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Only in Naples

Only in Naples

Lessons in Food and Famiglia from My Italian Mother-in-Law
作者 Katherine Wilson 2015 287 页数
2k+ 评分
9 分钟


1. 那不勒斯:矛盾与激情并存的城市


极端之城。 那不勒斯是一个混乱与美丽完美共存的地方。城市的活力迫使游客放下成见,接受其独特的节奏。

  • 那不勒斯的特点:
    • 强烈的交通和噪音
    • 令人叹为观止的海湾和维苏威火山景色
    • 丰富的历史和惊人的建筑
    • 热情且富有表现力的当地人

文化沉浸。 要真正欣赏那不勒斯,必须全身心投入其文化,接受其缺点和魅力。这意味着接受当地美食,学习语言(包括手势),并适应不同的生活节奏。

2. 食物如爱:烹饪在那不勒斯文化中的核心角色

“Più ci metti più ci trovi!”——你投入越多,收获越多。

烹饪作为表达。 在那不勒斯,食物不仅仅是维持生计;它是一种爱的语言。那不勒斯的美食以新鲜食材、传统食谱和精心准备为特点。

  • 那不勒斯烹饪的关键元素:
    • 强调新鲜的季节性食材
    • 慢炖方法(例如,炖肉酱需要炖煮数小时)
    • 代代相传的家庭食谱
    • 特定节日和庆典的菜肴

社会意义。 餐饮是家庭生活和社交互动的核心。烹饪和分享食物的行为是一种表达爱意、解决冲突和维持家庭纽带的方式。拒绝食物或不吃完一顿饭可能被视为对爱和关怀的拒绝。

3. 家庭动态:母亲的力量与“妈宝”现象

“La mamma è sempre la mamma: 妈妈永远是妈妈,没有人能替代妈妈。”

母系影响。 在那不勒斯文化中,母亲在家庭结构中拥有巨大的权力。她们通常是家庭事务的主要决策者,尤其是在家庭和家务方面。

  • 那不勒斯母亲的特点:
    • 在烹饪和养育方面的核心角色
    • 对孩子生活的强大影响力,甚至延续到成年
    • 期望孩子的忠诚和定期联系

“妈宝”现象。 这个术语指的是那些在情感上(通常也在物质上)依赖母亲的成年男性。尽管经常受到批评,这种动态在那不勒斯文化中根深蒂固,外人可能难以理解或接受。

4. 语言与交流:驾驭文化差异


富有表现力的交流。 那不勒斯人用激情和强度进行交流,不仅使用言语,还使用手势、面部表情和语调来传达意义。

  • 那不勒斯交流的关键方面:
    • 大量使用手势
    • 大声且生动的对话
    • 方言词汇和表达
    • 潜台词和上下文的重要性

文化细微差别。 理解那不勒斯交流的细微差别对于融入至关重要。这包括学习何时直接,如何解读间接信息,以及认识到情感表达在日常互动中的重要性。

5. 传统与现代:在旧习与新现实之间寻找平衡

“Fidarsi è bene, non fidarsi è meglio,” 信任是好的,不信任更好。

保留传统。 那不勒斯人对他们的文化遗产和传统感到非常自豪,通常更倾向于坚持传统做法而不是改变。

  • 传统依然强大的领域:
    • 食物准备和用餐仪式
    • 家庭结构和角色
    • 宗教仪式和迷信
    • 当地手工艺和工艺品

适应变化。 尽管传统的吸引力强大,那不勒斯也无法免于现代化。许多那不勒斯人的挑战在于在保留文化身份和适应变化的世界之间找到平衡。

6. 健康与迷信:那不勒斯人对健康的独特看法

“Drafts can be translated as correnti, a word Italians pronounce with a menacing rolled r.”

健康信仰。 那不勒斯人对健康和疾病有一套独特的信仰,通常将现代医学与传统迷信相结合。

  • 那不勒斯常见的健康问题:
    • 对气流(correnti)引起疾病的恐惧
    • 对邪眼(malocchio)的信仰
    • 维护良好消化的重要性
    • 对某些食物组合的怀疑

医疗实践。 尽管现代医学广泛可用,许多那不勒斯人仍依赖家庭疗法和传统治疗。驾驭医疗系统通常需要官方程序和个人关系的结合。

7. 美国人在那不勒斯:适应新的文化环境


文化冲击。 作为美国人搬到那不勒斯需要一个显著的适应期。日常生活、社会规范和文化期望的差异既具有挑战性又令人兴奋。

  • 适应的关键领域:
    • 学会驾驭官僚制度和非正式系统
    • 适应不同的生活节奏
    • 接受更具社区感、以家庭为中心的生活方式
    • 建立与食物和用餐时间的新关系

个人成长。 适应那不勒斯文化的过程通常会导致深刻的个人转变。它需要灵活性、耐心和质疑自己文化假设的意愿。

8. Sdrammatizzare的艺术:在困难情况下找到幽默


应对机制。 Sdrammatizzare,或用幽默化解紧张局势的能力,是那不勒斯文化的一个关键特征。这种方法帮助人们以韧性和良好的精神状态应对日常生活的挑战。

  • 那不勒斯人实践sdrammatizzare的方式:
    • 用幽默讨论严肃话题
    • 在小乐趣中找到快乐
    • 保持对生活困难的视角
    • 接受“你能怎么办?”的态度

文化韧性。 Sdrammatizzare的能力反映了那不勒斯文化的广泛韧性,尽管经历了无数的艰难困苦,但仍保持其充满活力的精神。

9. 宗教与奇迹:信仰在那不勒斯日常生活中的作用

“圣詹纳罗爱我们。他保护我们。Ci ama. Ci ama…”

宗教虔诚。 天主教在那不勒斯生活中起着核心作用,宗教仪式和信仰与日常活动和文化实践紧密交织。

  • 宗教信仰的表现:
    • 对守护神(尤其是圣詹纳罗)的虔诚
    • 庆祝宗教节日和游行
    • 家庭和商业中的宗教符号
    • 对奇迹和神圣干预的信仰

信仰与迷信的融合。 那不勒斯的宗教信仰通常包含迷信和民间信仰的元素,创造出一种既虔诚又灵活的独特精神景观。

10. 爱与关系:在那不勒斯驾驭浪漫

“Cumma cumma cumma cumma comeleon, you giva go, you giva go…”

激情的联系。 那不勒斯的浪漫以强烈和表现力为特征,关系通常发展迅速且戏剧性。

  • 那不勒斯浪漫的方面:
    • 家庭认可的重要性
    • 公开的亲昵行为
    • 强烈的情感和嫉妒
    • 求爱中的传统性别角色

跨文化关系。 对于与那不勒斯人约会的外国人来说,驾驭文化差异的期望和交流可能既具有挑战性又有回报。它需要耐心、开放的心态和适应新的表达爱与承诺方式的意愿。

11. 职业与身份:在新文化中重新定义成功


职业挑战。 在那不勒斯建立职业生涯通常涉及驾驭与美国工作文化不同的一套优先事项和期望。

  • 工作文化的关键差异:
    • 强调个人关系而非正式资格
    • 对时间和截止日期的灵活态度
    • 家庭义务在职业决策中的重要性
    • 成功和成就的不同衡量标准

个人重塑。 适应那不勒斯的工作文化通常需要重新评估个人和职业目标。这个过程可以导致对成功和满足的新理解,平衡职业抱负与生活质量。

12. 跨文化育儿:融合美国和那不勒斯的育儿方法


育儿的文化差异。 作为美国父母在那不勒斯抚养孩子涉及驾驭两套非常不同的期望和做法。

  • 育儿差异的关键领域:
    • 对独立性和自立的态度
    • 纪律方法和界限
    • 教育优先事项和方法
    • 扩展家庭在育儿中的角色

找到平衡。 在那不勒斯成功的跨文化育儿通常涉及挑选两种文化中最好的方面。这需要灵活性、与家庭成员的开放沟通,以及挑战自己对“正确”育儿假设的意愿。



What's Only in Naples about?

  • Cultural Exploration: The memoir delves into Katherine Wilson's experiences living in Naples, Italy, highlighting the cultural differences between American and Italian lifestyles.
  • Family Dynamics: It focuses on her relationship with her Italian mother-in-law, Raffaella, and how family traditions and food influence their interactions.
  • Personal Growth: The narrative follows Wilson's journey of adapting to a new culture, learning the language, and navigating love and family life in a foreign country.

Why should I read Only in Naples?

  • Engaging Storytelling: Katherine Wilson's writing is humorous and warm, making her experiences relatable and entertaining.
  • Culinary Insights: The book offers a rich exploration of Italian cuisine, with recipes and anecdotes that highlight the importance of food in Italian culture.
  • Cultural Understanding: Readers gain a deeper understanding of Italian customs, family values, and the significance of food and community in Naples.

What are the key takeaways of Only in Naples?

  • Embrace Cultural Differences: The memoir emphasizes understanding and appreciating cultural differences, especially in family dynamics and traditions.
  • Food as Connection: Food is a central theme, connecting people and helping the author navigate her relationship with Raffaella through shared meals and recipes.
  • Personal Identity: Wilson reflects on her identity as an American woman in Italy, exploring themes of belonging and the challenges of raising children in a bicultural environment.

What are the best quotes from Only in Naples and what do they mean?

  • “You really should go to Tuscany.”: This quote reflects the common preference for Tuscany over Naples, highlighting preconceived notions about Italy.
  • “In Naples, you either love it or you hate it.”: It captures the passionate nature of Neapolitan life, where the city's energy can be polarizing but rewarding.
  • “The more you put in, the more you get out.”: Raffaella's saying emphasizes the importance of effort and investment in relationships and experiences.

How does Only in Naples address the theme of family?

  • Central Role of Family: Family is depicted as the cornerstone of Neapolitan life, with strong ties and obligations shaping individual identities.
  • Intergenerational Relationships: The book explores dynamics between Katherine, her husband Salvatore, and his family, particularly Raffaella's influence.
  • Support System: Katherine learns that family provides support and a sense of belonging, as she becomes integrated into Raffaella's family.

What role does food play in Only in Naples?

  • Culinary Traditions: Food is a central theme, with Katherine learning traditional Italian recipes from Raffaella, serving as a cultural bridge.
  • Symbol of Love: Meals are depicted as acts of love and care, with Raffaella's cooking representing her affection for her family.
  • Cultural Identity: The author uses food to explore her identity as an American in Italy, reflecting on how culinary practices shape cultural understanding.

How does Katherine Wilson describe her relationship with Raffaella in Only in Naples?

  • Initial Hesitation: Katherine starts with apprehension about her relationship with Raffaella, fearing typical mother-in-law stereotypes.
  • Growing Bond: Over time, their relationship deepens as Katherine learns to appreciate Raffaella's cooking and traditions.
  • Mutual Respect: The book illustrates a journey of mutual respect and understanding, as both women navigate cultural differences.

What challenges does Katherine face while living in Naples?

  • Language Barrier: Katherine struggles with the Italian language, complicating her interactions and understanding of the culture.
  • Cultural Differences: She encounters norms that differ from her American upbringing, leading to moments of confusion and humor.
  • Family Dynamics: Navigating the complexities of her Italian family-in-law presents both challenges and opportunities for growth.

How does Only in Naples portray the concept of motherhood?

  • Cultural Expectations: The book highlights the expectations placed on mothers in Italian culture, particularly the emphasis on cooking and nurturing.
  • Personal Sacrifice: Katherine shares her experiences of personal sacrifice and balancing her identity as a mother with her cultural background.
  • Interconnectedness: The narrative illustrates how motherhood connects women across cultures, with shared experiences of love and struggle.

What lessons about love and relationships can be found in Only in Naples?

  • Cultural Sensitivity: The memoir teaches the importance of being sensitive to cultural differences in relationships, especially with family expectations.
  • Communication: Katherine learns that open communication is key to understanding and resolving conflicts in a cross-cultural relationship.
  • Acceptance and Growth: Love requires acceptance of differences and a willingness to grow together, as seen in Katherine's evolving relationship with Salvatore.

How does Katherine's perspective on food change throughout Only in Naples?

  • From Guilt to Enjoyment: Initially, Katherine struggles with her relationship with food, but living in Naples helps her embrace the joy of eating.
  • Culinary Education: She learns to appreciate the art of cooking and the significance of meals in fostering connections.
  • Cultural Appreciation: Katherine's experiences with Raffaella's cooking lead her to a deeper understanding of Italian culinary traditions.

What insights does Only in Naples provide about Italian culture?

  • Family-Centric Values: The book emphasizes the importance of family in Italian culture, showcasing how familial bonds shape daily life.
  • Food as a Cultural Cornerstone: Katherine explores how food is integral to Italian identity, serving as a means of connection and expression of love.
  • Social Norms and Expectations: The author provides insights into social norms, such as hospitality and the role of women, revealing the complexities of navigating these expectations.


3.74 满分 5
平均评分来自 2k+ 来自Goodreads和亚马逊的评分.

Only in Naples》获得了褒贬不一的评价。许多读者喜欢威尔逊关于那不勒斯文化、美食和家庭生活的幽默轶事。作者对意大利传统的深入了解以及她与婆婆的关系是书中的亮点。然而,有些人觉得威尔逊的优越背景令人反感,叙述也显得支离破碎。尽管这本书因其对意大利文化的见解而受到赞扬,但也因某些方面缺乏深度而受到批评。总体而言,这本书被认为是一本轻松有趣的读物,可能会吸引对意大利文化和美食感兴趣的读者。

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