1. 先取利润,而不是最后
销售额 − 利润 = 费用
逆转公式。 传统会计使用的公式是销售额 - 费用 = 利润,这通常导致没有利润。通过先取利润,你可以确保你的业务从第一天起就有盈利。这一简单的改变迫使你在资源有限的情况下进行创新和提高效率。这也符合人类行为,因为我们倾向于先管理我们看到的东西。
小而持续的行动。 从将收入的1%分配到一个单独的利润账户开始。随着时间的推移,逐渐增加这个百分比。这建立了优先考虑利润的习惯,而不会在初期对你的业务造成太大压力。目标是最终达到行业标准或高于平均水平的利润百分比。
- 先取利润的好处:
- 确保从一开始就有盈利
- 迫使提高效率和创新
- 符合自然的人类行为
- 通过小而持续的行动建立关键习惯
2. 使用小盘子控制份量和支出
利用帕金森定律。 这一原则指出,工作会扩展到可用的时间。同样,费用也会扩展到消耗可用的资源。通过人为地限制你的运营费用,你迫使自己变得更高效和创新。
制造稀缺性。 就像使用小盘子会减少卡路里的摄入一样,将更少的钱分配给运营费用迫使你用更少的资源完成任务。这种稀缺性驱动了创造力和效率。你会找到用更少的资源实现相同或更好结果的方法。
- 制造人为稀缺性的策略:
- 为不同用途使用单独的银行账户
- 根据预定的百分比分配资金
- 通过使某些资金不易获取来消除诱惑
- 定期评估和调整你的分配百分比
3. 用五个核心账户实施“先取利润”系统
设立五个基础账户。 “先取利润”系统的核心是为不同用途创建单独的银行账户:
- 收入
- 利润
- 所有者报酬
- 税款
- 运营费用
遵循分配节奏。 每月两次,在10号和25号,将收入账户中的资金按预定的百分比分配到其他账户。这会形成优先考虑利润和管理现金流的常规习惯。
- 实施的关键步骤:
- 开设必要的银行账户
- 确定初始分配百分比
- 从小而可管理的百分比开始
- 持续遵循每月两次的分配时间表
- 随着时间的推移逐渐增加百分比
4. 用即时评估评估你的业务健康状况
进行财务健康检查。 即时评估是一种快速评估你业务财务健康状况的简单工具。它将你当前的分配百分比与基于收入范围的目标百分比进行比较。这提供了一个清晰的改进方向。
利用结果指导改进。 评估突出显示了你超支或资金不足的领域。利用这些信息设定目标,逐步调整你的分配百分比,以达到更健康的目标。
- 即时评估的关键组成部分:
- 实际收入计算
- 当前分配百分比
- 目标分配百分比
- 当前与目标百分比之间的差距分析
- 改进的行动项目
5. 逐步增加你的利润分配百分比
从小开始,积累势头。 从略高于你当前水平的分配百分比开始。这使得变化可管理,并建立优先考虑利润的习惯。随着时间的推移,逐步增加这些百分比,向目标分配百分比(TAPs)靠近。
每季度调整。 每个季度重新评估你的分配百分比,并在可能的情况下增加它们。这种稳步进展使你的业务能够适应并随着时间的推移变得更高效,而不是一次性进行剧烈的变化。
- 增加分配百分比的指南:
- 每季度目标增加1-3%
- 重点关注利润、所有者报酬和税款账户
- 减少运营费用以适应增加
- 根据业务表现和现金流进行调整
6. 在建立利润的同时消灭债务
实施债务冻结。 立即停止积累新债务。削减不必要的开支,并与债权人协商更好的条款。这释放了现金流来处理现有债务。
使用债务雪球法。 列出你的债务,从最小到最大。专注于首先还清最小的债务,同时对其他债务进行最低还款。当每一笔债务还清后,将该还款应用于下一笔最小的债务。这会产生动力和激励。
- 减少债务的策略:
- 削减不必要的开支
- 与债权人协商更好的条款
- 使用99%的利润分配来偿还债务
- 庆祝小胜利以保持动力
- 用剩下的1%继续建立利润习惯
7. 通过提高效率在你的业务中找到隐藏的钱
挑战假设。 定期质疑你业务运营的每一个方面。寻找用更少的资源获得更好结果的方法。这种不断改进的心态可以发现显著的节省和效率提升。
专注于你的核心优势。 确定你业务中最有利可图的方面,并加倍努力。消除或外包那些对你的成功不重要的活动。这使你能够最大化效率和盈利能力。
- 探索隐藏资金的领域:
- 精简流程和系统
- 消除无利可图的产品或服务
- 优化定价策略
- 提高员工生产力
- 减少浪费和不必要的开支
- 利用技术进行自动化
8. 将“先取利润”应用于你的个人财务
创建个人“先取利润”账户。 将相同的原则应用于你的个人财务,创建不同用途的单独账户:
- 收入
- 利润(储蓄/投资)
- 税款
- 运营费用(账单和必需品)
- 保险库(应急基金)
量入为出。 在确定生活费用之前,将一部分收入分配到储蓄和投资中。这确保你在建立财富和财务安全的同时,过上舒适但不过度奢侈的生活。
- 个人“先取利润”实施的提示:
- 从小的分配百分比开始
- 随着时间的推移逐渐增加储蓄
- 削减不必要的个人开支
- 庆祝里程碑以保持动力
- 用类似的原则教孩子理财
9. 避免在实施“先取利润”时常见的错误
保持责任感。 找一个责任伙伴或小组,帮助你在实施“先取利润”时保持正轨。定期的检查和支持可以防止你回到旧习惯。
抵制诱惑。 避免从你的利润或税款账户中“借钱”来支付运营费用。这违背了系统的目的,并可能导致财务问题。
- 避免的常见陷阱:
- 过早提取过多利润
- 以牺牲利润为代价专注于增长
- 削减错误的成本
- 增加系统的不必要复杂性
- 跳过单独的银行账户
- 侵占税款账户
- 试图通过电子表格而不是实际银行账户来管理一切
What's Profit First about?
- Transforming Finances: Profit First by Mike Michalowicz introduces a new approach to business finances by prioritizing profit over expenses. It challenges traditional accounting methods that often lead to cash flow problems.
- Profit First System: The book flips the formula from "Sales - Expenses = Profit" to "Sales - Profit = Expenses," ensuring profit is prioritized.
- Real-Life Success: It includes testimonials and case studies from entrepreneurs who have successfully implemented the system, demonstrating its effectiveness in turning struggling businesses into profitable ones.
Why should I read Profit First by Mike Michalowicz?
- Address Financial Struggles: Many entrepreneurs face financial stress. This book offers a clear framework to help business owners take control of their finances and achieve profitability.
- Simple and Accessible: The Profit First system is straightforward and easy to implement, making it accessible for business owners at any stage.
- Long-Term Benefits: By focusing on profit from the start, readers can build a sustainable business model that supports their financial goals and personal well-being.
What are the key takeaways of Profit First by Mike Michalowicz?
- Prioritize Profit: Always take profit first before paying expenses, ensuring business owners are compensated and have a financial cushion.
- Five Accounts: Set up five key bank accounts: Income, Profit, Owner’s Comp, Tax, and Operating Expenses to manage cash flow effectively.
- Regular Assessments: Conduct regular financial health assessments to identify areas for improvement and track progress.
What is the Profit First system?
- Cash Management Method: The Profit First system emphasizes taking profit before expenses, flipping the traditional accounting formula.
- Account Structure: It involves creating multiple bank accounts for specific purposes like profit, taxes, and operating expenses.
- Behavioral Psychology: The system uses principles like Parkinson’s Law to encourage better financial habits and decision-making.
How do I set up the Profit First system?
- Create Five Accounts: Set up foundational accounts: Income, Profit, Owner’s Comp, Tax, and Operating Expenses to manage cash flow.
- Determine Percentages: Use the Instant Assessment to determine your Current Allocation Percentages (CAPs) and adjust them gradually.
- Regular Review: Implement a routine to review financials and adjust allocations every quarter to stay on track with profitability goals.
What is the Instant Assessment in Profit First?
- Financial Health Check: The Instant Assessment evaluates the financial health of your business quickly, identifying profit, expenses, and overall situation.
- Simple Calculation: It involves calculating Real Revenue, Profit, Owner’s Comp, Tax, and Operating Expenses from financial statements.
- Actionable Insights: Completing the assessment helps pinpoint areas for improvement and set realistic profit allocation targets.
How do I determine my Target Allocation Percentages (TAPs) in Profit First?
- Industry Research: Research industry standards to set TAPs that align with your business goals and are competitive.
- Historical Performance: Review past financial performance to understand current allocation percentages and identify improvement areas.
- Gradual Adjustments: Start with conservative TAPs and gradually increase them as your business stabilizes.
What are the benefits of using multiple bank accounts in the Profit First system?
- Clear Financial Purpose: Each account serves a specific purpose, helping manage finances effectively and avoid overspending.
- Reduced Temptation: Separating funds into different accounts reduces the temptation to dip into profit or tax reserves.
- Easier Tracking: Multiple accounts make it easier to track income and expenses, supporting better decision-making and planning.
How can I cut expenses effectively while implementing Profit First?
- Identify Unnecessary Costs: Review expenses to identify areas for cuts, freeing up cash for profit and owner compensation.
- Negotiate Contracts: Reach out to vendors for better rates or terms, expressing your commitment to profitability.
- Set a Target Percentage: Aim to cut at least 10% of expenses to create a buffer for profit and operate within the new financial structure.
What is the Debt Freeze in Profit First?
- Stop New Debt: The Debt Freeze strategy halts new debt accumulation while focusing on paying down existing debt.
- Expense Evaluation: Evaluate expenses to categorize them as necessary, replaceable, or profit-generating, identifying cost-cutting areas.
- Build Momentum: Emphasizes small, consistent actions to build momentum in paying down debt, creating a sustainable financial environment.
What are some common mistakes when implementing Profit First?
- Too Much Too Soon: Allocating too high a percentage to the Profit account initially can lead to cash flow issues.
- Going It Alone: Implementing Profit First without support can lead to failure; having an accountability buddy or professional helps.
- Cutting Wrong Costs: Entrepreneurs may cut essential expenses; it's crucial to evaluate expenses carefully and eliminate non-contributory ones.
How can I celebrate my profit distributions in the Profit First system?
- Death to Debt Party: Use profit distribution to pay down debt and celebrate progress, reinforcing positive financial management.
- Reward Yourself: Allocate a small percentage for personal enjoyment, maintaining motivation and reinforcing system benefits.
- Share the Joy: Celebrate with your team or family to acknowledge hard work, fostering a positive culture around financial success.
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