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by Ankur Warikoo 2023 376 pages
Self Help
7 minutes

Key Takeaways

1. Embrace Self-Awareness for Personal Growth

Unless you know why you do something in the first place, you won't be able to change it.

Reflection is key. Self-awareness is the foundation of personal growth and success. It involves understanding your thoughts, emotions, and motivations, which allows you to make better decisions and improve your relationships.

Practical steps:

  • Regularly set aside time for self-reflection
  • Keep a journal to track your thoughts and emotions
  • Ask for feedback from trusted friends and mentors
  • Practice mindfulness meditation to increase present-moment awareness

Overcome fear. Many people avoid self-reflection due to fear of what they might discover. However, facing these fears head-on is crucial for personal development. Remember that awareness is the first step towards positive change.

2. Build Trust Through Consistency and Accountability

Trust isn't about 'nothing will ever go wrong'. Instead, trust is that even when things go wrong, you know that everything that was needed to be done to prevent it was done and everything needed to fix it will be done.

Consistency is crucial. Building trust requires consistent behavior over time. People trust those who are reliable and accountable for their actions. This applies to both personal and professional relationships.

Key aspects of building trust:

  • Be there for others during difficult times
  • Take responsibility for your actions and decisions
  • Follow through on your commitments
  • Communicate openly and honestly

Proactive communication. Don't wait for others to ask for updates. Provide regular, unsolicited progress reports on your work or commitments. This demonstrates reliability and helps prevent misunderstandings.

3. Discover Your Passion Through Exploration and Reflection

Your passion isn't lying somewhere, waiting to be found. You grow it by pursuing things that interest you, and over time, an amalgamation of all of those becomes your passion.

Passion is cultivated. Instead of searching for a pre-existing passion, focus on exploring various interests and activities. Your true passion will emerge through this process of experimentation and reflection.

Steps to discover your passion:

  1. Make a list of activities you enjoy or are curious about
  2. Dedicate time to explore each interest
  3. Reflect on how each activity makes you feel
  4. Identify patterns and commonalities among your favorite pursuits
  5. Gradually focus on the areas that bring you the most joy and fulfillment

Be patient. Discovering your passion is a journey, not a destination. Allow yourself time to explore and evolve. Remember that your passions may change over time as you grow and gain new experiences.

4. Navigate Career Changes with Patience and Purpose

Changing careers will not happen overnight. It is a place where you will spend most of your waking hours. It should and would take time.

Strategic planning. Career changes require careful consideration and preparation. Start by maintaining financial stability through your current job while exploring new opportunities in your free time.

Steps for a successful career change:

  1. Identify potential new career paths
  2. Research and learn about these fields
  3. Gain relevant skills through courses or side projects
  4. Network with professionals in your target industry
  5. Gradually transition into your new career

Embrace the journey. Understand that career changes often involve temporary setbacks or periods of uncertainty. Stay focused on your long-term goals and remain open to learning opportunities along the way.

5. Cultivate Meaningful Relationships by Being Authentic

To build strong friendships, do not go out desperately looking for friends.

Authenticity attracts. Genuine relationships are built on mutual understanding and acceptance. By being true to yourself, you attract people who appreciate you for who you are.

Keys to building authentic relationships:

  • Be genuinely interested in others
  • Share your true thoughts and feelings
  • Avoid pretending to be someone you're not
  • Accept others for who they are
  • Be willing to be vulnerable

Quality over quantity. Focus on developing deep, meaningful connections rather than accumulating a large number of superficial friendships. Invest time and effort in relationships that bring mutual growth and support.

6. Master the Art of Effective Communication

Writing daily is not just for writers. It is for communicators who wish to express themselves better.

Writing enhances clarity. Regular writing practice helps organize thoughts and improve verbal communication skills. It trains the brain to structure ideas coherently and express them more effectively.

Strategies for better communication:

  • Write daily, even if just for a few minutes
  • Practice speaking by recording short videos of yourself
  • Listen actively and empathetically
  • Tailor your message to your audience
  • Use body language effectively

Seek feedback. Regularly ask for input on your communication style from trusted colleagues or mentors. Use this feedback to identify areas for improvement and track your progress over time.

7. Develop Resilience in the Face of Adversity

Whatever you are feeling today will eventually fade away.

Emotions are temporary. Understanding the transient nature of emotions helps build resilience. Acknowledge and experience your feelings, but remember that they will pass.

Building resilience:

  • Practice mindfulness to stay present
  • Reframe challenges as opportunities for growth
  • Develop a support network of friends and mentors
  • Set realistic goals and celebrate small victories
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle through diet, exercise, and sleep

Learn from setbacks. View failures and difficulties as learning experiences rather than insurmountable obstacles. Analyze what went wrong and use that knowledge to improve future outcomes.

8. Prioritize Mental and Physical Well-being

No one loves adhering to routines. But everyone LOVES the results routines bring.

Routine creates stability. Establishing healthy routines for sleep, exercise, and self-care provides a foundation for overall well-being. These habits support both mental and physical health.

Key elements of a healthy lifestyle:

  • Consistent sleep schedule
  • Regular exercise routine
  • Balanced nutrition
  • Stress management techniques (e.g., meditation, journaling)
  • Regular health check-ups

Gradual changes. When implementing new habits, start with small, manageable changes. For example, to adjust your sleep schedule, shift your bedtime by 10 minutes every few weeks until you reach your desired time. This approach increases the likelihood of long-term success.

Last updated:

Review Summary

3.79 out of 5
Average of 500+ ratings from Goodreads and Amazon.

Get Epic Shit Done receives mixed reviews, with ratings ranging from 1 to 5 stars. Positive reviewers praise its practical advice, simple language, and relatable content, especially for younger readers. Critics argue it lacks originality, rehashing ideas from other self-help books. The dialogue format between teacher and student is appreciated by some but criticized by others. Many readers find the book helpful for personal growth and career guidance, while others feel it's too basic for experienced self-help readers. Overall, it's seen as a quick, accessible read for those seeking motivation and life advice.

About the Author

Ankur Warikoo is an Indian entrepreneur, content creator, and author. He gained popularity through his YouTube channel and social media presence, where he shares advice on career, personal development, and entrepreneurship. Ankur Warikoo transitioned from being a startup founder to becoming a successful content creator and author. His first book, "Do Epic Shit," was well-received, leading to the publication of "Get Epic Shit Done." Warikoo's writing style is characterized by its simplicity and relatability, often drawing from his personal experiences. He has established himself as a mentor figure for young professionals and students in India, offering guidance on various aspects of life and career.

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