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The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

by Joseph Murphy
Self Help
Personal Development
9 minutes

Key Takeaways

1. Your subconscious mind is a powerful force that shapes your reality

Your subconscious mind is the builder of your body and controls all its vital functions.

The subconscious mind is central to our existence. It controls not only our bodily functions but also our perceptions, beliefs, and behaviors. This powerful part of our mind operates 24/7, even when we're asleep, and it responds to the thoughts and images we feed it.

The subconscious accepts what it's given. Unlike the conscious mind, which can reason and analyze, the subconscious doesn't discriminate between positive and negative input. It simply acts on the information it receives, manifesting it in our lives. This is why our habitual thoughts and beliefs have such a profound impact on our experiences.

Harnessing this power is key. By understanding how the subconscious works, we can consciously direct it towards positive outcomes. This involves being mindful of our thoughts, focusing on what we want rather than what we fear, and consistently feeding our subconscious mind with constructive ideas and images.

2. Harness the power of autosuggestion to reprogram your subconscious

The way to get rid of darkness is with light; the way to overcome cold is with heat; the way to overcome the negative thought is to substitute the good thought.

Autosuggestion is a powerful tool. It involves repeatedly giving yourself positive suggestions, especially right before sleep when the subconscious is most receptive. This practice can help overwrite negative thought patterns and instill new, beneficial beliefs.

Consistency is key. For autosuggestion to be effective, it must be practiced regularly. The author recommends repeating affirmations or positive statements multiple times a day, particularly before bed and upon waking. These affirmations should be:

  • Stated in the present tense
  • Positive (focus on what you want, not what you don't want)
  • Personal and emotional

Belief amplifies effectiveness. The more you can feel the truth of your affirmations, the more powerful they become. Visualizing and emotionalizing your desired outcome can significantly enhance the impact of autosuggestion on your subconscious mind.

3. Visualization and mental imagery can manifest desired outcomes

The way to break or build a habit is by repetition of a thought and action.

Imagination is a creative force. The subconscious mind doesn't distinguish between real and vividly imagined experiences. By consistently visualizing your desired outcomes, you're effectively programming your subconscious to work towards those goals.

Engage all your senses. When practicing visualization:

  • See the outcome in vivid detail
  • Hear associated sounds
  • Feel the emotions of success
  • Engage your sense of touch and smell if applicable

Persistence pays off. Regular, focused visualization sessions can lead to remarkable results. Many successful people attribute their achievements to consistent use of mental imagery and visualization techniques.

4. Scientific prayer taps into the infinite intelligence of the subconscious

The answer to your prayer is not according to your faith in any particular person, but according to your faith in yourself and in the intelligence of your deeper mind.

Scientific prayer is not about beseeching an external deity. Instead, it's about aligning your conscious mind with the infinite intelligence of your subconscious. This approach involves:

  • Clearly defining your desire
  • Relaxing your body and mind
  • Feeling the reality of your wish fulfilled
  • Trusting in the process

The subconscious responds to feeling. It's not enough to simply state your desire; you must feel it as if it's already true. This emotional component is what activates the power of your subconscious mind.

Let go and trust. Once you've impressed your desire upon your subconscious, release it. Avoid obsessing or worrying about the outcome. Trust that your subconscious is working to bring your desire to fruition.

5. Forgiveness is essential for mental peace and physical health

The practice of forgiveness is the most important contribution to the healing of the world.

Resentment is self-destructive. Holding onto anger, bitterness, or resentment doesn't harm the other person; it only harms you. These negative emotions can manifest as physical ailments and mental distress.

Forgiveness is a gift to yourself. When you forgive, you:

  • Release yourself from negative emotions
  • Improve your mental and physical health
  • Open yourself to new positive experiences

Practice forgiveness actively. Forgiveness is not a one-time event but an ongoing process. Regularly practice forgiving others and yourself. This can involve visualization exercises, affirmations, or simply making a conscious decision to let go of past hurts.

6. Your subconscious mind can solve problems and provide guidance

Your subconscious mind has the answer to all problems.

Tap into your inner wisdom. Your subconscious mind has access to information and insights beyond your conscious awareness. By learning to trust and listen to this inner guidance, you can find solutions to complex problems.

Use sleep to your advantage. Before going to sleep, clearly state your problem or question to your subconscious mind. Often, you'll wake up with new insights or even a complete solution. This technique has been used by many great thinkers and inventors throughout history.

Pay attention to hunches and intuitions. These are often messages from your subconscious mind. While they shouldn't be followed blindly, they're worth considering and can often lead you in the right direction.

7. Overcome fears by confronting them and reprogramming your mind

Do the thing you fear, and the death of fear is certain.

Fear is often irrational. Many of our fears are based on false beliefs or past experiences that are no longer relevant. By examining our fears rationally, we can often see them for what they are: illusions.

Confront fears gradually. Start with small steps and gradually work your way up to more challenging situations. Each success builds confidence and reprograms your subconscious mind.

Use positive affirmations. Replace fear-based thoughts with positive, empowering ones. For example, instead of "I'm afraid of public speaking," affirm "I am confident and articulate when speaking to groups."

8. Habits are formed in the subconscious and can be changed consciously

You are the sum total of your own thoughts.

Habits are subconscious patterns. They're formed through repetition and become automatic responses stored in our subconscious mind. This applies to both positive and negative habits.

Changing habits requires conscious effort. To break a bad habit or form a new one:

  1. Become aware of the habit
  2. Make a clear decision to change
  3. Visualize yourself succeeding
  4. Practice the new behavior consistently
  5. Reinforce the change with positive affirmations

Be patient with the process. Habit change takes time. The commonly cited "21 days to form a habit" is often an underestimate. Be persistent and celebrate small victories along the way.

9. Your subconscious influences all aspects of your life, including wealth

The feeling of wealth produces wealth.

Wealth consciousness precedes material wealth. Your beliefs and attitudes about money, stored in your subconscious, significantly influence your financial reality. Negative beliefs can create invisible barriers to wealth.

Reprogram your money mindset. To improve your financial situation:

  • Identify and challenge limiting beliefs about money
  • Visualize yourself enjoying financial abundance
  • Use affirmations that reinforce a positive relationship with wealth
  • Feel gratitude for the wealth you already have

Action is still necessary. While a positive money mindset is crucial, it must be coupled with practical action. Your subconscious will guide you towards opportunities, but you must still take steps to capitalize on them.

10. Harmonious relationships stem from positive subconscious patterns

The way to get rid of darkness is with light; the way to overcome cold is with heat; the way to overcome the negative thought is to substitute the good thought.

Your relationships reflect your inner world. The patterns in your relationships often mirror the beliefs and expectations stored in your subconscious mind. Negative experiences tend to reinforce negative beliefs, creating a cycle.

Change begins within. To improve your relationships:

  • Examine your beliefs about yourself and others
  • Practice self-love and self-acceptance
  • Visualize harmonious interactions
  • Use affirmations to reinforce positive relationship patterns

Extend compassion to others. Remember that everyone is influenced by their own subconscious patterns. By understanding this, you can respond with empathy rather than judgment, fostering more harmonious relationships.

Last updated:

Review Summary

4.08 out of 5
Average of 77k+ ratings from Goodreads and Amazon.

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind receives mixed reviews. Many readers find it life-changing, praising its insights on harnessing the subconscious for personal growth and success. They appreciate the practical techniques and real-life examples. However, critics argue it's repetitive, lacks scientific evidence, and relies too heavily on religious references. Some find the claims exaggerated or pseudoscientific. Despite the polarized opinions, the book remains influential in the self-help genre, inspiring readers to explore the potential of their minds.

About the Author

Joseph Murphy was an Irish-born author and Divine Science minister. Initially studying for the Catholic priesthood, he left the Jesuits after a healing prayer experience and moved to the United States. Murphy became involved in New Thought movements, including Religious Science and Divine Science. He earned a PhD in psychology and built a large Divine Science congregation in Los Angeles. Murphy authored numerous books on the power of the subconscious mind, blending religious and psychological concepts. His work significantly influenced the self-help genre, emphasizing the mind's role in shaping one's reality and achieving personal goals. Murphy's teachings continue to impact readers worldwide.

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