1. 林肯作为总司令的演变
自学成才的军事专家。 林肯在担任总统时几乎没有军事经验,但他迅速沉浸在军事战略和作战中。他阅读了大量关于军事历史和战术的书籍,花费无数时间在战争部电报办公室,并与他的将军们进行详细讨论。
亲力亲为的领导。 随着战争的进展,林肯越来越多地参与军事决策。他向将军们发布直接命令,提出战略计划,甚至亲自侦察军事行动的地点。这种亲力亲为的方式是由必要性驱动的,因为他早期的许多将军表现得犹豫不决或无能。
从错误中学习。 林肯通过试错不断提高他的军事才能。他学会了在政治考虑和军事必要性之间取得平衡,协调多个战区,并识别和提拔有能力的指挥官。他作为总司令的演变对联邦*终的胜利至关重要。
2. 战略转变:从有限战争到全面战争
初期的有限目标。 在战争初期,林肯的主要目标是维护联邦,并无意干涉已经存在的奴隶制。这种做法旨在保持边境州和潜在的南方联邦主义者的支持。
逐步升级。 随着冲突的拖延,林肯认识到需要采取更激进的措施。这包括:
- 针对南方邦联的资源,包括奴隶劳动力
- 实施海上封锁
- 在敌方领土上授权焦土战术
全面战争概念。 到1864年,林肯完全接受了全面战争的战略,不仅要击败南方邦联的军队,还要摧毁南方的战斗能力和意志。这一转变在格兰特在弗吉尼亚的无情战役和谢尔曼的“向海进军”中得到了体现。
3. 解放奴隶宣言:军事必要性
战略考虑。 林肯将解放奴隶宣言框定为战争措施,利用他作为总司令的权力。它服务于多个战略目的:
- 剥夺南方邦联的奴隶劳动力
- 鼓励奴隶逃跑和叛乱
- 为联邦军队提供新的兵源
- 阻止外国对南方邦联的干预
政治平衡。 林肯小心翼翼地在安提塔姆战役胜利后发布宣言,以避免显得绝望。他还最初豁免了联邦控制的领土和边境州,以保持他们的支持。
变革性影响。 该宣言从根本上改变了战争的性质,使废除奴隶制成为明确的战争目标。这一转变激发了废奴主义者的支持,并帮助联邦在国际上保持道德高地。
4. 林肯对军事战略的亲力亲为
直接参与。 林肯经常干预军事计划和行动,常常令他的将军们感到沮丧。他提出战略计划,建议战术行动,甚至计算部队的兵力和后勤。
关键战略见解。 林肯掌握了几个关键的战略概念:
- 多战区协调进攻的重要性
- 针对敌军而非地理目标的必要性
- 无情施压和追击败军的价值
亲自侦察。 在几次场合,林肯亲自访问前线以获取信息和提升士气。他观察战斗,检查防御工事,并与士兵和军官会面,以获得战争进展的第一手资料。
5. 寻找有能力的将军
指挥官的轮换。 林肯在东部战区轮换了几位高级指挥官,包括麦克莱伦、伯恩赛德、胡克和米德。每次任命都伴随着最初的希望,随后是对他们谨慎或无能的失望。
识别人才。 尽管遇到挫折,林肯展示了识别和提拔有效领导者的能力。他在早期争议后支持格兰特,并根据他们的激进和有效战术提拔了谢尔曼和谢里登。
平衡政治和军事考虑。 林肯在将军任命中必须在复杂的政治环境中导航,平衡:
- 专业的军事专长
- 政治派别和关系
- 公共舆论和媒体压力
- 防御和进攻能力的需求
6. 协调进攻:林肯的大战略
同时施压。 林肯始终推动在多个战区进行协调进攻,以防止南方邦联将部队转移到受威胁的地区。这一战略旨在克服南方的内部线优势。
- 海上封锁以扼杀南方经济
- 控制密西西比河以分裂南方邦联
- 占领亚特兰大以破坏南方的后勤和士气
- 对李的军队在弗吉尼亚施加无情压力
克服阻力。 林肯经常不得不推动不情愿的将军们实施这一战略,强调积极行动和不同指挥之间的协调的必要性。
7. 政治挑战和公众舆论管理
平衡。 在整个战争期间,林肯必须在复杂的政治环境中导航,平衡:
- 推动对南方采取更严厉措施的激进共和党人
- 反对解放并呼吁和平的保守民主党人
- 对反奴隶制政策持谨慎态度的边境州联邦主义者
- 国际舆论,特别是英国和法国
公众沟通。 林肯巧妙地利用演讲、信件和宣言来塑造公众舆论并解释他的政策。他经常将有争议的决定框定为军事必要性,以扩大其吸引力。
重建计划。 即使在战争继续进行时,林肯也开始为重建铺路,提出宽松的条件以鼓励南方各州重新加入联邦。
8. 军事技术和创新的重要性
个人兴趣。 林肯对新军事技术表现出浓厚兴趣,亲自测试武器并鼓励创新。他的支持对采用以下技术至关重要:
- 连发步枪
- 装甲战舰
- 观测气球
- 改进的火炮
克服阻力。 总统经常不得不推翻对新技术持怀疑态度的保守军官。他坚持采用这些创新,使联邦在火力和后勤方面获得了显著优势。
对战略的影响。 新技术影响了林肯的战略思维,使得:
- 更加机动和激进的步兵战术
- 改进的海军作战,包括河战
- 增强的侦察和通信
9. 林肯对行政权力的宪法扩展
广泛解释。 林肯采用了对行政战争权力的广泛解释,认为宪法的总司令条款赋予他采取非常措施以维护联邦的权力。
有争议的行动。 利用这一解释,林肯:
- 暂停人身保护令
- 在某些地区实施军事统治
- 授权逮捕涉嫌南方邦联同情者
- 在未经国会批准的情况下发布解放奴隶宣言
长期影响。 林肯的行动为战时行政权力的扩展设定了先例,后来的总统继续对此进行辩论和引用。
10. 后的推进:格兰特、谢尔曼和终胜利
激进的领导。 在格兰特和谢尔曼身上,林肯终于找到了与他战略愿景一致的将军,他们对敌人施加无情压力。他们在1864-65年的战役体现了林肯对协调、激进行动的渴望。
- 格兰特的陆上战役:与李的军队持续交战
- 谢尔曼的亚特兰大战役和向海进军:摧毁南方的基础设施和战斗意志
- 谢里登的谢南多厄谷战役:消除对华盛顿的南方威胁
政治影响。 这些战役的成功,特别是谢尔曼占领亚特兰大,对确保林肯在1864年的连任和保持公众对战争努力的支持至关重要。
决定性胜利。 这些战役的联合压力*终打破了南方邦联的抵抗,导致李在阿波马托克斯投降,战争结束。林肯的战略愿景通过有能力的将军得以实现,达到了维护联邦和结束奴隶制的目标。
What's Tried by War: Abraham Lincoln as Commander in Chief about?
- Lincoln's Leadership Focus: The book explores Abraham Lincoln's role as Commander in Chief during the Civil War, detailing his military strategies and decisions.
- Military and Politics: It emphasizes how Lincoln navigated the complexities of war while balancing political pressures and public opinion.
- Civil Liberties and War: The narrative discusses the tension between civil liberties and wartime measures, such as the suspension of habeas corpus.
Why should I read Tried by War: Abraham Lincoln as Commander in Chief?
- In-depth Historical Insight: The book provides a comprehensive analysis of Lincoln's presidency during a pivotal time in American history.
- Leadership Lessons: It offers valuable lessons on leadership, particularly in crisis situations, showcasing Lincoln's adaptability.
- Rich Documentation: Authored by renowned historian James M. McPherson, the book is well-researched with extensive primary sources.
What are the key takeaways of Tried by War: Abraham Lincoln as Commander in Chief?
- Strategic Decisions: Lincoln prioritized the destruction of the Confederate army, which was crucial for the Union's victory.
- Civil Liberties vs. Security: The book highlights the struggle between maintaining civil liberties and ensuring national security during wartime.
- Adaptability: Lincoln's ability to learn from his generals' failures and adapt his strategies is a significant aspect of his legacy.
What are the best quotes from Tried by War: Abraham Lincoln as Commander in Chief and what do they mean?
- "Destroy the rebel army...": This quote reflects Lincoln's primary military objective to restore the Union.
- "The judgments of the Lord...": It suggests Lincoln's belief in divine justice regarding the war's moral implications.
- "I will keep my faith...": This statement underscores Lincoln's commitment to emancipation and justice.
How does James M. McPherson portray Lincoln's military strategies in Tried by War?
- Hands-on Commander: Lincoln is depicted as deeply involved in military strategy and operations, often communicating directly with generals.
- Learning and Adapting: He learned from his generals and adapted his strategies, which was crucial for overcoming setbacks.
- Balancing Politics and Warfare: Lincoln's strategies were influenced by political considerations, balancing public opinion and military objectives.
What challenges did Lincoln face as Commander in Chief according to Tried by War?
- Limited Military Experience: Lincoln had to quickly learn military strategy and command, entering the presidency with little experience.
- Political Pressures: He faced intense political pressures from various factions, balancing demands while maintaining war support.
- Managing Generals: Lincoln struggled with generals who had differing strategies and competence levels, complicating military plans.
How did Lincoln's views on slavery evolve throughout Tried by War?
- Initial Caution: Lincoln initially focused on preserving the Union, cautious about addressing slavery to maintain support.
- Shift to Emancipation: As the war progressed, he recognized the necessity of emancipation to weaken the Confederacy.
- Emancipation Proclamation: This strategic war measure marked a significant turning point, aligning military objectives with moral imperatives.
What role did public opinion play in Lincoln's decisions as described in Tried by War?
- Influence on Strategy: Public opinion influenced Lincoln's military strategies and decisions, as he needed to maintain support.
- Political Calculations: He balanced demands from abolitionists and border-state Unionists, shaped by the political landscape.
- Response to Criticism: Lincoln was responsive to criticism, understanding that military failures could lead to political repercussions.
How did Lincoln's relationship with his generals evolve in Tried by War?
- Initial Deference: Lincoln initially deferred to his generals, believing in their expertise despite their shortcomings.
- Growing Frustration: His frustration grew with generals' reluctance to engage the enemy, leading to a more active role.
- Direct Intervention: Lincoln began directly intervening in military matters, becoming more assertive as Commander in Chief.
How does Tried by War address the theme of leadership in times of crisis?
- Lincoln's Resilience: The book portrays Lincoln as a resilient leader who adapted and learned from failures.
- Decision-Making Under Pressure: Lincoln made critical decisions under pressure, balancing military and political considerations.
- Legacy of Leadership: His leadership during the Civil War set a precedent for future presidents, impacting American political leadership.
What impact did the Emancipation Proclamation have on the Civil War according to Tried by War?
- Moral and Political Shift: It transformed the war into a moral crusade against slavery, galvanizing support for the Union.
- International Implications: The proclamation affected international relations, making it difficult for nations to recognize the Confederacy.
- Military Recruitment: It allowed for the recruitment of black soldiers, bolstering Union numbers and changing war dynamics.
How did Lincoln's leadership style influence the outcome of the Civil War?
- Decisive Leadership: Lincoln's decisive leadership was critical for the Union's success, demonstrated by appointing Grant as general-in-chief.
- Adaptability and Learning: His adaptability and willingness to learn from experiences allowed him to refine strategies.
- Emphasis on Unity: Lincoln's focus on national unity helped maintain support for the war effort, reinforcing the moral imperative of preserving the Union.