1. 红海阴谋:重塑中东政治的秘密计划
秘密联盟形成。 2015年秋天,阿联酋王储穆罕默德·本·扎耶德(MBZ)的顾问乔治·纳德尔在红海的一艘游艇上召开了一次秘密会议。与会者包括沙特阿拉伯的穆罕默德·本·萨勒曼(MBS)、MBZ、埃及的阿卜杜勒·法塔赫·塞西,以及来自巴林和约旦的代表。他们的目标是通过以下方式重塑中东政治:
- 改革海湾合作委员会(GCC),排除卡塔尔、科威特和阿曼
- 与以色列结盟对抗伊朗
- 支持唐纳德·特朗普的总统竞选
- 寻求俄罗斯合作以对抗伊朗影响
2. 特朗普核心圈子与外国势力建立秘密联盟
影子外交政策浮现。 特朗普周围的关键人物与外国势力建立了非官方渠道:
- 俄罗斯专家迪米特里·西姆斯成为竞选的非官方顾问
- 迈克尔·弗林与俄罗斯官员接触,并致力于“中东马歇尔计划”
- 乔治·帕帕多普洛斯试图安排特朗普与普京会面
- 保罗·马纳福特与一名与俄罗斯情报有关的个人分享竞选数据
3. 库什纳的WhatsApp外交与穆罕默德·本·萨勒曼的崛起
个人关系取代官方渠道。 特朗普的女婿兼高级顾问贾里德·库什纳与沙特王储穆罕默德·本·萨勒曼(MBS)建立了密切关系,频繁通过WhatsApp进行沟通。这种非官方外交:
- 绕过了传统的国务院和国家安全委员会渠道
- 令职业外交官和情报官员感到担忧
- 可能影响了美国对沙特领导的卡塔尔封锁的政策
- 可能在MBS巩固沙特权力中发挥了作用
4. 卡塔尔封锁:具有数十亿美元后果的地缘政治棋局
个人利益与外交政策交织。 2017年6月,沙特阿拉伯、阿联酋、巴林和埃及以卡塔尔支持恐怖主义为由对其实施封锁。封锁的时机和美国的反应引发了对潜在利益冲突的质疑:
- 库什纳公司最近曾寻求卡塔尔投资以拯救其陷入困境的666第五大道物业
- 贾里德·库什纳支持封锁,削弱了国务卿蒂勒森的调解努力
- 危机将卡塔尔推向伊朗和土耳其,复杂化了美国的地区战略
- 人们质疑美国政策是否受到个人财务利益的影响
5. 弗林的中东马歇尔计划和核野心
核野心和隐藏议程。 特朗普的首任国家安全顾问迈克尔·弗林推动了一项有争议的“中东马歇尔计划”,涉及:
- 美国-沙特-俄罗斯在中东的核能合作
- 可能违反美国关于核技术转让的法律
- 即使在弗林被白宫解雇后仍继续推进该计划
- 涉及私人公司如IP3和ACU战略伙伴
- 需要解除美国对俄罗斯的制裁
- 引发职业官员对合法性和国家安全的担忧
6. 以色列科技公司和2016年选举中的社交媒体操纵
数字战争和外国干预。 以色列科技公司和社交媒体操纵在2016年选举中发挥了重要作用:
- 与史蒂夫·班农和罗伯特·默瑟有关的剑桥分析公司收集了Facebook数据用于定向政治信息
- 以色列公司Psy-Group向特朗普竞选团队推销社交媒体操纵服务
- 这些努力引发了对外国干预和在政治竞选中使用个人数据的质疑
- Psy-Group的乔尔·扎梅尔在特朗普大厦会见了小唐纳德·特朗普
- 代表海湾国家利益的乔治·纳德尔促成了联系
- 这些公司的实际参与程度尚不清楚,但调查仍在继续
7. 塞舌尔会议:建立后门沟通渠道
天堂中的秘密外交。 2017年1月,在阿联酋的安排下,一次秘密会议在塞舌尔举行:
- 黑水创始人和特朗普的非正式顾问埃里克·普林斯会见了俄罗斯主权财富基金负责人基里尔·德米特里耶夫
- 代表阿联酋的乔治·纳德尔促成了会议
- 目标:在特朗普团队和莫斯科之间建立非官方沟通渠道
- 绕过了官方外交渠道
- 引发了对阿联酋在美俄关系中角色的质疑
- 成为穆勒调查的焦点
8. 特朗普的就职委员会:外国影响和失踪的数百万资金的网络
追踪资金。 特朗普的就职委员会由托马斯·巴拉克主持,筹集了创纪录的1.067亿美元,但很快就其财务状况提出了质疑:
- 对潜在非法外国捐款的调查,特别是来自中东国家的捐款
- 对资金使用方式的担忧,其中4000万美元未能说明
- 对巴拉克与海湾国家的联系及潜在影响力交易的审查
- 可能使用稻草捐赠者掩饰外国捐款
- 在特朗普拥有的物业上支付过高的服务费用
- 可能的利益交换安排以获取访问或影响力
9. 蒂勒森的倒台和个人外交的胜利
传统外交被边缘化。 雷克斯·蒂勒森担任国务卿期间,频繁与特朗普和库什纳的个人外交方式发生冲突:
- 蒂勒森反对卡塔尔封锁,这使他与特朗普和库什纳产生分歧
- 他对库什纳与外国领导人的后门沟通表示担忧
- 蒂勒森试图进行传统外交的努力经常被白宫行动所削弱
- 抵制库什纳的中东倡议
- 在伊朗政策和核协议上的分歧
- 来自海湾盟友,特别是阿联酋的压力,要求其下台
What's Proof of Conspiracy about?
- Focus on Collusion: Proof of Conspiracy by Seth Abramson investigates the alleged collusion between Donald Trump and foreign powers, particularly focusing on the "Red Sea Conspiracy" involving Russia, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Israel, Bahrain, and Egypt.
- Historical Context: The book provides a detailed historical backdrop, tracing events from late 2015 through the 2016 election and beyond, highlighting how these international relationships shaped U.S. foreign policy.
- Evidence and Analysis: Abramson presents extensive evidence, including over 3,350 endnotes, to substantiate his claims about the collusion and its implications for American democracy.
Why should I read Proof of Conspiracy?
- In-depth Investigation: Readers interested in political intrigue and international relations will find Abramson's thorough investigation compelling, as it delves into the intricate web of relationships and motivations.
- Understanding Current Events: The book provides context for understanding contemporary political dynamics, particularly regarding U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East.
- Critical Perspective: Abramson offers a critical perspective on the events surrounding the Trump administration, encouraging readers to think critically about the intersection of politics, business, and international relations.
What are the key takeaways of Proof of Conspiracy?
- Geopolitical Manipulation: The book illustrates how foreign powers can manipulate U.S. politics for their own ends, raising questions about the integrity of American democracy.
- Corruption and Complicity: Abramson argues that the collusion represents a significant breach of ethical and legal standards, emphasizing the dangers of corruption at the highest levels of government.
- Impact on Foreign Policy: The narrative highlights how the conspiracy has influenced U.S. foreign policy, particularly towards Iran and the Gulf states, reflecting foreign interests over American citizens.
What is the Red Sea Conspiracy in Proof of Conspiracy?
- Origin and Goals: The Red Sea Conspiracy is a geopolitical plot initiated in late 2015, where leaders from several countries convened to ensure Trump's election, aiming to alter U.S. foreign policy to benefit these nations.
- Meeting Details: This meeting took place on a yacht in the Red Sea, symbolizing the clandestine nature of their collaboration.
- Long-term Implications: The conspiracy's implications extend beyond the election, affecting U.S. relations with various countries and shaping the political landscape in the Middle East.
Who are the main players in the Red Sea Conspiracy according to Proof of Conspiracy?
- Key Leaders: The conspiracy involves figures such as Donald Trump, Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Zayed (MBZ) of the UAE, and Vladimir Putin of Russia.
- George Nader's Role: George Nader, an adviser to MBZ, is portrayed as a central figure in orchestrating the meetings and agreements among these leaders.
- International Context: The book also discusses the roles of other nations, including Israel and Egypt, in shaping the conspiracy.
What evidence does Seth Abramson provide in Proof of Conspiracy?
- Extensive Citations: The book includes over 3,350 endnotes and 4,300 individual citations, providing a robust foundation for its claims.
- Interviews and Reports: Abramson draws on interviews, news reports, and official documents to construct a detailed and persuasive narrative.
- Legal and Historical Analysis: The author combines legal analysis with historical context to illustrate the significance of the events discussed.
How does Proof of Conspiracy address the issue of media and journalism?
- Investigative Journalism: Abramson underscores the critical role of investigative journalism in exposing corruption and holding power accountable.
- Khashoggi’s Legacy: The author uses Khashoggi’s murder to discuss the risks journalists face when reporting on powerful figures.
- Media’s Role in Democracy: The book posits that media is essential for informing the public and fostering democratic discourse.
What are the implications of Khashoggi’s murder as discussed in Proof of Conspiracy?
- Symbol of Authoritarianism: Khashoggi’s assassination is portrayed as a symbol of the lengths to which autocratic regimes will go to silence dissent.
- Impact on U.S.-Saudi Relations: The murder has strained U.S.-Saudi relations, raising questions about America’s commitment to human rights.
- Call for Accountability: The author emphasizes the need for accountability in the wake of Khashoggi’s death.
How does Proof of Conspiracy explore the theme of corruption?
- Corruption as a Central Theme: The book delves into corruption at multiple levels, from personal dealings to international relations.
- Personal Gain vs. National Interest: Abramson argues that Trump’s actions often prioritize personal gain over national interest.
- Consequences for Democracy: The author warns that unchecked corruption can have dire consequences for democracy.
What are the best quotes from Proof of Conspiracy and what do they mean?
- Foreign Influence Concerns: "If a foreign country is putting money in the president’s pocket on an ongoing basis, how in the world can we trust that the decisions he makes will be based on the best interests of the United States?" raises ethical questions about political integrity.
- Audacious Plot: "The Red Sea Conspiracy is as audacious a plot as the world has seen in half a century." emphasizes the gravity and complexity of the conspiracy.
- Evidence and Truth: "Proof exists, in a given situation, if there is evidence that helps establish something as true." reflects Abramson's approach to evidence and truth in politics.
How does Proof of Conspiracy connect to current political events?
- Ongoing Investigations: The book's exploration of collusion and foreign influence is relevant in light of ongoing investigations into election interference.
- Impact on U.S. Foreign Policy: Abramson’s analysis provides insight into the current state of U.S. foreign policy, especially regarding relations with Middle Eastern countries.
- Understanding Political Dynamics: The book helps readers understand the complex dynamics of international relations and how they intersect with domestic politics.