1. 讲道必须忠实地阐释圣经并与文化互动
忠实阐释。 细致地解释圣经在其上下文中的意义是讲道的基础。这使信息扎根于神的话语而非人的意见。然而,仅仅阐释是不够的。
文化互动。 传道人还必须理解听众的文化背景并与之互动。这包括:
- 识别基本的文化叙事和假设
- 肯定文化中好的和真实的部分
- 挑战偶像崇拜和错误信念
- 展示福音如何满足文化的渴望
情境化沟通。 遵循保罗的榜样,传道人应在不妥协的情况下情境化。这意味着:
- 使用易懂的语言和概念
- 借用文化中受尊敬的权威
- 展示对疑虑和反对意见的理解
- 提出应对文化压力点的福音邀请
2. 每篇讲道都应传讲福音,而不仅仅是道德主义
避免道德主义。 仅仅告诉人们如何生活而不将其与福音联系起来会导致自义或绝望。道德主义无法改变人心。
传讲恩典。 每篇讲道都应展示基督如何履行律法并确保我们的救恩。这使我们从律法主义和反律法主义中解脱出来。
福音动机。 只有当我们理解基督里的神的恩典时,我们才能真正改变。福音提供:
- 作为神所爱的孩子的新身份
- 使我们从罪疚中解脱的宽恕和接纳
- 圣灵的力量使我们从心里顺服
- 感恩而非恐惧或骄傲的动机
3. 基督是所有圣经和每篇讲道的中心主题
以基督为中心的解释。 所有圣经都指向基督作为其成就。传道人必须展示每段经文如何与以下内容相关:
- 神展开的救赎计划
- 在基督中达到高潮的圣经主题
- 旧约中基督的预表和影子
- 在基督中实现的预言和应许
宣讲基督。 每篇讲道都应通过展示以下内容来高举基督:
- 他完美的生活履行了神的律法
- 他牺牲的死亡赎罪
- 他的复活确保了我们的称义
- 他的升天和持续的代求
- 他未来的再来完成一切
福音应用。 实际的劝勉必须以基督的工作为基础。展示如何:
- 基督的顺服,而不是我们的,确保了我们的接纳
- 基督的牺牲激励并赋予我们顺服的力量
- 与基督的联合改变了我们的欲望和行为
4. 有效的讲道需要理解和应对文化叙事
识别文化叙事。 传道人必须理解听众的基本信念和假设,包括:
- 对身份、自由、道德和目的的看法
- 希望、恐惧和愿望
- 对信仰的反对和障碍
同情地互动。 在揭示其缺陷的同时,展示对文化价值的尊重和理解:
- 肯定部分真理和良好的愿望
- 揭示内部矛盾和不足
- 展示福音如何满足和转变文化的渴望
将福音呈现为更好的故事。 展示基督如何提供:
- 比自我创造更安全的身份
- 通过喜乐顺服神获得真正的自由
- 道德和人类尊严的基础
- 在神的宏大故事中找到目的和意义
5. 后现代思维对福音传播提出了独特挑战
理解世俗思维。 后现代文化的特点是:
- 激进的个人主义和自我创造
- 拒绝外在的道德权威
- 对人类进步和技术解决方案的信仰
- 对宗教主张和机构的怀疑
应对常见反对意见。 预见并回应普遍的批评:
- “宗教是压迫性的,限制个人自由”
- “科学已经证明不需要神”
- “所有宗教都是通向真理的有效途径”
- “基督教是排他性的和不宽容的”
揭示隐藏的信念。 展示世俗假设通常依赖于:
- 未被承认的信仰承诺
- 从基督教世界观借来的资本
- 内部矛盾和不足的基础
6. 讲道必须同时触及听众的心灵和头脑
目标是心灵。 真正的改变需要的不仅仅是智力上的同意。讲道必须:
- 触动情感和想象力
- 解决潜在的动机和欲望
- 描绘与神同在的生活的吸引力
使用生动的语言。 运用插图、比喻和故事来:
- 使抽象的真理具体且易记
- 将圣经概念与实际生活联系起来
- 激发对基督的敬畏和喜悦
实际应用。 展示真理如何应用于现实生活:
- 解决具体情况和挣扎
- 提供顺服的具体步骤
- 预见并回答反对意见
充满感情地讲道。 让你的心被真理感动:
- 以真实的热情和信念讲话
- 适当地表达喜悦、悲伤和敬畏
- 让你的生活验证你的信息
7. 圣灵的力量对于真正变革性的讲道至关重要
依靠圣灵。 认识到真正的心灵改变最终是神的工作:
- 热切祈求圣灵的启示和感动
- 信靠神的话语成就祂的旨意
- 避免操纵技巧或依赖人的智慧
寻求属灵的力量。 培养你与神的关系:
- 培养深厚的祷告生活和与基督的亲密关系
- 让真理首先改变你的心
- 从与你神的交通中溢出地讲道
期待神的工作。 以信心和期待讲道:
- 期待圣灵有力地应用神的话语
- 在讲道时对圣灵的引导敏感
- 给神留出超越你准备的工作空间
What's Preaching: Communicating Faith in an Age of Scepticism about?
- Focus on Preaching: The book explores the art and importance of preaching in a contemporary context, emphasizing effective communication of the Christian faith.
- Three Levels of Ministry: Keller outlines three levels of the ministry of the Word: informal conversations, structured teaching, and formal preaching.
- Cultural Engagement: It addresses how to preach Christ in a culture increasingly skeptical and indifferent to traditional religious authority.
- Heart-Centered Approach: Keller argues for engaging both the emotions and imaginations of listeners, not just their intellect.
Why should I read Preaching: Communicating Faith in an Age of Scepticism?
- Practical Guidance: The book offers practical advice for preachers and teachers on communicating biblical truths effectively in a modern context.
- Cultural Relevance: It helps readers understand how to engage with contemporary cultural narratives, making the gospel relevant to today’s audience.
- Spiritual Growth: Reading this book can enhance your understanding of preaching as a vital tool for spiritual growth and community transformation.
- Real-World Application: Keller's insights are grounded in both theology and practical application, making it useful for those in ministry.
What are the key takeaways of Preaching: Communicating Faith in an Age of Scepticism?
- Irreplaceability of Preaching: Keller argues that public preaching of the gospel is irreplaceable in the church.
- Preaching Christ Every Time: The necessity of preaching Christ from all Scripture is emphasized, ensuring every sermon points back to the gospel.
- Engaging the Heart: Effective preaching must inform the mind and engage the heart, leading to genuine transformation in listeners.
- Preach from the Heart: Authenticity in preaching is crucial for connecting with listeners.
What are the best quotes from Preaching: Communicating Faith in an Age of Scepticism and what do they mean?
- Divine Authority: “The preaching of the Word is the testimony of God and the profession of the knowledge of Christ, not of human skill.” This underscores the divine authority of preaching.
- Biblical Literacy: “Every Christian needs to understand the message of the Bible well enough to explain and apply it to other Christians and to his neighbors.” Keller highlights the importance of biblical literacy.
- Avoiding Moralism: “The only way to avoid what Whitefield is describing...is to preach Christ from every text of the Bible.” This stresses the necessity of centering every sermon on Christ.
- Heartfelt Preaching: "Your heart needs to be soft toward God and toward the people." This emphasizes the necessity of genuine affection in preaching.
How does Timothy Keller define good preaching in Preaching: Communicating Faith in an Age of Scepticism?
- Biblical Proclamation: Good preaching is defined as faithfully communicating the message of Scripture.
- Cultural Engagement: It must engage with the culture, addressing the hearts and minds of listeners in a way that resonates with their experiences.
- Spirit’s Power: Effective preaching involves a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, leading to life change in the audience.
- Authentic Emotion: Preaching should come from a place of genuine emotion and connection to the message.
What methods does Keller suggest for preaching Christ from all of Scripture?
- Identify Themes: Keller encourages identifying overarching themes in Scripture that point to Christ, such as covenant and redemption.
- Use Major Figures: Major biblical figures can be seen as types of Christ, illustrating how their stories foreshadow salvation in Jesus.
- Engage with Every Genre: Understanding how different genres of Scripture contribute to the message of Christ ensures a comprehensive approach.
- Narrative Importance: Stories capture interest and help listeners relate to the message on a personal level.
How can preachers effectively engage with a skeptical culture according to Preaching: Communicating Faith in an Age of Scepticism?
- Contextualization: Adapting language and examples to resonate with contemporary audiences while remaining true to Scripture is crucial.
- Address Doubts: Acknowledge and address common doubts and objections that secular listeners may have.
- Affirm Cultural Aspirations: Demonstrate how the gospel fulfills positive cultural aspirations like justice and community.
- Engage with Questions: Asking direct questions during the sermon can provoke self-examination and deeper connection.
What role does the heart play in preaching according to Keller?
- Center of Transformation: The heart is the center of a person’s attention and commitment, and effective preaching must engage it.
- Affections Over Emotions: True change comes from what the heart loves most, not just fleeting emotions.
- Preaching to the Heart: Aim to make biblical truths gripping and real to the heart, moving beyond intellectual assent to heartfelt belief.
- Authentic Connection: The preacher's character and spiritual maturity are crucial for the Spirit to work through them.
How does Keller suggest preachers can make their messages compelling?
- Use Imaginative Language: Vivid and imaginative language captures listeners’ attention and helps them visualize truths.
- Connect to Real Life: Show how the gospel applies to everyday experiences of listeners.
- Present Christ’s Beauty: Emphasize the beauty and excellence of Christ to captivate and transform hearts.
- Concrete Language: Use language that evokes sensory experiences, making theological concepts more relatable.
How does Keller address the need for practical application in preaching?
- Application Throughout: Application should be woven throughout the message, not confined to the end.
- Specificity and Variety: Address various listener conditions and needs with specific applications.
- Gospel-Centered Application: Applications should always point back to the gospel, showing how faith in Christ enables living out preached truths.
- Balance of Forms: Use a balance of different forms of application, such as warning, encouraging, and comforting.
What role does the Holy Spirit play in preaching according to Keller?
- Spirit's Power: The effectiveness of preaching is deeply connected to the work of the Holy Spirit.
- Authentic Connection: The preacher's character and spiritual maturity are crucial for the Spirit to work through them.
- Invitation for the Spirit: Invite the Holy Spirit's work by lifting up Christ and expressing genuine wonder and joy in the message.
- Alignment with the Spirit: This alignment is essential for impactful preaching.
What is the significance of preaching Christ in every sermon?
- Central to the Gospel: Preaching Christ is essential for understanding the text and reaching both believers and non-believers.
- Transformative Power: Focusing on Christ turns sermons into powerful proclamations that can change lives.
- Worshipful Response: Encourages a shift from learning to worship, inviting listeners to respond to the beauty of the gospel.
- Ultimate Understanding: Keller emphasizes that preaching Christ is not just the ultimate way to fully understand a text.
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