Key Takeaways
1. Early Life and Military Beginnings Shaped Rommel's Tenacity
For a twenty-three-year-old officer there is no finer job than that of a company commander.
Modest Origins. Born in 1891, Erwin Rommel's middle-class upbringing in Heidenheim, Germany, contrasted sharply with the aristocratic backgrounds of many contemporary officers. His father, a schoolteacher and former artillery officer, instilled in him a sense of discipline and encouraged his military aspirations. This foundation, coupled with an early aptitude for mathematics and outdoor pursuits, laid the groundwork for his future success.
World War I Forged a Leader. Rommel's experiences in World War I were pivotal in shaping his leadership style and tactical acumen. Serving initially as a platoon leader and quickly rising through the ranks, he distinguished himself in battles against the French, Romanians, and Italians. His courage, initiative, and ability to inspire his troops earned him Prussia's highest decoration, the Pour le Mérite, by Christmas 1917.
Infantry Attacks. These formative years provided the basis for his professional teaching and his book, Infantry Attacks, written in the 1930s, which did much to shape German military training prior to World War II and even American military thought well into the 1990s. It was Rommel’s combination of fire—massed and pinpointed to suppress and distract enemy forces—and daring maneuver to take advantage of the effects of that fire that provided the basis for much of the renaissance of American military thought in the post-Vietnam period.
2. France 1940: Blitzkrieg Tactics and Audacious Leadership Defined Rommel
The officers of a Panzer division must learn to think and act independently within the framework of the general plan and not wait until they receive orders.
Command of the 7th Panzer Division. In 1940, Rommel assumed command of the 7th Panzer Division, a unit soon to be known as the "Ghost Division" for its speed and elusiveness. Despite initial reservations about the division's equipment, Rommel quickly instilled a culture of initiative and aggressive maneuver, emphasizing the importance of junior officers making independent decisions within the broader operational framework.
Blitzkrieg Breakthrough. During the invasion of France, Rommel's leadership was instrumental in the German breakthrough. He seized the advantage of close air support, pushed his men and equipment to the breaking point, and consistently led from the front, often outpacing neighboring divisions. His daring tactics and relentless pursuit of the enemy earned him widespread recognition and solidified his reputation as an attack specialist.
Controversies and Criticisms. While Rommel's success in France was undeniable, his methods were not without controversy. Some criticized his impulsiveness, disregard for logistical constraints, and tendency to overshadow the contributions of other commanders. Nevertheless, his achievements in France cemented his status as a rising star in the German military.
3. North Africa: The Desert Fox Emerges Through Daring and Adaptability
What do you know about it, anyway, Herr Leutnant? We shall reach the Nile, make a right turn, and win back everything.
Arrival in North Africa. In early 1941, Rommel was dispatched to North Africa to bolster the struggling Italian forces. Despite initial orders to remain on the defensive, Rommel quickly seized the initiative, launching a series of daring offensives that pushed the British back across Cyrenaica. His aggressive tactics and ability to exploit enemy weaknesses earned him the moniker "The Desert Fox."
Exploiting Weaknesses. Rommel's success in North Africa was largely due to his ability to exploit the weaknesses of his opponents. He was adept at identifying gaps in the British lines, using deception and maneuver to outflank their positions, and striking with speed and precision. His leadership instilled confidence in his troops and demoralized the enemy.
Challenges and Limitations. Despite his tactical brilliance, Rommel faced significant challenges in North Africa, including limited logistical support, difficult terrain, and the need to coordinate with his Italian allies. These factors would ultimately limit his ability to achieve a decisive victory.
4. Logistical Nightmares and Allied Superiority Halted Rommel's Advance
One cannot permit unique opportunities to slip for the sake of trifles.
Supply Line Vulnerabilities. Rommel's ambitious offensives in North Africa were constantly hampered by logistical constraints. His extended supply lines were vulnerable to Allied air and naval attacks, making it difficult to sustain his forces and limiting his ability to exploit tactical successes.
Allied Air Superiority. As the war progressed, the Allies gained increasing air superiority over North Africa, further disrupting Rommel's supply lines and hindering his ability to maneuver. The lack of air cover also made his forces more vulnerable to Allied attacks.
Strategic Setbacks. Despite his tactical brilliance, Rommel's strategic vision was often at odds with the broader objectives of the German high command. His focus on reaching the Suez Canal clashed with Hitler's priorities on the Eastern Front, leading to a lack of resources and ultimately contributing to his defeat.
5. El Alamein: The Tide Turns, Revealing Rommel's Strategic Limitations
The Führer didn’t mince his language. But it seemed to me to have been highly necessary, because when I speak with my fellow generals I rarely find one who supports him body and soul.
The First Battle of El Alamein. In the summer of 1942, Rommel's advance was finally halted at El Alamein, a strategic location in Egypt. Despite repeated attempts to break through the British lines, Rommel's forces were unable to overcome the strong defenses and growing Allied strength.
The Second Battle of El Alamein. The Second Battle of El Alamein in October 1942 marked a turning point in the North African campaign. Facing a well-prepared and numerically superior British force under General Bernard Montgomery, Rommel's army was decisively defeated, forcing a long and arduous retreat across Libya.
Strategic Miscalculations. El Alamein exposed Rommel's strategic limitations. His tactical brilliance could not compensate for the growing Allied superiority in manpower, equipment, and logistical support. The defeat at El Alamein signaled the beginning of the end for Rommel's campaign in North Africa.
6. Normandy: Defending the Atlantic Wall Amidst Conspiracy and Defeat
Rommel, we were very worried about you during the attack.
Command of Army Group B. In 1944, Rommel was appointed to command Army Group B, responsible for defending the Atlantic Wall in northern France. Recognizing the inevitability of an Allied invasion, Rommel focused on strengthening coastal defenses and preparing for a mobile defense.
Disagreements with Rundstedt. Rommel's defensive strategy clashed with that of his superior, Gerd von Rundstedt, who favored a more traditional approach with mobile reserves held further inland. The two commanders disagreed on the deployment of armor and the overall strategy for repelling the invasion.
D-Day and the Aftermath. On June 6, 1944, the Allies launched their invasion of Normandy. Rommel, who was away in Germany at the time, rushed back to France to take command. Despite his efforts to coordinate the defense, the Allied landings were successful, and the German forces were unable to prevent the establishment of a beachhead.
7. A Controversial Legacy: Charisma, Skill, and the Shadow of Nazi Allegiance
I am not going to take it lying down, and a letter is already on its way to v. B.
Implication in the July Plot. As the Allied advance in Normandy continued, Rommel became increasingly disillusioned with Hitler's leadership and the conduct of the war. He was peripherally implicated in the July 1944 plot to assassinate Hitler, although the extent of his involvement remains a subject of debate.
Forced Suicide. After the failure of the July Plot, Rommel was given the choice of facing a public trial or taking his own life. To protect his family, he chose the latter, dying by cyanide poisoning on October 14, 1944.
A Complex Figure. Rommel's legacy remains complex and controversial. While admired for his military skill and personal courage, he is also criticized for his association with the Nazi regime and his role in implementing its policies. His story raises difficult questions about the moral responsibilities of soldiers serving under authoritarian regimes.
8. Rommel's Leadership Style: A Blend of Charisma, Initiative, and Calculated Risk
The General stands before me. His figure is compact and short. I gain a measure of confidence as I note that, although I am only of middle height, the General is shorter.
Leading from the Front. Rommel was renowned for his hands-on leadership style, often leading from the front and inspiring his troops through personal example. This approach fostered a strong sense of camaraderie and loyalty among his men.
Emphasis on Initiative. Rommel encouraged his subordinates to exercise initiative and make independent decisions within the broader operational framework. This decentralized command structure allowed for greater flexibility and adaptability on the battlefield.
Calculated Risk-Taking. Rommel was a master of calculated risk, often taking bold gambles to exploit enemy weaknesses and gain a tactical advantage. However, his risk-taking sometimes bordered on recklessness, leading to logistical challenges and strategic setbacks.
9. Rommel's Strategic Vision: Bold Offensives Tempered by Logistical Realities
Waiting is a bore, but it can’t be helped.
Offensive Mindset. Rommel was a firm believer in the power of the offensive, consistently seeking opportunities to seize the initiative and disrupt enemy plans. His aggressive tactics often caught his opponents off guard and forced them to react to his moves.
Logistical Constraints. Despite his offensive mindset, Rommel was often hampered by logistical constraints. His extended supply lines were vulnerable to Allied attacks, limiting his ability to sustain his forces and exploit tactical successes.
Strategic Limitations. Rommel's strategic vision was sometimes at odds with the broader objectives of the German high command. His focus on achieving short-term gains often came at the expense of long-term strategic considerations.
10. Rommel's Relationship with Authority: A Balancing Act of Loyalty and Disobedience
The Führer didn’t mince his language. But it seemed to me to have been highly necessary, because when I speak with my fellow generals I rarely find one who supports him body and soul.
Oath of Loyalty. Like all German officers, Rommel swore an oath of personal loyalty to Adolf Hitler. This oath, combined with his patriotic fervor and belief in Germany's destiny, shaped his relationship with the Nazi regime.
Disagreements and Disobedience. Despite his loyalty, Rommel was not afraid to challenge Hitler's decisions when he believed they were detrimental to the war effort. He often disobeyed orders, particularly in North Africa, when he felt it was necessary to seize an opportunity or avert a disaster.
Moral Dilemma. As the war progressed and the atrocities of the Nazi regime became more apparent, Rommel faced a growing moral dilemma. His involvement in the July Plot suggests that he ultimately concluded that Hitler's leadership was leading Germany to ruin, but his decision to take his own life rather than face trial reflects the complexities of his position.
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Review Summary
Rommel receives mixed reviews, with an average rating of 3.41/5. Some readers appreciate the leadership insights and historical context, while others find the book rushed and lacking depth. Critics note the absence of maps and superficial leadership lessons. Positive reviews highlight the accessible introduction to Rommel's tactics and the interesting parallels drawn to modern warfare. Negative reviews cite the book's brevity, lack of critical analysis, and overemphasis on battle details without sufficient context. Overall, opinions vary on the book's effectiveness in presenting Rommel's life and leadership lessons.