1. 专注阅读时间:建立每日阅读习惯
将阅读作为优先事项。 狂热的读者每天都会找到时间阅读,即使在繁忙的日程中。他们会在“边缘时间”阅读——即活动之间或等待时的那些小时间段。要培养这种习惯:
- 每天预留专门的阅读时间
- 随身携带一本书,以便在意外的空闲时间阅读
- 睡前或早晨第一件事就是阅读
- 在通勤或做家务时使用有声书
2. 自主选择阅读材料:培养选择书籍的信心
赋予读者选择权。 允许学生根据他们的兴趣和阅读水平选择自己的书籍。这有助于提高参与度并建立他们在选择书籍方面的信心。为了支持自主选择:
- 教学生如何预览书籍和阅读简介
- 向他们介绍各种类型和作者
- 帮助他们识别自己的阅读偏好
- 提供多样化的教室图书馆
- 允许放弃那些不能吸引他们的书籍
3. 与其他读者分享书籍和阅读:创建阅读社区
建立阅读关系。 培养一个学生定期讨论书籍并相互推荐书籍的课堂文化。这创造了一个支持性的读者社区,并让学生接触到更多种类的书籍。为了鼓励分享:
- 实施定期的书籍讨论或推荐
- 创建一个“阅读涂鸦”墙,用于展示最喜欢的名言
- 使用社交媒体或博客进行书评
- 将学生配对为阅读伙伴
- 举办读书俱乐部或文学圈
4. 制定阅读计划:设定目标并期待未来的阅读
培养对阅读的期待。 鼓励学生设定短期和长期的阅读目标。这保持了他们的动力,并帮助他们将阅读视为生活中的一部分。为了制定阅读计划:
- 创建“待读”清单
- 设定页数或书籍数量目标
- 计划学校假期的阅读
- 参加阅读挑战
- 期待喜欢的作者的新书发布
5. 展示偏好:发现个人阅读品味
探索和完善品味。 帮助学生识别他们最喜欢的书籍类型,同时鼓励他们尝试新的类型和风格。了解偏好有助于选择书籍并建立阅读身份。为了发展偏好:
- 使用图表跟踪阅读的类型
- 反思最喜欢和最不喜欢的书籍
- 分析喜欢的书籍中的常见主题
- 尝试不同的格式(如图画小说、有声书)
- 讨论偏好如何随时间变化
6. 创建支持阅读的课堂环境
设计以阅读为中心的课堂。 创建一个重视和鼓励阅读的物理和情感空间。这个环境应该让阅读感觉自然和预期。关键元素包括:
- 一个库存丰富、组织良好的教室图书馆
- 舒适的阅读区域
- 展示学生的书籍推荐
- 每天预留独立阅读时间
- 教师示范阅读习惯
- 庆祝阅读成就
7. 鼓励跨类型广泛阅读
拓宽阅读视野。 在尊重学生偏好的同时,鼓励他们探索各种类型和格式。这扩展了他们的阅读体验,并可能发现新的兴趣。策略包括:
- 设定类型要求(如阅读40本不同类型的书籍)
- 通过朗读介绍不熟悉的类型
- 将小说与相关的非小说配对
- 探索图画小说和诗歌
- 挑战学生尝试超出他们舒适区的书籍
8. 培养阅读习惯的独立性
逐步释放责任。 最终目标是让学生成为独立的终身读者。从教师主导的阅读活动转向学生主导的选择。为了建立独立性:
- 教授选择书籍的策略
- 指导学生设定个人阅读目标
- 鼓励自我反思阅读习惯
- 提供机会让学生领导书籍讨论
- 随着时间的推移减少对教师推荐的依赖
9. 使用阅读会议指导和评估进展
个性化阅读支持。 定期的一对一会议让教师了解每个学生的阅读生活,并提供有针对性的指导。在会议期间:
- 讨论当前和过去的书籍
- 审查阅读日志和目标
- 解决挑战或障碍
- 提供个性化的书籍推荐
- 庆祝进步和成长
10. 将阅读融入所有学科
使阅读跨学科。 强调阅读在所有学术领域都是必不可少的,而不仅仅是语言艺术。与其他教师合作,将阅读融入各学科:
- 使用贸易书籍补充科学和社会研究的教科书
- 探索与数学相关的小说和数学家的传记
- 在各种课程中融入时事文章
- 讨论每个学科所需的不同类型的阅读
- 强调阅读技能如何在各学科之间转移
11. 推广课堂外的阅读
延伸阅读生活。 鼓励学生将阅读视为超越学校要求的终身习惯。推广课外阅读的策略包括:
- 与公共图书馆合作开展项目
- 组织书籍交换或书展
- 建议暑期阅读计划
- 让家庭参与阅读活动
- 将学生与在线阅读社区联系起来
What's Reading in the Wild about?
- Focus on Lifelong Reading: Reading in the Wild by Donalyn Miller emphasizes cultivating lifelong reading habits in students, aiming to inspire a love for reading that extends beyond the classroom.
- Wild Reader Characteristics: The book identifies five key habits of "wild readers," such as dedicating time to read and self-selecting reading material, which are essential for developing a lifelong love of reading.
- Practical Strategies: It offers practical strategies for teachers to create a supportive reading community and encourage students to take ownership of their reading lives.
Why should I read Reading in the Wild?
- Empowering Educators: The book serves as a guide for educators to inspire a passion for reading in their students, offering insights into creating a reading culture that values choice and independence.
- Research-Based Practices: Strategies are backed by research, highlighting the correlation between reading volume and academic success, making it a credible resource for teachers.
- Real Classroom Examples: Miller shares anecdotes and examples from her own classroom, providing relatable scenarios that educators can apply in their teaching practices.
What are the key takeaways of Reading in the Wild?
- Five Wild Reader Habits: The book outlines five essential habits that wild readers exhibit, crucial for developing a lifelong love of reading, such as dedicating time to read and self-selecting reading materials.
- Importance of Community: It emphasizes the role of reading communities in fostering a supportive environment where students can share their reading experiences and recommendations.
- Teacher's Role: Teachers must model reading behaviors and create conditions that allow students to become independent readers, including providing time for reading and encouraging exploration of various genres.
What specific methods does Donalyn Miller recommend for fostering reading habits?
- Daily Reading Time: Advocates for setting aside dedicated time for independent reading in the classroom to help students develop reading stamina and reinforce reading as a daily activity.
- Self-Selection of Books: Encourages students to choose their own reading materials, which increases their engagement and investment in their reading choices.
- Building Reading Communities: Suggests creating a classroom culture where students can share books and discuss their reading experiences through book clubs and reading partnerships.
How does Reading in the Wild address the issue of reluctant readers?
- Understanding Reluctance: Emphasizes the need to understand the reasons behind students' reluctance to read, allowing teachers to better support these students by identifying their interests.
- Engaging Content: Suggests providing high-interest, relatable content to capture the attention of reluctant readers, including popular series or genres that resonate with students' experiences.
- Building Confidence: Discusses strategies for gradually building students' confidence in their reading abilities, such as starting with shorter texts or series that are easier to digest.
What are some practical activities suggested in Reading in the Wild?
- Reading Itineraries: Encourages students to keep a reading itinerary to track where and when they read, helping them reflect on their reading habits and identify patterns.
- Book Commercials: Recommends having students present book commercials to share their favorite reads with classmates, promoting books and building confidence in discussing literature.
- Status of the Class: Implementing a "Status of the Class" activity allows students to share what they are currently reading, fostering accountability and peer engagement.
What are the benefits of reading aloud in the classroom, according to Reading in the Wild?
- Building Community: Reading aloud creates shared experiences that help build a sense of community among students, allowing them to connect emotionally with the text and each other.
- Exposure to Diverse Texts: Introduces students to a variety of genres and authors they might not choose on their own, broadening their reading horizons and encouraging exploration of new interests.
- Modeling Fluent Reading: Teachers can model fluent reading and effective comprehension strategies during read-aloud sessions, supporting developing readers by providing a clear example of text engagement.
How can teachers create a supportive reading environment as suggested in Reading in the Wild?
- Modeling Reading Behavior: Teachers should actively share their own reading experiences and preferences with students, helping them see reading as a valued activity.
- Providing Access to Books: Ensuring access to a diverse range of books is crucial, with a well-curated classroom library reflecting students' interests and reading levels.
- Encouraging Peer Interaction: Creating opportunities for students to discuss books and share recommendations fosters a sense of community and enhances their reading experiences.
What role do online communities play in Reading in the Wild?
- Global Connections: Online reading communities connect students with like-minded readers, providing opportunities to share thoughts and recommendations beyond their immediate environment.
- Resource Sharing: Educators can exchange resources, strategies, and book recommendations, enhancing teaching practices and providing fresh ideas for engaging students.
- Encouragement and Support: Being part of an online community can motivate students to read more and explore diverse genres, with peer support helping sustain their reading habits.
How does Reading in the Wild address the issue of fake reading?
- Identifying Fake Reading: Discusses signs of fake reading, such as students appearing compliant but not genuinely engaged, with recognition being the first step in addressing these behaviors.
- Individual Support: Emphasizes the importance of conferring with students to understand their reading habits and provide tailored support, helping overcome barriers to genuine reading engagement.
- Encouraging Authentic Reading: Advocates for creating a classroom culture that values authentic reading experiences, fostering a love for reading and providing engaging materials.
How can teachers implement the strategies from Reading in the Wild in their classrooms?
- Create a Reading Culture: Establish a classroom environment that values reading, including a well-stocked library, dedicated reading time, and opportunities for discussion.
- Encourage Self-Selection: Allow students to choose their reading materials, facilitating this by providing a variety of genres and formats catering to different interests.
- Regular Reflection: Implement regular reflection sessions where students assess their reading habits and preferences, encouraging self-directed learning and awareness of growth as readers.
What challenges might teachers face when trying to foster wild reading habits?
- Time Constraints: Teachers often face time limitations, making it difficult to dedicate sufficient time to reading activities while balancing curriculum demands.
- Diverse Reading Levels: Finding materials that engage all students in a classroom with varying reading abilities can be challenging, requiring creative differentiation.
- Resistance to Change: Some students may resist new reading practices, preferring traditional methods, requiring patience and consistent encouragement from teachers.
《Reading in the Wild》因其培养学生终身阅读习惯的实用策略而获得了压倒性的好评。读者们欣赏米勒的热情、基于研究的方法以及对教师和家长可操作的建议。许多人认为这本书对于创建一个庆祝阅读的课堂文化来说是无价的。一些批评意见包括书的篇幅过长以及对数量重于质量的关注。总体而言,评论者称赞这本书是激发热情读者的教育工作者的必备资源,许多人认为这是所有学科教师的必读书籍。