Key Takeaways
1. Politics reflects who we are as people and shapes our spiritual lives
You do not have a "political self" that is separate and distinct from the "real you." You are just you.
Politics is personal. Our political behavior stems from our character and worldview, not a separate compartment of our lives. The way we engage in politics reflects and shapes who we are as people. This connection between politics and personal formation means that improving our politics requires personal transformation, not just policy changes.
Spiritual impact. How we approach politics profoundly affects our spiritual lives. When we adopt antagonistic, fear-based, or tribal political attitudes, it corrodes our souls and relationships. Conversely, bringing Christian virtues into our political engagement can deepen our faith and character. We must recognize that our political choices have spiritual consequences.
2. The disappearance of moral knowledge has eroded our political discourse
What characterizes life in so-called Western societies today, however, is the absence, or presumed absence, of knowledge of good and evil, right and wrong, virtue and vice: knowledge that might serve as a rational basis for moral decisions, for policy enactments and for rational critique of established patterns of response to moral issues.
Loss of moral foundations. Western society has largely rejected the idea that we can have objective moral knowledge to guide our decisions and policies. This erosion of moral foundations has left our political discourse unmoored, with no shared ethical framework to evaluate policies or behavior.
Consequences of relativism. Without agreed-upon moral knowledge:
- Political debates devolve into power struggles rather than reasoned discussions
- It becomes difficult to critique unjust systems or call for ethical leadership
- Religious and moral arguments are dismissed as mere personal preferences
- Society loses a crucial resource for addressing complex ethical challenges
3. Popular "gospels of sin management" fail to address political challenges
The sensed irrelevance of what God is doing to what makes up our lives is the foundational flaw in the existence of multitudes of professing Christians today.
Truncated gospels. Many popular versions of Christianity focus narrowly on managing sin or achieving personal salvation, neglecting the broader implications of following Jesus. These "gospels of sin management" fail to provide resources for engaging thoughtfully in politics and public life.
Political consequences:
- Christians compartmentalize their faith, seeing it as irrelevant to politics
- The church loses its prophetic voice on issues of justice and the common good
- Christian political engagement becomes shallow, focused on a few hot-button issues
- Believers lack a robust framework for bringing their faith to bear on complex policy questions
4. Jesus offers a transformative vision of kingdom politics
Jesus came among us to show and teach the life for which we were made. He came very gently, opened access to the governance of God with him, and set afoot a conspiracy of freedom in truth among human beings.
Kingdom reality. Jesus proclaimed the availability of God's kingdom - a reality where God's will is done and his love reigns. This kingdom vision offers a radical alternative to the power politics and tribalism that dominate our current discourse.
Political implications:
- Politics is important but not ultimate - it must be kept in proper perspective
- The goal is not domination but loving service and pursuit of the common good
- Christians can engage confidently yet humbly, knowing God is in control
- Kingdom values like justice, peace, and human dignity should shape our politics
5. Gentleness and loving service should characterize Christian political engagement
When we do the work of apologetics, we do it as disciples of Jesus—and therefore we are to do it in the manner in which he would do it. This means, above all, that we do it to help people, and especially those who want to be helped.
Allure of gentleness. Christians should approach politics with gentleness, humility, and a spirit of loving service. This stands in stark contrast to the antagonism and self-interest that often characterize political discourse.
Key characteristics:
- Confidence in God's truth without arrogance or defensiveness
- Openness to listening and learning from those with different views
- Desire to serve others rather than dominate or "win" at all costs
- Willingness to speak truth to power with love and respect
- Focus on persuasion and bridge-building rather than coercion
6. Spiritual formation is essential for becoming the kind of people our politics needs
What matters most to God is the kind of people we are becoming. Not what we produce. Not the positions we hold. Not the status or reputation we've acquired. What kind of persons are we?
Character over strategy. Improving our politics requires more than better policies or tactics - it demands that we become people of integrity, wisdom, and compassion. Spiritual formation in the way of Jesus is essential for shaping the kind of citizens our democracy needs.
Aspects of formation:
- Aligning our will with God's through practices like prayer and Scripture study
- Cultivating virtues like humility, patience, and self-control
- Developing emotional intelligence and empathy for others
- Growing in wisdom to navigate complex ethical dilemmas
- Learning to see others as God sees them, with inherent dignity and worth
7. Spiritual disciplines can help overthrow political sectarianism
There is nothing that can be done with anger that cannot be done better without it.
Countering toxic tendencies. Spiritual disciplines offer powerful antidotes to the aversion, othering, and misplaced moralization that characterize our current political climate. Regular practices can reshape our hearts and minds over time.
Key disciplines:
- Solitude and silence - to break free from the noise of partisan rhetoric
- Service - especially to those different from us, to overcome othering
- Confession - to cultivate humility and resist self-righteousness
- Study - to gain deeper understanding of issues and diverse perspectives
- Celebration - to maintain hope and joy in the face of political challenges
- Fasting from news and social media - to gain perspective and reduce anxiety
8. Parents and pastors play crucial roles in shaping political discourse
The unity of humankind through the unity of God imposes an inescapable demand. The unity of humanity is a genuine moral imperative upon modern humanity that expresses itself in many ways.
Pastoral responsibility. Pastors have a vital role as "teachers of the nation," offering moral knowledge and wisdom to shape public discourse. They must avoid partisan punditry while helping congregants navigate political issues from a kingdom perspective.
Parental influence. Parents profoundly shape their children's political views and engagement. They should model healthy political discourse, pray about current events with their kids, and help them develop critical thinking skills to evaluate political claims.
Key strategies:
- Focus on character formation and kingdom values, not just policy positions
- Create safe spaces for discussing diverse political views
- Teach media literacy and critical thinking skills
- Encourage civic engagement and service across ideological lines
9. Small acts of faith and courage can have profound political impacts
Ruby was cheerful and matter-of-fact, if terse, in her reply: 'Yes, I do pray for them.'
Power of faithfulness. The story of Ruby Bridges, a six-year-old who faced down angry mobs to integrate her school, illustrates how small acts of faith and courage can have outsized political impacts. We should not underestimate the difference one person can make.
Ripple effects:
- Inspires others to take courageous stands for justice
- Challenges entrenched systems of oppression
- Offers a powerful witness to kingdom values
- Shapes the moral imagination of future generations
- Demonstrates the transformative power of Christian love in action
Last updated:
Review Summary
The Spirit of Our Politics received mostly positive reviews, with readers praising its perspective on faith and politics. Many appreciated the book's focus on spiritual formation and its call for Christians to engage in politics with compassion and integrity. Reviewers found the book refreshing, challenging, and timely, especially for the upcoming election year. Some critiques included overreliance on Dallas Willard's work and occasional lack of clarity. Overall, readers felt the book offered a hopeful vision for Christian political engagement and personal transformation.
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