1. 祈りは神の王国の祭司として世界を支配するための強力なツールである
神に選ばれた支配者。 キリストを信じる者として、私たちは祈りを通じて世界を支配する責任を持つ祭司の王国として召されています。この神聖な任命は、私たちを歴史の流れを形作り、国々に影響を与える独自の立場に置きます。
取りなしの力。 祭司としての私たちの役割は、他者のために取りなし、神と人類の間に立つことです。祈りを通じて、私たちは不可能に見える状況に変化をもたらし、政府に影響を与え、霊的な雰囲気を変えることができます。
- ソドムのために取りなしたアブラハム
- イスラエルのために祈ったモーセ
- 自分の民のために断食し祈ったエステル
- ペテロの釈放のために祈った初期の教会
2. 基本的な条件を満たすことで祈りの答えの可能性が開かれる
基本的な要件。 祈りの力を完全に体験するためには、特定の条件を満たす必要があります。これらは恣意的なルールではなく、私たちの心を神の目的に合わせ、効果的に祈るための重要な原則です。
- 神の御心に従う敬虔な服従
- 神の存在と善意への信仰
- イエスの名による祈り
- 自信を持って神に近づくこと
- 正しい動機を持つこと
- 他者を許すこと
- 聖霊に導かれること
- 神の言葉に従って祈ること
3. さまざまな種類の祈りが霊的なコミュニケーションの交響曲を形成する
多様な祈りの楽器。 祈りは一面的な活動ではなく、神とのさまざまな形のコミュニケーションの豊かな交響曲です。各種類の祈りは独自の目的を持ち、オーケストラの異なる楽器に例えることができます。
- 賛美と感謝
- 礼拝
- 願い
- 取りなし
- 嘆願
- 命令
- 献身
- 専念
- 忍耐
- 祝福
- 呪い
4. 神の御心に従うことが効果的な祈りの鍵である
神の目的を発見する。 効果的な祈りは、私たちの意志を神に押し付けることではなく、神の目的に自分を合わせることです。神の言葉と聖霊の導きを通じて神の御心を理解しようとすることで、神の計画に調和した祈りを捧げることができます。
- 聖書を学び、神の性格と約束を知る
- 聖霊の導きを聞く
- 個人的なアジェンダを放棄する
- まず神の王国と義を求める
- 「あなたの御心がなりますように」という態度で祈る
5. 霊的戦いには神が提供する武器を使用する必要がある
見えない戦いに参加する。 信者として、私たちは霊的な戦いに巻き込まれており、霊的な武器が必要です。この戦いの性質を理解し、神が提供するツールを活用することが、祈りと生活における勝利のために不可欠です。
- 神の言葉
- イエスの名
- イエスの血
- 祈り
- 賛美
- 説教
- 証し
6. イエスの血は霊的戦いにおける究極の武器である
血の力。 イエスの血は単なる神学的な概念ではなく、強力な霊的武器です。それは贖い、赦し、清め、義認、聖化を提供し、敵の非難や攻撃に対する強力な力となります。
- 聖書が血の力について何を言っているかを理解する
- これらの真理を個人的に証しする
- 証しをサタンの攻撃に対する武器として使用する
- サタンの力からの贖い
- 罪の赦し
- 継続的な清め
- 神の前での義認
- 神への聖化と分離
7. 断食は祈りを強化し、神の目的に自分を合わせる
霊的な訓練。 断食は、祈りと組み合わせることで突破口と神の目的に自分を合わせることができる強力な霊的実践です。それは単に食物を断つことではなく、自己否定と神を求める意図的な行為です。
- 神の前での謙虚さを示す
- 霊的な事柄に集中を強化する
- 霊的な要塞を打ち破る
- 霊的な感受性を高める
- 神の介入を促進する
8. 教会の運命は神の栄光と充満を現すことである
教会の神聖なビジョン。 神の教会に対する究極の目的は、地上で神の存在と性格を栄光のうちに表すことです。このビジョンは個々の霊性を超え、キリストの満ち満ちた体として神の充満を現すことを含みます。
- 神の顕現する存在に満たされている
- 聖なる
- 汚れのない
- 信仰において一致している
- キリストの主権を認める
- 成熟している
- キリストの充満を現している
What's "Secrets of a Prayer Warrior" by Derek Prince about?
- Focus on Prayer: The book is a comprehensive guide on how to become an effective prayer warrior, emphasizing the power and importance of prayer in a Christian's life.
- Spiritual Warfare: It explores the concept of spiritual warfare, teaching readers how to use prayer as a weapon against spiritual forces.
- Practical Guidance: Derek Prince provides practical advice and biblical principles to help believers align their prayers with God's will.
- Personal Testimonies: The book includes personal stories and testimonies from Derek Prince's life, illustrating the impact of prayer.
Why should I read "Secrets of a Prayer Warrior"?
- Deepen Your Prayer Life: The book offers insights and techniques to enhance and deepen your prayer life, making it more effective.
- Understand Spiritual Warfare: It provides a clear understanding of spiritual warfare and how prayer plays a crucial role in it.
- Biblical Foundation: Derek Prince uses scripture to back up his teachings, ensuring that readers are grounded in biblical truth.
- Practical Application: The book is filled with practical steps and examples that readers can apply to their own lives.
What are the key takeaways of "Secrets of a Prayer Warrior"?
- Prayer as a Weapon: Prayer is a powerful weapon in spiritual warfare, and believers are called to use it effectively.
- Alignment with God's Will: Effective prayer requires aligning oneself with God's will and purposes.
- Conditions for Answered Prayer: There are specific conditions and attitudes necessary for prayers to be answered, such as faith, forgiveness, and persistence.
- Role of Fasting: Fasting is an important aspect of prayer that can enhance its effectiveness and bring about spiritual breakthroughs.
How does Derek Prince define a "prayer warrior"?
- Not Cavalier: A prayer warrior is not someone who takes prayer lightly or uses it carelessly.
- Alignment with God: A true prayer warrior aligns their prayers with God's will and purposes.
- Persistent and Faithful: They are persistent in prayer, believing in God's promises and waiting for His timing.
- Spiritual Authority: A prayer warrior understands their spiritual authority and uses it to intercede for others and combat spiritual forces.
What are the basic conditions for answered prayer according to Derek Prince?
- Reverent Submission: Approach God with a heart of submission, willing to accept His will over your own.
- Faith: Believe that God exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.
- Forgiveness: Forgive others to ensure that your prayers are not hindered by unforgiveness.
- Persistence: Continue in prayer, even when answers are delayed, trusting in God's timing.
How does Derek Prince suggest discovering God's will for prayer?
- Scripture as a Guide: Use the Bible as the primary source for understanding God's will.
- Holy Spirit's Leading: Be led by the Holy Spirit in prayer, allowing Him to guide your requests.
- Align with God's Kingdom: Pray for God's Kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.
- Personal Dedication: Dedicate yourself to God, presenting your body as a living sacrifice to align with His purposes.
What role does fasting play in prayer according to "Secrets of a Prayer Warrior"?
- Enhances Prayer: Fasting is a spiritual discipline that enhances the power and effectiveness of prayer.
- Self-Denial: It involves denying oneself to focus more intently on seeking God and His will.
- Biblical Examples: The book provides examples from scripture where fasting led to significant spiritual breakthroughs.
- Response to God's Promises: Fasting is a way to respond to God's promises, showing earnestness and dedication in seeking their fulfillment.
What are the spiritual weapons mentioned in "Secrets of a Prayer Warrior"?
- Word of God: The Bible is a powerful weapon, used as the sword of the Spirit in spiritual warfare.
- Name of Jesus: The name of Jesus carries authority and power, used to command and overcome spiritual forces.
- Blood of Jesus: The blood of Jesus is a protective and cleansing force, applied through testimony and faith.
- Prayer and Praise: These are essential tools for engaging in spiritual warfare and bringing down strongholds.
How does Derek Prince explain the concept of spiritual warfare?
- Heavenly Conflict: Spiritual warfare involves a conflict in the heavenly realms between God's angels and Satan's forces.
- Role of Believers: Believers play a crucial role in this warfare through their prayers and spiritual authority.
- Victory through Prayer: Victory is achieved by praying through opposition and standing firm in faith.
- Biblical Examples: The book uses examples from scripture, such as Daniel's prayers, to illustrate spiritual warfare.
What are the best quotes from "Secrets of a Prayer Warrior" and what do they mean?
- "I get what I pray for." This quote emphasizes the confidence and faith Derek Prince has in the power of prayer when aligned with God's will.
- "Prayer is not a way for us to get God to do what we want." It highlights the importance of aligning our desires with God's purposes rather than using prayer for selfish ends.
- "The decisive factor in this great war with Satan is just one thing: praying believers." This underscores the critical role that believers play in spiritual warfare through their prayers.
- "Through the blood of Jesus, I am redeemed out of the hand of the devil." This statement reflects the power of the blood of Jesus in delivering believers from spiritual bondage.
How does Derek Prince suggest using the blood of Jesus in prayer?
- Testimony: Testify personally to what the Word of God says the blood of Jesus does for you.
- Protection and Cleansing: Use the blood as a means of protection and cleansing from sin and spiritual attacks.
- Overcoming Satan: The blood of Jesus is a key weapon in overcoming Satan and his accusations.
- Scriptural Basis: The book provides specific scriptures to declare and apply the blood of Jesus in prayer.
What is the ultimate goal of prayer for the Church according to "Secrets of a Prayer Warrior"?
- Glorious Church: The ultimate goal is for the Church to become a glorious, holy, and mature body of believers.
- Unity in Faith: Achieving unity in the faith and acknowledging Jesus Christ as the head of the Church.
- Manifesting Christ's Fullness: The Church is to manifest the fullness of Christ to the world, demonstrating His love and power.
- Preparation for Christ's Return: Prayer prepares the Church for the return of Jesus, ensuring it is ready and complete.