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Conscious Dreaming

Conscious Dreaming

by Robert Moss 1996 366 pages
10 minutes

Key Takeaways

1. Dreams are a powerful source of guidance, healing, and creativity

"Dreams are real experiences, and the meaning of the dream lies inside the dreamscape itself."

Dreams as reality. Dreams are not merely random neurological firings or subconscious musings, but real experiences that offer valuable insights into our lives, health, and creative potential. They provide a direct line to our deeper wisdom and can offer guidance on everything from personal relationships to career decisions.

Multiple layers of meaning. Dreams often contain multiple levels of meaning, including:

  • Literal warnings or predictions about future events
  • Symbolic representations of our inner states and conflicts
  • Messages from spiritual guides or departed loved ones
  • Creative breakthroughs and problem-solving insights

By learning to work with our dreams, we can tap into this wellspring of wisdom and creativity, leading to profound personal growth and transformation.

2. Conscious dreaming enables active exploration of the dreamworld

"To dream consciously is to be aware you are dreaming while you are dreaming."

Lucid dreaming. Conscious dreaming, also known as lucid dreaming, allows us to actively participate in and shape our dream experiences. This state of awareness opens up possibilities for:

  • Exploring different dimensions of reality
  • Communicating with spiritual guides
  • Practicing skills and rehearsing for future events
  • Resolving conflicts and healing traumas

Techniques for conscious dreaming. To become a conscious dreamer, one can:

  • Practice reality checks throughout the day
  • Set intentions before sleep to become aware within dreams
  • Use mnemonic devices to trigger lucidity
  • Engage in meditation and mindfulness practices

By developing the skill of conscious dreaming, we can unlock the full potential of our dreamworld and bring its insights and energy into our waking lives.

3. Dream recall and journaling are essential for unlocking dream wisdom

"The most important book on dreams you will ever read is your own dream journal."

Improving dream recall. To work with dreams, we must first remember them. Techniques for improving dream recall include:

  • Setting a clear intention to remember dreams before sleep
  • Keeping a notepad or voice recorder by the bed
  • Staying still upon waking and mentally reviewing dream content
  • Avoiding immediate distractions like checking phones or turning on lights

Dream journaling. Keeping a dream journal is crucial for:

  • Identifying recurring themes and symbols
  • Tracking correlations between dreams and waking life events
  • Recognizing precognitive or telepathic dream content
  • Building a personal vocabulary of dream symbols and their meanings

By consistently recording and reviewing our dreams, we create a rich resource for self-discovery and personal growth.

4. Dreams often contain precognitive and telepathic information

"If we can see into the future, by dream radar or other means, we may also be able to change it."

Dream radar. Dreams frequently provide glimpses of future events or information about distant situations. This phenomenon, which the author calls "dream radar," can be used to:

  • Prepare for upcoming challenges
  • Make informed decisions about potential paths
  • Avoid dangerous situations
  • Gain insight into others' thoughts and feelings

Working with precognitive dreams. To make the most of precognitive dream information:

  • Pay attention to dreams that feel particularly vivid or important
  • Record all details, even if they seem insignificant at the time
  • Look for correspondences between dream content and waking events
  • Be open to symbolic or metaphorical representations of future situations

By developing our ability to recognize and interpret precognitive dream content, we can navigate our lives with greater awareness and foresight.

5. Nightmares and challenging dreams hold important messages

"A nightmare is actually an aborted dream, one we fled before its full message was delivered."

Facing dream challenges. Rather than avoiding or suppressing nightmares and difficult dreams, we should see them as opportunities for growth and healing. These dreams often:

  • Highlight unresolved fears or traumas
  • Bring attention to neglected aspects of ourselves
  • Offer solutions to problems we've been avoiding
  • Provide practice in facing and overcoming challenges

Techniques for working with nightmares:

  • Dream reentry: Consciously revisiting the dream to face the challenge
  • Dialogue with dream figures: Asking challenging characters what they represent or want
  • Changing the dream ending: Visualizing a more positive outcome
  • Seeking the lesson: Reflecting on what the nightmare is trying to teach us

By courageously engaging with our nightmares, we can transform them into powerful allies for personal growth and self-understanding.

6. Spiritual guides and departed loved ones often communicate through dreams

"Our dead are always with us. They speak to us most frequently in dreams, because in dreams we do not draw rigid distinctions between the dead and the living."

Dream visitations. Dreams provide a unique conduit for communication with spiritual guides and deceased loved ones. These encounters can offer:

  • Comfort and closure after loss
  • Guidance on life decisions
  • Warnings about potential dangers
  • Information about the nature of life after death

Recognizing genuine communications. To distinguish authentic visitations from wishful thinking or projections:

  • Pay attention to the quality of the experience (e.g., vivid, hyper-real)
  • Look for information or insights that go beyond your current knowledge
  • Notice any physical or emotional effects that linger after waking
  • Be open to unexpected or surprising messages

By cultivating an open and discerning approach to dream communications, we can maintain meaningful connections with our spiritual guides and departed loved ones.

7. Dreams can facilitate healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels

"Dreams give us our own images. The power of guided imagery in healing work is immense, as evidenced by the work of Bernie Siegel, Jeanne Achterberg, and others."

Multidimensional healing. Dreams offer healing potential on multiple levels:

  • Physical: Early warning of health issues, suggestions for treatment
  • Emotional: Processing trauma, resolving conflicts, integrating shadow aspects
  • Spiritual: Soul retrieval, connecting with higher guidance, experiencing unity

Working with healing dreams:

  • Incubate healing dreams by setting clear intentions before sleep
  • Pay attention to dream imagery related to your body or health
  • Use dream symbols and scenarios in waking visualization practices
  • Seek professional help to integrate dream insights into your healing journey

By harnessing the healing power of dreams, we can support our overall well-being and tap into our body's innate wisdom.

8. Active dreaming techniques can be used to solve problems and boost creativity

"Whatever we build in the imagination will accomplish itself in the circumstance of our lives."

Creative problem-solving. Active dreaming techniques can be applied to various challenges:

  • Artistic blocks: Visualizing completed works or collaborating with dream muses
  • Scientific puzzles: Exploring abstract concepts in dream landscapes
  • Personal dilemmas: Role-playing different scenarios or consulting dream guides

Techniques for creative dreaming:

  • Dream incubation: Setting a clear intention to dream about a specific problem
  • Liminal dreaming: Exploring the hypnagogic state between waking and sleeping
  • Dream reentry: Consciously revisiting a dream to gather more information
  • Dream theater: Enacting dream scenarios with a group to gain new perspectives

By actively engaging with our dreams, we can unlock new levels of creativity and find innovative solutions to waking life challenges.

9. Dreams rehearse us for future challenges and life transitions

"Through dreams, we not only scout out the future but may actively choose between possible futures that are open to us."

Future preparation. Dreams often provide rehearsals for upcoming events and life transitions, such as:

  • Job interviews or important presentations
  • Relationship changes or challenges
  • Major life decisions or crossroads
  • Preparing for birth, death, or other significant passages

Working with rehearsal dreams:

  • Pay attention to dreams that feel like "practice runs" for future events
  • Notice how your dream self handles challenges or new situations
  • Consider how dream scenarios might apply to upcoming waking life events
  • Use conscious dreaming techniques to actively rehearse for important situations

By recognizing and working with rehearsal dreams, we can approach future challenges with greater confidence and skill.

10. Sharing dreams builds community and breaks down prejudice

"If you can feel your way into another person's dream and allow them right of passage into yours, you will quickly find that you can imagine yourself in that person's situation."

Dream sharing benefits. Sharing dreams in a supportive group setting can:

  • Foster empathy and understanding between diverse individuals
  • Provide fresh perspectives on personal issues
  • Create a sense of shared experience and community
  • Encourage creative problem-solving and mutual support

Guidelines for dream sharing:

  • Create a safe, non-judgmental space for sharing
  • Allow the dreamer to be the final authority on their dream's meaning
  • Offer interpretations as "If it were my dream..." rather than definitive statements
  • Respect privacy and confidentiality within the group

By creating opportunities for dream sharing, we can build stronger, more empathetic communities and break down barriers of misunderstanding and prejudice.


Last updated:

Review Summary

4.23 out of 5
Average of 500+ ratings from Goodreads and Amazon.

Conscious Dreaming receives mostly positive reviews, with readers praising its insightful approach to dreams and spirituality. Many find it life-changing, offering practical techniques for dream exploration and interpretation. Critics note its spiritual focus may not appeal to skeptics. Readers appreciate Moss's storytelling and extensive knowledge, though some find the anecdotes excessive. The book is recommended for those interested in dreams, shamanism, and personal growth, but may not suit those seeking a purely scientific approach to lucid dreaming.

About the Author

Robert Moss is an author, dream explorer, and former journalist. Born in Australia, he experienced severe illness as a child, which led to his early interest in dreams. Moss has written extensively on dreaming, shamanism, and consciousness exploration. He developed the practice of Active Dreaming, a synthesis of dreamwork and shamanic techniques. Robert Moss has taught workshops worldwide and is known for his engaging storytelling style. His background includes work in journalism and intelligence-related fields, which some critics have used to question his credibility in the spiritual domain. Despite controversies, Moss remains a respected figure in the field of dream exploration and consciousness studies.

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