and supporting team members as individuals, emphasizing building relationships and treating team members with respect.
  • Leading a Balanced Life: Stresses the need for leaders to maintain balance in personal and professional lives, essential for long-term effectiveness and well-being.

How can I apply the concepts from One Piece of Paper in my daily life?

  • Daily Reflection: Set aside time each day to reflect on your leadership maxims and how they apply to current challenges, reinforcing commitment to values.
  • Accountability: Share your maxims with your team and encourage them to hold you accountable, fostering trust and creating a shared understanding of expectations.
  • Regular Review: Periodically revisit your maxims to assess their relevance and effectiveness, being open to refining them as you grow and face new challenges.

What are some examples of effective maxims from One Piece of Paper?

  • "In God we trust. All others bring data.": Emphasizes data-driven decision-making, encouraging team members to support ideas with evidence.
  • "A cadet will not lie, cheat, or steal nor tolerate those who do.": Sets a high standard for ethical behavior, reinforcing accountability and integrity within the organization.
  • "Is this right for the customer?": Focuses on customer-centric decision-making, reminding team members to prioritize customer needs in their actions.

What are the best quotes from One Piece of Paper and what do they mean?

  • “In case of doubt, attack!”: Emphasizes decisiveness in leadership, suggesting that taking action is better than inaction, which can lead to stagnation.
  • “You have two ears and one mouth for a reason.”: Reminds leaders to listen more than they speak, prioritizing understanding team members' perspectives and concerns.
  • “A bad day of fishing is better than a good day of work.”: Highlights the importance of work-life balance and pursuing passions outside of work, encouraging personal fulfillment.

How does One Piece of Paper address the importance of feedback in leadership?

  • Constructive Feedback: Emphasizes the need for leaders to provide timely and constructive feedback to team members, fostering growth and development.
  • Creating a Feedback Culture: Encourages leaders to create an environment where feedback is welcomed and valued, promoting open communication and continuous improvement.
  • Self-Reflection: Leaders are encouraged to seek feedback on their own performance, helping identify areas for growth and reinforcing commitment to personal development.

How does One Piece of Paper address the issue of buzzwords in leadership?

  • Critique of Corporate Jargon: Highlights the prevalence of buzzwords in leadership discussions and their lack of meaning, encouraging leaders to avoid jargon.
  • Emphasis on Authenticity: Advocates for leaders to express their philosophies in simple, relatable terms, helping build trust and understanding within teams.
  • Clarity Over Complexity: By stripping away unnecessary jargon, leaders can communicate ideas more effectively, enabling teams to understand expectations and goals better.

How can I ensure that my leadership maxims remain relevant over time?

  • Regular Evaluation: Schedule periodic reviews of your maxims to assess their effectiveness and relevance, allowing adaptation as your leadership journey evolves.
  • Seek Input from Others: Share your maxims with trusted colleagues or mentors and invite their feedback, providing valuable insights for refinement.
  • Embrace Change: Be open to modifying or replacing maxims that no longer resonate, ensuring they reflect your current leadership philosophy as you grow and face new challenges.


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迈克·菲格里奥洛 是一位领导力专家,也是thoughtLEADERS, LLC的创始人。他毕业于西点军校,曾在美国陆军服役,之后在学术界、咨询和企业领导等多个领域积累了丰富的经验。菲格里奥洛曾在杜克大学、麦肯锡公司、第一资本和斯科茨奇迹公司等知名机构工作。他是一位公认的领导力主题演讲者和博主,其作品曾在著名媒体上发表。菲格里奥洛多样化的背景塑造了他对领导力发展的独特见解,这些见解通过他的公司服务和写作与大家分享。

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