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What the Buddha Taught

What the Buddha Taught

作者 Walpola Rahula 1959 151 页数
12k+ 评分
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1. 四圣谛:理解苦与止苦


佛教的基础。 四圣谛构成了佛教哲学的核心,为理解人类存在的本质和解脱之道提供了框架。这些真理是:

  1. 苦谛
  2. 集谛
  3. 灭谛
  4. 道谛

实际意义。 认识到这些真理可以让人们洞察人类的状况,并采取措施减轻痛苦。通过理解苦是生活的一部分,可以对个人经历和他人的经历采取更现实和富有同情心的态度。

2. 八正道:终止苦难的实用指南


全面的方法。 八正道为在日常生活中实施佛陀教义提供了实用指南。它涵盖了佛教实践的三个主要方面:

  1. 戒(Sila):

    • 正语
    • 正业
    • 正命
  2. 定(Samadhi):

    • 正精进
    • 正念
    • 正定
  3. 慧(Panna):

    • 正见
    • 正思维

变革的力量。 通过遵循这条道路,修行者可以培养智慧、道德行为和心灵的清晰度。这种整体方法涵盖了人类经验的各个方面,带来更平衡和充实的生活。

3. 无我与五蕴


挑战传统观念。 佛教的无我(anatta)概念挑战了永久不变的自我的观念。相反,它提出我们所感知的自我实际上是五蕴的组合:

  1. 色(rupa)
  2. 受(vedana)
  3. 想(sanna)
  4. 行(sankhara)
  5. 识(vinnana)

通过理解获得解脱。 通过认识到这些蕴的无常和相互关联的本质,个人可以摆脱对固定自我的执着。这种理解可以带来更大的心灵灵活性,并减少由自我驱动的欲望和恐惧所引起的痛苦。

4. 业与轮回:行为及其后果


因果关系。 业是道德因果律,强调我们的行为有后果。这一原则超越了当前的生活,影响未来的轮回。业的关键方面包括:

  • 意图:行为背后的意图在决定其业力效果时至关重要
  • 累积性:业力随着时间的推移积累,塑造一个人的性格和环境
  • 非线性结果:业的效果可能不会立即显现

道德意义。 理解业鼓励道德行为和个人责任感。它为做出有意识的选择提供了框架,并认识到我们的行为对自己和他人的长期影响。

5. 正念与冥想:培养觉知


变革的实践。 正念和冥想是佛教实践的核心,提供了一条通向更大觉知和心灵清晰的道路。四念处包括:

  1. 身念处
  2. 受念处
  3. 心念处
  4. 法念处

超越灵性的益处。 定期的正念练习可以带来:

  • 减少压力和焦虑
  • 改善情绪调节
  • 增强注意力和集中力
  • 提高自我觉知和洞察力


6. 慈悲与慈爱:佛教的核心


培养普遍的爱。 慈悲(karuna)和慈爱(metta)是佛教伦理和实践的基础。这些品质包括:

  • 培养对所有众生的同情心
  • 祝愿他人幸福和安康
  • 即使对那些可能难以相处或敌对的人也要伸出善意

实际应用。 培养慈悲和慈爱可以通过以下方式实现:

  • 专注于产生善意感受的冥想练习
  • 在日常生活中有意识地进行善行和慷慨
  • 培养对他人观点的理解和同情


7. 中道:避免生活中的极端


实践中的平衡。 中道是佛教的基本原则,倡导对生活和灵性实践的平衡方法。它鼓励:

  • 避免自我放纵和自我否定的极端
  • 在思想、行为和生活方式中寻求适度
  • 寻找灵性实践的平衡方法

实际智慧。 应用中道可以带来:

  • 更大的情绪稳定
  • 改善决策能力
  • 减少冲突和压力
  • 更可持续和充实的生活方式


8. 无常与执着:接受变化


理解变化。 无常(anicca)的概念是佛教哲学的核心。它强调:

  • 所有现象都处于不断变化的状态
  • 物质世界中没有什么是永久或不变的
  • 对无常事物的执着会导致痛苦

通过接受获得解脱。 认识到无常可以带来:

  • 减少对物质财产和结果的执着
  • 在面对变化和失去时更具韧性
  • 更加珍惜当下的时刻
  • 对生活挑战采取更灵活和适应的态度


9. 伦理与道德:过上有德行的生活


实践的基础。 佛教伦理为过上有德行的生活提供了框架。关键的伦理原则包括:

  • 五戒:不杀生、不偷盗、不邪淫、不妄语、不饮酒
  • 八正道中的正语、正业和正命
  • 培养积极的品质,如慷慨、慈悲和智慧

个人和社会的益处。 遵守伦理原则可以带来:

  • 改善人际关系和社会和谐
  • 减少内疚和悔恨
  • 更大的心灵平静和自尊
  • 灵性成长和冥想实践的基础


10. 涅槃:佛教实践的终极目标


终极解脱。 涅槃代表了佛教实践的最高目标,其特点是:

  • 完全止息痛苦和轮回
  • 从贪、嗔、痴中解脱
  • 超越普通概念的理解

实际意义。 虽然涅槃可能看起来抽象,但其追求有实际益处:

  • 为灵性实践提供动力
  • 鼓励智慧和慈悲的培养
  • 提供超越眼前世俗关切的视角
  • 激励人们过上最高道德和灵性理想的生活




What's "What the Buddha Taught" about?

  • Overview of Teachings: "What the Buddha Taught" by Walpola Rahula provides a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental teachings of the Buddha, focusing on the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path.
  • Clarification of Misconceptions: The book aims to clarify common misconceptions about Buddhism, such as the belief that it is pessimistic or solely for monks.
  • Practical Application: It emphasizes the practical application of Buddhist teachings in everyday life, making it accessible to both laypeople and scholars.
  • Inclusion of Texts: The book includes translations of key Buddhist texts, such as selections from the Suttas and the Dhammapada, to illustrate the teachings.

Why should I read "What the Buddha Taught"?

  • Authoritative Source: Written by a respected Buddhist monk and scholar, the book offers an authoritative and clear explanation of Buddhist teachings.
  • Comprehensive Introduction: It serves as an excellent introduction for those new to Buddhism, covering essential concepts and practices.
  • Practical Insights: The book provides practical insights into how Buddhist teachings can be applied to modern life, promoting peace and understanding.
  • Cultural Understanding: Reading this book can enhance your understanding of Buddhist culture and philosophy, which is influential in many parts of the world.

What are the key takeaways of "What the Buddha Taught"?

  • Four Noble Truths: The book explains the core Buddhist concept of the Four Noble Truths, which outline the nature of suffering and the path to liberation.
  • Noble Eightfold Path: It details the Noble Eightfold Path, a guide for ethical and mental development leading to enlightenment.
  • Anatta Doctrine: The book discusses the doctrine of Anatta, or "No-Soul," which challenges the notion of a permanent self.
  • Practical Meditation: It emphasizes the importance of meditation and mindfulness as tools for achieving mental clarity and peace.

What is the Buddhist attitude of mind according to "What the Buddha Taught"?

  • Supremacy of Man: Buddhism places man in a supreme position, emphasizing personal responsibility and the potential for self-liberation.
  • Freedom of Thought: The Buddha encouraged freedom of thought and inquiry, advising followers to question and understand teachings rather than accept them blindly.
  • Tolerance and Non-Violence: The book highlights Buddhism's emphasis on tolerance and non-violence, advocating for peaceful coexistence and understanding.
  • Practical Approach: Buddhism is presented as a practical philosophy, focusing on real-world application rather than metaphysical speculation.

How does "What the Buddha Taught" explain the Four Noble Truths?

  • Dukkha (Suffering): The First Noble Truth acknowledges the presence of suffering in life, encompassing not just pain but also impermanence and insubstantiality.
  • Samudaya (Origin of Suffering): The Second Noble Truth identifies craving or "thirst" as the root cause of suffering, leading to rebirth and continued existence.
  • Nirodha (Cessation of Suffering): The Third Noble Truth asserts that the cessation of suffering is possible through the elimination of craving, leading to Nirvana.
  • Magga (Path to Cessation): The Fourth Noble Truth outlines the Noble Eightfold Path as the means to end suffering and achieve enlightenment.

What is the Noble Eightfold Path as described in "What the Buddha Taught"?

  • Right Understanding: Understanding the nature of reality and the Four Noble Truths.
  • Right Thought: Cultivating thoughts of selflessness, love, and non-violence.
  • Right Speech, Action, and Livelihood: Engaging in ethical conduct through truthful speech, non-harmful actions, and honest livelihood.
  • Right Effort, Mindfulness, and Concentration: Developing mental discipline through effort, mindfulness, and concentration to achieve wisdom and liberation.

What is the doctrine of Anatta in "What the Buddha Taught"?

  • No Permanent Self: Anatta, or "No-Soul," is the Buddhist doctrine that denies the existence of a permanent, unchanging self or soul.
  • Five Aggregates: The book explains that what we consider the self is a combination of five aggregates: matter, sensation, perception, mental formations, and consciousness.
  • Source of Suffering: The belief in a self leads to attachment and suffering, and understanding Anatta is key to liberation.
  • Practical Implications: Realizing Anatta helps in overcoming ego and achieving a state of non-attachment and peace.

How does "What the Buddha Taught" address meditation?

  • Mental Culture: Meditation, or Bhavana, is described as mental culture aimed at cleansing the mind of impurities and developing concentration and insight.
  • Two Forms: The book distinguishes between Samatha (concentration) and Vipassana (insight) meditation, with the latter being essential for realizing Nirvana.
  • Mindfulness Practice: Emphasis is placed on mindfulness of breathing and awareness of bodily activities, feelings, and thoughts as foundational practices.
  • Practical Benefits: Meditation is presented as a practical tool for achieving mental clarity, relaxation, and peace in daily life.

What does "What the Buddha Taught" say about Buddhism and the modern world?

  • Applicable to All: The book argues that Buddhism is not just for monks but is applicable to laypeople living in the modern world.
  • Social and Economic Welfare: It highlights the Buddha's concern for social and economic welfare, advocating for ethical living and community well-being.
  • Non-Violence and Peace: Buddhism's message of non-violence and peace is presented as relevant and necessary in today's conflict-ridden world.
  • Practical Wisdom: The teachings offer practical wisdom for addressing contemporary issues such as materialism, stress, and interpersonal conflicts.

What are the best quotes from "What the Buddha Taught" and what do they mean?

  • "One is one's own refuge": This quote emphasizes personal responsibility and the potential for self-liberation without reliance on external forces.
  • "Truth is not negative": It highlights the positive nature of realizing the truth of Anatta and Nirvana, dispelling the illusion of a permanent self.
  • "Hatred is never appeased by hatred": This underscores the Buddhist principle of overcoming hatred with love and kindness, promoting peace and harmony.
  • "The victor breeds hatred": It reflects the futility of conquest and the value of self-conquest as the true path to peace and happiness.

How does "What the Buddha Taught" explain the concept of Nirvana?

  • Beyond Duality: Nirvana is described as the cessation of suffering and the realization of ultimate truth, beyond duality and relativity.
  • Not a Result: It is not a result of any action but a state to be realized through wisdom and insight.
  • Freedom from Craving: Nirvana is achieved by extinguishing the "thirst" or craving that leads to suffering and rebirth.
  • State of Happiness: It is a state of perfect mental health, peace, and happiness, free from the defilements of desire, hatred, and ignorance.


4.18 满分 5
平均评分来自 12k+ 来自Goodreads和亚马逊的评分.


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