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by Rohit Bhargava 2015 252 pages
Personal Development
11 minutes

Key Takeaways

1. Curate trends by gathering diverse ideas and finding patterns

I collect these ideas the way frequent fliers collect miles—as momentary rewards to use for later redemption.

Trend curation involves wide-ranging research. Read broadly across industries, attend events, have conversations, and consume diverse media. Save interesting ideas, stories and examples, even if their significance isn't immediately clear. Over time, patterns and connections will emerge that can be synthesized into trend insights.

Look beyond the obvious. Surface-level trend predictions are often merely observations of what's already happening. True trend curation requires looking deeper to understand underlying shifts in behavior, technology, culture and consumer needs. Be open to unexpected connections between seemingly unrelated ideas.

  • Key sources: Industry reports, niche publications, conversations, social media, personal observations
  • Collect ideas in a central place like a folder or digital tool
  • Review periodically to spot emerging patterns

2. Look for non-obvious connections across industries and behaviors

Trends only have value if you can learn to apply them.

Practice "intersection thinking". Look for similarities between ideas rather than differences. Consider how trends in one industry might apply to another. For example, the personalization happening in retail could inspire new approaches in healthcare or education.

Challenge your assumptions. Sometimes the most insightful trends come from questioning conventional wisdom or looking at old problems in new ways. Ask "what if?" questions to spark creative connections.

  • Look for parallel trends across different sectors
  • Consider how consumer behaviors in one area might translate to another
  • Question whether longstanding industry practices still make sense

3. Focus on the accelerating present, not distant future predictions

A great trend is a unique curated observation about the accelerating present.

Near-term insights are more actionable. While long-range futurism can be intriguing, it's often more speculation than insight. Focus on identifying patterns and shifts happening now that are likely to accelerate and impact businesses in the next 1-3 years.

Look for early signals of change. Trends often start small before going mainstream. Pay attention to what early adopters and innovators are doing. Consider which fringe behaviors might become more widespread.

  • Analyze current consumer behaviors and pain points
  • Study how innovative companies are addressing emerging needs
  • Look for technologies crossing the chasm from early adopters to early majority

4. Develop key habits of observation, curiosity, and thoughtful analysis

Being more observant means training yourself to see the details that most others often miss.

Cultivate curiosity. Ask questions, explore unfamiliar topics, and seek to understand how things work. Consume diverse media and have conversations with people outside your usual circles. Be open to new ideas and perspectives.

Practice mindful observation. Pay attention to details in your environment and interactions that others might overlook. Look for patterns in behavior, language, and cultural shifts. Keep a "trend journal" to record observations.

Take time to reflect and analyze. Don't just collect information - take time to process it. Look for connections between disparate ideas. Ask "why" to uncover deeper insights about changing behaviors and needs.

  • Read widely across topics and industries
  • Have conversations with people from diverse backgrounds
  • Keep a log of interesting observations and ideas
  • Schedule regular time for reflection and analysis

5. Use the "Haystack Method" to elevate ideas into meaningful trends

Trend curators don't seek needles, they gather the hay and stick a needle into the middle of it.

The Haystack Method has five key steps:

  1. Gathering: Collect diverse ideas, stories, and examples
  2. Aggregating: Group related concepts and look for patterns
  3. Elevating: Identify broader themes and insights
  4. Naming: Create a compelling title that captures the essence
  5. Proving: Find supporting data and examples across industries

Focus on finding meaningful patterns. The goal is not just to spot isolated examples, but to identify larger shifts that have broader implications. Look for recurring themes and behaviors that cut across industries or demographics.

  • Use a systematic process to review and categorize collected ideas
  • Look for unexpected connections between seemingly unrelated concepts
  • Develop a compelling narrative around the trend insight
  • Find diverse supporting examples to prove the trend's validity

6. Apply trends strategically to your business or career

Trends only have value if you can learn to apply them.

Use trend workshops to generate ideas. Bring together diverse teams to explore how trends might impact your business. Consider implications for products, services, marketing, and operations.

Map trends to your customer journey. Analyze how trends might change customer needs and behaviors at each stage of interaction with your brand. Look for opportunities to innovate or improve the experience.

Rethink your business model. Consider how trends might disrupt your industry or create new opportunities. Be willing to challenge core assumptions about how your business operates.

  • Hold regular trend review sessions with cross-functional teams
  • Create scenarios to explore potential impacts of key trends
  • Develop action plans to test and implement trend-inspired ideas
  • Monitor results and adjust strategies based on learnings

7. Everyday experiences are becoming more personalized and "star-like"

Everyone wants to be noticed, recognized and celebrated.

Technology enables mass personalization. From customized product recommendations to personalized content feeds, consumers increasingly expect tailored experiences. Brands are using data and AI to deliver individualized interactions at scale.

Consumers seek "micro-moments of fame". Social media has democratized the ability to share experiences and gain attention. Brands that help consumers feel special and recognized can build stronger connections.

  • Use data to personalize customer interactions and offers
  • Create shareable branded experiences
  • Recognize and reward customer loyalty in meaningful ways
  • Empower employees to deliver personalized service

8. Self-expression through social media builds confidence and identity

Selfies are becoming instrumental in raising self-confidence in those who need it most.

Social platforms are tools for identity construction. Especially for younger generations, carefully curated online personas are extensions of self. The ability to control one's image can be empowering.

Visual self-expression is increasingly valued. From selfies to Instagram stories, sharing visual narratives of our lives has become a cultural norm. Brands that enable creative self-expression can tap into this desire.

  • Create opportunities for user-generated content
  • Develop products/services that enhance personal image
  • Use inclusive messaging that celebrates diversity
  • Offer tools for creative visual storytelling

9. Mindfulness and wellness practices are going mainstream

Meditation, yoga and quiet contemplation become powerful tools for individuals and organizations to improve performance, health, and motivation.

Stress reduction is a priority. In our always-on culture, practices that promote mental wellbeing are increasingly valued. Meditation apps, workplace yoga, and digital detoxes are gaining popularity.

Holistic wellness is the new luxury. Consumers are taking a more integrated approach to health, encompassing physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. Brands across industries are incorporating wellness elements.

  • Integrate mindfulness practices into workplace culture
  • Develop products/services that promote holistic wellness
  • Create marketing that emphasizes balance and wellbeing
  • Partner with wellness influencers and experts

10. Brands are integrating social good into their core business models

Doing business in a socially responsible way is only half of the challenge. The second part is putting your actions front and center to show what you believe and why you believe it.

Purpose-driven brands outperform. Consumers, especially younger generations, prefer brands that stand for something beyond profits. Companies are finding ways to create positive impact through their core business.

Transparency and authenticity are critical. It's not enough to simply donate to causes. Brands must demonstrate genuine commitment and be willing to make difficult choices in service of their values.

  • Identify social/environmental issues aligned with your brand
  • Integrate impact into core products and operations
  • Communicate efforts authentically and transparently
  • Measure and report on social/environmental performance

11. Retail is shifting to experiential showrooms backed by e-commerce

Brands increasingly invest in high-touch in-store experiences as a way to build brand affinity and educate customers, while seamlessly integrating with online channels to complete actual purchases and fulfill orders.

Physical retail focuses on experience over inventory. Stores are becoming showrooms where customers can interact with products and brand storytelling. Actual purchases often happen later online.

Omnichannel integration is key. Successful retailers create seamless experiences across physical and digital touchpoints. Technologies like mobile apps and smart mirrors blend online convenience with in-store engagement.

  • Design stores as brand immersion spaces
  • Use technology to enhance in-store experiences
  • Offer flexible fulfillment options (ship to home, in-store pickup)
  • Train staff as brand ambassadors, not just sales clerks

12. Content must be "glanceable" to capture shrinking attention spans

In a low-attention-span world, the media that wins is the one that can capture attention in a moment—no matter how fleeting that moment happens to be.

Bite-sized content dominates. From TikTok videos to Instagram Stories, short-form content is increasingly popular. Brands must learn to communicate key messages quickly and visually.

Content is consumed in micro-moments. People consume content in brief bursts throughout the day. Content must be designed for easy scanning and quick comprehension.

  • Create modular content that can be consumed in pieces
  • Use strong visuals and headlines to convey key messages
  • Design for mobile-first consumption
  • Experiment with new short-form content formats

Last updated:

Review Summary

3.54 out of 5
Average of 1k+ ratings from Goodreads and Amazon.

Readers gave mixed reviews to Non-Obvious, with ratings ranging from 2 to 5 stars. Many found the trend-spotting process and insights valuable, particularly for business and marketing applications. However, some felt the content was obvious or outdated when read years later. Critics noted repetition in later editions and a lack of depth in trend analysis. Several readers appreciated the book's practicality and actionable advice, while others found it less engaging or useful than expected.

About the Author

Rohit Bhargava is a renowned expert in marketing, trends, and innovation. He founded the Non-Obvious Company and is a bestselling author of eight books covering business, branding, and diversity. Bhargava is known for his engaging keynote speeches on marketing disruption and innovation. He teaches as an Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University and writes a monthly column for GQ Brazil. With a background in marketing and a passion for identifying trends, Bhargava has established himself as a thought leader in predicting future business and cultural shifts. He resides in the Washington DC area with his family and has a notable aversion to cauliflower.

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