1. 建立一个以目标为导向的教会:专注于新约的五个目的
- 敬拜:全心全意爱神
- 事工:爱邻如己
- 传福音:去使万民作门徒
- 团契:为他们施洗
- 门徒训练:教导他们遵守
2. 明确并传达教会的目的
- 基于圣经
- 具体且可衡量
- 简单易记
- 解释教会致力于做什么
- 讲道和教导
- 视觉辅助和符号
- 口号和标语
- 故事和见证
3. 围绕其目的组织教会结构
- 指派员工或志愿者领导每个目的领域
- 创建专注于特定目的的事工团队
- 将预算与目的优先级对齐
- 设计设施以支持以目标为导向的活动
- 角色和责任的清晰
- 资源的高效利用
- 更容易的决策过程
- 增长的可扩展性
4. 了解你的社区和目标受众
- 进行人口统计研究
- 调查你所在地区的未信者
- 确定目标受众的感知需求
- 年龄、教育、职业
- 家庭状况
- 兴趣和价值观
- 灵性背景和对教会的反对意见
5. 设计迎合寻求者的服务以吸引未信者
- 简化服务结构
- 使用现代语言和例子
- 回应常见问题和反对意见
- 提供对不熟悉元素的清晰解释
- 轻快的现代音乐
- 实用且相关的信息
- 戏剧或多媒体展示
- 个人见证
- 为访客提供明确的下一步
6. 使用现代音乐与目标受众建立联系
- 了解目标受众的音乐偏好
- 选择与社区共鸣的风格
- 在熟悉与创新之间取得平衡
- 歌词应符合圣经且易于理解
- 旋律应易于会众演唱
- 乐器应反映现代品味
- 音量和能量应营造一个吸引人的氛围
7. 为未信者讲授实用且相关的信息
- 从感知需求和常见的挣扎开始
- 使用清晰的日常语言
- 提供圣经真理的实用应用
- 回应现实生活中的问题和疑问
- 通过一个相关的问题或问题吸引注意力
- 提出相关的圣经原则
- 用现代例子和故事说明
- 提供具体的应用步骤
8. 制定策略将人们从社区带到核心
- 一垒:会员(致力于基督和教会)
- 二垒:成熟(致力于灵性成长习惯)
- 三垒:事工(致力于在教会中服事)
- 本垒:使命(致力于分享信仰和实现生命目的)
- 会员:清晰的加入过程和期望
- 成熟:系统地教授灵性纪律
- 事工:帮助成员发现和使用他们的恩赐
- 使命:装备传福音和外展
9. 建立会员过程和契约
- 开发一个全面的会员课程
- 清晰传达期望和利益
- 建立会员契约
- 教导教会的信仰、价值观和愿景
- 解释五个目的以及会员如何参与
- 概述对会员的具体期望
- 提供提问和个人互动的机会
10. 创建一个平衡的灵性成长和成熟策略
- 知识:理解圣经真理
- 视角:从神的观点看待生活
- 信念:发展强烈的圣经价值观
- 技能:学习基督徒生活的实用能力
- 品格:培养基督般的态度和行为
- 提供各种圣经研究和课程
- 提供小组体验以获得问责和支持
- 创造实际事工应用的机会
- 鼓励个人灵性纪律
- 定期评估和庆祝灵性进步
What's The Purpose Driven Church about?
- Church Health Focus: The Purpose Driven Church by Rick Warren emphasizes that churches should focus on health rather than growth, suggesting that a healthy church will naturally grow.
- Five Biblical Purposes: It outlines five New Testament purposes for the church: worship, ministry, evangelism, fellowship, and discipleship, which should be balanced for a healthy church.
- Practical Insights: The book provides practical insights and strategies tested in real church settings, particularly through the experience of Saddleback Church.
Why should I read The Purpose Driven Church?
- Proven Strategies: The book offers a five-part strategy that successfully grew Saddleback Church significantly, making it a valuable resource for church leaders.
- Universal Application: Its principles are applicable to churches of all sizes and denominations, providing guidance for any church leader or pastor.
- Encouragement for Leaders: Warren’s insights encourage pastors, especially those in smaller or struggling congregations, to focus on building people rather than just programs.
What are the key takeaways of The Purpose Driven Church?
- Purpose-Driven Model: The book emphasizes organizing church activities around five biblical purposes to ensure alignment with its mission.
- Community Focus: It stresses understanding the community and targeting specific groups for evangelism, adapting methods to reach them effectively.
- Love and Growth: Warren highlights love as a critical factor in attracting and retaining members, suggesting that genuine love fosters an inviting atmosphere.
What are the best quotes from The Purpose Driven Church and what do they mean?
- Building People: “If you will concentrate on building people, God will build the church.” This quote emphasizes that church growth results from focusing on individuals' spiritual development.
- Church as Organism: “The church is a living organism, not a business.” This highlights prioritizing relationships and spiritual health over organizational efficiency.
- God’s Purpose Prevails: “Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” This serves as a reminder that God’s purpose should guide the church’s direction.
What are the five purposes of the church according to The Purpose Driven Church?
- Worship: The church exists to magnify God’s name through worship, celebrating His presence and expressing love for Him.
- Ministry: It is called to demonstrate God’s love through service, meeting the needs of others in the community.
- Evangelism: The church must communicate God’s Word, actively sharing the Gospel and making disciples of all nations.
- Fellowship: It incorporates believers into a loving community, providing support and encouragement as members of God’s family.
- Discipleship: The church educates believers to grow in their faith, helping them mature spiritually and become more like Christ.
How does Rick Warren suggest churches should communicate their purposes?
- Regular Communication: Warren emphasizes the need to communicate the church’s purposes at least monthly to keep them fresh in the congregation's minds.
- Use of Various Media: He suggests using multiple channels such as sermons, newsletters, brochures, and visual symbols to reinforce the church’s mission.
- Personalization: The purposes should be personalized to show how they relate to each member’s life, making it clear that fulfilling these purposes is both a responsibility and a privilege.
What is the Circles of Commitment model in The Purpose Driven Church?
- Five Levels of Commitment: The model consists of five concentric circles representing different levels of commitment: Community, Crowd, Congregation, Committed, and Core.
- Purpose Alignment: Each circle corresponds to a specific purpose of the church, helping to identify where individuals are in their spiritual journey.
- Strategic Assimilation: This model serves as a strategy for assimilating new members, guiding them from being unchurched to becoming active participants in the church’s mission.
How does The Purpose Driven Church define a healthy church?
- Balanced Purposes: A healthy church balances all five purposes—worship, ministry, evangelism, fellowship, and discipleship—ensuring no single purpose is neglected.
- Spiritual Growth: It is characterized by the spiritual growth of its members, who are actively engaged in fulfilling their roles within the church and the community.
- Community Impact: A healthy church also significantly impacts its community, effectively reaching out to the unchurched and meeting their needs.
What strategies does Rick Warren recommend for reaching the unchurched?
- Targeted Evangelism: Warren advises churches to define their target audience based on demographic and cultural factors, focusing on those they are most likely to reach.
- Building Relationships: He emphasizes the importance of building relationships with the unchurched, understanding their needs, and addressing their concerns in a relevant way.
- Community Engagement: The church should engage in community events and outreach programs that resonate with the local population, making it easier for unchurched individuals to connect with the church.
How can churches ensure they are purpose-driven?
- Define and Communicate Purposes: Churches must clearly define their purposes and communicate them regularly to the congregation to ensure everyone is aligned with the mission.
- Organize Around Purposes: All church activities, programs, and staff roles should be organized around the defined purposes to maintain focus and effectiveness.
- Evaluate and Adjust: Regular evaluation of how well the church is fulfilling its purposes is essential, allowing for adjustments and improvements to be made as needed.
How does Rick Warren suggest attracting crowds in The Purpose Driven Church?
- Love Unbelievers: Warren emphasizes that loving unbelievers is crucial for attracting crowds, noting that it is often overlooked in church growth.
- Meeting Needs: He suggests that churches should focus on meeting the needs of the community, as Jesus did, to create a welcoming environment.
- Practical Teaching: Warren advocates for teaching in a practical and interesting way, making biblical truths relatable to everyday life.
What role do small groups play in The Purpose Driven Church?
- Building Relationships: Small groups are essential for fostering relationships and community within the church, acting as the glue that holds a church together.
- Support and Accountability: These groups provide support and accountability, helping members grow in their faith and creating a safe space for sharing struggles.
- Assimilation of New Members: Small groups are crucial for assimilating new members into the church community, helping newcomers feel welcomed and connected.