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What Great Teachers Do Differently

What Great Teachers Do Differently

17 Things That Matter Most
作者 Todd Whitaker 2011 144 页数
1k+ 评分
10 分钟


1. 关注人,而不是项目:优秀教师才是关键


优秀教师是关键。 项目来来去去,但有效的教育者明白,学校的质量取决于其教师。无论一个项目多么创新或资金充足,其成功最终取决于实施它的教师。

人际技能最重要。 最好的教师不仅在学科知识上出类拔萃,还能与学生建立联系,激励他们,并创造积极的学习环境。他们明白教学是人与人之间的互动,并优先考虑与学生建立关系。

  • 优秀教师的特征:
    • 强大的人际交往能力
    • 能够适应个别学生的需求
    • 始终保持积极的态度
    • 对自己和学生有高期望
    • 关注学生的成长和学习,而不仅仅是考试成绩

2. 对自己和学生设定高期望


对自己保持最高标准。 有效的教师明白,他们的表现为整个课堂定下基调。他们不断努力改进教学方法,扩展知识,并精炼技能。

相信学生的潜力。 虽然对学生保持高期望很重要,但优秀教师超越这一点,展示出对每个学生学习和成长能力的坚定信念。他们提供必要的支持和鼓励,使学生能够达到这些高标准。

  • 设定和保持高期望的方法:
    • 定期反思和评估自己的教学实践
    • 为学生提供具有挑战性但可实现的任务
    • 提供具体、建设性的反馈,帮助学生改进
    • 庆祝学生的进步和成就
    • 以身作则,展示你期望学生具备的行为和工作态度

3. 承担责任:你是课堂中的变量


拥抱你改变的力量。 优秀教师明白,他们对课堂环境和学生成果有最重要的影响。与其责怪外部因素,他们专注于自己能控制和改进的方面。

持续改进是关键。 有效的教育者不断反思自己的实践,寻求反馈,并根据学生的需求和结果调整方法。他们将挑战视为成长的机会,而不是不可逾越的障碍。

  • 在课堂上承担责任的方法:
    • 定期评估教学策略的有效性
    • 寻求学生、同事和管理者的反馈
    • 当现有方法不起作用时,愿意尝试新方法
    • 主动解决问题,而不是被动应对
    • 向学生展示对自己行为和决策的责任感

4. 创造积极的氛围并利用表扬的力量


积极性是会传染的。 优秀教师明白,积极的课堂氛围对学生的动机、参与度和学习成果有深远影响。他们有意识地努力创造一个学生感到被重视、支持和鼓励的环境。

有效的表扬是强大的工具。 最好的教师战略性地使用表扬来强化期望的行为并提升学生的自信心。他们明白,表扬应该是具体的、真诚的,并且关注努力和进步,而不是天生的能力。

  • 有效表扬的特征:
    • 真实:真诚地认可真实的成就
    • 具体:明确指出做得好的地方
    • 及时:尽快在行为发生后提供反馈
    • 纯粹:避免附加条件或批评
    • 私下:在适当的时候,单独表扬以避免比较

5. 有意图地行动:对你所做的一切都有计划和目的


有目的的计划带来更好的结果。 有效的教师以有意图的方式处理工作中的每一个方面。他们对每节课、每项活动和与学生的每次互动都有明确的目标,并不断评估其方法的有效性。

灵活性至关重要。 虽然有计划很重要,但优秀教师也明白,当事情不按预期进行时需要适应。他们将挫折视为学习机会,并利用它们来改进策略。

  • 有意图教学的要素:
    • 每节课的明确学习目标
    • 深思熟虑的教学策略和材料选择
    • 主动的课堂管理技巧
    • 定期反思教学实践
    • 根据学生需求和反馈调整方法的意愿

6. 基于最佳人的想法做决策


关注你的顶尖学生。 有效的教师明白,最投入、最有动力的学生往往为整个班级定下基调。通过考虑他们的最佳学生对决策和变化的反应,教师可以创造一个鼓励所有人追求卓越的环境。

提升期望,而不是降低期望。 优秀教师不是迎合最低标准,而是以高成就学生为基准设定班级期望。这种方法挑战所有学生达到更高的标准。

  • 这种决策方法的好处:
    • 在课堂上创造卓越文化
    • 鼓励所有学生努力改进
    • 帮助保持高标准和期望
    • 防止疏远最有动力的学生
    • 为课堂目标和成就提供清晰的愿景

7. 每天以尊重和尊严对待每个人


一致性是关键。 优秀教师明白,每天以尊重对待每个人的重要性。这种一致的行为建立了信任,创造了积极的课堂文化,并为学生树立了需要发展的社交技能榜样。

尊重超越行为。 有效的教育者即使在处理具有挑战性的学生或情况时也保持尊重态度。他们明白,尊重不是赚来的,而是自由给予的,这种方法通常会导致学生行为和参与度的改善。

  • 在课堂上展示尊重的方法:
    • 始终使用礼貌的语言和冷静的语气
    • 积极倾听学生的关切和想法
    • 承认和验证学生的感受
    • 避免公开羞辱或尴尬
    • 公平对待所有学生,无论学业表现或行为如何

8. 发展忽略小问题的能力


明智地选择你的战斗。 有效的教师明白,并非每一个小违规行为都需要回应。通过选择性地忽略小问题,他们保持了课程的流畅性,避免了不必要的对抗。

关注大局。 优秀教师将注意力集中在课堂管理和学生学习的最重要方面。他们明白,持续挑剔小错误会让学生气馁,并创造负面氛围。

  • 选择性忽略的好处:
    • 维持积极的课堂氛围
    • 将重点放在学习而不是纪律上
    • 防止小问题升级为重大干扰
    • 保持学生尊严和师生关系
    • 让教师更有效地处理更重要的问题

9. 设身处地为学生着想


同理心增强理解。 有效的教师有意识地努力从学生的角度看待情况。这种方法帮助他们调整教学方法,理解学生行为,并创造更支持的学习环境。

自我意识至关重要。 优秀教师不仅理解学生,还清楚地知道自己在别人眼中的形象。这种自我意识使他们能够调整自己的行为和沟通方式,更好地与学生建立联系。

  • 发展同理心和自我意识的方法:
    • 积极倾听学生的关切和反馈
    • 反思自己作为学习者的经历
    • 寻求同事和学生对自己教学风格的反馈
    • 考虑学生的多样背景和经历
    • 定期将自己置于学习情境中,记住作为学生的感觉

10. 正确看待标准化测试


平衡是关键。 有效的教师明白标准化测试在当前教育环境中的重要性,但他们不会让这些评估主导他们的教学。他们保持对教育的更广泛视角,包括批判性思维、创造力和个人成长。

关注全面学习。 优秀教师将标准化测试准备作为全面教育方法的一部分。他们明白,真正有效的教学超越了考试成绩,旨在培养终身学习者和全面发展的个体。

  • 平衡标准化测试和全面教育的策略:
    • 将测试准备融入常规教学,而不是作为单独的活动
    • 利用测试准备机会强化批判性思维和问题解决技能
    • 关注标准化测试未涵盖的学科和技能
    • 庆祝学生在考试成绩之外的成长和成就
    • 向学生传达标准化测试在衡量其全部潜力和能力方面的局限性



What's "What Great Teachers Do Differently" about?

  • Focus on Effective Teaching: The book explores the behaviors and attitudes that distinguish great teachers from their less effective peers.
  • Seventeen Key Practices: Todd Whitaker outlines 17 specific practices that great teachers consistently implement in their classrooms.
  • People Over Programs: A central theme is that the quality of a school is determined by its people, not its programs.
  • Practical Insights: The book provides practical insights and strategies for teachers to improve their effectiveness and impact on students.

Why should I read "What Great Teachers Do Differently"?

  • Improve Teaching Skills: It offers actionable advice for teachers who want to enhance their teaching skills and classroom management.
  • Focus on Relationships: The book emphasizes the importance of building strong relationships with students and colleagues.
  • Empowerment and Responsibility: It encourages teachers to take responsibility for their classrooms and focus on what they can control.
  • Positive School Culture: Reading this book can help educators contribute to a positive and effective school culture.

What are the key takeaways of "What Great Teachers Do Differently"?

  • High Expectations: Great teachers have high expectations for their students and even higher expectations for themselves.
  • Consistent Behavior: They manage their classrooms thoughtfully and consistently follow through on what they say.
  • Focus on Students: Effective teachers prioritize students' needs and maintain a broad vision that keeps everything in perspective.
  • Positive Environment: They create a positive atmosphere by treating everyone with respect and understanding the power of praise.

How does Todd Whitaker define effective teaching in "What Great Teachers Do Differently"?

  • People Skills: Effective teaching is about mastering people skills and building strong relationships with students.
  • Self-Reflection: Great teachers are self-reflective and constantly strive to improve their own performance.
  • Student-Centered: They focus on students first, ensuring that their needs and learning are prioritized.
  • Adaptability: Effective teachers are adaptable and willing to change their methods to better serve their students.

What is the significance of "people, not programs" in "What Great Teachers Do Differently"?

  • Core Belief: The book emphasizes that the quality of a school is determined by its teachers, not the programs it implements.
  • Teacher Impact: Great teachers have a significant impact on student success, regardless of the programs in place.
  • Program Limitations: Programs can support improvement, but they are not the solution; effective teaching is key.
  • Focus on Development: Schools should focus on developing and supporting great teachers to improve overall quality.

How do great teachers manage their classrooms according to "What Great Teachers Do Differently"?

  • Clear Expectations: They establish clear expectations at the start of the year and consistently reinforce them.
  • Meaningful Consequences: Great teachers focus on preventing misbehavior rather than punishing it.
  • Positive Reinforcement: They use praise and positive reinforcement to encourage desired behaviors.
  • Thoughtful Interventions: When issues arise, they address them thoughtfully and without escalating the situation.

What role do high expectations play in "What Great Teachers Do Differently"?

  • For Students and Self: Great teachers have high expectations for their students and even higher expectations for themselves.
  • Motivation and Growth: High expectations motivate students to achieve more and grow academically and personally.
  • Consistent Standards: Teachers maintain consistent standards and hold themselves accountable for student success.
  • Empowerment: By setting high expectations, teachers empower students to reach their full potential.

How do great teachers handle standardized testing according to "What Great Teachers Do Differently"?

  • Perspective on Testing: Great teachers keep standardized testing in perspective and focus on the real issue of student learning.
  • Behavior Over Beliefs: They focus on behaviors that lead to success rather than getting caught up in debates about testing.
  • Broader Achievement: Effective teachers define student achievement in broader terms than just test scores.
  • Autonomy and Standards: Success in testing provides greater autonomy to do what is best for students while aligning with standards.

What strategies do great teachers use to create a positive classroom environment in "What Great Teachers Do Differently"?

  • Respect and Dignity: They treat every person with respect and dignity, creating a welcoming and supportive atmosphere.
  • Power of Praise: Great teachers understand and utilize the power of praise to motivate and encourage students.
  • Positive Attitude: They consistently filter out negatives and maintain a positive attitude that influences the entire classroom.
  • Repair Relationships: Effective teachers work hard to keep relationships in good repair and address any damage promptly.

What does "making it cool to care" mean in "What Great Teachers Do Differently"?

  • Core Belief: Making it cool to care is about creating an environment where caring about learning and others is valued.
  • Student Engagement: When students see that caring is valued, they are more likely to engage and invest in their education.
  • School Culture: This belief helps foster a positive school culture where students and teachers support each other.
  • Limitless Potential: Once caring is cool, there are no limits to what students and teachers can achieve together.

What are some of the best quotes from "What Great Teachers Do Differently" and what do they mean?

  • "It is people, not programs, that determine the quality of a school." This highlights the importance of teachers over educational programs in determining school success.
  • "Great teachers have high expectations for students, but have even higher expectations for themselves." This emphasizes the importance of self-improvement and accountability in teaching.
  • "When a student misbehaves, great teachers have one goal: to keep that behavior from happening again." This focuses on prevention and positive behavior management rather than punishment.
  • "Great teachers care about their students." This underscores the emotional connection and genuine concern great teachers have for their students' well-being and success.

How can teachers apply the lessons from "What Great Teachers Do Differently" in their own classrooms?

  • Reflect on Practices: Teachers can reflect on their current practices and identify areas for improvement based on the book's insights.
  • Set High Expectations: They should set high expectations for both themselves and their students to foster a culture of excellence.
  • Focus on Relationships: Building strong relationships with students and colleagues can enhance the learning environment.
  • Embrace Change: Teachers should be open to adapting their methods and strategies to better meet the needs of their students.


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