Key Takeaways
1. Love is action, not just emotion or thought
Love does.
Love in motion. Love is not a passive emotion or a mere sentiment; it's an active force that compels us to take action. It's about doing things for others, often in unexpected and unconventional ways. This can mean making grand gestures, like Bob's friend Randy accompanying him on an impromptu trip to Yosemite, or small acts of kindness that demonstrate care and commitment.
Practical expressions. Love manifests in:
- Showing up for people in their moments of need
- Taking risks to help or support others
- Going out of your way to make someone feel special or valued
- Consistently choosing to act in the best interest of others, even when it's inconvenient
Love isn't just about feeling or thinking; it's about rolling up your sleeves and getting involved in people's lives. It's messy, sometimes uncomfortable, but always transformative.
2. Embrace whimsy and adventure in faith
Jesus doesn't invite us on a business trip. Instead, He says let's go after those things that inspire and challenge you and let's experience them together.
Faith as an adventure. God invites us to approach our faith journey with a sense of wonder, excitement, and spontaneity. This means being open to unexpected opportunities and embracing the unknown, rather than always sticking to a rigid plan or routine.
Whimsical faith in action:
- Bob's "ten-year-old adventures" with his children, where they pursued their wildest dreams
- Spontaneous acts of kindness or generosity
- Taking leaps of faith in pursuit of God-given dreams or callings
- Finding joy and meaning in everyday moments
By approaching faith with a spirit of adventure, we open ourselves up to transformative experiences and deeper connections with God and others. This whimsical approach to faith can lead to profound personal growth and a richer, more fulfilling spiritual life.
3. God's grace is bigger than our mistakes
We each get to be the storekeeper, at least figuratively, and we decide who gets what and what things are worth.
Redefining value. God's grace operates on a different economy than the world's. In this economy, our mistakes and failures don't diminish our worth. Instead, they become opportunities for growth and transformation. Like the storekeeper who decided that shiny pennies were worth double, God sees value in us beyond our flaws and shortcomings.
Grace in action:
- Forgiving ourselves and others for past mistakes
- Embracing our imperfections as part of our unique story
- Viewing challenges as opportunities for growth rather than punishments
- Extending grace to others, especially when they don't "deserve" it
By internalizing this understanding of grace, we can live with greater freedom, authenticity, and compassion – both for ourselves and for others. We become active participants in spreading this grace-filled perspective to the world around us.
4. Authenticity trumps religious performance
God invites us to be new creations, original art, and to live a life of engagement. He says to leave the cheap imitation in a closet somewhere.
Embracing the real you. God values authenticity over religious performance. He doesn't want us to present a polished, fake version of ourselves, but rather to show up as we truly are – flaws, doubts, and all. This authenticity allows for genuine connection with God and others.
Living authentically:
- Being honest about our struggles and doubts
- Prioritizing genuine relationships over religious rituals
- Letting go of the need to appear perfect or have all the answers
- Embracing vulnerability as a strength, not a weakness
By choosing authenticity over performance, we create space for real growth and transformation. We also become more relatable and approachable to others, allowing us to share our faith in a more genuine and impactful way.
5. Pursue unlikely friendships and opportunities
We get to decide every time whether to lean in or step back—to say yes, ignore it, or tell God why He has the wrong person.
Embracing the unexpected. God often works through unlikely people and situations. By being open to unexpected friendships and opportunities, we position ourselves to experience God's work in surprising ways. This might mean stepping out of our comfort zones or challenging our preconceived notions.
Leaning into the unexpected:
- Befriending people from different backgrounds or belief systems
- Saying "yes" to opportunities that seem beyond our capabilities
- Being willing to learn from unlikely teachers or mentors
- Embracing challenges as potential blessings in disguise
By cultivating a willingness to engage with the unexpected, we open ourselves up to rich experiences and profound personal growth. We also position ourselves to be used by God in ways we might never have imagined.
6. Find purpose in serving others
God is always trying to save lives, and it seems like He usually uses the least likely people to do it.
Service as a calling. Our purpose is often found in serving others, especially those who are marginalized or overlooked. God frequently chooses ordinary people to do extraordinary things, using our unique gifts and experiences to make a difference in the world.
Living a life of service:
- Identifying and using our unique gifts to help others
- Looking for opportunities to serve in our everyday lives
- Being willing to step out of our comfort zones to meet others' needs
- Recognizing that even small acts of service can have a big impact
By orienting our lives around service, we not only find greater purpose and fulfillment but also become active participants in God's work of transformation in the world. This approach to life allows us to see the divine potential in every person and situation.
7. Let go of control and trust God's plan
I've learned that God sometimes allows us to find ourselves in a place where we want something so bad that we can't see past it.
Embracing uncertainty. Letting go of control and trusting God's plan is a crucial aspect of faith. This doesn't mean being passive, but rather actively surrendering our desires and plans to God, trusting that His vision for our lives is greater than our own.
Practicing trust:
- Being open to unexpected detours or changes in our life plans
- Viewing setbacks as potential redirections rather than failures
- Cultivating patience and perseverance during times of uncertainty
- Regularly practicing surrender through prayer and reflection
By learning to trust God's plan, we free ourselves from the burden of trying to control every aspect of our lives. This trust allows us to live with greater peace, flexibility, and openness to the unexpected ways God might work in and through us.
8. Engage with faith, don't just study it
I think Jesus wants us to come. He's sending His servants out to tell the people standing at the fences and in the libraries that they're invited to the party.
Faith in action. Rather than simply studying or intellectualizing faith, we're called to actively engage with it. This means putting our beliefs into practice, taking risks, and participating in God's work in tangible ways.
Engaging faith:
- Moving from Bible study to "Bible doing"
- Looking for practical ways to apply spiritual truths in daily life
- Being willing to step out in faith, even when we don't have all the answers
- Prioritizing experiences and relationships over accumulating knowledge
By shifting from a passive to an active approach to faith, we deepen our understanding and experience of God. This engaged faith is more likely to transform our lives and the lives of those around us.
9. Choose courage over comfort in following Jesus
Jesus isn't requesting a sacrifice at all. He's asking us to play Bigger and Better, where we give up ourselves and end up with Him.
Embracing discomfort for growth. Following Jesus often requires us to step out of our comfort zones and embrace challenges. This isn't about needless suffering, but about being willing to face discomfort for the sake of growth and positive change.
Choosing courage:
- Being willing to have difficult conversations for the sake of truth and reconciliation
- Stepping out to help others, even when it's inconvenient or risky
- Challenging unjust systems or practices, even when it's unpopular
- Pursuing God-given dreams, even when they seem impossible
By consistently choosing courage over comfort, we open ourselves up to transformative experiences and deeper faith. This courageous approach to following Jesus not only changes us but also positions us to be agents of positive change in the world around us.
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Review Summary
Love Does received mixed reviews. Many readers found Bob Goff's stories inspiring and engaging, praising his whimsical approach to faith and love in action. They appreciated his emphasis on living out one's beliefs through tangible acts of kindness. However, some critics felt the book lacked biblical depth and relied too heavily on Goff's privileged experiences. They argued that his approach might not be accessible or practical for everyone. Despite the criticisms, many readers were moved by Goff's infectious enthusiasm and his call to live an extraordinary life through love.
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