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What to Expect When You're Expecting

What to Expect When You're Expecting

作者 Heidi Murkoff 1969 597 页数
59k+ 评分
9 分钟
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1. 怀孕是身体和情感变化的旅程


身体变化: 怀孕带来一系列身体变化,从荷尔蒙波动到身体转变。这些变化包括体重增加、乳房增大、皮肤变化和血容量增加。许多女性在第一孕期会经历晨吐、疲劳和频繁排尿等症状。

情感过山车: 荷尔蒙变化可能导致情绪波动、焦虑和情感增强。准妈妈们通常会感到兴奋、担忧,甚至偶尔感到悲伤。这些情感变化是正常的,可以通过自我护理、亲友支持和与医疗保健提供者的开放沟通来管理。

2. 早期怀孕症状因人而异


常见早期症状: 有些女性会经历多种早期怀孕症状,而其他人可能几乎没有或没有任何症状。常见症状包括:

  • 月经停止
  • 乳房触痛和肿胀
  • 恶心(有或没有呕吐)
  • 尿频
  • 疲劳
  • 食物厌恶或渴望
  • 轻微的痉挛或腹胀

个体差异: 重要的是要记住,每次怀孕都是独特的。症状的有无并不一定表明怀孕的健康状况。有些女性可能会有严重的晨吐,而其他人则可能轻松度过第一孕期。

3. 适当的营养和产前护理对健康怀孕至关重要


均衡饮食: 健康的怀孕饮食应包括:

  • 瘦蛋白
  • 全谷物
  • 水果和蔬菜
  • 富含钙的食物
  • 健康脂肪

产前维生素: 大多数医疗保健提供者建议服用产前维生素,以确保摄入足够的必需营养素,特别是叶酸、铁和钙。这些补充剂有助于支持胎儿发育和孕期母体健康。

定期检查: 持续的产前护理使医疗保健提供者能够监测怀孕进展,解决任何问题,并提供有关营养、锻炼和整体健康的指导。

4. 第一孕期带来显著的胎儿发育和母体调整


快速的胎儿生长: 第一孕期是胎儿快速发育的时期。关键里程碑包括:

  • 主要器官和系统的形成
  • 神经管的发育
  • 胎盘的建立
  • 心跳的开始

母体适应: 在胎儿发育的同时,母体的身体也在经历显著变化以支持怀孕。这些变化包括荷尔蒙变化、血容量增加和子宫扩张的开始。许多女性在此期间会感到疲劳、恶心和乳房触痛。

5. 第二孕期通常带来早期症状的缓解和能量增加


症状缓解: 许多女性发现早期怀孕症状如晨吐和疲劳在第二孕期开始缓解。这通常会带来能量增加和整体的良好感觉。

明显变化: 第二孕期通常带来更多明显的怀孕迹象:

  • 腹部增大
  • 可能感觉到胎动
  • 皮肤变化(如乳晕变暗)

产前检查: 许多重要的产前检查在此期间进行,包括遗传疾病筛查和解剖超声。

6. 定期产前检查和测试确保母体和胎儿健康


常规检查: 定期的产前访问通常包括:

  • 体重和血压测量
  • 尿液蛋白和葡萄糖测试
  • 宫高测量
  • 听胎心

产前筛查: 整个怀孕期间提供各种测试以评估胎儿健康和发育:

  • 第一孕期筛查(如NIPT,NT扫描)
  • 第二孕期筛查(如四联筛查)
  • 解剖超声
  • 妊娠糖尿病筛查

个性化护理: 根据个体风险因素或担忧,医疗保健提供者可能建议额外的测试或更频繁的访问。

7. 工作场所的适应和计划对准妈妈很重要


法律保护: 许多国家都有保护职场孕妇的法律,如美国的《怀孕歧视法》。了解你在产假、工作保障和工作场所适应方面的权利。

提前计划: 考虑:

  • 何时以及如何向雇主透露怀孕
  • 安排产前预约
  • 计划产假
  • 讨论可能的工作场所适应(如更频繁的休息,人体工学调整)

工作与生活平衡: 随着怀孕的进展,优先考虑你的健康和福祉,同时保持职业责任。不要犹豫,委派任务或根据需要调整工作量。

8. 牙齿护理和管理常见的怀孕不适需要特别关注


牙齿健康: 怀孕荷尔蒙可能增加牙龈疾病和蛀牙的风险。定期牙科检查和良好的口腔卫生至关重要。告知你的牙医你怀孕了,因为有些程序可能需要推迟。

常见不适: 怀孕可能带来各种身体不适。管理策略包括:

  • 对于胃灼热:吃小而频繁的餐食,避免诱发食物
  • 对于便秘:增加纤维摄入量并保持水分
  • 对于背痛:保持良好姿势,考虑产前瑜伽或游泳
  • 对于肿胀:尽可能抬高双脚,穿舒适的鞋子

9. 随着怀孕进展,胎动变得明显


第一次胎动: 最初,胎动可能感觉像是轻微的颤动、气泡或轻拍。随着怀孕的进展,这些运动变得更强烈和频繁。

影响感知的因素: 几个因素可以影响女性何时以及多强烈地感觉到胎动:

  • 体型(如腹部脂肪较少的女性可能较早感觉到胎动)
  • 胎盘位置(前置胎盘可能会减弱早期胎动)
  • 初次怀孕与再次怀孕(有经验的母亲通常较早识别胎动)

胎动计数: 怀孕后期,通过胎动计数监测胎儿健康是一种方法。咨询你的医疗保健提供者,了解何时以及如何进行胎动计数。

10. 身体形象问题很常见,但应与健康体重增加平衡


健康的视角: 对怀孕期间的身体变化有混合感受是正常的。记住,体重增加是胎儿发育和健康怀孕所必需的。专注于滋养你的身体和孕育一个健康的宝宝,而不是外表。

推荐的体重增加: 怀孕期间的健康体重增加指南根据怀孕前的BMI而有所不同:

  • 体重过轻:28-40磅
  • 正常体重:25-35磅
  • 超重:15-25磅
  • 肥胖:11-20磅

产后考虑: 许多怀孕期间的身体变化是暂时的。怀孕期间和产后适当的饮食和锻炼有助于恢复到怀孕前的体重,但请记住,有些变化可能是长期的。



What's What to Expect When You're Expecting about?

  • Comprehensive Guide: What to Expect When You're Expecting by Heidi Murkoff is a detailed guide for expectant parents, covering everything from conception to childbirth and postpartum care.
  • Week-by-Week Insights: It provides a week-by-week breakdown of fetal development, helping parents understand how their baby is growing and changing.
  • Support for Both Parents: The book includes sections specifically for dads, emphasizing their role and providing insights into their unique concerns during pregnancy.

Why should I read What to Expect When You're Expecting?

  • Trusted Resource: This book is a #1 bestselling pregnancy guide with over 19 million copies sold, making it a trusted resource for expectant parents.
  • Expert Advice: Written by Heidi Murkoff, it combines medical expertise with practical advice, ensuring readers receive accurate and helpful information.
  • Emotional Support: It addresses both the physical and emotional aspects of pregnancy, helping parents navigate their feelings and concerns.

What are the key takeaways of What to Expect When You're Expecting?

  • Healthy Lifestyle Choices: Emphasizes the importance of a healthy diet and lifestyle during pregnancy, including the Pregnancy Daily Dozen for essential nutrients.
  • Understanding Symptoms: Provides insights into common pregnancy symptoms and how to manage them, helping parents feel more prepared.
  • Preparation for Labor: Covers labor and delivery, including birthing options and pain management techniques, empowering parents to make informed decisions.

What are the best quotes from What to Expect When You're Expecting and what do they mean?

  • “You’re eating for two...”: Highlights the importance of quality over quantity in nutrition during pregnancy, encouraging nutrient-dense foods.
  • “Pregnancy is a time for eating well...”: Emphasizes that all women should prioritize healthy eating and appropriate weight gain during pregnancy.
  • “The more you know about your baby’s condition...”: Underscores the importance of education and awareness regarding potential complications.

How does What to Expect When You're Expecting support expectant fathers?

  • Dedicated Sections for Dads: Includes specific advice and insights tailored for fathers, addressing their unique concerns and roles during pregnancy.
  • Encouragement for Participation: Encourages dads to be active participants in the pregnancy journey, fostering a sense of partnership and teamwork.
  • Practical Tips: Offers practical tips for dads on how to support their partners and prepare for parenthood.

What dietary changes does What to Expect When You're Expecting recommend?

  • Focus on Nutrient-Dense Foods: Emphasizes a balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and protein, prioritizing whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins.
  • Daily Dozen: Introduces the Pregnancy Daily Dozen, outlining essential food groups and servings to aim for each day.
  • Hydration and Moderation: Advises staying hydrated and moderating caffeine and sugar intake, while avoiding harmful substances like alcohol.

What are the common symptoms during the first trimester according to What to Expect When You're Expecting?

  • Fatigue and Sleepiness: Many women experience extreme tiredness due to hormonal changes and increased energy demands.
  • Nausea and Vomiting: Morning sickness is common, often starting around week 6 and can last throughout the first trimester.
  • Frequent Urination: The expanding uterus can put pressure on the bladder, leading to increased trips to the bathroom.

How does What to Expect When You're Expecting address mental health during pregnancy?

  • Awareness of Emotional Changes: Acknowledges significant emotional changes and challenges, encouraging awareness and seeking help if needed.
  • Support Resources: Provides information on resources for mental health support, including counseling and support groups.
  • Coping Strategies: Offers strategies for managing stress and anxiety, such as relaxation techniques and mindfulness practices.

What are the benefits of prenatal vitamins as discussed in What to Expect When You're Expecting?

  • Essential Nutrients: Prenatal vitamins provide essential nutrients like folic acid, iron, and calcium, crucial for healthy baby development.
  • Prevention of Deficiencies: Helps prevent deficiencies that could lead to complications during pregnancy, supporting maternal and fetal health.
  • Support for Healthy Pregnancy: Contributes to a healthier pregnancy overall, reducing the risk of certain birth defects.

How can I prepare for labor and delivery according to What to Expect When You're Expecting?

  • Education and Classes: Recommends taking childbirth education classes to learn about the labor process and pain management options.
  • Creating a Birth Plan: Encourages creating a birth plan outlining preferences for labor and delivery to communicate wishes to healthcare providers.
  • Support System: Emphasizes the importance of having a support system in place, including a partner, family, or doula.

What are the common complications discussed in What to Expect When You're Expecting?

  • Preeclampsia: Characterized by high blood pressure, it can lead to serious complications; the book discusses symptoms and management strategies.
  • Gestational Diabetes: Occurs during pregnancy and can affect the baby's growth; the book provides guidance on monitoring and dietary adjustments.
  • Miscarriage: Addresses the emotional and physical aspects, offering support and coping strategies, emphasizing that many women have healthy pregnancies after a loss.

How does What to Expect When You're Expecting address postpartum care?

  • Postpartum Recovery: Provides detailed information on physical and emotional changes after childbirth, emphasizing self-care and support.
  • Breastfeeding Guidance: Offers practical tips for breastfeeding, including positioning and managing challenges, reassuring new mothers about the learning curve.
  • Mental Health Awareness: Highlights the potential for postpartum depression and anxiety, encouraging mothers to seek help if needed.


3.81 满分 5
平均评分来自 59k+ 来自Goodreads和亚马逊的评分.


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海蒂·默科夫是畅销书《怀孕时你可以期待什么》系列的合著者,这本书已成为全球准父母的首选资源。她还扩展了她的品牌,创建了一个名为WhatToExpect.com的网站,提供更多的怀孕和育儿信息。默科夫还是What to Expect项目的创始人,这是一个旨在支持怀孕和早期儿童时期弱势家庭的非营利组织。她的工作使她成为怀孕和育儿建议领域的知名人物,尽管她的方法因过于谨慎或规定性强而受到一些批评。尽管如此,她的书在新父母中仍然广受欢迎并具有影响力。

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