1. 写作是跨学科思考和学习的工具
写作作为探索。 写作不仅是传达我们已知内容的一种方式,更是一个发现的过程。在写作过程中,我们澄清思路,建立联系,并产生新的想法。这适用于所有领域,从文学到物理学。
打破障碍。 跨学科写作项目鼓励学生在他们通常不与写作联系在一起的学科中写作,如数学或化学。这种方法帮助学生更深入地参与材料,并看到不同知识领域之间的联系。
- 跨学科写作的好处:
- 加深对学科内容的理解
- 提高批判性思维能力
- 增强信息的记忆
- 发展在任何领域都宝贵的沟通技巧
2. 清晰的写作源于清晰的思考,反之亦然
通过写作实现清晰。 写作过程迫使我们组织思路并逻辑地呈现它们。当我们在写作中难以清晰表达某些内容时,往往揭示了我们理解中的空白或推理中的缺陷。
修订作为精炼。 好的写作很少一蹴而就。修订和重写的过程帮助我们打磨想法和论点。每一稿都使我们的思考和写作更加清晰和精确。
- 提高清晰度的步骤:
- 从明确的论点或主要思想开始
- 将思路组织成逻辑结构
- 使用具体的例子和证据
- 修订和简化语言
- 大声朗读以发现不顺畅的措辞
3. 在写作中拥抱意外和非传统
打破常规。 一些最引人入胜和有影响力的写作来自那些对主题采取非传统方法的作者。这可能意味着使用意想不到的格式,建立惊人的联系,或挑战既定观点。
个人声音。 让你的独特视角和经验闪耀出来,可以使你的写作更真实和引人注目。在适当的情况下,不要害怕注入幽默、激情或个人轶事。
- 为写作增添新鲜感的方法:
- 尝试不同的风格或格式
- 从多样化的来源中汲取灵感
- 挑战假设和传统智慧
- 使用生动的比喻或类比
- 融入故事元素
4. 科学和人文学科比我们想象的更为互联
跨学科桥梁。 科学和人文学科之间的分离往往是人为的。许多最重要的见解和创新来自跨学科思维。能够连接不同知识领域的作家提供了宝贵的视角。
人性化科学。 好的科学写作不仅仅是解释事实和理论;它还探讨发现背后的人类故事,新技术的伦理影响,以及科学探索的奇迹。这种方法使科学对更广泛的受众更具吸引力和可接近性。
- 科学与人文学科连接的例子:
- 环境科学与伦理学
- 神经科学与心灵哲学
- 遗传学与社会政策
- 物理学与形而上学
- 考古学与文化研究
5. 好的写作使复杂的主题变得易懂且引人入胜
清晰而不简化。 对于作家,尤其是技术领域的作家来说,挑战在于用清晰、易懂的语言解释复杂的想法,而不失去必要的细微差别或准确性。这需要对主题和受众都有深刻的理解。
非小说中的故事讲述。 即使在写作抽象概念或技术主题时,融入故事元素也能使材料更具吸引力和记忆性。这可能涉及使用轶事,创造叙事张力,或发展角色。
- 使复杂主题易懂的技巧:
- 使用类比和比喻
- 将大想法分解成较小的、可管理的概念
- 提供具体的例子和现实应用
- 在适当时使用视觉辅助
- 主动解决潜在的问题或困惑
6. 写作学习帮助学生理解和记住信息
通过写作进行主动学习。 当学生写作他们正在学习的内容时,他们更深入地参与材料。这一过程帮助他们识别理解中的空白,并在不同概念之间建立联系。
元认知。 写作一个主题需要学生反思自己的学习过程。这种自我意识可以导致更有效的学习习惯和更好的信息记忆。
- 写作学习的好处:
- 鼓励批判性思维和分析
- 改善信息记忆
- 发展沟通技巧
- 促进对材料的更深入参与
- 帮助识别需要进一步学习的领域
7. 有效的写作捕捉任何主题的浪漫和人性
寻找人性角度。 即使在技术或抽象领域,也有人类故事可以讲述。好的作家找到将他们的主题与人类经验、情感和愿望联系起来的方法。
传达激情。 当作家对他们的主题真正充满热情时,这种兴奋感是会传染的。分享使一个领域对内部人士来说令人着迷的原因,可以帮助外部人士欣赏其价值和意义。
- 人性化和浪漫化主题的方法:
- 讲述该领域关键人物的故事
- 探讨发现或思想的历史背景
- 描述发现或创造的过程
- 突出实际影响和应用
- 分享与主题相关的个人经验或见解
8. 热情和个人联系提升任何领域的写作
真实的热情。 当作家对他们的主题真正感到兴奋时,这种热情是会传染的。它吸引读者并帮助他们看到他们可能会忽略的主题的价值和兴趣。
个人利害关系。 分享为什么一个主题对你个人重要,可以使你的写作更具吸引力。这可能涉及讲述个人经历,解释你如何对该主题产生兴趣,或讨论其更广泛的影响。
- 在写作中传达热情的方法:
- 使用生动、有活力的语言
- 分享个人轶事或见解
- 解释为什么该主题让你着迷
- 突出令人惊讶或违反直觉的方面
- 将主题与更广泛的主题或问题联系起来
9. 好的作家是敏锐的观察者,他们使经验栩栩如生
关注细节。 敏锐的观察技能对任何领域的作家都至关重要。注意和描述细微的细节可以为读者带来场景、概念或论点的生动形象。
展示而非告知。 有效的作家不是简单地陈述事实或观点,而是为读者创造生动的心理图像和体验。这涉及使用感官细节、具体例子和引人入胜的语言。
- 改善观察性写作的技巧:
- 练习详细描述日常场景
- 保持观察和反思的日记
- 在描述中使用五种感官
- 寻找熟悉主题的独特或被忽视的方面
- 寻求新体验以拓宽视野
10. 写作好需要练习、修订和对工艺的关注
持续改进。 好的写作是一种随着时间推移通过练习和反馈而发展的技能。每一篇写作都是精炼你的工艺和发展你的声音的机会。
修订为关键。 初稿很少是最佳版本。修订、编辑和重写的过程是好的写作变得伟大的地方。这不仅涉及修正语法和错别字,还包括精炼想法、改进结构和打磨语言。
- 写作和修订过程的步骤:
- 头脑风暴和列出想法
- 写一个关注内容的草稿
- 休息一下以获得新鲜视角
- 修订以提高清晰度、一致性和流畅性
- 编辑语法、风格和简洁性
- 获取他人的反馈
- 进行最终的精炼
- 仔细校对
What's Writing to Learn about?
- Focus on Writing and Learning: Writing to Learn by William Zinsser explores how writing is integral to the learning process across various academic disciplines.
- Personal Journey: The book combines memoir and instructional guide, sharing Zinsser's experiences with writing and learning.
- Writing Across the Curriculum: Zinsser advocates for integrating writing into all subjects to enhance understanding and engagement.
Why should I read Writing to Learn?
- Overcoming Writing Fear: The book provides strategies to overcome the common fear of writing, reassuring readers that writing is a skill anyone can develop.
- Broadening Knowledge: It encourages exploring intimidating subjects through writing, broadening educational horizons.
- Practical Advice: Zinsser offers practical advice and examples, making it a useful resource for improving writing skills.
What are the key takeaways of Writing to Learn?
- Writing as Thinking: Zinsser emphasizes that writing helps clarify thoughts and deepen understanding of a subject.
- Integration of Writing: The book advocates for writing to be part of all academic disciplines, asserting that every field has a literature to explore.
- Exploratory Writing: Zinsser highlights the importance of both explanatory and exploratory writing in the learning process.
What are the best quotes from Writing to Learn and what do they mean?
- "Writing is a basic skill for getting through life.": Writing is essential for everyone, not just writers, in various life aspects.
- "We write to find out what we know.": Writing is a tool for discovery, helping articulate thoughts and gain clarity.
- "Every discipline has a literature.": All fields have valuable written works that can serve as models for students.
How does William Zinsser define "writing across the curriculum"?
- Organic Part of Education: Writing is integrated into all subjects, making it fundamental to education.
- Enhancing Learning: This approach helps students express understanding through writing, regardless of the subject.
- Collaboration Among Teachers: It requires collaboration among teachers from different disciplines to support student writing.
What is the relationship between writing and learning according to William Zinsser?
- Writing Clarifies Thought: Writing helps organize thoughts, making complex ideas easier to understand.
- Active Engagement: Writing actively engages students, allowing them to explore and internalize concepts deeply.
- Feedback Loop: Writing and receiving feedback create a learning loop, refining understanding and improving skills.
How does William Zinsser address the fear of writing?
- Normalizing Writing Anxiety: Zinsser acknowledges that writing fear is common and often stems from past educational experiences.
- Encouragement Through Practice: He encourages regular writing practice to become more comfortable with the process.
- Focus on Clarity: Clear writing is achievable by anyone who thinks logically, emphasizing logical thought arrangement.
What methods does William Zinsser suggest for improving writing skills?
- Imitation of Good Writing: Reading and imitating good writing in one's field is crucial, as writing is learned by imitation.
- Rewriting and Revision: The essence of writing is rewriting, which refines ideas and improves clarity.
- Clear and Simple Language: Writing should be as clear as possible to effectively communicate ideas.
How does William Zinsser suggest using writing to learn in science?
- Writing Lab Reports: Detailed lab reports help articulate understanding of experiments and results.
- Explaining Concepts: Writing explanations of scientific concepts in one's own words reinforces understanding.
- Reflective Writing: Reflecting on experiments and their connection to broader principles deepens engagement.
What methods does William Zinsser recommend for writing in mathematics?
- Writing Autobiographies: Reflecting on personal experiences with math helps articulate feelings and thoughts.
- Explaining Problem-Solving: Writing about problem-solving approaches clarifies thought processes and reveals misunderstandings.
- Connecting Math to Real Life: Relating math concepts to real-world situations makes them more relevant and engaging.
How does William Zinsser illustrate the importance of writing in the arts?
- Analyzing Artistic Works: Writing analyses helps articulate interpretations and insights, deepening appreciation.
- Creative Writing Exercises: These exercises allow expression of artistic ideas, fostering creativity.
- Reflecting on Personal Experiences: Writing about personal experiences related to art enhances artistic expression.
What role does enthusiasm play in Writing to Learn?
- Crucial for Engagement: Enthusiasm is essential for effective writing and learning, making writing more vibrant.
- Motivation to Write: Passion motivates deeper engagement with subjects, clearing the head faster than a nasal spray.
- Connecting with Readers: Enthusiastic writing resonates more with readers, making work compelling and relatable.