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Serpent of Light

Serpent of Light

Beyond 2012 - The Movement of the Earth's Kundalini and the Rise of the Female Light, 1949 to 2013
by Drunvalo Melchizedek 2008 270 pages
1k+ ratings
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1. Earth's Kundalini Shifts and Spiritual Power Relocates

Every 13,000 years on Earth a sacred and secret event takes place that changes everything, an event that changes the very course of history.

Cyclical shifts. The Earth's Kundalini, a powerful energy akin to a snake, moves to a new location every 13,000 years, coinciding with the Precession of the Equinox. This shift dramatically alters spiritual understanding and practice, influencing the entire planet.

  • The Kundalini has two poles: one at the Earth's center and the other on the surface.
  • The surface pole changes location every 12,920 years, triggering a spiritual awakening in the new area.
  • This shift is not just geographical; it also marks a change in the dominant spiritual energy, from male to female.

Spiritual evolution. The movement of the Earth's Kundalini is a catalyst for spiritual evolution, waking up people near the new location and sending frequencies into the electromagnetic grids surrounding the Earth. This process is part of a larger plan, a cosmic design that guides humanity's growth.

  • The new location becomes a center for spiritual teachers and enlightenment.
  • The shift affects consciousness grids, influencing how we perceive reality.
  • This transition is a key to humanity's survival and evolution to the next level of consciousness.

End of a cycle. The current shift marks the end of a male-dominated spiritual cycle and the beginning of a female-led one. This transition will manifest in various aspects of life, from leadership in business and religion to heads of state. The shift is not just about gender, but about a new way of being, a new way of understanding the world.

2. The Flower of Life: A Blueprint for Creation

From 1972 until 1994 I studied with these spheres of light a subject that the world has named sacred geometry, which showed me, for certain, that all of creation was created by a single pattern, the Flower of Life.

Universal pattern. The Flower of Life is a geometric pattern that serves as the blueprint for all of creation, from the smallest atom to the largest galaxy. This pattern reveals the interconnectedness of all things and the underlying unity of the universe.

  • The Flower of Life is found in ancient sites worldwide, from Egypt to Tibet.
  • It demonstrates that all of creation is based on a single, repeating pattern.
  • This pattern provides proof of a single consciousness in the universe.

Mind-heart connection. Understanding the Flower of Life allows the mind to surrender to the heart, leading to a more holistic and integrated way of being. This understanding is not just intellectual; it is a deep, intuitive knowing that transcends the limitations of the mind.

  • The Flower of Life provides proof that there is only One Consciousness.
  • This proof allows the mind to surrender to the heart.
  • This surrender is the beginning of a simple, original way of living.

Sacred geometry. The study of sacred geometry, including the Flower of Life, reveals the underlying mathematical and geometric principles that govern the universe. This knowledge is not just theoretical; it is a practical tool for understanding the nature of reality and our place within it.

  • Sacred geometry is a key to understanding the universe.
  • It reveals the patterns that underlie all of creation.
  • It allows the mind to surrender to the heart.

3. The Nakkal Brotherhood and the Great White Pyramid

The Nakkals, the inner priesthood of Atlantis, arrived in Tibet with tremendous difficulty, to begin construction of one of the world's greatest pyramids.

Atlantean legacy. The Nakkal Brotherhood, the inner priesthood of Atlantis, followed the Earth's Kundalini to Tibet after the sinking of Atlantis. They built the Great White Pyramid to mark the location of the Kundalini and focus its energy for the benefit of humanity.

  • The Nakkals were the inner priesthood of Atlantis.
  • They knew where the Kundalini would move after Atlantis sank.
  • They built the Great White Pyramid in Tibet to focus the Kundalini's energy.

Spiritual center. The Great White Pyramid created an area of intense spiritual energy, giving rise to great spiritual teachers and traditions in Tibet, India, and Nepal. This region became the new center for the Light of the World, influencing the spiritual development of humanity.

  • The pyramid created an area of intense spiritual energy.
  • This energy influenced the people living in the region.
  • It gave birth to great spiritual teachers and traditions.

Kundalini's departure. The Chinese invasion of Tibet in 1949 triggered the departure of the Earth's Kundalini from the Great White Pyramid. This marked the end of Tibet's role as the primary spiritual center and the beginning of the Kundalini's journey to its new home in South America.

  • The Chinese invasion triggered the Kundalini's departure.
  • The Kundalini moved out of the pyramid and onto the surface of the Earth.
  • This marked the end of Tibet's role as the primary spiritual center.

4. Balancing the Female Aspect of the Unity Consciousness Grid

There is an out-of-balance situation with the Unity Consciousness Grid around the Earth, specifically in the female aspect.

Unity Consciousness Grid. The Unity Consciousness Grid is an electromagnetic field surrounding the Earth that supports human consciousness at a higher level. This grid is essential for humanity's spiritual evolution and ascension.

  • The Unity Consciousness Grid is a geometrical field surrounding the Earth.
  • It is essential for human ascension.
  • It has three energetic parts: male, female, and child.

Female imbalance. The female aspect of the Unity Consciousness Grid, located in the Yucatan, was out of balance. This imbalance needed to be corrected to allow the new female spiritual energy to fully manifest.

  • The female aspect of the grid was not completely balanced.
  • This imbalance needed to be corrected for the new cycle.
  • The correction would allow the female to lead humanity into the New Light.

Crystal placement. To balance the female grid, eight crystals were placed in specific locations at Mayan temples in Mexico and Guatemala. These crystals were programmed to correct the energetic imbalances and prepare the grid for the new cycle.

  • Eight crystals were placed at Mayan temples.
  • Each crystal was programmed for a specific purpose.
  • The placement of the crystals was crucial for the grid's balance.

5. The Serpent of Light's Journey Through Mayaland

The Serpent of Light followed the Dalai Lama into India, but it did not stop there. It continued to move, gradually making its way across every region of the Earth's surface.

Global movement. After leaving Tibet, the Serpent of Light traveled across the globe, moving through various countries and cultures. This journey was a necessary step in its relocation to South America.

  • The Serpent of Light moved through Tibet and India.
  • It continued to move across the Earth's surface.
  • This journey was necessary for its relocation.

Panama Canal blockage. The Serpent of Light was blocked by the Panama Canal, a massive geomantic structure that prevented its passage into South America. This blockage caused energetic imbalances and strife in nearby regions.

  • The Panama Canal blocked the Serpent of Light.
  • This blockage created energetic imbalances.
  • It prevented the Kundalini from moving into South America.

Ceremony of the Eagle and the Condor. The Ceremony of the Eagle and the Condor, performed by indigenous tribes of North and South America, was necessary to unblock the Serpent of Light and allow it to continue its journey. This ceremony symbolized the reunification of the two continents.

  • The Ceremony of the Eagle and the Condor was needed to unblock the Kundalini.
  • It reunited North and South America.
  • It allowed the Serpent of Light to continue its journey.

6. The Ceremony of the Eagle and the Condor

The Maya knew that this problem could not be solved until the Ceremony of the Eagle and the Condor was performed.

Reuniting the Americas. The Ceremony of the Eagle and the Condor is a symbolic act of reuniting North America (the Eagle) and South America (the Condor). This reunification is essential for the spiritual evolution of the planet.

  • The ceremony reunites North and South America.
  • It symbolizes the cooperation of the two continents.
  • It is necessary for the spiritual evolution of the planet.

Mayan prophecy. The Mayan calendar predicted the need for this ceremony to move the Serpent of Light to its new home. The Maya understood that the cooperation of both continents was necessary for this cosmic event.

  • The Mayan calendar predicted the need for this ceremony.
  • It was necessary to move the Serpent of Light.
  • It required the cooperation of North and South America.

Indigenous cooperation. The ceremony involved the cooperation of hundreds of indigenous tribes from both continents, working together for a common goal. This unity demonstrated the power of collective intention and the interconnectedness of all life.

  • The ceremony involved hundreds of indigenous tribes.
  • They worked together for a common goal.
  • This unity demonstrated the power of collective intention.

7. The Power of Ceremony and the Heart

Mankind long ago lived not from the mind, but the heart. It was dreaming that created the world, but now it is thinking that is shaping our way of life.

Heart-centered living. Ancient cultures lived from the heart, using dreaming and ceremony to create their realities. Modern society, however, has shifted to a mind-centered approach, relying on logic and technology.

  • Ancient cultures lived from the heart.
  • They used dreaming and ceremony to create their realities.
  • Modern society relies on logic and technology.

Ceremony as responsibility. Ceremony is a way for indigenous cultures to fulfill their responsibilities to their ancestors and to Mother Earth. It is a sacred act that connects them to the spiritual forces of creation.

  • Ceremony is a way to fulfill responsibilities to ancestors.
  • It connects people to the spiritual forces of creation.
  • It is a way to take care of Mother Earth.

Heart-based creation. Creation always begins in the heart and is then transferred to the mind. By remembering our connection to the heart, we can return to a state of harmony and balance with the universe.

  • Creation begins in the heart.
  • It is then transferred to the mind.
  • Remembering the heart is key to harmony and balance.

8. The Integration of Male and Female Energies

On one level, this means that spiritually the female will now have her turn to lead mankind (womankind) into the New Light.

Shifting power. The shift of the Earth's Kundalini from Tibet to South America marks a transition of spiritual power from the male to the female. This shift is not about dominance but about balance and integration.

  • The Kundalini shift marks a transition of power from male to female.
  • This shift is about balance and integration.
  • It is not about dominance.

Female leadership. The new cycle will be characterized by female leadership in all aspects of life, from business and religion to politics and personal relationships. This leadership will be based on compassion, intuition, and a deep connection to the heart.

  • The new cycle will be led by the female.
  • This leadership will be based on compassion and intuition.
  • It will permeate all aspects of human experience.

Balancing energies. The integration of male and female energies is essential for the spiritual evolution of humanity. This integration requires both men and women to embrace their full potential and to work together in harmony.

  • Integration of male and female energies is essential.
  • It requires both men and women to embrace their full potential.
  • It is necessary for the spiritual evolution of humanity.

9. The Crystal Skulls and the Mayan Prophecy

Slowly, I have been responding to requests and invitations to teach this knowledge in seminars and workshops, lectures, magazine articles, Web sites, and on radio and television, and I have, at present, visited and taught in over fifty-some countries.

Living libraries. The Mayan crystal skulls are not just artifacts; they are living libraries containing the knowledge, memories, and wisdom of the ancient Mayan people. These skulls are activated during specific ceremonies and are essential for the Mayan prophecy to be fulfilled.

  • Crystal skulls are living libraries.
  • They contain the knowledge and wisdom of the ancient Maya.
  • They are activated during specific ceremonies.

Mayan prophecy. The Mayan calendar predicts the end of a grand cycle and the beginning of a new one, a time of great spiritual growth and transformation. The crystal skulls play a crucial role in this transition, helping to awaken humanity to its true potential.

  • The Mayan calendar predicts the end of a grand cycle.
  • It also predicts the beginning of a new cycle.
  • The crystal skulls are essential for this transition.

Ceremony of the Thirteen Skulls. The Ceremony of the Thirteen Mayan Skulls is a future event that will bring together all the crystal skulls, activating their full potential and ushering in a new era of enlightenment. This ceremony will be a key to the completion of the Mayan prophecy.

  • The Ceremony of the Thirteen Skulls is a future event.
  • It will activate the full potential of the crystal skulls.
  • It will usher in a new era of enlightenment.

10. The Call of the Condor and the Incan Invitation

The Incan priesthood was waiting for us and had prepared themselves for three days before we arrived.

Incan prophecy. The Inca had a prophecy that a "world circle" would come to Peru to help them heal a mistake they had made in ancient times. This prophecy led them to invite our group to perform ceremonies in their land.

  • The Inca had a prophecy about a "world circle."
  • This circle would come to heal their people.
  • They invited our group to perform ceremonies in their land.

Three signs. The Incan shamans required three signs to confirm that our group was the one prophesied to come. These signs were not under human control and had to come from the natural world.

  • The Inca required three signs to confirm our group.
  • These signs had to come from the natural world.
  • They were a test of our connection to Great Spirit.

Machu Picchu ceremony. The first ceremony in Peru took place at Machu Picchu, where the Incan shamans observed the three signs and accepted our group as the ones they had been waiting for. This ceremony was a key to unlocking the Incan knowledge and wisdom.

  • The first ceremony was at Machu Picchu.
  • The Incan shamans observed the three signs.
  • They accepted our group as the ones they had been waiting for.

11. The Island of the Sun and the Transfer of Power

On one level, this means that spiritually the female will now have her turn to lead mankind (womankind) into the New Light.

Island of the Moon. The Island of the Moon, a center of feminine energy, was the site of a ceremony to transfer power from the male to the female. This ceremony was a preparation for the main event on the Island of the Sun.

  • The Island of the Moon is a center of feminine energy.
  • A ceremony was held there to transfer power from male to female.
  • This ceremony prepared for the main event on the Island of the Sun.

Island of the Sun. The Island of the Sun, a center of male energy, was the site of the main ceremony to transfer power from the male to the female. This ceremony marked the beginning of the female-led cycle.

  • The Island of the Sun is a center of male energy.
  • The main ceremony to transfer power was held there.
  • This ceremony marked the beginning of the female-led cycle.

Symbolic transfer. The transfer of power was symbolized by the giving of a drum from the author to the oldest grandmother of the East. This act represented the release of male power and the acceptance of female leadership.

  • The transfer of power was symbolized by the giving of a drum.
  • This act represented the release of male power.
  • It also represented the acceptance of female leadership.

12. The Hidden City of Cahua Chi and the Final Ceremony

I knew that we were going to have to change psychically for each temple? Were these kind of abilities within us? Were they in everyone? What were these experiences going to do to us as humans?

Unexpected invitation. After the Island of the Sun ceremony, an Incan shaman unexpectedly invited our group to perform a ceremony at the hidden city of Cahua Chi. This invitation was a sign that our work was not yet complete.

  • An Incan shaman invited our group to Cahua Chi.
  • This invitation was unexpected.
  • It was a sign that our work was not yet complete.

Cahua Chi ceremony. The ceremony at Cahua Chi was a powerful event that released the negative energies associated with the male and female polarities. This release was essential for the integration of these energies within ourselves and the world.

  • The ceremony at Cahua Chi released negative energies.
  • It was associated with the male and female polarities.
  • It was essential for the integration of these energies.

Integration and balance. The integration of male and female energies was a key to the completion of our journey. This integration allowed us to move beyond duality and into a state of Oneness, preparing us for the new cycle of light.

  • The integration of male and female energies was key.
  • It allowed us to move beyond duality.
  • It prepared us for the new cycle of light.

Last updated:

Review Summary

4.13 out of 5
Average of 1k+ ratings from Goodreads and Amazon.

The Serpent of Light receives mostly positive reviews, with readers praising its spiritual insights, engaging storytelling, and thought-provoking concepts. Many find the book inspiring and transformative, appreciating Drunvalo's unique perspective on Earth's energy shifts and sacred geometry. Some readers express skepticism about certain claims but still find value in the overall message. Critics note the writing can be disorganized and repetitive at times. The book is recommended for those interested in metaphysics, indigenous cultures, and personal spiritual growth.

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About the Author

Drunvalo Melchizedek is a renowned author and spiritual teacher with four published books translated into 29 languages. His works, including "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life" series, have gained international recognition. Drunvalo's background includes studies in fine arts, physics, and mathematics at UC Berkeley. He is credited with mathematically defining the human light body, known as the Mer-Ka-Ba. A world traveler, Drunvalo has visited over 280 countries, sharing his knowledge about humanity's connection to the divine. He resides in Sedona, Arizona, with his wife and has six grandchildren.

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