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The Circle

The Circle

by Laura Day 2007 160 pages
Self Help
9 minutes

Key Takeaways

1. Enter The Circle: Make a Wish and Create Your New Reality

"You can consciously create anything you want. You can be anything you want, once you master yourself and the abilities to project your energy and intent to the world around you."

The Circle is a powerful concept for manifesting your desires. It represents a state of being where you connect with yourself, others, and the transformative powers of the universe. To enter The Circle, you must first make a wish - your heart's deepest desire. This wish becomes your "New Reality."

Formulate your wish carefully:

  • State it in the present tense, as if it has already happened
  • Make it specific, positive, and passionate
  • Focus on one wish at a time

By doing this, you align your inner resources - intellect, intuition, and unconscious drives - with your desire, creating a powerful force for change. The Circle teaches that conscious creation is possible when you harness your will and focus your energy on a single, well-defined goal.

2. Embody Your Wish: Experience It as If It's Already Happened

"To embody your wish is to embrace it today, right now, even though it may not have completely manifested itself to you."

Embodiment is crucial for bringing your wish to life. It involves fully experiencing your New Reality with all your senses, as if it has already occurred. This process creates an energetic framework that guides your inner resources to notice and attract the right people, events, and experiences into your life.

Techniques for embodiment:

  • Visualize your New Reality in detail
  • Create "reality tales" - stories about how your wish came true
  • Use all your senses to experience your New Reality
  • Act, think, and feel as if your wish has already been granted

By embodying your wish, you reprogram not only yourself but also the universe around you. This practice sends out clear signals that resonate with others and your environment, helping to manifest your desire more quickly and effectively.

3. Use Rituals to Reinforce Your New Reality

"Rituals are spiritual training wheels, though ones we should never discard."

Rituals are powerful tools for imprinting your wish in your environment and everyday actions. Unlike habits, which are often unconscious and may reinforce old patterns, rituals are intentional acts that support your New Reality. They help dissolve old behaviors and reaffirm your creation with every movement.

Creating effective rituals:

  • Design rituals that reflect and support your New Reality
  • Incorporate them into daily activities
  • Use symbols, objects, or actions that resonate with your wish
  • Create a "sacred space" for performing rituals

Rituals gain force through repetition, helping to maintain focus and intention even when doubts arise. They create a pattern for both you and the universe to follow, re-educating your unconscious patterns in a directed way.

4. Embrace Synchronicities: The Universe Aligns with Your Wish

"When you wish within The Circle, the entire universe and everything in it—every being, every event, every energy, and every moment—create your New Reality with you."

Synchronicities are meaningful coincidences that appear as you progress toward your New Reality. They are signs that the universe is aligning with your wish, presenting opportunities and resources to help manifest your desire. These events often seem like remarkable coincidences but are actually the result of your focused intention within The Circle.

Recognizing and using synchronicities:

  • Be aware of unexpected opportunities or connections
  • Keep a journal of synchronistic events
  • Trust that even seemingly negative events may lead to positive outcomes
  • Use these occurrences as confirmation that you're on the right path

By embracing synchronicities, you become more effective in creating your New Reality. These events provide guidance, resources, and validation for your journey within The Circle.

5. Make Space: Transform Your Inner and Outer World

"Your New Reality needs space. When you focus on creating something new, the universe requires that you grow, and space is a pre-condition for growth."

Creating space is essential for allowing your New Reality to manifest. This process involves both internal and external changes, as you transform your thoughts, feelings, and environment to accommodate your wish. Making space often requires letting go of old patterns, relationships, or situations that no longer serve your New Reality.

Steps to make space:

  • Examine your life and identify areas that need change
  • Let go of habits, beliefs, or relationships that don't support your wish
  • Be open to internal changes in thoughts, feelings, and perspectives
  • Create physical space in your environment that reflects your New Reality

As you make space, you free up energy and resources to support your transformation. This process allows all parts of your being to work together, bringing previously ignored talents and abilities to the surface.

6. Resolve Inner Conflicts to Achieve Coherence

"When you change any element of these energies, you change them all."

Coherence is the state where all parts of your being work together towards your goal. Often, we have conflicting desires or unconscious beliefs that hinder our progress. Resolving these inner conflicts is crucial for channeling all your human energy towards achieving your New Reality.

Achieving coherence:

  • Identify conflicting desires or beliefs
  • Negotiate between competing needs
  • Find creative solutions that satisfy multiple goals
  • Be open to reevaluating and adjusting your original wish

By resolving inner conflicts, you create a state of "right action" - where your intentions and actions are aligned without interference from conflicting goals or feelings. This alignment allows you to use your energy more effectively in manifesting your New Reality.

7. Overcome Roadblocks: External Challenges Are Opportunities

"For every obstacle to your New Reality, you are also being presented with an opportunity."

Roadblocks are inevitable on the path to your New Reality. These external challenges may appear as setbacks, but within The Circle, they are viewed as opportunities for growth and transformation. Encountering roadblocks is often a sign that you're making progress, as they reveal the areas in your life that need resolution.

Dealing with roadblocks:

  • Expect and welcome challenges
  • View obstacles as opportunities for growth
  • Use The Circle's energy to guide you through difficulties
  • Look for the hidden gifts or lessons in each challenge

By reframing roadblocks as opportunities, you develop resilience and gain valuable insights. Each obstacle overcome brings you closer to realizing your New Reality and strengthens your ability to manifest future wishes.

8. Confront Inner Roadblocks: Uncover Hidden Agendas

"We are always wishing, though we may not always hear our wishes."

Inner roadblocks, or "hidden agendas," are unconscious desires or beliefs that conflict with your conscious goals. These internal conflicts can sabotage your efforts to create your New Reality. Confronting and resolving these hidden agendas is crucial for aligning your conscious and unconscious mind towards your goal.

Uncovering and resolving hidden agendas:

  • Be aware of recurring patterns or self-sabotaging behaviors
  • Examine childhood experiences that may have shaped beliefs
  • Question assumptions about yourself and the world
  • Use The Circle's energy to bring unconscious conflicts to light

By becoming aware of your hidden agendas, you can negotiate between conflicting desires and create a more coherent internal state. This awareness allows you to direct more of your energy towards manifesting your New Reality.

9. Connect with Others: Expand Your Circle and Co-Create Reality

"The more broadly your awareness extends, the more power your being has."

Connection with others is a powerful aspect of The Circle. As you embody your New Reality, you naturally attract others who resonate with your energy. These connections expand your circle of influence and provide opportunities for co-creation and mutual support.

Expanding your Circle:

  • Share your journey with like-minded individuals
  • Create group rituals or ceremonies
  • Offer and receive support in manifesting desires
  • Recognize that helping others also helps you

By connecting with others within The Circle, you tap into a collective energy that amplifies your ability to manifest your New Reality. This expanded awareness allows you to affect people and events on a broader scale, increasing the power of your intentions and actions.

Last updated:

Review Summary

3.82 out of 5
Average of 100+ ratings from Goodreads and Amazon.

The Circle receives mostly positive reviews for its practical approach to manifesting desires through intuition and self-discovery. Readers appreciate its simplicity, effectiveness, and transformative potential. Many found the book life-changing, praising its ability to help clarify goals and overcome obstacles. Some critics found it repetitive or overly spiritual. The book is compared favorably to "The Secret" for its more grounded approach. Readers recommend working through the exercises multiple times for best results. Overall, it's seen as a valuable tool for personal growth and achieving one's goals.

About the Author

Laura Day is an author and intuition expert known for her practical approach to personal development. She has written several books on harnessing intuition and manifesting desires, with "The Circle" being one of her most popular works. Day's writing style is described as clear, concise, and accessible. She emphasizes self-reliance and encourages readers to develop their own inner guidance rather than becoming dependent on external sources. Day is known for her anti-guru stance and focus on empowering individuals to tap into their own wisdom. Her work combines elements of psychology, spirituality, and practical exercises to help readers achieve their goals and improve their lives.

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