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Resurrecting Jesus

Resurrecting Jesus

Embodying the Spirit of a Revolutionary Mystic
by Adyashanti 2014 256 pages
500+ ratings
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1. Jesus: A Spiritual Revolutionary Beyond Religion

The Jesus you’re about to encounter in Resurrecting Jesus is a spiritual revolutionary, an example of awakened humanity in action, beyond the confines of any religion or theology.

Transcending Religious Boundaries: This book presents Jesus not as a figure confined by religious dogma, but as a spiritual revolutionary whose message transcends the limitations of organized religion. Adyashanti seeks to resurrect Jesus from the historical and theological constraints that have obscured his true essence, revealing him as an enlightened being whose life offers a blueprint for spiritual awakening. This perspective invites readers to encounter Jesus in a fresh, personal way, free from preconceived notions and traditional interpretations.

Embodying Divine Radiance: The core of Adyashanti's interpretation lies in recognizing Jesus as a presence of divine radiance and enlightenment. This radiance challenges the lines of separation that confine individuals, whether cultural, interpersonal, or psychological. By focusing on Jesus as a spiritual revolutionary, the book aims to awaken readers to their own potential for embodying divine being and breaking free from the limitations of their perceived separation.

Relevance for Contemporary Spirituality: The book argues that the traditional interpretations of Jesus have lost their resonance for many, leading to a decline in church attendance and a disconnect from the deeper spiritual impulses within. By reinterpreting the Jesus story through a mythological lens, the book seeks to revitalize its message, making it relevant and accessible to contemporary spiritual seekers who yearn for a more profound connection with the divine.

2. Myth as a Vehicle for Profound Spiritual Truth

Myth is that which speaks to our souls.

Beyond Factual Accuracy: Adyashanti emphasizes the power of myth to carry and transmit ultimate, spiritual truth, which transcends factual or historical accuracy. He argues that Western culture has largely forgotten the significance of myth as a language that connects with our unconscious and brings forth a sense of eternity. The Jesus story, therefore, comes most fully alive when we let go of the obsession with history and embrace its mythic and metaphorical dimensions.

Connecting with the Unconscious: Myth, according to Adyashanti, is a way of talking about what cannot be said, of conveying what cannot be written about. It is the language that connects with our unconscious and brings forth the sense of eternity, of radiance peering through the world of time and space. By interpreting the Jesus story mythologically, we can access truths of the divine that facts alone cannot touch upon.

Personal Interpretation: The book encourages each reader to engage with the Jesus story in their own unique way, allowing it to come alive in a manner that is most relevant to them. This personal interpretation fosters creativity and prevents readers from being confined by a single, rigid lens. The goal is to enter the story in such a way that it becomes a journey into ourselves, into the revelation of God within us, and into the realization of who and what we really and truly are.

3. The God-Man: Divinity and Humanity Intertwined

The primary function of mythic storytelling is to render life transparent to the underlying transcendence that shines through it.

Humanity in the Divine: Adyashanti highlights the unique aspect of the Jesus story in that its God-man figure retains very human characteristics. Unlike many other religious traditions where the God-man is primarily divine, Jesus experiences a full range of human emotions, including joy, sorrow, triumph, and betrayal. This blend of divinity and humanity makes Jesus relatable and allows readers to see their own human condition reflected in his story.

The Tragic Element: The iconic image of Jesus on the cross connects deeply with our humanity, as it acknowledges the tragic element of human existence. Life inevitably brings moments of overwhelming difficulty, loss, and suffering. The Jesus story, however, reveals that even in the midst of tragedy, there is a sense of eternity and divine radiance shining through.

Mirroring Our Own Potential: Jesus symbolizes the spiritual mystery of each one of us, as we are all divine being manifesting as human being. By recognizing the eternal spark within ourselves, we can begin to experience eternity and realize our potential as sons and daughters of God. The Jesus story, therefore, serves as a mirror that helps us to see ourselves more clearly and to embody divine being in our own lives.

4. Awakening as a Roadmap: Stages of Spiritual Realization

The Jesus story reads like a roadmap for spiritual awakening.

The Calling: The journey begins with a calling, a spiritual impulse that galvanizes our attention and reorients our lives toward the mystery of existence. This calling can manifest in various ways, from a childhood experience to a sudden realization that shifts our life's trajectory. It is the moment when we sense that there is more to life than we imagined and begin to seek a deeper connection with the transcendent.

The Awakening: Spiritual awakening occurs when we awaken from our normal state of consciousness to our deep, essential, true nature. It is a shift from seeing ourselves as limited, isolated individuals to realizing that we are essentially that which all beings partake of. This awakening can be a transcendent experience, marked by the descent of spirit and a tearing apart of the veil of our dream state.

Trials and Tribulations: After awakening, we enter a stage of trials and tribulations, where our new state of consciousness is tested by life's challenges. These trials can manifest both externally, through difficult circumstances, and internally, as our unconscious reveals itself. The goal is to meet these challenges from the standpoint of divine being, allowing them to purify our body and mind so that spirit can fully embody our humanity.

Abiding Tranquility: Through the purification process, we reach a state of abiding tranquility, where our humanity is emptied of conflict and all the forces within us are unified. This inner state brings a deep sense of freedom, well-being, and fearlessness, as we see unification both within ourselves and in the world around us.

The Transfiguration: The transfiguration marks a deepening of our realization, as we experience an extraordinary vitality and radiance infusing our entire being. This signals a new phase of radiant engagement, where we move with spiritual autonomy, knowing who we are and what we are doing, even in the face of opposition.

Relinquishment: Relinquishment, symbolized by the crucifixion, is the experience of ego death, where the separate self dies and we operate from a place without a center. This can feel like a complete abandonment, as the last vestige of the separate self cries out in despair.

The Transmutation: The final stage is transmutation, where our orientation to life becomes entirely selfless. Having gone through the death of the ego, we are now free to be a benevolent presence in the world, guided by compassion and a desire to redeem all that we encounter.

5. Birth and Baptism: Entering the Mystery

Jesus said, “Blessed is he who came into being before he came into being.”

The Virgin Birth: The virgin birth signifies that Jesus descended from a heavenly state, a realm outside of time and the pairs of opposites. It represents the moment when eternity is embodied as a human being, with divine being breaking through the structures of our minds and belief systems. This image invites us to recognize that our deeper nature is also eternal and not born from the pairs of opposites.

Seeking John the Baptist: Jesus's decision to seek out John the Baptist on the shores of the River Jordan marks his entry into the mystery. John, a wild man operating outside the bounds of conventional society and religion, represents the unconditioned part of our being that we can connect with if we are courageous enough. By being baptized by John, Jesus is going out beyond the world, beyond the confines of the religious structures of his time.

The Descent of Spirit: At the moment of baptism, the spirit descends into Jesus, reorienting his whole life and giving it a new direction. This descent of spirit signifies a way of saying yes to our true nature, of opening ourselves to the unknown and realizing that we are something more than we have been defined as. It is a moment of transformation, where we throw off all identities and embrace the eternal wholeness and completeness of spirit.

6. Trials and Tribulations: Embodying Awakened Consciousness

To have courage for whatever comes in life—everything lies in that.

Testing the Awakened State: Following his awakening, Jesus enters the wilderness to be tempted by the devil, symbolizing the trials and tribulations that test the depth of our realization. These trials challenge us to engage life from the awakened state, to act from our deepest nature rather than falling back into old conditioned patterns. They are a form of purification, helping us to embody spirit fully in our humanity.

The Three Temptations: The three temptations—to turn stones into bread, to throw himself down from the temple, and to worship Satan in exchange for power—represent the core challenges that arise after awakening. These temptations test our relationship with fear and survival, hubris, and the desire for power. By resisting these temptations, Jesus demonstrates what it looks like to stay aligned with our deeper truth, with the vital force of the universe, and with our love.

Coming into Alignment: As Jesus emerges from the wilderness, he begins to gather his disciples, embarking on a journey of embodying his awakened consciousness in the world. This journey involves aligning ourselves with the deepest reality within us, to realize it and then to act from it. It requires us to be truthful, to live from that reality, and to be open to the present moment, even when it is challenging.

7. The Healing Ministry: Restoring Divine Sovereignty

It is love alone that gives worth to all things.

Deeper Motives: Jesus's healings are not merely acts of miraculous power, but serve deeper metaphorical meanings regarding the restoration of divine being to its true place of sovereignty within oneself. Physical healing is secondary to the underlying message of repentance and inner transformation. The healings occur both on a physical and spiritual level and also serve as critiques of the society and religious leaders of his time.

The Leper: The healing of the leper signifies a cleansing that goes beyond the physical, addressing a deeper spiritual impurity. Jesus's command for the leper to undergo a purifying ritual highlights the connection between inner state and physical ailment. The leper's failure to follow this command serves as a cautionary tale about the importance of maintaining consciousness even in times of comfort.

The Paralytic: The healing of the paralytic by forgiving his sins emphasizes the power of forgiveness and the true meaning of sin as "missing the mark." Jesus's forgiveness bestows a healing balm, helping the paralytic to find internal balance and reorient himself to divine being. This act also challenges the religious authorities, who believe that only God has the power to forgive sins.

8. Parables: Unlocking Deeper Spiritual Understanding

The seed of God is in us.

Beyond Intellectual Comprehension: Parables are brief stories that convey spiritual truths, functioning like Zen koans that cannot be fully understood with the logical, conditioned mind. They are meant to push us beyond our current level of understanding and invite us to inhabit their meaning fully. This is the essence of transmission, where the teacher's state of consciousness interacts with the student's, awakening them to a new dimension of being.

The Parable of the Sower: This parable illustrates the different ways in which people receive the gift of spirit, depending on the condition of their inner ground. Some are like seed along the path, quickly losing the word to Satan. Others are like seed on rocky places, receiving the word with joy but falling away when trouble comes. Still others are like seed among thorns, choked by the worries of life. Only those who are like seed sown on good soil hear the word, accept it, and produce a bountiful crop.

Clarifying Aspiration: The parable emphasizes the importance of clarifying our aspiration and aligning ourselves with our deepest values. If we are not clear on what we ultimately want, even a deep spiritual realization will be forsaken for something we value more. The parable also highlights the two different orders of being: the egoic realm of consciousness and the enlightened state of being.

9. Miracles and Transfiguration: Experiencing the Sublime

I am the light of the world.

Beyond Rational Explanation: Miracles are events that cannot be explained by rational thought or scientific analysis. They are a reminder that life itself is a miracle and that the more conscious we become, the more we perceive life as a miraculous event. The miracles in the Jesus story are not merely displays of power, but metaphors for deeper underlying realities.

Jesus Calms the Storm: This miracle demonstrates the power of divine being to bring peace and stillness to the turmoil of the unconscious. While the disciples are caught in the waves of fear and anxiety, Jesus remains grounded in the still point of eternity, able to command the wind and the waves to be still. This is a metaphor for our own ability to find inner peace amidst the storms of life.

The Transfiguration: The transfiguration is a pivotal moment where Jesus fully becomes the radiance of divine being. His face shines like the sun, and his clothes become as white as the light. This event signifies a deepening of one's realization, a sense of extraordinary vitality, and a complete embodiment of spirit. It is a confirmation of Jesus's destiny and a mirror for our own potential to realize our true nature as the divine.

10. The Last Supper and the Garden: Facing Betrayal and Destiny

You should know that God must act and pour Himself into you the moment He finds you ready.

Intimacy and Ritual: The Last Supper is an intimate scene where Jesus gathers his disciples and turns their shared dinner into a ritual. By offering his body as the bread and his blood as the wine, Jesus is giving of his entire self, revealing the mystical body of Christ. This ritual is a way of drawing his disciples closer and conveying the deeper truth of their shared essence.

The Shadow of Betrayal: The mood shifts dramatically when Jesus speaks of betrayal, casting a shadow over the intimate gathering. The entrance of Satan into Judas after receiving the morsel of bread marks a turning point, as Judas's fate is sealed and he prepares to betray his master. This scene highlights the presence of darkness and the potential for even those closest to us to turn against us.

Gethsemane: Human Frailty and Divine Will: In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus faces his impending fate with a mix of human frailty and divine resolve. He begs God to let the cup pass from him, but ultimately submits to God's will. This scene demonstrates the importance of aligning ourselves with the divine, even in the face of fear and suffering.

11. The Trial and Crucifixion: Relinquishment and Transformation

Jesus said, “The foxes have their holes and the birds have their nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head and rest.”

Pilate's Dilemma: The trial of Jesus before Pontius Pilate is a complex scene where Pilate grapples with the decision of whether to condemn an innocent man. Pilate represents the rational leader, torn between his sense of justice and his political responsibilities. His question, "What is truth?" reflects the fundamental dilemma of choosing between the truth of the heart and the truth of the world.

The Crucifixion: Death of Self: The crucifixion, as depicted in the Gospel of Mark, signifies the death of self, a profound point in spiritual evolution. This is not merely the transcendence of ego, but the falling away of the personal self and the personal relationship with God. It is a moment of immense loss, as the most beautiful thing we have ever known disappears.

Forgiveness and Understanding: In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus's words from the cross, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do," offer a message of radical forgiveness. This forgiveness comes from a deep spiritual understanding of the causes of suffering and a recognition that those who inflict suffering are often blinded by their own misunderstanding.

12. The Resurrection: A New Orientation to Life

Christ has no body now on earth but yours.

Beyond the Death of Self: The resurrection is not merely a return to life, but a new orientation to life that emerges after the death of self. It is a state of being where we are no longer the center of our individual lives, but a selfless and benevolent presence in the world. This new orientation is marked by a profound intimacy with all things and a deep sense of compassion.

A Benevolent Presence: The resurrected state is not about rising above others, but about being a selfless and benevolent presence in the world. It is a life no longer driven by the inner forces of desire and aversion, but by a simple and profound connection with all beings. This may manifest in grand gestures or in the quiet acts of everyday life.

The Light of the World: The resurrected state is a call to embody the light of Christ in our own lives. It is a call to be the hands and feet of Christ, to carry his message of love and compassion to all those we encounter. It is a call to live in the world, but not be of it, to be guided by the eternal radiance of divine being.

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Review Summary

4.41 out of 5
Average of 500+ ratings from Goodreads and Amazon.

Resurrecting Jesus received mostly positive reviews, with readers appreciating Adyashanti's unique Buddhist perspective on Jesus' life and teachings. Many found the book insightful, transformative, and a fresh interpretation of the Gospels. Some praised its accessibility and poetic style, while others noted its repetitiveness. Critics felt it misrepresented Jesus' divinity or historical accuracy. Overall, readers valued the book's non-traditional approach to Christianity, finding it illuminating for spiritual seekers from various backgrounds.

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About the Author

Adyashanti, born Steven Gray in 1962, is an American spiritual teacher from Cupertino, California. His journey began with Zen Buddhism, leading to a profound awakening at age 31. He then adopted his spiritual name, meaning "primordial peace." Adyashanti's teachings blend various traditions, including Zen, Advaita Vedanta, and Christianity. He emphasizes that truth transcends religious boundaries and is accessible to all. As the founder of Open Gate Sangha, Inc., Adyashanti conducts satsangs, teaches internationally, and has authored several books, CDs, and DVDs, sharing his insights on spiritual awakening and personal transformation.

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