1. 电视写作以角色为驱动:专注于引人入胜的人物
创造多维角色。 发展具有缺陷、欲望和需求的角色,这些驱动故事的发展。给他们破碎的指南针——内部信念引导他们的决策,常常导致冲突。为每个角色制作一个转变图,展示他们在整个系列中的变化。
建立一个让人支持的简历。 让你的角色变得有亲和力并值得投资:
- 赋予他们弱者的特质
- 展示他们关心他人
- 展示他们的挣扎和失败
- 突出他们独特的才能或技能
- 揭示他们的脆弱和秘密痛苦
2. 为你的节目开发一个独特的世界和特许类型
创造一个引人入胜的世界。 选择一个提供丰富故事潜力的设置或情境。这可以是:
- 一个独特的工作场所或职业
- 一个特定的历史时期
- 一个幻想领域
- 一个亚文化或生活方式
选择一个特许类型。 确定你节目的整体结构:
- 被困在一起:角色被迫定期互动
- 每周一案:每集一个新案件/问题
- 有计划的人:长期目标或任务
- 有季节性问题的人:需要克服的持续挑战
- 为什么做:需要解决的谜团
- 我不是傻瓜:被低估的角色证明自己的价值
3. 打造一个引人入胜的试播故事,具有强大的故事DNA
发展清晰的故事DNA。 定义你试播集的核心元素:
- 英雄:谁是主角?
- 目标:他们想要实现什么?
- 障碍:什么阻碍了他们?
- 利害关系:如果他们失败会发生什么?
写一个强有力的故事梗概。 用一句话总结你的试播集,使用以下格式:
选择一个Save the Cat!类型。 选择最适合你试播集的叙事模式:
- 伙伴之爱
- 有问题的人
- 傻瓜得胜
- 金羊毛
- 体制化
- 屋内怪物
- 通行仪式
- 瓶中精灵
- 超级英雄
- 为什么做
4. 使用Save the Cat!节拍表来结构化你的试播集
“Save the Cat!以同样的方式从你身上拖出故事,就像一个满是昂贵电视编剧的会议室一样。”
遵循15节拍结构。 为电视改编Save the Cat!节拍表:
- 开场画面
- 主题陈述
- 设置
- 催化剂
- 辩论
- 进入第二幕
- B故事
- 娱乐与游戏
- 中点
- 坏人逼近
- 一切都失去了
- 灵魂的黑夜
- 进入第三幕
- 结局
- 最终画面
调整电视格式。 灵活调整节拍位置和长度以适应幕间休息和时长限制。专注于抓住关键故事时刻,同时保持适当的电视节奏。
5. 在群戏节目中平衡多条故事线
发展个别角色弧线。 对于群戏节目,为主要角色创建单独的故事线:
- 为每个子情节写故事DNA和故事梗概
- 分解A、B和C故事
- 确保每个故事有开始、中间和结尾
有效地混合故事线。 交织多条情节线:
- 使用多场景节拍来包含B和C故事
- 寻找故事线交叉的机会
- 确保所有主要角色在试播集中介绍
- 在群戏演员中平衡屏幕时间和故事重要性
6. 融入电视特有的元素,如预告和幕间休息
“幕间休息通常(但不总是)在Save the Cat!节拍表的单场景节拍之后。”
制作引人注目的预告。 用一个钩子打开你的试播集:
- 使用一个迷你剧集展示前提
- 提供一个引人入胜的闪回
- 提供一个开场推销,设置世界和角色
结构化有效的幕间休息。 以一个引人注目的时刻结束每一幕:
- 选择让观众问“接下来会发生什么?”的悬念
- 使用情节转折或情感冲击
- 在一小时剧集中目标为4-5幕,在半小时喜剧中目标为2-3幕
包含变化的气息。 展示角色成长的潜力:
- 展示英雄可能开始转变的方式
- 为未来的角色发展埋下种子
- 以“变化的气息...陈述”结束——一句暗示未来旅程的对话
7. 建立一个故事板来可视化和完善你的试播集结构
“走进好莱坞的任何一个编剧室,你会看到什么?... 看看那些墙。看到那些板了吗?”
创建场景卡。 每个场景写一张卡片,包括:
- 位置(内景/外景)
- 动作简要描述
- 冲突(><):场景英雄、目标、障碍
- 情感变化(+/-):利害关系是什么?
组织你的板。 安排卡片以可视化故事结构:
- 用行标题分隔幕
- 先放置单场景节拍卡
- 用额外的卡片填充多场景节拍
- 一小时试播集目标为22-32张卡片,半小时目标为12-17张
完善你的结构。 使用板来改进你的故事:
- 平衡幕的长度
- 确保强有力的幕间休息
- 根据需要合并或扩展场景
- 移动卡片以改进节奏和流动
8. 在编写试播集剧本之前写一个详细的大纲
遵循电视大纲格式。 创建一个详细的、类似剧本的文件:
- 使用场景标题(内景/外景)
- 描述动作和重要的故事节拍
- 包含最少的对话(用引号或斜体)
- 一小时节目目标为12-15页,半小时目标为5-8页
提供必要的细节。 充实你的故事:
- 展示场景将如何实际展开
- 包含具体的例子和角色互动
- 展示你节目的声音和语调
准备接受反馈。 使用大纲作为改进的工具:
- 与可信的读者或写作伙伴分享
- 对建设性的批评持开放态度
- 在进入剧本阶段之前进行修订和完善
What's Save the Cat! Writes for TV about?
- TV Writing Focus: The book is a comprehensive guide for writing television pilots, adapting Blake Snyder's original Save the Cat! method specifically for TV.
- Structure and Techniques: It provides a structured approach to writing, including beat sheets and character development, to help writers navigate TV storytelling.
- Transformational Journey: Emphasizes that stories are transformation machines, where characters evolve, crucial for engaging viewers over multiple seasons.
Why should I read Save the Cat! Writes for TV?
- Proven Methodology: The Save the Cat! method is recognized for crafting engaging narratives, offering tailored insights for episodic storytelling.
- Expert Insights: Includes advice from industry professionals, providing real-world context and validation for the techniques discussed.
- Practical Exercises: Offers exercises that encourage immediate application of concepts, enhancing understanding and skills in TV writing.
What are the key takeaways of Save the Cat! Writes for TV?
- Character-Centric Storytelling: Strong characters with flaws, wants, and needs are essential for engaging TV narratives.
- Beat Sheets: Introduces beat sheets as a tool for structuring stories, ensuring all critical story elements are addressed.
- Understanding Genres: Categorizes TV shows into specific genres, aiding writers in crafting stories that resonate with audiences.
What is the Save the Cat! method?
- Story DNA: Revolves around four essential elements: a protagonist, a goal, an obstacle, and stakes, forming the foundation of compelling stories.
- Beat Sheet Structure: Includes a detailed beat sheet outlining key story moments, ensuring a well-paced narrative.
- Character Transformation: Central to the method is character evolution through experiences, crucial for relatable and engaging narratives.
How does Save the Cat! Writes for TV address character development?
- Flaws and Growth: Emphasizes creating characters with distinct flaws they must confront, essential for maintaining viewer interest.
- Rooting Resumes: Introduces traits or actions that make characters relatable and worthy of audience support.
- Transformation Maps: Encourages creating transformation maps for characters, ensuring meaningful and resonant character arcs.
How do I create a compelling pilot using Save the Cat! Writes for TV?
- Identify Your World: Define the unique world your show inhabits, setting the stage for your narrative.
- Develop Strong Characters: Create characters with clear flaws, wants, and needs that drive the story.
- Utilize the Beat Sheet: Use the beat sheet to outline your pilot, maintaining pacing and audience engagement.
What are the different types of TV pilots discussed in Save the Cat! Writes for TV?
- Premise Pilots: Introduce a new situation for characters, establishing the world and stakes from the start.
- Non-Premise Pilots: Drop viewers into an established world, focusing on character interactions without extensive backstory.
- Character-Driven Pilots: Emphasize character development and relationships, using a strong emotional hook to engage viewers.
What are the different franchise types mentioned in Save the Cat! Writes for TV?
- Trapped Together: Characters coexist in a confined space, creating tension and conflict (e.g., The Office).
- Dude with a Season-Long Problem: Focuses on a protagonist facing a significant challenge over the season (e.g., Breaking Bad).
- Blank of the Week: Features a new case or problem each episode, allowing for episodic storytelling (e.g., Law & Order).
How does Save the Cat! Writes for TV address the structure of a pilot episode?
- Pillar Beats: Outlines key beats like Opening Image, Catalyst, Midpoint, and Final Image for a well-rounded narrative.
- Act Structure: Discusses the importance of act breaks to create tension and keep the audience engaged.
- Flexibility in Structure: Acknowledges creative freedom in TV writing, allowing for unique storytelling approaches.
What is the significance of the logline in Save the Cat! Writes for TV?
- Concise Summary: A logline is a brief, compelling summary of the pilot, capturing the essence of the story.
- Key Elements Included: Communicates the hero, their goal, the obstacle, and stakes, providing a narrative snapshot.
- Pitching Tool: Essential for pitching the pilot to producers, quickly conveying the show's potential.
What are some practical exercises included in Save the Cat! Writes for TV?
- Beat Sheet Creation: Encourages creating beat sheets based on ideas, visualizing the pilot's structure.
- Character Development: Focuses on fleshing out characters, ensuring they are relatable and engaging.
- Logline Writing: Includes prompts for crafting effective loglines, guiding writers to distill their story concisely.
What are the best quotes from Save the Cat! Writes for TV and what do they mean?
- "TV is a team sport.": Highlights the collaborative nature of TV writing, emphasizing teamwork in creating narratives.
- "Your pilot must deliver enough information for the audience to grasp the show's broader potential.": Stresses the necessity of a strong foundation in the pilot.
- "Stories are transformation machines.": Reminds writers that character journeys are what engage viewers.